
657 lines
24 KiB

// swad_timeline.c: social timeline
SWAD (Shared Workspace At a Distance),
is a web platform developed at the University of Granada (Spain),
and used to support university teaching.
This file is part of SWAD core.
Copyright (C) 1999-2023 Antonio Cañas Vargas
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General 3 License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
mysql> SHOW TABLES LIKE 'tml_%';
| Tables_in_swad (tml_%) |
| tml_comments |
| tml_comments_fav |
| tml_notes |
| tml_notes_fav |
| tml_posts |
| tml_pubs |
| tml_timelines |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)
The timeline is a set of publications.
A publication can be:
· an original note (23573, 80% of 29435)
· a shared note ( 1007, 3% of 29435)
· a comment to a note ( 4855, 17% of 29435)
*Numbers are got from swad.ugr.es on may 2021
_tml_pubs______ _tml_comments
| | | |
| Publication p |---------->| Comment c |-----+
| (comment) | | (to note 2) | |
|_______________| |_____________| |
| | | | |
· ... · · ... · |
· ... · · ... · |
|_______________| |_____________| |
| | | | |
|Publication i+4|---------->| Comment 1 |---+ |
| (comment) | | (to note n) | | |
|_______________| |_____________| | |
| | (4855) | |
|Publication i+3|-- | |
|(original note)| \ | |
|_______________| \ _tml_notes_____ | | _cfe_exams_____
| | \ | | | | | |
|Publication i+2|-- ---->| Note n |<-+ | | Call for exam | (5581)
|(original note)| \ |(exam announc.)|-(2622)->|_______________|
|_______________| \ |_______________| 11% _brw_files_____
| | \ | | | | |
|Publication i+1|-- ---->| Note n-1 |-(64)--->| Public file | (1497132)
|(original note)| \ | (public file) | <1% |_______________|
|_______________| \ |_______________| | _not_notices___
| | \ | | | | |
| Publication i |-- ---->| Note n-2 |-(17078)>| Notice | (14984)
|(original note)| \ | (notice) | 72% |_______________|
|_______________| \ |_______________| | _tml_posts_____
| | \ | | | | |
· ... · ---->| Note n-3 |-(3533)->| Post s |
· ... · | (tl. post) | 15% | |
|_______________| |_______________| | |_______________|
| | | | | | |
| Publication 3 | · ... · | · ... · (3533)
| (shared note) |--- · ... · | · ... ·
|_______________| \ |_______________| | |_______________|
| | \ | | | | |
| Publication 2 | ---->| Note 2 |<---+ | Post 1 |
|(original note)|--------->| (tl. post) |-------->| |
|_______________| |_______________| |_______________|
| | | | _for_posts_____
| Publication 1 |--------->| Note 1 | | |
|(original note)| | (forum post) |-(276)-->| Forum post | (66226)
|_______________| |_______________| 1% |_______________|
(29435) (23573)
A note can be:
· a timeline post ( 3533, 15% of 23573)
· a public file ( 64, <1% of 23573)
· an exam announcement ( 2622, 11% of 23573)
· a notice (17078, 72% of 23573)
· a forum post ( 276, 1% of 23573)
written by an author in a date-time.
A note can have comments attached to it.
