
This commit is contained in:
acanas 2020-09-26 01:02:15 +02:00
parent e341edc427
commit e2ab1b601b
11 changed files with 311 additions and 386 deletions

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@ -713,7 +713,7 @@ a:hover /* Default ==> underlined */
@ -727,7 +727,7 @@ a:hover /* Default ==> underlined */
@ -742,7 +742,7 @@ a:hover /* Default ==> underlined */
margin:0 auto;

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@ -1518,11 +1518,8 @@ const struct Act_Actions Act_Actions[Act_NUM_ACTIONS] =
[ActSeeFor ] = { 95, 2,TabMsg,ActSeeFor ,0x3F8,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,For_ShowForumTheads ,"comments" },
// [ActSeeChtRms ] = { 51, 3,TabMsg,ActSeeChtRms ,0x3F8,0x3C4,0x3C4,0x3C4,0x3C4,0x3C4,0x3C4,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Cht_ShowChatRooms ,"comments" },
[ActSeeChtRms ] = { 51, 3,TabMsg,ActSeeChtRms ,0x200,0x200,0x200,0x200,0x200,0x200,0x200,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Cht_ShowChatRooms ,"comments" },
[ActSeeMsg ] = {1912, 4,TabMsg,ActSeeMsg ,0x200,0x200,0x200,0x200,0x200,0x200,0x200,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Msg_ShowRecMsgs ,"envelope" },
[ActReqMsgUsr ] = { 26, 5,TabMsg,ActReqMsgUsr ,0x3F8,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Msg_FormMsgUsrs ,"marker" },
[ActSeeRcvMsg ] = { 3, 6,TabMsg,ActSeeRcvMsg ,0x3F8,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Msg_ShowRecMsgs ,"inbox" },
[ActSeeSntMsg ] = { 70, 7,TabMsg,ActSeeSntMsg ,0x3F8,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Msg_ShowSntMsgs ,"share" },
[ActReqMaiUsr ] = {1772, 8,TabMsg,ActReqMaiUsr ,0x230,0x200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Mai_ReqUsrsToListEmails ,"at" },
[ActSeeMsg ] = {1912, 4,TabMsg,ActSeeMsg ,0x3F8,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Msg_ShowRecMsgs ,"envelope" },
[ActReqMaiUsr ] = {1772, 5,TabMsg,ActReqMaiUsr ,0x230,0x200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Mai_ReqUsrsToListEmails ,"at" },
// Actions not in menu:
[ActWriAnn ] = {1237,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAnn ,0x200,0x200,0x200,0x200,0x200,0x200,0x200,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Ann_ShowFormAnnouncement ,NULL},
@ -1685,22 +1682,26 @@ const struct Act_Actions Act_Actions[Act_NUM_ACTIONS] =
// [ActCht ] = { 52,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeChtRms ,0x3F8,0x3C4,0x3C4,0x3C4,0x3C4,0x3C4,0x3C4,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_NEW_TAB,Cht_OpenChatWindow ,NULL ,NULL},
[ActCht ] = { 52,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeChtRms ,0x200,0x200,0x200,0x200,0x200,0x200,0x200,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_NEW_TAB,Cht_OpenChatWindow ,NULL ,NULL},
[ActRcvMsgUsr ] = { 27,-1,TabUnk,ActReqMsgUsr ,0x3F8,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Msg_RecMsgFromUsr ,NULL},
[ActReqDelAllSntMsg ] = { 604,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeSntMsg ,0x3F8,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Msg_ReqDelAllSntMsgs ,NULL},
[ActReqDelAllRcvMsg ] = { 593,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeRcvMsg ,0x3F8,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Msg_ReqDelAllRecMsgs ,NULL},
[ActDelAllSntMsg ] = { 434,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeSntMsg ,0x3F8,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Msg_DelAllSntMsgs ,NULL},
[ActDelAllRcvMsg ] = { 436,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeRcvMsg ,0x3F8,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Msg_DelAllRecMsgs ,NULL},
[ActDelSntMsg ] = { 90,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeSntMsg ,0x3F8,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Msg_DelSntMsg ,NULL},
[ActDelRcvMsg ] = { 64,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeRcvMsg ,0x3F8,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Msg_DelRecMsg ,NULL},
[ActExpSntMsg ] = { 664,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeSntMsg ,0x3F8,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Msg_ExpSntMsg ,NULL},
[ActExpRcvMsg ] = { 663,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeRcvMsg ,0x3F8,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Msg_ExpRecMsg ,NULL},
