
116 lines
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// swad_parameter_code.c: CGI parameters related to codes
SWAD (Shared Workspace At a Distance),
is a web platform developed at the University of Granada (Spain),
and used to support university teaching.
This file is part of SWAD core.
Copyright (C) 1999-2024 Antonio Cañas Vargas
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/********************************** Headers **********************************/
#include <stddef.h> // For NULL
#include "swad_error.h"
#include "swad_parameter.h"
#include "swad_parameter_code.h"
/***************************** Public constants ******************************/
const char *Par_CodeStr[Par_NUM_PAR_COD] =
[ParCod_None ] = NULL,
[ParCod_Agd ] = "AgdCod", // Agenda event code
[ParCod_Ann ] = "AnnCod", // Announcement code
[ParCod_Asg ] = "AsgCod", // Assignment code
[ParCod_Att ] = "AttCod", // Attendance event code
[ParCod_Ban ] = "BanCod", // Banner code
[ParCod_Bld ] = "BldCod", // Building code
[ParCod_Cri ] = "CriCod", // Criterion code in rubric
[ParCod_Crs ] = "crs", // Course code
[ParCod_Ctr ] = "ctr", // Center code
[ParCod_Cty ] = "cty", // Country code
[ParCod_Deg ] = "deg", // Degree code
[ParCod_Dpt ] = "DptCod", // Department code
[ParCod_Exa ] = "ExaCod", // Exam code in calls-for-exam/exam
[ParCod_Fil ] = "FilCod", // File code
[ParCod_Fld ] = "FldCod", // Field code in course record
[ParCod_Gam ] = "GamCod", // Game code
[ParCod_Grp ] = "GrpCod", // Group code
[ParCod_GrpTyp ] = "GrpTypCod", // Group type code
[ParCod_Hld ] = "HldCod", // Holiday code
[ParCod_Ins ] = "ins", // Institution code
[ParCod_Itm ] = "ItmCod", // Item code in course program
[ParCod_Lnk ] = "LnkCod", // Link code
[ParCod_Mai ] = "MaiCod", // Domain mail code
[ParCod_Mch ] = "MchCod", // Match code in game
[ParCod_Msg ] = "MsgCod", // Message code
[ParCod_Not ] = "NotCod", // Note code in timeline
[ParCod_OrgAct ] = "OrgActCod", // Original action code
[ParCod_OthCrs ] = "OthCrsCod", // Other course code
[ParCod_OthCtr ] = "OthCtrCod", // Other center code
[ParCod_OthCty ] = "OthCtyCod", // Other country code
[ParCod_OthDeg ] = "OthDegCod", // Other degree code
[ParCod_OthDegTyp] = "OthDegTypCod", // Other degree type code
[ParCod_OthHie ] = "OthHieCod", // Other hierarchy code
[ParCod_OthIns ] = "OthInsCod", // Other institution code
[ParCod_Plc ] = "PlcCod", // Place code
[ParCod_Plg ] = "PlgCod", // Plugin code
[ParCod_Prj ] = "PrjCod", // Project code
[ParCod_Prn ] = "PrnCod", // Print code in assessment test
[ParCod_Pst ] = "PstCod", // Post code in forum
[ParCod_Pub ] = "PubCod", // Publication code in timeline
[ParCod_Qst ] = "QstCod", // Question code in assessment/survey
[ParCod_Roo ] = "RooCod", // Room code
[ParCod_Rsc ] = "RscCod", // Resource code in course program
[ParCod_Rub ] = "RubCod", // Rubric code
[ParCod_Ses ] = "SesCod", // Session code in exam
[ParCod_Set ] = "SetCod", // Set of questions code in exam
[ParCod_Svy ] = "SvyCod", // Syrvey code
[ParCod_Tag ] = "TagCod", // Tag code in assessment question
[ParCod_Thr ] = "ThrCod", // Thread code in forum
/******************** Get the value of a code parameter **********************/
long ParCod_GetAndCheckPar (ParCod_Param_t ParCode)
return ParCod_GetAndCheckParMin (ParCode,1);
long ParCod_GetAndCheckParMin (ParCod_Param_t ParCode,long MinCodAllowed)
long Cod;
/***** Get code and check that is a valid code (>= minimum) *****/
if ((Cod = ParCod_GetPar (ParCode)) < MinCodAllowed)
Err_WrongCodeExit ();
return Cod;
long ParCod_GetPar (ParCod_Param_t ParCode)
return Par_GetParLong (Par_CodeStr[ParCode]);