|@author |
| Note |
|@author |
| Comment 1 |
|@author |
| Comment 2 |
| |
| ... |
|@author |
| Comment n |
/*********************************** Headers *********************************/
#define _GNU_SOURCE // For asprintf
#include <linux/limits.h> // For PATH_MAX
#include <stdio.h> // For asprintf
#include <stdlib.h> // For free
#include "swad_box.h"
#include "swad_error.h"
#include "swad_figure.h"
#include "swad_global.h"
#include "swad_message.h"
#include "swad_notification.h"
#include "swad_parameter_code.h"
#include "swad_photo.h"
#include "swad_profile.h"
#include "swad_timeline.h"
#include "swad_timeline_database.h"
#include "swad_timeline_note.h"
#include "swad_timeline_notification.h"
#include "swad_timeline_publication.h"
#include "swad_timeline_who.h"
/************** External global variables from others modules ****************/
extern struct Globals Gbl;
/***************************** Private prototypes ****************************/
static void Tml_GetAndShowOldTimeline (struct Tml_Timeline *Timeline);
static void Tml_ShowTimeline (struct Tml_Timeline *Timeline,
long NotCodToHighlight,const char *Title);
static void Tml_PutIconsTimeline (__attribute__((unused)) void *Args);
static unsigned Tml_ListRecentPubs (const struct Tml_Timeline *Timeline,
long NotCodToHighlight);
static void Tml_PutHiddenList (const char *Id);
static void Tml_GetNumNotesAndUsrsFromRow (MYSQL_RES *mysql_res,
unsigned *NumNotes,
unsigned *NumUsrs);
/************************ Initialize global timeline *************************/
void Tml_InitTimelineGbl (struct Tml_Timeline *Timeline)
/***** Reset timeline context *****/
Tml_ResetTimeline (Timeline);
/***** Mark all my notifications about timeline as seen *****/
TmlNtf_MarkMyNotifAsSeen ();
/***** Get which users *****/
Timeline->Who = TmlWho_GetGlobalWho ();
/*************************** Reset timeline context **************************/
void Tml_ResetTimeline (struct Tml_Timeline *Timeline)
Timeline->UsrOrGbl = TmlUsr_TIMELINE_GBL;
Timeline->Who = TmlWho_DEFAULT_WHO;
Timeline->WhatToGet = Tml_GET_REC_PUBS;
Timeline->Pubs.Top =
Timeline->Pubs.Bottom = NULL,
Timeline->NotCod = -1L;
Timeline->PubCod = -1L;
/**************** Show highlighted note and global timeline ******************/
void Tml_ShowTimelineGbl (void)
struct Tml_Timeline Timeline;
/***** Initialize timeline *****/
Tml_InitTimelineGbl (&Timeline);
/***** Save which users in database *****/
TmlWho_SaveWhoInDB (&Timeline);
/***** Show highlighted note and global timeline *****/
Tml_ShowNoteAndTimelineGbl (&Timeline);
/**************** Show highlighted note and global timeline ******************/
void Tml_ShowNoteAndTimelineGbl (struct Tml_Timeline *Timeline)
long PubCod;
struct TmlNot_Note Not;
/***** Get parameter with the code of a publication *****/
// This parameter is optional. It can be provided by a notification.
// If > 0 ==> the associated note will be shown highlighted
// get its code from database and show it above the timeline
if ((PubCod = ParCod_GetPar (ParCod_Pub)) > 0)
if ((Not.NotCod = Tml_DB_GetNotCodFromPubCod (PubCod)) > 0)
TmlNot_ShowHighlightedNote (Timeline,&Not);
Not.NotCod = -1L; // ==> no highlighted note
/***** Show timeline with possible highlighted note *****/
Tml_ShowTimelineGblHighlighting (Timeline,Not.NotCod);
/******************* Show global timeline highlighting a note ****************/
void Tml_ShowTimelineGblHighlighting (struct Tml_Timeline *Timeline,long NotCod)
extern const char *Txt_Timeline;
/***** Get list of pubications to show in timeline *****/
Timeline->UsrOrGbl = TmlUsr_TIMELINE_GBL;
Timeline->WhatToGet = Tml_GET_REC_PUBS;
TmlPub_GetListPubsToShowInTimeline (Timeline);
/***** Show timeline *****/
Tml_ShowTimeline (Timeline,NotCod,Txt_Timeline);
/***** Free chained list of publications *****/
TmlPub_FreeListPubs (Timeline);
/********************* Show timeline of a selected user **********************/
void Tml_ShowTimelineUsr (struct Tml_Timeline *Timeline)
Tml_ShowTimelineUsrHighlighting (Timeline,-1L);
/************ Show timeline of a selected user highlighting a note ***********/
void Tml_ShowTimelineUsrHighlighting (struct Tml_Timeline *Timeline,long NotCod)
extern const char *Txt_Timeline_OF_A_USER;
char *Title;
/***** Get list of pubications to show in timeline *****/
Timeline->UsrOrGbl = TmlUsr_TIMELINE_USR;
Timeline->WhatToGet = Tml_GET_REC_PUBS;
TmlPub_GetListPubsToShowInTimeline (Timeline);
/***** Show timeline *****/
if (asprintf (&Title,Txt_Timeline_OF_A_USER,Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat.FrstName) < 0)
Err_NotEnoughMemoryExit ();
Tml_ShowTimeline (Timeline,NotCod,Title);
free (Title);
/***** Free chained list of publications *****/
TmlPub_FreeListPubs (Timeline);
/************** Refresh new publications in timeline via AJAX ****************/
void Tml_RefreshNewTimelineGbl (void)
struct Tml_Timeline Timeline;
/***** Trivial check: session should be open *****/
if (!Gbl.Session.IsOpen) // If session has been closed...