[ActConSntMsg ] = {1020,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeSntMsg ,0x3F8,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Msg_ConSntMsg ,NULL},
[ActConRcvMsg ] = {1019,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeRcvMsg ,0x3F8,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Msg_ConRecMsg ,NULL},
[ActReqMsgUsr ] = { 26,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeMsg ,0x3F8,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Msg_FormMsgUsrs ,NULL},
[ActSeeRcvMsg ] = { 3,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeMsg ,0x3F8,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Msg_ShowRecMsgs ,NULL},
[ActSeeSntMsg ] = { 70,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeMsg ,0x3F8,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Msg_ShowSntMsgs ,NULL},
[ActLstBanUsr ] = {1017,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeRcvMsg ,0x3F8,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Msg_ListBannedUsrs ,NULL},
[ActBanUsrMsg ] = {1015,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeRcvMsg ,0x3F8,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Msg_BanSenderWhenShowingMsgs ,NULL},
[ActUnbUsrMsg ] = {1016,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeRcvMsg ,0x3F8,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Msg_UnbanSenderWhenShowingMsgs ,NULL},
[ActUnbUsrLst ] = {1018,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeRcvMsg ,0x3F8,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Msg_UnbanSenderWhenListingUsrs ,NULL},
[ActRcvMsgUsr ] = { 27,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeMsg ,0x3F8,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Msg_RecMsgFromUsr ,NULL},
[ActReqDelAllSntMsg ] = { 604,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeMsg ,0x3F8,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Msg_ReqDelAllSntMsgs ,NULL},
[ActReqDelAllRcvMsg ] = { 593,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeMsg ,0x3F8,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Msg_ReqDelAllRecMsgs ,NULL},
[ActDelAllSntMsg ] = { 434,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeMsg ,0x3F8,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Msg_DelAllSntMsgs ,NULL},
[ActDelAllRcvMsg ] = { 436,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeMsg ,0x3F8,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Msg_DelAllRecMsgs ,NULL},
[ActDelSntMsg ] = { 90,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeMsg ,0x3F8,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Msg_DelSntMsg ,NULL},
[ActDelRcvMsg ] = { 64,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeMsg ,0x3F8,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Msg_DelRecMsg ,NULL},
[ActExpSntMsg ] = { 664,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeMsg ,0x3F8,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Msg_ExpSntMsg ,NULL},
[ActExpRcvMsg ] = { 663,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeMsg ,0x3F8,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Msg_ExpRecMsg ,NULL},
[ActConSntMsg ] = {1020,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeMsg ,0x3F8,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Msg_ConSntMsg ,NULL},
[ActConRcvMsg ] = {1019,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeMsg ,0x3F8,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Msg_ConRecMsg ,NULL},
[ActLstBanUsr ] = {1017,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeMsg ,0x3F8,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Msg_ListBannedUsrs ,NULL},
[ActBanUsrMsg ] = {1015,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeMsg ,0x3F8,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Msg_BanSenderWhenShowingMsgs ,NULL},
[ActUnbUsrMsg ] = {1016,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeMsg ,0x3F8,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Msg_UnbanSenderWhenShowingMsgs ,NULL},
[ActUnbUsrLst ] = {1018,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeMsg ,0x3F8,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,0x3C6,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Msg_UnbanSenderWhenListingUsrs ,NULL},
[ActMaiUsr ] = { 100,-1,TabUnk,ActReqMaiUsr ,0x230,0x200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Mai_GetSelectedUsrsAndListEmails,NULL},

