Antonio Cañas Vargas 1572a78885 Version 18.22.4
2018-12-10 20:30:25 +01:00

506 lines
31 KiB

// swad_config.h: configuration
#ifndef _SWAD_CFG
#define _SWAD_CFG
SWAD (Shared Workspace At a Distance),
is a web platform developed at the University of Granada (Spain),
and used to support university teaching.
This file is part of SWAD core.
Copyright (C) 1999-2018 Antonio Cañas Vargas
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/** Uncomment one of the following installations of SWAD or create your own **/
//#define LOCALHOST_UBUNTU // Comment this line if not applicable
#define OPENSWAD_ORG // Comment this line if not applicable
//#define SWAD_UGR_ES // Comment this line if not applicable
//#define SWADBERRY_UGR_ES // Comment this line if not applicable
/********************************* Headers ***********************************/
#include "swad_layout.h"
/***************************** Public constants ******************************/
- If one of the following paths does not exist, it should be created during installation!
#if defined LOCALHOST_UBUNTU // localhost (Ubuntu) ******************
#define Cfg_PLATFORM_SHORT_NAME "SWAD local"
#define Cfg_PLATFORM_FULL_NAME "SWAD (Shared Workspace At a Distance)"
#define Cfg_PLATFORM_SERVER "localhost" // Server name (main part of the URL)
#define Cfg_URL_SWAD_SERVER "https://localhost/" // With ending slash
#define Cfg_URL_SWAD_CGI "https://localhost" // Without ending slash
#define Cfg_URL_SWAD_PUBLIC "https://localhost/swad" // Without ending slash
#define Cfg_PATH_CGI_BIN "/usr/lib/cgi-bin/swad" // Directory for this CGI and other commands called by it
#define Cfg_PATH_SWAD_PUBLIC "/var/www/html/swad" // Main public directory for public SWAD pages, icons, etc.
#define Cfg_PATH_SWAD_PRIVATE "/var/www/swad" // Main private directory for SWAD private data
#define Cfg_PLATFORM_LOGO_SMALL_FILENAME "swad64x64.png" // Logo displayed in the top of the page
#define Cfg_PLATFORM_LOGO_BIG_FILENAME "swad140x40.png"
#define Cfg_PLATFORM_RESPONSIBLE_NAME "Antonio Cañas Vargas" // Main responsible for the platform
#define Cfg_PLATFORM_RESPONSIBLE_EMAIL "webmaster@openswad.org" // Main responsible for the platform
#define Cfg_AUTOMATIC_EMAIL_SMTP_SERVER "openswad.org" // SMTP server for sending automatic emails
#define Cfg_AUTOMATIC_EMAIL_SMTP_PORT "465" // SMTP port for sending automatic emails
#define Cfg_AUTOMATIC_EMAIL_FROM "acanas@openswad.org" // Email address from where automatic emails will be sent
#define Cfg_DATABASE_HOST "localhost" // Database host
#define Cfg_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE Lan_LANGUAGE_ES // Default language
#define Cfg_LOG_START_YEAR 2012 // Year when the log started in the database
// Footer of page with info about the institution where this platform is installed
#define Cfg_ABOUT_NAME "Centro de Educaci&oacute;n Virtual de la Universidad Nacional de Asunci&oacute;n"
#define Cfg_ABOUT_URL "http://www.cevuna.una.py/"
#define Cfg_ABOUT_LOGO "cevuna.una.py100x32.gif"
#define Cfg_ABOUT_LOGO_WIDTH 125
#define Cfg_ABOUT_LOGO_HEIGHT 40
#define Cfg_TIME_TO_SEND_PENDING_NOTIF ((time_t) (30UL * 60UL)) // After these seconds after first pending notification, all the pending notifications are sent by email
#elif defined OPENSWAD_ORG // openswad.org ************************
#define Cfg_PLATFORM_FULL_NAME "OpenSWAD (Open Shared Workspace At a Distance)"
#define Cfg_PLATFORM_SERVER "openswad.org" // Server name (main part of the URL)
#define Cfg_URL_SWAD_SERVER "https://openswad.org/" // With ending slash
#define Cfg_URL_SWAD_CGI "https://openswad.org" // Without ending slash
#define Cfg_URL_SWAD_PUBLIC "https://openswad.org/swad" // Without ending slash
#define Cfg_PATH_CGI_BIN "/var/www/cgi-bin/swad" // Directory for this CGI and other commands called by it
#define Cfg_PATH_SWAD_PUBLIC "/var/www/html/swad" // Main public directory for public SWAD pages, icons, etc.