return; // ...do not write anything
/***** Reset timeline context *****/
Tml_ResetTimeline (&Timeline);
/***** Get which users *****/
Timeline.Who = TmlWho_GetGlobalWho ();
/***** Get list of publications to show in timeline *****/
Timeline.UsrOrGbl = TmlUsr_TIMELINE_GBL;
Timeline.WhatToGet = Tml_GET_NEW_PUBS;
TmlPub_GetListPubsToShowInTimeline (&Timeline);
/***** Show new timeline *****/
TmlPub_InsertNewPubsInTimeline (&Timeline);
/***** Free chained list of publications *****/
TmlPub_FreeListPubs (&Timeline);
/**************** View old publications in timeline via AJAX *****************/
void Tml_RefreshOldTimelineGbl (void)
struct Tml_Timeline Timeline;
/***** Reset timeline context *****/
Tml_ResetTimeline (&Timeline);
/***** Get which users *****/
Timeline.Who = TmlWho_GetGlobalWho ();
/***** Show old publications *****/
Timeline.UsrOrGbl = TmlUsr_TIMELINE_GBL;
Timeline.WhatToGet = Tml_GET_OLD_PUBS;
Tml_GetAndShowOldTimeline (&Timeline);
void Tml_RefreshOldTimelineUsr (void)
struct Tml_Timeline Timeline;
/***** Get user whom profile is displayed *****/
if (!Usr_GetParOtherUsrCodEncryptedAndGetUsrData ()) // If user does not exist...
return; // ...do not write anything
/***** Reset timeline context *****/
Tml_ResetTimeline (&Timeline);
/***** If user exists, show old publications *****/
Timeline.UsrOrGbl = TmlUsr_TIMELINE_USR;
Timeline.WhatToGet = Tml_GET_OLD_PUBS;
Tml_GetAndShowOldTimeline (&Timeline);
/**************** Get and show old publications in timeline ******************/
static void Tml_GetAndShowOldTimeline (struct Tml_Timeline *Timeline)
/***** Get list of pubications to show in timeline *****/
TmlPub_GetListPubsToShowInTimeline (Timeline);
/***** Show old timeline *****/
TmlPub_ShowOldPubsInTimeline (Timeline);
/***** Free chained list of publications *****/
TmlPub_FreeListPubs (Timeline);
/******************************* Show timeline *******************************/
/ |_____| just_now_timeline_list (Posts retrieved automatically
| |_____| via AJAX from time to time.
| |_____| They are transferred inmediately
| | to new_timeline_list.)
Hidden < __v__
| |_____| new_timeline_list (Posts retrieved but hidden.
| |_____| When user clicks to view them,
| |_____| the most recent of each note is
\ |_____| is transferred
| to visible timeline_list.)
