
355 lines
11 KiB

// swad_form.c: forms to go to actions
SWAD (Shared Workspace At a Distance),
is a web platform developed at the University of Granada (Spain),
and used to support university teaching.
This file is part of SWAD core.
Copyright (C) 1999-2024 Antonio Cañas Vargas
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/*********************************** Headers *********************************/
#define _GNU_SOURCE // For asprintf
#include <stdio.h> // For asprintf
#include <stdlib.h> // For free
#include "swad_action_list.h"
#include "swad_alert.h"
#include "swad_error.h"
#include "swad_form.h"
#include "swad_global.h"
#include "swad_hierarchy_type.h"
#include "swad_HTML.h"
/************** External global variables from others modules ****************/
extern struct Globals Gbl;
/************************* Private global variables **************************/
static bool Frm_Inside = false;
/**************************** Private prototypes *****************************/
static inline void Frm_SetInside (bool Inside);
static void Frm_BeginFormInternal (Act_Action_t NextAction,bool PutParLocationIfNoSesion,
const char *Id,const char *Anchor,const char *OnSubmit);
/************** Set to true inside a form to avoid nested forms **************/
static inline void Frm_SetInside (bool Inside)
Frm_Inside = Inside;
bool Frm_CheckIfInside (void)
return Frm_Inside;
/******************************** Begin a form *******************************/
void Frm_BeginFormGoTo (Act_Action_t NextAction)
Frm_BeginFormInternal (NextAction,false,NULL,NULL,NULL); // Do not put now parameter location
void Frm_BeginForm (Act_Action_t NextAction)
Frm_BeginFormInternal (NextAction,true,NULL,NULL,NULL); // Do put now parameter location (if no open session)
void Frm_BeginFormAnchor (Act_Action_t NextAction,const char *Anchor)
Frm_BeginFormInternal (NextAction,true,NULL,Anchor,NULL); // Do put now parameter location (if no open session)
void Frm_BeginFormOnSubmit (Act_Action_t NextAction,const char *OnSubmit)
Frm_BeginFormInternal (NextAction,true,NULL,NULL,OnSubmit); // Do put now parameter location (if no open session)
void Frm_BeginFormAnchorOnSubmit (Act_Action_t NextAction,const char *Anchor,const char *OnSubmit)
Frm_BeginFormInternal (NextAction,true,NULL,Anchor,OnSubmit);// Do put now parameter location (if no open session)
void Frm_BeginFormId (Act_Action_t NextAction,const char *Id)
Frm_BeginFormInternal (NextAction,true,Id,NULL,NULL); // Do put now parameter location (if no open session)
static void Frm_BeginFormInternal (Act_Action_t NextAction,bool PutParLocationIfNoSesion,
const char *Id,const char *Anchor,const char *OnSubmit)
extern const char *Lan_STR_LANG_ID[1 + Lan_NUM_LANGUAGES];
char ParsStr[Frm_MAX_BYTES_PARAMS_STR + 1];
if (!Frm_CheckIfInside ())
/* Begin form */
HTM_TxtF ("<form method=\"post\" action=\"%s/%s",
if (Anchor)
if (Anchor[0])
HTM_TxtF ("#%s",Anchor);
if (Id)
if (Id[0])
HTM_TxtF ("\" id=\"%s\"",Id);
HTM_Txt ("\"");
HTM_Txt ("\"");
if (OnSubmit)
if (OnSubmit[0])
HTM_TxtF (" onsubmit=\"%s\"",OnSubmit);
switch (Act_GetBrowserTab (NextAction))
case Act_NEW:
case Act_DWN:
HTM_Txt (" target=\"_blank\"");
if (Act_GetContentType (NextAction) == Act_DATA)
HTM_Txt (" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\"");
HTM_Txt (" accept-charset=\"windows-1252\">");
/* Put basic form parameters */
Frm_SetParsForm (ParsStr,NextAction,PutParLocationIfNoSesion);
HTM_Txt (ParsStr);
Frm_SetInside (true);
Form without action are used in exams.