#define Cfg_PATH_SWAD_PRIVATE "/var/www/swad" // Main private directory for SWAD private data
#define Cfg_PLATFORM_LOGO_SMALL_FILENAME "swad64x64.png" // Logo displayed in the top of the page
#define Cfg_PLATFORM_LOGO_BIG_FILENAME "openswad220x40.png"
#define Cfg_PLATFORM_RESPONSIBLE_NAME "Antonio Cañas Vargas" // Main responsible for the platform
#define Cfg_PLATFORM_RESPONSIBLE_EMAIL "webmaster@openswad.org" // Main responsible for the platform
#define Cfg_AUTOMATIC_EMAIL_SMTP_SERVER "mail.openswad.org" // SMTP server for sending automatic emails
#define Cfg_AUTOMATIC_EMAIL_SMTP_PORT "465" // SMTP port for sending automatic emails
#define Cfg_AUTOMATIC_EMAIL_FROM "acanas@openswad.org" // Email address from where automatic emails will be sent
#define Cfg_DATABASE_HOST "localhost" // Database host
#define Cfg_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE Lan_LANGUAGE_EN // Default language
#define Cfg_LOG_START_YEAR 2012 // Year when the log started in the database
// Footer of page with info about the institution where this platform is installed
#define Cfg_ABOUT_NAME "OpenSWAD"
#define Cfg_ABOUT_URL "http://openswad.org/"
#define Cfg_ABOUT_LOGO "swad32x32.gif"
#define Cfg_ABOUT_LOGO_WIDTH 32
#define Cfg_ABOUT_LOGO_HEIGHT 32
#define Cfg_TIME_TO_SEND_PENDING_NOTIF ((time_t) (30UL * 60UL)) // After these seconds after first pending notification, all the pending notifications are sent by email
/* Google Analytics without cookies.
* This code comes from http://stackoverflow.com/a/19995629
#define Cfg_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" \
" (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){" \
" (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o)," \
" m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m)" \
" })(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga');" \
" ga('create', 'UA-40768375-1', 'openswad.org', {" \
" 'anonymizeIp': true," \
" 'storage': 'none'," \
" 'clientId': window.localStorage.getItem('ga_clientId')" \
" });" \
" ga(function(tracker) {" \
" window.localStorage.setItem('ga_clientID', tracker.get('clientId'));" \
" });" \
" ga('send', 'pageview');" \
#elif defined SWAD_UGR_ES // swad.ugr.es *************************
#define Cfg_PLATFORM_FULL_NAME "SWAD (Shared Workspace At a Distance)"
#define Cfg_PLATFORM_SERVER "swad.ugr.es" // Server name (main part of the URL)
#define Cfg_URL_SWAD_SERVER "https://swad.ugr.es/" // With ending slash
#define Cfg_URL_SWAD_CGI "https://swad.ugr.es" // Without ending slash
#define Cfg_URL_SWAD_PUBLIC "https://swad.ugr.es/swad" // Without ending slash
#define Cfg_PATH_CGI_BIN "/var/www/cgi-bin" // Directory for this CGI and other commands called by it
#define Cfg_PATH_SWAD_PUBLIC "/var/www/html/swad" // Main public directory for public SWAD pages, icons, etc.