/ |_____| timeline_list (Posts visible on page)
| |_____|
Visible | |_____|
on < |_____|
page | |_____|
| |_____|
\ |_____|
/ |_____| old_timeline_list (Posts just retrieved via AJAX
| |_____| when user clicks "see more".
| |_____| They are transferred inmediately
Hidden < |_____| to timeline_list.)
| |_____|
| |_____|
\ |_____|
static void Tml_ShowTimeline (struct Tml_Timeline *Timeline,
long NotCodToHighlight,const char *Title)
extern const char *Hlp_START_Timeline;
bool GlobalTimeline = (Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat.UsrCod <= 0);
/***** Begin box *****/
Box_BoxBegin (NULL,Title,
/***** Put form to select users whom public activity is displayed *****/
if (GlobalTimeline)
TmlWho_PutFormWho (Timeline);
/***** Form to write a new post *****/
if (GlobalTimeline || Usr_ItsMe (Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat.UsrCod) == Usr_ME)
TmlPst_PutPhotoAndFormToWriteNewPost (Timeline);
/***** New publications refreshed dynamically via AJAX *****/
if (GlobalTimeline)
/* Hidden lists to insert publications received via AJAX:
1. just received (not visible) publications
2. new (not visible) publications */
Tml_PutHiddenList ("just_now_timeline_list");
Tml_PutHiddenList ("new_timeline_list");
/* Link to view new publications via AJAX */
TmlPub_PutLinkToViewNewPubs ();
/***** List recent publications in timeline.
If the number of publications shown is the maximum,
probably there will be more, so show link to get more *****/
if (Tml_ListRecentPubs (Timeline,NotCodToHighlight) == TmlPub_MAX_REC_PUBS_TO_GET_AND_SHOW)
/* Link to view old publications via AJAX */
TmlPub_PutLinkToViewOldPubs ();
/* Hidden list to insert old publications via AJAX */
Tml_PutHiddenList ("old_timeline_list");
/***** End box *****/
Box_BoxEnd ();
/********************* Put contextual icons in timeline **********************/
static void Tml_PutIconsTimeline (__attribute__((unused)) void *Args)
/***** Put icon to show a figure *****/
Fig_PutIconToShowFigure (Fig_TIMELINE);
/******************* List recent publications in timeline ********************/
// Returns number of notes shown
static unsigned Tml_ListRecentPubs (const struct Tml_Timeline *Timeline,
long NotCodToHighlight)
const struct TmlPub_Publication *Pub;
struct TmlNot_Note Not;
unsigned NumNotesShown;
/***** Begin list *****/
HTM_UL_Begin ("id=\"timeline_list\" class=\"Tml_LIST\"");
/***** For each publication in list... *****/
for (Pub = Timeline->Pubs.Top, NumNotesShown = 0;
Pub = Pub->Next, NumNotesShown++)
/* Get data of note */
Not.NotCod = Pub->NotCod;
TmlNot_GetNoteDataByCod (&Not);
/* Write list item (note) */
if (Not.NotCod == NotCodToHighlight)
HTM_LI_Begin ("class=\"Tml_WIDTH Tml_SEP Tml_NEW_PUB_%s\"",
The_GetSuffix ());
HTM_LI_Begin ("class=\"Tml_WIDTH Tml_SEP\"");
TmlNot_CheckAndWriteNoteWithTopMsg (Timeline,&Not,
TmlPub_GetTopMessage (Pub->Type),
HTM_LI_End ();
/***** End list *****/
HTM_UL_End ();
return NumNotesShown;
/*********** Put a hidden list where publications will be inserted ***********/
static void Tml_PutHiddenList (const char *Id)
HTM_UL_Begin ("id=\"%s\" class=\"Tml_LIST\"",Id);
HTM_UL_End ();
/******************* Write the date of creation of a note ********************/
// TimeUTC holds UTC date and time in UNIX format (seconds since 1970)
void Tml_WriteDateTime (time_t TimeUTC)