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@ -1458,158 +1458,159 @@ typedef signed int Act_Action_t; // Must be a signed type, because -1 is used to
#define ActSeeFor (ActUnfSevTch + 3)
#define ActSeeChtRms (ActUnfSevTch + 4)
#define ActSeeMsg (ActUnfSevTch + 5)
#define ActReqMsgUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 6)
#define ActSeeRcvMsg (ActUnfSevTch + 7)
#define ActSeeSntMsg (ActUnfSevTch + 8)
#define ActReqMaiUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 9)
#define ActReqMaiUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 6)
// Secondary actions
#define ActWriAnn (ActUnfSevTch + 10)
#define ActRcvAnn (ActUnfSevTch + 11)
#define ActHidAnn (ActUnfSevTch + 12)
#define ActRevAnn (ActUnfSevTch + 13)
#define ActRemAnn (ActUnfSevTch + 14)
#define ActSeeOneNot (ActUnfSevTch + 15)
#define ActWriNot (ActUnfSevTch + 16)
#define ActRcvNot (ActUnfSevTch + 17)
#define ActHidNot (ActUnfSevTch + 18)
#define ActRevNot (ActUnfSevTch + 19)
#define ActReqRemNot (ActUnfSevTch + 20)
#define ActRemNot (ActUnfSevTch + 21)
#define ActWriAnn (ActUnfSevTch + 7)
#define ActRcvAnn (ActUnfSevTch + 8)
#define ActHidAnn (ActUnfSevTch + 9)
#define ActRevAnn (ActUnfSevTch + 10)
#define ActRemAnn (ActUnfSevTch + 11)
#define ActSeeOneNot (ActUnfSevTch + 12)
#define ActWriNot (ActUnfSevTch + 13)
#define ActRcvNot (ActUnfSevTch + 14)
#define ActHidNot (ActUnfSevTch + 15)
#define ActRevNot (ActUnfSevTch + 16)
#define ActReqRemNot (ActUnfSevTch + 17)
#define ActRemNot (ActUnfSevTch + 18)
#define ActSeeForCrsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 22)
#define ActSeeForCrsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 23)
#define ActSeeForDegUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 24)
#define ActSeeForDegTch (ActUnfSevTch + 25)
#define ActSeeForCtrUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 26)
#define ActSeeForCtrTch (ActUnfSevTch + 27)
#define ActSeeForInsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 28)
#define ActSeeForInsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 29)
#define ActSeeForGenUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 30)
#define ActSeeForGenTch (ActUnfSevTch + 31)
#define ActSeeForSWAUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 32)
#define ActSeeForSWATch (ActUnfSevTch + 33)
#define ActSeePstForCrsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 34)
#define ActSeePstForCrsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 35)
#define ActSeePstForDegUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 36)
#define ActSeePstForDegTch (ActUnfSevTch + 37)
#define ActSeePstForCtrUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 38)
#define ActSeePstForCtrTch (ActUnfSevTch + 39)
#define ActSeePstForInsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 40)
#define ActSeePstForInsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 41)
#define ActSeePstForGenUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 42)
#define ActSeePstForGenTch (ActUnfSevTch + 43)
#define ActSeePstForSWAUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 44)
#define ActSeePstForSWATch (ActUnfSevTch + 45)
#define ActRcvThrForCrsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 46)
#define ActRcvThrForCrsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 47)
#define ActRcvThrForDegUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 48)
#define ActRcvThrForDegTch (ActUnfSevTch + 49)
#define ActRcvThrForCtrUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 50)
#define ActRcvThrForCtrTch (ActUnfSevTch + 51)
#define ActRcvThrForInsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 52)
#define ActRcvThrForInsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 53)
#define ActRcvThrForGenUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 54)
#define ActRcvThrForGenTch (ActUnfSevTch + 55)
#define ActRcvThrForSWAUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 56)
#define ActRcvThrForSWATch (ActUnfSevTch + 57)
#define ActRcvRepForCrsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 58)
#define ActRcvRepForCrsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 59)
#define ActRcvRepForDegUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 60)
#define ActRcvRepForDegTch (ActUnfSevTch + 61)
#define ActRcvRepForCtrUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 62)
#define ActRcvRepForCtrTch (ActUnfSevTch + 63)
#define ActRcvRepForInsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 64)
#define ActRcvRepForInsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 65)
#define ActRcvRepForGenUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 66)
#define ActRcvRepForGenTch (ActUnfSevTch + 67)
#define ActRcvRepForSWAUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 68)
#define ActRcvRepForSWATch (ActUnfSevTch + 69)
#define ActReqDelThrCrsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 70)
#define ActReqDelThrCrsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 71)
#define ActReqDelThrDegUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 72)
#define ActReqDelThrDegTch (ActUnfSevTch + 73)
#define ActReqDelThrCtrUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 74)
#define ActReqDelThrCtrTch (ActUnfSevTch + 75)
#define ActReqDelThrInsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 76)
#define ActReqDelThrInsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 77)
#define ActReqDelThrGenUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 78)
#define ActReqDelThrGenTch (ActUnfSevTch + 79)
#define ActReqDelThrSWAUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 80)
#define ActReqDelThrSWATch (ActUnfSevTch + 81)
#define ActDelThrForCrsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 82)
#define ActDelThrForCrsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 83)
#define ActDelThrForDegUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 84)
#define ActDelThrForDegTch (ActUnfSevTch + 85)
#define ActDelThrForCtrUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 86)
#define ActDelThrForCtrTch (ActUnfSevTch + 87)
#define ActDelThrForInsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 88)
#define ActDelThrForInsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 89)
#define ActDelThrForGenUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 90)
#define ActDelThrForGenTch (ActUnfSevTch + 91)
#define ActDelThrForSWAUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 92)
#define ActDelThrForSWATch (ActUnfSevTch + 93)
#define ActCutThrForCrsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 94)
#define ActCutThrForCrsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 95)
#define ActCutThrForDegUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 96)