#define Cfg_PATH_SWAD_PRIVATE "/var/www/swad" // Main private directory for SWAD private data
#define Cfg_PLATFORM_LOGO_SMALL_FILENAME "swad-ugr160x80.png" // Logo displayed in the top of the page
#define Cfg_PLATFORM_LOGO_BIG_FILENAME "swad-ugr530x80.png"
#define Cfg_PLATFORM_RESPONSIBLE_NAME "UGR" // Main responsible for the platform
#define Cfg_PLATFORM_RESPONSIBLE_EMAIL "swad@ugr.es" // Main responsible for the platform
#define Cfg_AUTOMATIC_EMAIL_SMTP_SERVER "smtp.ugr.es" // SMTP server for sending automatic emails
#define Cfg_AUTOMATIC_EMAIL_SMTP_PORT "587" // SMTP port for sending automatic emails
#define Cfg_AUTOMATIC_EMAIL_FROM "swad@ugr.es" // Email address from where automatic emails will be sent
#define Cfg_DATABASE_HOST "localhost" // Database host
#define Cfg_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE Lan_LANGUAGE_ES // Default language
#define Cfg_LOG_START_YEAR 2005 // Year when the log started in the database
// Footer of page with info about the institution where this platform is installed
#define Cfg_ABOUT_NAME "Universidad de Granada"
#define Cfg_ABOUT_URL "http://www.ugr.es/"
#define Cfg_ABOUT_LOGO "ugr200x64.png"
#define Cfg_ABOUT_LOGO_WIDTH 100
#define Cfg_ABOUT_LOGO_HEIGHT 32
#define Cfg_TIME_TO_SEND_PENDING_NOTIF ((time_t) (60UL * 60UL)) // After these seconds after first pending notification, all the pending notifications are sent by email
#define Cfg_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" \
" (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){" \
" (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o)," \
" m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m)" \
" })(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga');" \
" ga('create', 'UA-42150741-1', 'ugr.es', {" \
" 'anonymizeIp': true," \
" 'storage': 'none'," \
" 'clientId': window.localStorage.getItem('ga_clientId')" \
" });" \
" ga(function(tracker) {" \
" window.localStorage.setItem('ga_clientID', tracker.get('clientId'));" \
" });" \
" ga('send', 'pageview');" \
#elif defined SWADBERRY_UGR_ES // swadberry.ugr.es ******************
#define Cfg_PLATFORM_FULL_NAME "SWADberry (Shared Workspace At a Distance on a Raspberry Pi)"
#define Cfg_PLATFORM_SERVER "swadberry.ugr.es" // Server name (main part of the URL)
#define Cfg_URL_SWAD_SERVER "https://swadberry.ugr.es/" // With ending slash
#define Cfg_URL_SWAD_CGI "https://swadberry.ugr.es" // Without ending slash
#define Cfg_URL_SWAD_PUBLIC "https://swadberry.ugr.es/swad" // Without ending slash
#define Cfg_PATH_CGI_BIN "/usr/lib/cgi-bin/swad" // Directory for this CGI and other commands called by it
#define Cfg_PATH_SWAD_PUBLIC "/var/www/html/swad" // Main public directory for public SWAD pages, icons, etc.