char IdDateTime[Frm_MAX_BYTES_ID + 1];
/***** Create unique Id *****/
Frm_SetUniqueId (IdDateTime);
/***** Container where the date-time is written *****/
HTM_DIV_Begin ("id=\"%s\" class=\"Tml_RIGHT_TIME DAT_LIGHT_%s\"",
IdDateTime,The_GetSuffix ());
HTM_DIV_End ();
/***** Script to write date and time in browser local time *****/
// This must be out of the div where the output is written
// because it will be evaluated in a loop in JavaScript
Dat_WriteLocalDateHMSFromUTC (IdDateTime,TimeUTC,
/******************* Get and show number of timeline notes *******************/
void Tml_GetAndShowTimelineActivityStats (void)
extern const char *Hlp_ANALYTICS_Figures_timeline;
extern const char *Txt_FIGURE_TYPES[Fig_NUM_FIGURES];
extern const char *Txt_Type;
extern const char *Txt_Number_of_posts;
extern const char *Txt_Number_of_users;
extern const char *Txt_PERCENT_of_users;
extern const char *Txt_Number_of_posts_BR_per_user;
extern const char *Txt_TIMELINE_NOTE[Tml_NOT_NUM_NOTE_TYPES];
extern const char *Txt_Total;
MYSQL_RES *mysql_res;
TmlNot_Type_t NoteType;
unsigned NumNotes;
unsigned NumUsrs;
unsigned NumUsrsTotal;
/***** Begin box and table *****/
/***** Heading row *****/
HTM_TR_Begin (NULL);
HTM_TH (Txt_Number_of_posts ,HTM_HEAD_RIGHT);
HTM_TH (Txt_Number_of_users ,HTM_HEAD_RIGHT);
HTM_TH (Txt_Number_of_posts_BR_per_user,HTM_HEAD_RIGHT);
HTM_TR_End ();
/***** Get total number of users *****/
NumUsrsTotal = Usr_GetTotalNumberOfUsers ();
/***** Get total number of timeline notes and users for each note type *****/
for (NoteType = (TmlNot_Type_t) 0;
NoteType <= (TmlNot_Type_t) (Tml_NOT_NUM_NOTE_TYPES - 1);
/***** Get number of timeline notes and users for this type *****/
if (Tml_DB_GetNumNotesAndUsrsByType (&mysql_res,NoteType))
Tml_GetNumNotesAndUsrsFromRow (mysql_res,&NumNotes,&NumUsrs);
NumNotes = NumUsrs = 0;
/***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/
DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res);
/***** Write number of timeline notes and number of users *****/
HTM_TR_Begin (NULL);
HTM_TD_Txt_Left (Txt_TIMELINE_NOTE[NoteType]);
HTM_TD_Unsigned (NumNotes);
HTM_TD_Unsigned (NumUsrs);
HTM_TD_Percentage (NumUsrs,NumUsrsTotal);
HTM_TD_Ratio (NumNotes,NumUsrs);
HTM_TR_End ();
/***** Get and write totals *****/
if (Tml_DB_GetNumNotesAndUsrsTotal (&mysql_res))
Tml_GetNumNotesAndUsrsFromRow (mysql_res,&NumNotes,&NumUsrs);
NumNotes = NumUsrs = 0;
/* Free structure that stores the query result */
DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res);
/* Write totals */
HTM_TR_Begin (NULL);
HTM_TD_LINE_TOP_Txt (Txt_Total);
HTM_TD_LINE_TOP_Unsigned (NumNotes);
HTM_TD_LINE_TOP_Unsigned (NumUsrs);
HTM_TD_LINE_TOP_Percentage (NumUsrs,NumUsrsTotal);
HTM_TD_LINE_TOP_Ratio (NumNotes,NumUsrs);
HTM_TR_End ();
/***** End table and box *****/
Box_BoxTableEnd ();
/************** Get number of notes and users from database row **************/
static void Tml_GetNumNotesAndUsrsFromRow (MYSQL_RES *mysql_res,
unsigned *NumNotes,
unsigned *NumUsrs)
/***** Get next row from result *****/
row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res);
/***** Get number of notes *****/
if (row[0])
if (sscanf (row[0],"%u",NumNotes) != 1)
*NumNotes = 0;
/***** Get number of users *****/
if (row[1])
if (sscanf (row[1],"%u",NumUsrs) != 1)
*NumUsrs = 0;