#define ActCutThrForDegTch (ActUnfSevTch + 97)
#define ActCutThrForCtrUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 98)
#define ActCutThrForCtrTch (ActUnfSevTch + 99)
#define ActCutThrForInsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 100)
#define ActCutThrForInsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 101)
#define ActCutThrForGenUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 102)
#define ActCutThrForGenTch (ActUnfSevTch + 103)
#define ActCutThrForSWAUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 104)
#define ActCutThrForSWATch (ActUnfSevTch + 105)
#define ActPasThrForCrsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 106)
#define ActPasThrForCrsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 107)
#define ActPasThrForDegUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 108)
#define ActPasThrForDegTch (ActUnfSevTch + 109)
#define ActPasThrForCtrUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 110)
#define ActPasThrForCtrTch (ActUnfSevTch + 111)
#define ActPasThrForInsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 112)
#define ActPasThrForInsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 113)
#define ActPasThrForGenUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 114)
#define ActPasThrForGenTch (ActUnfSevTch + 115)
#define ActPasThrForSWAUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 116)
#define ActPasThrForSWATch (ActUnfSevTch + 117)
#define ActDelPstForCrsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 118)
#define ActDelPstForCrsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 119)
#define ActDelPstForDegUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 120)
#define ActDelPstForDegTch (ActUnfSevTch + 121)
#define ActDelPstForCtrUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 122)
#define ActDelPstForCtrTch (ActUnfSevTch + 123)
#define ActDelPstForInsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 124)
#define ActDelPstForInsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 125)
#define ActDelPstForGenUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 126)
#define ActDelPstForGenTch (ActUnfSevTch + 127)
#define ActDelPstForSWAUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 128)
#define ActDelPstForSWATch (ActUnfSevTch + 129)
#define ActEnbPstForCrsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 130)
#define ActEnbPstForCrsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 131)
#define ActEnbPstForDegUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 132)
#define ActEnbPstForDegTch (ActUnfSevTch + 133)
#define ActEnbPstForCtrUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 134)
#define ActEnbPstForCtrTch (ActUnfSevTch + 135)
#define ActEnbPstForInsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 136)
#define ActEnbPstForInsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 137)
#define ActEnbPstForGenUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 138)
#define ActEnbPstForGenTch (ActUnfSevTch + 139)
#define ActEnbPstForSWAUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 140)
#define ActEnbPstForSWATch (ActUnfSevTch + 141)
#define ActDisPstForCrsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 142)
#define ActDisPstForCrsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 143)
#define ActDisPstForDegUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 144)
#define ActDisPstForDegTch (ActUnfSevTch + 145)
#define ActDisPstForCtrUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 146)
#define ActDisPstForCtrTch (ActUnfSevTch + 147)
#define ActDisPstForInsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 148)
#define ActDisPstForInsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 149)
#define ActDisPstForGenUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 150)
#define ActDisPstForGenTch (ActUnfSevTch + 151)
#define ActDisPstForSWAUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 152)
#define ActDisPstForSWATch (ActUnfSevTch + 153)
#define ActSeeForCrsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 19)
#define ActSeeForCrsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 20)
#define ActSeeForDegUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 21)
#define ActSeeForDegTch (ActUnfSevTch + 22)
#define ActSeeForCtrUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 23)
#define ActSeeForCtrTch (ActUnfSevTch + 24)
#define ActSeeForInsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 25)
#define ActSeeForInsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 26)
#define ActSeeForGenUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 27)
#define ActSeeForGenTch (ActUnfSevTch + 28)
#define ActSeeForSWAUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 29)
#define ActSeeForSWATch (ActUnfSevTch + 30)
#define ActSeePstForCrsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 31)
#define ActSeePstForCrsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 32)
#define ActSeePstForDegUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 33)
#define ActSeePstForDegTch (ActUnfSevTch + 34)
#define ActSeePstForCtrUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 35)
#define ActSeePstForCtrTch (ActUnfSevTch + 36)
#define ActSeePstForInsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 37)
#define ActSeePstForInsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 38)
#define ActSeePstForGenUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 39)
#define ActSeePstForGenTch (ActUnfSevTch + 40)
#define ActSeePstForSWAUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 41)
#define ActSeePstForSWATch (ActUnfSevTch + 42)
#define ActRcvThrForCrsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 43)
#define ActRcvThrForCrsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 44)
#define ActRcvThrForDegUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 45)
#define ActRcvThrForDegTch (ActUnfSevTch + 46)
#define ActRcvThrForCtrUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 47)
#define ActRcvThrForCtrTch (ActUnfSevTch + 48)
#define ActRcvThrForInsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 49)
#define ActRcvThrForInsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 50)
#define ActRcvThrForGenUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 51)
#define ActRcvThrForGenTch (ActUnfSevTch + 52)
#define ActRcvThrForSWAUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 53)
#define ActRcvThrForSWATch (ActUnfSevTch + 54)
#define ActRcvRepForCrsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 55)
#define ActRcvRepForCrsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 56)
#define ActRcvRepForDegUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 57)
#define ActRcvRepForDegTch (ActUnfSevTch + 58)