#define Cfg_PATH_SWAD_PRIVATE "/var/www/swad" // Main private directory for SWAD private data
#define Cfg_PLATFORM_LOGO_SMALL_FILENAME "swad64x64.png" // Logo displayed in the top of the page
#define Cfg_PLATFORM_LOGO_BIG_FILENAME "SWADberry212x40.png"
#define Cfg_PLATFORM_RESPONSIBLE_NAME "ATC - UGR" // Main responsible for the platform
#define Cfg_PLATFORM_RESPONSIBLE_EMAIL "swad@ugr.es" // Main responsible for the platform
#define Cfg_AUTOMATIC_EMAIL_SMTP_SERVER "smtp.ugr.es" // SMTP server for sending automatic emails
#define Cfg_AUTOMATIC_EMAIL_SMTP_PORT "587" // SMTP port for sending automatic emails
#define Cfg_AUTOMATIC_EMAIL_FROM "swad@ugr.es" // Email address from where automatic emails will be sent
#define Cfg_DATABASE_HOST "localhost" // Database host
#define Cfg_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE Lan_LANGUAGE_ES // Default language
#define Cfg_LOG_START_YEAR 2016 // Year when the log started in the database
// Footer of page with info about the institution where this platform is installed
#define Cfg_ABOUT_NAME "Dpt. Arquitectura y Tecnolog&iacute;a de Computadores"
#define Cfg_ABOUT_URL "http://atc.ugr.es/"
#define Cfg_ABOUT_LOGO "atc64x64.png"
#define Cfg_ABOUT_LOGO_WIDTH 32
#define Cfg_ABOUT_LOGO_HEIGHT 32
#define Cfg_TIME_TO_SEND_PENDING_NOTIF ((time_t) (30UL * 60UL)) // After these seconds after first pending notification, all the pending notifications are sent by email
/* Database */
#define Cfg_DATABASE_DBNAME "swad" // Database name
#define Cfg_DATABASE_USER "swad" // Database user
/* Email */
#define Cfg_AUTOMATIC_EMAIL_PASSWORD DONT_PUBLISH_SMTP_PASSWORD // Email user's password for automatic emails
/* About SWAD */
#define Cfg_ABOUT_SWAD_URL "http://openswad.org/info/"
#define Cfg_HOW_TO_COLLABORATE_URL "http://swad.ugr.es/wiki/index.php/Colaborar"
/* Link to download Java: keep updated! */
#define Cfg_JAVA_URL "http://www.java.com/es/download/"
#define Cfg_JAVA_NAME "Java Runtime Environment"
/* Users */
#define Cfg_MAX_USRS_IN_LIST 20000 // If the number of users in a list is greater than this, don't show the list
#define Cfg_MIN_NUM_USERS_TO_CONFIRM_SHOW_BIG_LIST 500 // If the number of users in a list is greater than this, ask me for confirmation before showing the list
#define Cfg_MIN_PHOTOS_TO_SHOW_AVERAGE 10 // If the number of students with photo in a degree is less than this, don't show average photo of the degree
#define Cfg_MAX_RECIPIENTS 250 // A student can not send a message to more than this number of recipients
#define Cfg_MAX_CONNECTED_SHOWN 15 // Show (in right column) only these connected users with more recent activity
/* Courses */
#define Cfg_MIN_NUM_COURSES_TO_CONFIRM_SHOW_BIG_LIST 500 // If the number of courses in a list is greater than this, ask me for confirmation before showing the list
/*********************** Directories, folder and files ***********************/
/* /
| |
www lib
| |
+----------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ |
| | | |
cgi-bin html (public) swad (private) mysql (HD 15000 rpm)
| | | |
| +---+----+---+-------------+------------------+---+ +----+-+----+-----+----+----+---------+----+ +
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
swad (CGI) crs chat photo icon tmp logo crs out param photo test tmp usr zip swad (database)
| | | | | | | |
| +-----+---+ +-----+---+--+------+ + | tmp +-+-+ +-+-+---+
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |...|
| links tmp | filext | plugin | tmp.dirs. | tmp.dirs. 0 1 2 9
| | degree institution theme | | | | | |...|
| + + | +-+-+ +-+-+
| processing links | | | | | | |
| of to | tmp. links xxxxxxx9
| received download | to |
| photos files | assignments +
| | and |
| | works maletin
+-+-+ +-+-+ for
| | |... | | | compression
course code course code
| |
+----+----+ +----------+------+-------------+------+---+-----------+------------+
|... | | | | | | | |
bibliografia rss calificaciones comun descarga grp pra lec usr
+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +---+---+ + + +-+--------+
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
index.rss ... ... ... cód. cód. syllabus.xml syllabus.xml ID ID
+ + +----+---+
| | | |
comun comun actividades trabajos
+-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+
| | | | | | | | | | | |
... ... ... ...