The accept-charset attribute specifies the character encodings that are to be used for the form submission
But this type of form is sent via AJAX ==>
==> we use the value property of input fields to build the parameters sent using XMLHttp.send ==>
==> the value property is always codified in UTF-8 ==> accept-charset is irrelevant
void Frm_BeginFormNoAction (void)
if (!Frm_CheckIfInside ())
/* Begin form */
HTM_Txt ("<form accept-charset=\"UTF-8\""
" onsubmit=\"return false;\">"); // Form that can not be submitted, to avoid enter key to send it
Frm_SetInside (true);
void Frm_SetParsForm (char ParsStr[Frm_MAX_BYTES_PARAMS_STR + 1],
Act_Action_t NextAction,
bool PutParLocationIfNoSession)
static const char *ParName[Hie_NUM_LEVELS] =
[Hie_CTY] = "cty",
[Hie_INS] = "ins",
[Hie_CTR] = "ctr",
[Hie_DEG] = "deg",
[Hie_CRS] = "crs",
char ParAction[Frm_MAX_BYTES_PARAM_ACTION + 1];
char ParSession[Frm_MAX_BYTES_PARAM_SESSION + 1];
char ParLocation[Frm_MAX_BYTES_PARAM_LOCATION + 1];
ParAction[0] = '\0';
ParSession[0] = '\0';
ParLocation[0] = '\0';
if (NextAction != ActUnk)
snprintf (ParAction,sizeof (ParAction),
"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"act\" value=\"%ld\" />",
Act_GetActCod (NextAction));
if (Gbl.Session.Id[0])
snprintf (ParSession,sizeof (ParSession),
"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ses\" value=\"%s\" />",
else if (PutParLocationIfNoSession &&
Gbl.Hierarchy.Node[Gbl.Hierarchy.Level].HieCod > 0)
// Extra parameters necessary when there's no open session
/* If session is open, course/degree/... code will be get from session data,
but if there is not an open session, and next action is known,
it is necessary to send a parameter with course/degree/... code */
snprintf (ParLocation,sizeof (ParLocation),
"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"%s\" value=\"%ld\" />",
snprintf (ParsStr,Frm_MAX_BYTES_PARAMS_STR + 1,"%s%s%s",
void Frm_EndForm (void)
if (Frm_CheckIfInside ())
HTM_Txt ("</form>");
Frm_SetInside (false);
/********************** Put a form and a table to create *********************/
void Frm_BeginFormTable (Act_Action_t NextAction,const char *Anchor,
void (*FuncPars) (void *Args),void *Args,
const char *ClassTable)
extern const char *Txt_Actions[ActLst_NUM_ACTIONS];
/***** Begin fieldset *****/
HTM_LEGEND (Txt_Actions[NextAction]);
/***** Begin form *****/
Frm_BeginFormAnchor (NextAction,Anchor);
if (FuncPars)
FuncPars (Args);
/***** Begin table *****/
HTM_TABLE_Begin (ClassTable);
void Frm_EndFormTable (Btn_Button_t Button)
extern const char *Txt_Create;
extern const char *Txt_Save_changes;
extern const char *Txt_Remove;
static const char **TxtButton[Btn_NUM_BUTTON_TYPES] =
[Btn_CREATE_BUTTON ] = &Txt_Create,
[Btn_CONFIRM_BUTTON] = &Txt_Save_changes,
[Btn_REMOVE_BUTTON ] = &Txt_Remove,
/***** End table *****/
/***** Send button *****/
if (Button != Btn_NO_BUTTON)
Btn_PutButton (Button,*TxtButton[Button]);
/***** End form *****/
Frm_EndForm ();
/***** End fieldset *****/
/***************************** Get unique Id *********************************/
void Frm_SetUniqueId (char UniqueId[Frm_MAX_BYTES_ID + 1])
static unsigned CountForThisExecution = 0;
/***** Create Id. The id must be unique,
the page content may be updated via AJAX.
So, Id uses:
- a name for this execution
- a number for each element in this execution *****/
snprintf (UniqueId,Frm_MAX_BYTES_ID + 1,"id_%s_%u",
Cry_GetUniqueNameEncrypted (),
/****************** Build/free anchor string given a code ********************/
void Frm_SetAnchorStr (long Cod,char **Anchor)
if (Cod > 0)
if (asprintf (Anchor,"cod_%ld",
Cod) < 0)
Err_NotEnoughMemoryExit ();
*Anchor = NULL;
void Frm_FreeAnchorStr (char **Anchor)
if (*Anchor)
free (*Anchor);
*Anchor = NULL;
/************************* Show label column in form *************************/
// Id == NULL ==> label class = data
// Id[0] == '\0' ==> label class = form, no label for
// Id[0] != '\0' ==> label class = form, label for
void Frm_LabelColumn (const char *TDClass,const char *Id,const char *Label)
/***** Column/cell begin *****/
if (TDClass)
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"%s\"",TDClass);
HTM_TD_Begin (NULL);
/***** Label *****/
if (Id)
if (Id[0])
HTM_LABEL_Begin ("for=\"%s\" class=\"FORM_IN_%s\"",Id,The_GetSuffix ());
HTM_LABEL_Begin ("class=\"FORM_IN_%s\"",The_GetSuffix ());
HTM_LABEL_Begin ("class=\"DAT_%s\"",The_GetSuffix ());
HTM_TxtColon (Label);
/***** Column/cell end *****/
HTM_TD_End ();