#define ActRcvRepForCtrUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 59)
#define ActRcvRepForCtrTch (ActUnfSevTch + 60)
#define ActRcvRepForInsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 61)
#define ActRcvRepForInsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 62)
#define ActRcvRepForGenUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 63)
#define ActRcvRepForGenTch (ActUnfSevTch + 64)
#define ActRcvRepForSWAUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 65)
#define ActRcvRepForSWATch (ActUnfSevTch + 66)
#define ActReqDelThrCrsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 67)
#define ActReqDelThrCrsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 68)
#define ActReqDelThrDegUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 69)
#define ActReqDelThrDegTch (ActUnfSevTch + 70)
#define ActReqDelThrCtrUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 71)
#define ActReqDelThrCtrTch (ActUnfSevTch + 72)
#define ActReqDelThrInsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 73)
#define ActReqDelThrInsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 74)
#define ActReqDelThrGenUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 75)
#define ActReqDelThrGenTch (ActUnfSevTch + 76)
#define ActReqDelThrSWAUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 77)
#define ActReqDelThrSWATch (ActUnfSevTch + 78)
#define ActDelThrForCrsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 79)
#define ActDelThrForCrsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 80)
#define ActDelThrForDegUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 81)
#define ActDelThrForDegTch (ActUnfSevTch + 82)
#define ActDelThrForCtrUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 83)
#define ActDelThrForCtrTch (ActUnfSevTch + 84)
#define ActDelThrForInsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 85)
#define ActDelThrForInsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 86)
#define ActDelThrForGenUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 87)
#define ActDelThrForGenTch (ActUnfSevTch + 88)
#define ActDelThrForSWAUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 89)
#define ActDelThrForSWATch (ActUnfSevTch + 90)
#define ActCutThrForCrsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 91)
#define ActCutThrForCrsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 92)
#define ActCutThrForDegUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 93)
#define ActCutThrForDegTch (ActUnfSevTch + 94)
#define ActCutThrForCtrUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 95)
#define ActCutThrForCtrTch (ActUnfSevTch + 96)
#define ActCutThrForInsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 97)
#define ActCutThrForInsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 98)
#define ActCutThrForGenUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 99)
#define ActCutThrForGenTch (ActUnfSevTch + 100)
#define ActCutThrForSWAUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 101)
#define ActCutThrForSWATch (ActUnfSevTch + 102)
#define ActPasThrForCrsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 103)
#define ActPasThrForCrsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 104)
#define ActPasThrForDegUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 105)
#define ActPasThrForDegTch (ActUnfSevTch + 106)
#define ActPasThrForCtrUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 107)
#define ActPasThrForCtrTch (ActUnfSevTch + 108)
#define ActPasThrForInsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 109)
#define ActPasThrForInsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 110)
#define ActPasThrForGenUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 111)
#define ActPasThrForGenTch (ActUnfSevTch + 112)
#define ActPasThrForSWAUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 113)
#define ActPasThrForSWATch (ActUnfSevTch + 114)
#define ActDelPstForCrsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 115)
#define ActDelPstForCrsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 116)
#define ActDelPstForDegUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 117)
#define ActDelPstForDegTch (ActUnfSevTch + 118)
#define ActDelPstForCtrUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 119)
#define ActDelPstForCtrTch (ActUnfSevTch + 120)
#define ActDelPstForInsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 121)
#define ActDelPstForInsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 122)
#define ActDelPstForGenUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 123)
#define ActDelPstForGenTch (ActUnfSevTch + 124)
#define ActDelPstForSWAUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 125)
#define ActDelPstForSWATch (ActUnfSevTch + 126)
#define ActEnbPstForCrsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 127)
#define ActEnbPstForCrsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 128)
#define ActEnbPstForDegUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 129)
#define ActEnbPstForDegTch (ActUnfSevTch + 130)
#define ActEnbPstForCtrUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 131)
#define ActEnbPstForCtrTch (ActUnfSevTch + 132)
#define ActEnbPstForInsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 133)
#define ActEnbPstForInsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 134)
#define ActEnbPstForGenUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 135)
#define ActEnbPstForGenTch (ActUnfSevTch + 136)
#define ActEnbPstForSWAUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 137)
#define ActEnbPstForSWATch (ActUnfSevTch + 138)
#define ActDisPstForCrsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 139)
#define ActDisPstForCrsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 140)
#define ActDisPstForDegUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 141)
#define ActDisPstForDegTch (ActUnfSevTch + 142)
#define ActDisPstForCtrUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 143)
#define ActDisPstForCtrTch (ActUnfSevTch + 144)
#define ActDisPstForInsUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 145)
#define ActDisPstForInsTch (ActUnfSevTch + 146)
#define ActDisPstForGenUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 147)
#define ActDisPstForGenTch (ActUnfSevTch + 148)
#define ActDisPstForSWAUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 149)
#define ActDisPstForSWATch (ActUnfSevTch + 150)
#define ActCht (ActUnfSevTch + 154)
#define ActCht (ActUnfSevTch + 151)
#define ActReqMsgUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 152)
#define ActSeeRcvMsg (ActUnfSevTch + 153)
#define ActSeeSntMsg (ActUnfSevTch + 154)
#define ActRcvMsgUsr (ActUnfSevTch + 155)
#define ActReqDelAllSntMsg (ActUnfSevTch + 156)