/* Config file */
#define Cfg_FILE_CONFIG "swad.cfg"
/* Folders for institutions, inside public and private swad directories */
#define Cfg_FOLDER_INS "ins" // If not exists, it should be created during installation inside swad private and public directory!
/* Folders for centres, inside public and private swad directories */
#define Cfg_FOLDER_CTR "ctr" // If not exists, it should be created during installation inside swad private and public directory!
/* Folders for centres, inside public and private swad directories */
#define Cfg_FOLDER_DEG "deg" // If not exists, it should be created during installation inside swad private and public directory!
/* Folders for courses, inside public and private swad directories */
#define Cfg_FOLDER_CRS "crs" // If not exists, it should be created during installation inside swad private and public directory!
/* Folders for groups, inside public and private swad directories */
#define Cfg_FOLDER_GRP "grp" // Created automatically the first time it is accessed
/* Folder for users, inside private swad directory */
#define Cfg_FOLDER_USR "usr" // Created automatically the first time it is accessed
/* Folders for projects, inside public and private swad directories */
#define Cfg_FOLDER_PRJ "prj" // Created automatically the first time it is accessed
/* Folder for temporary HTML output of this CGI, inside private swad directory */
#define Cfg_FOLDER_OUT "out" // Created automatically the first time it is accessed
/* Folder for temporary public links to file zones, used when displaying file browsers, inside public swad directory */
#define Cfg_FOLDER_FILE_BROWSER_TMP "tmp" // Created automatically the first time it is accessed
/* Folder where temporary files are created for students' marks, inside private swad directory */
#define Cfg_FOLDER_MARK "mark" // Created automatically the first time it is accessed
/* Folder where temporary files are created for passing parameters to commands, inside private swad directory */
#define Cfg_FOLDER_PARAM "param" // Created automatically the first time it is accessed
/* Folder for temporary XML files received to import test questions, inside private swad directory */
#define Cfg_FOLDER_TEST "test" // Created automatically the first time it is accessed
/* Folder for compression of assignments and works into a zip files, inside private swad directory */
#define Cfg_FOLDER_ZIP "zip" // Created automatically the first time it is accessed
/* Folders for images inside public and private swad directories */
#define Cfg_FOLDER_IMG "img" // Created automatically the first time it is accessed
/* Folders for temporary users' photos inside photos directories */
#define Cfg_FOLDER_IMG_TMP "tmp" // Created automatically the first time it is accessed
/* Folders for users' photos inside public and private swad directories */
#define Cfg_FOLDER_PHOTO "photo" // Created automatically the first time it is accessed
/* Folders for temporary users' photos inside photos directories */
#define Cfg_FOLDER_PHOTO_TMP "tmp" // Created automatically the first time it is accessed
/* Folder for reports, inside public swad directory */
#define Cfg_FOLDER_REP "rep" // Created automatically the first time it is accessed
/* Folder for banners, inside public swad directory */
#define Cfg_FOLDER_BANNER "banner" // If not exists, it should be created during installation inside swad public directory!