View File

@ -555,8 +555,8 @@ enscript -2 --landscape --color --file-align=2 --highlight --line-numbers -o - *
En OpenSWAD:
ps2pdf destination.pdf
#define Log_PLATFORM_VERSION "SWAD 20.1 (2020-09-25)"
#define CSS_FILE "swad19.253.css"
#define Log_PLATFORM_VERSION "SWAD 20.1.1 (2020-09-25)"
#define CSS_FILE "swad20.1.1.css"
#define JS_FILE "swad19.254.js"
TODO: Juan Miguel Boyero Corral: Este verano ha habido varias personas que han solicitado incluir la funcionalidad del apartado de Actividades en SWADroid. Si lo ves viable podríamos estudiarlo.
@ -573,6 +573,12 @@ TODO: Que al generar un examen s
TODO: Create module swad_test_result
"sudo apt install webp" en Ubuntu, y "yum install libwebp libwebp-tools" en CentOS, para decodificar imágenes Web/ug reportado por Javier Fernández Baldomero.
Version 20.1.1: Sep 25, 2020 Old options related to messages removed from menu. (304394 lines)
Copy the following icon to icon public directory:
sudo cp icon/iconset/awesome/comment.svg /var/www/html/swad/icon/iconset/awesome/
sudo cp icon/iconset/awesome/comment-alt.svg /var/www/html/swad/icon/iconset/awesome/
sudo cp icon/iconset/nuvola/comment.svg /var/www/html/swad/icon/iconset/nuvola/
Version 20.1: Sep 25, 2020 Options related to messages are grouped into one. (304520 lines)
Copy the following 2 icons to icon public directory:
sudo cp icon/inbox.svg /var/www/html/swad/icon/

View File

@ -153,10 +153,7 @@ static const Act_Action_t Mnu_MenuActions[Tab_NUM_TABS][Act_MAX_OPTIONS_IN_MENU_
[ 2] = ActSeeFor,
[ 3] = ActSeeChtRms,
[ 4] = ActSeeMsg,
[ 5] = ActReqMsgUsr,
[ 6] = ActSeeRcvMsg,
[ 7] = ActSeeSntMsg,
[ 8] = ActReqMaiUsr,
[ 5] = ActReqMaiUsr,
[TabAna] = {
[ 0] = ActReqUseGbl,

View File

@ -2630,16 +2630,6 @@ static void Msg_PutIconsListMsgs (void *Messages)
extern const char *Txt_MSGS_Sent;
extern const char *Txt_MSGS_Received;
extern const char *Txt_MSGS_Write;
static struct
const Act_Action_t Act;
const char *Icon;
const char *Title;
} SeeRcvSntMsg[Msg_NUM_TYPES_OF_MSGS] =
[Msg_MESSAGES_RECEIVED] = {ActSeeSntMsg,"share.svg",NULL},
[Msg_MESSAGES_SENT ] = {ActSeeRcvMsg,"inbox.svg",NULL},
static const Act_Action_t ActionReqDelAllMsg[Msg_NUM_TYPES_OF_MSGS] =
@ -2655,12 +2645,14 @@ static void Msg_PutIconsListMsgs (void *Messages)
/***** Put icon to see received/sent messages *****/
SeeRcvSntMsg[Msg_MESSAGES_RECEIVED].Title = Txt_MSGS_Sent;
SeeRcvSntMsg[Msg_MESSAGES_SENT ].Title = Txt_MSGS_Received;
Lay_PutContextualLinkOnlyIcon (SeeRcvSntMsg[((struct Msg_Messages *) Messages)->TypeOfMessages].Act,NULL,
Lay_PutContextualLinkOnlyIcon (ActSeeRcvMsg,NULL,
SeeRcvSntMsg[((struct Msg_Messages *) Messages)->TypeOfMessages].Icon,
SeeRcvSntMsg[((struct Msg_Messages *) Messages)->TypeOfMessages].Title);
Lay_PutContextualLinkOnlyIcon (ActSeeSntMsg,NULL,
/***** Put icon to remove messages *****/
Ico_PutContextualIconToRemove (ActionReqDelAllMsg[((struct Msg_Messages *) Messages)->TypeOfMessages],

View File

@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ static const char *Tab_GetIcon (Tab_Tab_t NumTab)
[TabAss] = "check",
[TabFil] = "folder-open",
[TabUsr] = "users",
[TabMsg] = "envelope",
[TabMsg] = "comment",
[TabAna] = "chart-bar",
[TabPrf] = "user",

View File

@ -21085,70 +21085,7 @@ const char *Txt_MENU_TITLE[Tab_NUM_TABS][Act_MAX_OPTIONS_IN_MENU_PER_TAB] =
// 5: ActReqMsgUsr
#if L==1 // ca
#elif L==2 // de
#elif L==3 // en
#elif L==4 // es
#elif L==5 // fr
#elif L==6 // gn
"Redactar" // Okoteve traducción
#elif L==7 // it
#elif L==8 // pl
#elif L==9 // pt
// 6: ActSeeRcvMsg
#if L==1 // ca
#elif L==2 // de
#elif L==3 // en
#elif L==4 // es
#elif L==5 // fr
#elif L==6 // gn
"Recibidos" // Okoteve traducción
#elif L==7 // it
#elif L==8 // pl
#elif L==9 // pt
// 7: ActSeeSntMsg
#if L==1 // ca
#elif L==2 // de
#elif L==3 // en
#elif L==4 // es
#elif L==5 // fr
#elif L==6 // gn
"Enviados" // Okoteve traducción
#elif L==7 // it
#elif L==8 // pl
#elif L==9 // pt
// 8: ActReqMaiUsr
// 5: ActReqMaiUsr
#if L==1 // ca
#elif L==2 // de
@ -21169,6 +21106,9 @@ const char *Txt_MENU_TITLE[Tab_NUM_TABS][Act_MAX_OPTIONS_IN_MENU_PER_TAB] =
NULL, // 6
NULL, // 7
NULL, // 8
NULL, // 9
NULL, // 10
NULL, // 11
@ -23059,70 +22999,7 @@ const char *Txt_MENU_SUBTITLE[Tab_NUM_TABS][Act_MAX_OPTIONS_IN_MENU_PER_TAB] =
// 5: ActReqMsgUsr
#if L==1 // ca
"Enviament d'un nou missatge a altres usuaris"
#elif L==2 // de
"Neue Nachricht an andere Benutzer senden"
#elif L==3 // en
"Sending a new message to other users"
#elif L==4 // es
"Env&iacute;o de un nuevo mensaje a otros usuarios"
#elif L==5 // fr
"Envoi d'un nouveau message &agrave; d'autres utilisateurs"
#elif L==6 // gn
"Env&iacute;o de un nuevo mensaje a otros usuarios"// Okoteve traducción
#elif L==7 // it
"Invio di un nuovo messaggio ad altri utenti"
#elif L==8 // pl
"Wysy&lstrok;anie nowej wiadomo&sacute;ci do innych u&zdot;ytkownik&oacute;w"
#elif L==9 // pt
"Envio de uma nova mensagem para outros usu&aacute;rios"
// 6: ActSeeRcvMsg
#if L==1 // ca
"Missatges rebuts d'altres usuaris"
#elif L==2 // de
"Nachrichten, die von anderen Benutzern empfangen wurden"
#elif L==3 // en
"Messages received from other users"
#elif L==4 // es
"Mensajes recibidos de otros usuarios"
#elif L==5 // fr
"Messages re&ccedil;us d'autres utilisateurs"
#elif L==6 // gn
"Mensajes recibidos de otros usuarios" // Okoteve traducción
#elif L==7 // it
"Messaggi ricevuti da altri utenti"
#elif L==8 // pl
"Wiadomo&sacute;ci otrzymane od innych u&zdot;ytkownik&oacute;w"
#elif L==9 // pt
"Mensagens recebidas de outros usu&aacute;rios"
// 7: ActSeeSntMsg
#if L==1 // ca
"Missatges enviats per mi a altres usuaris"
#elif L==2 // de
"Nachrichten, die ich an andere Benutzer gesendet habe"
#elif L==3 // en
"Messages sent by me to other users"
#elif L==4 // es
"Mensajes enviados por m&iacute; a otros usuarios"
#elif L==5 // fr
"Messages envoy&eacute;s par moi &agrave; d'autres utilisateurs"
#elif L==6 // gn
"Mensajes enviados por m&iacute; a otros usuarios"// Okoteve traducción
#elif L==7 // it
"Messaggi inviati da me ad altri utenti"
#elif L==8 // pl
"Wiadomo&sacute;ci wysy&lstrok;ane przeze mnie do innych u&zdot;ytkownik&oacute;w"
#elif L==9 // pt
"Mensagens enviadas por mim para outros usu&aacute;rios"
// 8: ActReqMaiUsr
// 5: ActReqMaiUsr
#if L==1 // ca
"Creaci&oacute; d'un missatge de correu"
" per enviar-lo a usuaris d'aquesta assignatura"
@ -23149,6 +23026,9 @@ const char *Txt_MENU_SUBTITLE[Tab_NUM_TABS][Act_MAX_OPTIONS_IN_MENU_PER_TAB] =
NULL, // 6
NULL, // 7
NULL, // 8
NULL, // 9
NULL, // 10
NULL, // 11
@ -45738,7 +45618,7 @@ const char *Txt_TABS_TXT[Tab_NUM_TABS] =
#elif L==3 // en
#elif L==4 // es
#elif L==5 // fr
#elif L==6 // gn