#define Cfg_FOLDER_DEGREE_PHOTO_MEDIAN "mdn_all"
/* Folders with icons. They should be created with icons during installation */
#define Cfg_FOLDER_PUBLIC_ICON "icon"
#define Cfg_ICON_FOLDER_THEMES "theme" // Directory with all the images for each theme
#define Cfg_ICON_FOLDER_ICON_SETS "iconset" // Directory with all the icons for each icon set
#define Cfg_ICON_FOLDER_COUNTRIES "country" // Directory with icons for countries
// #define Cfg_ICON_FOLDER_DEGREES "degree" // Directory with icons for degrees
#define Cfg_ICON_FOLDER_FILEXT "filext" // Directory with icons for file extensions
#define Cfg_ICON_FOLDER_PLUGINS "plugin" // Directory with icons for plugins
#define Cfg_ICON_ACTION "action64x64" // Directory with icons for title of current menu action
#define Cfg_ICON_128x128 "128x128" // Directory with big size icons
/* Folders and file used to store syllabus */
#define Cfg_SYLLABUS_FILENAME "syllabus.xml"
/* Main folders in file browsers */
#define Cfg_CRS_INFO_INTRODUCTION "intro"
#define Cfg_CRS_INFO_TEACHING_GUIDE "description"
#define Cfg_CRS_INFO_LECTURES "teoria"
#define Cfg_CRS_INFO_PRACTICALS "practicas"
#define Cfg_CRS_INFO_BIBLIOGRAPHY "bibliografia"
#define Cfg_CRS_INFO_FAQ "FAQ"
#define Cfg_CRS_INFO_LINKS "enlaces"
#define Cfg_CRS_INFO_ASSESSMENT "evaluacion"
/* RSS folders and files */
#define Cfg_RSS_FOLDER "rss"
#define Cfg_RSS_FILE "rss.xml"
#define Cfg_RSS_LANGUAGE "es-es"
/* Data protection policy folder
This folder, and an index.html file inside it, must be created during installation */
#define Cfg_DATA_PROTECTION_FOLDER "data_protection"
/* HTML file weitten at foot of page */
#define Cfg_PATH_AND_FILE_REL_HTML_PRIVATE "./foot.html"
/* Comment the following line if you do not want a local copy of MathJax */
/************************ Commands called by this CGI ************************/
/* Template for chat window. It should be copied during installation */
#define Cfg_PATH_AND_FILE_REL_CHAT_PRIVATE "./chat.html"
/* Command to make image processing / face detection, programmed by Daniel J. Calandria-Hernández */
// %s must be substituted by temporary file with the image received:
#define Cfg_COMMAND_FACE_DETECTION "./fotomaton cascade.xml %s 540"
/* Commands to compute the average photo of a degree */
#define Cfg_COMMAND_DEGREE_PHOTO_MEDIAN "./foto_mediana"
#define Cfg_COMMAND_DEGREE_PHOTO_AVERAGE "./foto_promedio"
/* Command to send automatic emails, programmed by Antonio F. Díaz-García and Antonio Cañas-Vargas */
#define Cfg_COMMAND_SEND_AUTOMATIC_EMAIL "./swad_smtp.py"
/******************************** Time periods *******************************/
#define Cfg_LOG_START_MONTH 01 // Month where the log started in the database
#define Cfg_LOG_START_DAY 01 // Day where the log started in the database
#define Cfg_DAYS_IN_RECENT_LOG 15 // Only accesses in these last days + 1 are stored in recent log.
// Important!!! Must be 1 <= Cfg_DAYS_IN_RECENT_LOG <= 29
#define Cfg_TIMES_PER_SECOND_REFRESH_CONNECTED 2 // Execute this CGI to refresh connected users about these times per second
#define Cfg_MIN_TIME_TO_REFRESH_CONNECTED ((time_t)( 60UL)) // Refresh period of connected users in seconds
#define Cfg_MAX_TIME_TO_REFRESH_CONNECTED ((time_t)( 15UL * 60UL)) // Refresh period of connected users in seconds
#define Cfg_TIME_TO_CLOSE_SESSION_FROM_LAST_REFRESH ((time_t)(Cfg_MAX_TIME_TO_REFRESH_CONNECTED * 4)) // After these seconds without refresh of connected users, session is closed
#define Cfg_TIME_TO_CLOSE_SESSION_FROM_LAST_CLICK ((time_t)( 8 * 60UL * 60UL)) // After these seconds without user's clicks, session is closed
#define Cfg_TIME_TO_REFRESH_LAST_CLICKS ((time_t)( 1UL * 1000UL)) // Refresh period of last clicks in miliseconds
#define Cfg_TIME_TO_REFRESH_SOCIAL_TIMELINE ((time_t)( 10UL * 1000UL)) // Refresh period of social timeline in miliseconds
#define Cfg_TIME_TO_CHANGE_BANNER ((time_t)( 2UL * 60UL)) // After these seconds, change banner
#define Cfg_NUMBER_OF_BANNERS 1 // Number of banners to show simultaneously
#define Cfg_TIME_TO_DELETE_WEB_SERVICE_KEY ((time_t)( 7UL * 24UL * 60UL * 60UL)) // After these seconds, a web service key is removed
#define Cfg_TIME_TO_DELETE_HTML_OUTPUT ((time_t)( 30UL * 60UL)) // Remove the HTML output files older than these seconds
#define Cfg_TIME_TO_ABORT_FILE_UPLOAD ((time_t)( 55UL * 60UL)) // After these seconds uploading data, abort upload.
#define Cfg_TIME_TO_DELETE_BROWSER_TMP_FILES ((time_t)( 2UL * 60UL * 60UL)) // Temporary files are deleted after these seconds
#define Cfg_TIME_TO_DELETE_BROWSER_EXPANDED_FOLDERS ((time_t)( 7UL * 24UL * 60UL * 60UL)) // Past these seconds, remove expired expanded folders
#define Cfg_TIME_TO_DELETE_BROWSER_CLIPBOARD ((time_t)( 15UL * 60UL)) // Paths older than these seconds are removed from clipboard
#define Cfg_TIME_TO_DELETE_BROWSER_ZIP_FILES ((time_t)( 2UL * 60UL * 60UL)) // Temporary zip files are deleted after these seconds
#define Cfg_TIME_TO_DELETE_MARKS_TMP_FILES ((time_t)( 2UL * 60UL * 60UL)) // Temporary files with students' marks are deleted after these seconds
#define Cfg_TIME_TO_DELETE_PARAMS_TO_COMMANDS ((time_t)( 15UL * 60UL)) // Temporary files with params to commands are deleted after these seconds
#define Cfg_TIME_TO_DELETE_IMAGES_TMP_FILES ((time_t)( 2UL * 60UL * 60UL)) // Temporary files related to images after these seconds
#define Cfg_TIME_TO_DELETE_PHOTOS_TMP_FILES ((time_t)( 2UL * 60UL * 60UL)) // Temporary files related to photos after these seconds
#define Cfg_TIME_TO_DELETE_TEST_TMP_FILES ((time_t)( 2UL * 60UL * 60UL)) // Temporary files related to imported test questions after these seconds
#define Cfg_TIME_TO_DELETE_ENROLMENT_REQUESTS ((time_t)(30UL * 24UL * 60UL * 60UL)) // Past these seconds, remove expired enrolment requests
#define Cfg_TIME_TO_DELETE_THREAD_CLIPBOARD ((time_t)( 15UL * 60UL)) // Threads older than these seconds are removed from clipboard
#define Cfg_TIME_TO_DELETE_OLD_PENDING_PASSWORDS ((time_t)( 24UL * 60UL * 60UL)) // Past these seconds, remove expired pending passwords
#define Cfg_TIME_TO_DELETE_OLD_PENDING_EMAILS ((time_t)( 24UL * 60UL * 60UL)) // Past these seconds, remove expired pending emails
#define Cfg_TIME_TO_DELETE_IP_PREFS ((time_t)( 7UL * 24UL * 60UL * 60UL)) // Past these seconds, remove expired IP preferences
#define Cfg_TIME_TO_DELETE_OLD_NOTIF ((time_t)(30UL * 24UL * 60UL * 60UL)) // Past these seconds, remove expired notifications
#define Cfg_MIN_TIME_TO_RECOMPUTE_AVG_PHOTO ((time_t)( 12UL * 60UL * 60UL)) // After these seconds, users can recompute the average photos of a degree
/***************************** Public prototypes *****************************/
void Cfg_GetConfigFromFile (void);