View File

@ -25386,69 +25386,6 @@ const char *Txt_Actions[Act_NUM_ACTIONS] =
"" // Potrzebujesz tlumaczenie
#elif L==9 // pt
"" // Precisa de tradução
[ActReqMsgUsr] =
#if L==1 // ca
"" // Necessita traducció
#elif L==2 // de
"" // Need Übersetzung
#elif L==3 // en
"Write message to other users"
#elif L==4 // es
"Redactar mensaje a otros usuarios"
#elif L==5 // fr
"" // Besoin de traduction
#elif L==6 // gn
"Redactar mensaje a otros usuarios" // Okoteve traducción
#elif L==7 // it
"" // Bisogno di traduzione
#elif L==8 // pl
"" // Potrzebujesz tlumaczenie
#elif L==9 // pt
"" // Precisa de tradução
[ActSeeRcvMsg] =
#if L==1 // ca
"" // Necessita traducció
#elif L==2 // de
"" // Need Übersetzung
#elif L==3 // en
"Show the messages received from other users"
#elif L==4 // es
"Ver mensajes recibidos de otros usuarios"
#elif L==5 // fr
"" // Besoin de traduction
#elif L==6 // gn
"Ver mensajes recibidos de otros usuarios" // Okoteve traducción
#elif L==7 // it
"" // Bisogno di traduzione
#elif L==8 // pl
"" // Potrzebujesz tlumaczenie
#elif L==9 // pt
"" // Precisa de tradução
[ActSeeSntMsg] =
#if L==1 // ca
"" // Necessita traducció
#elif L==2 // de
"" // Need Übersetzung
#elif L==3 // en
"Show the messages sent to other users"
#elif L==4 // es
"Ver mensajes enviados a otros usuarios"
#elif L==5 // fr
"" // Besoin de traduction
#elif L==6 // gn
"Ver mensajes enviados a otros usuarios" // Okoteve traducción
#elif L==7 // it
"" // Bisogno di traduzione
#elif L==8 // pl
"" // Potrzebujesz tlumaczenie
#elif L==9 // pt
"" // Precisa de tradução
[ActReqMaiUsr] =
@ -28515,6 +28452,69 @@ const char *Txt_Actions[Act_NUM_ACTIONS] =
"" // Potrzebujesz tlumaczenie
#elif L==9 // pt
"" // Precisa de tradução
[ActReqMsgUsr] =
#if L==1 // ca
"" // Necessita traducció
#elif L==2 // de
"" // Need Übersetzung
#elif L==3 // en
"Write message to other users"
#elif L==4 // es
"Redactar mensaje a otros usuarios"
#elif L==5 // fr
"" // Besoin de traduction
#elif L==6 // gn
"Redactar mensaje a otros usuarios" // Okoteve traducción
#elif L==7 // it
"" // Bisogno di traduzione
#elif L==8 // pl
"" // Potrzebujesz tlumaczenie
#elif L==9 // pt
"" // Precisa de tradução
[ActSeeRcvMsg] =
#if L==1 // ca
"" // Necessita traducció
#elif L==2 // de
"" // Need Übersetzung
#elif L==3 // en
"Show the messages received from other users"
#elif L==4 // es
"Ver mensajes recibidos de otros usuarios"
#elif L==5 // fr
"" // Besoin de traduction
#elif L==6 // gn
"Ver mensajes recibidos de otros usuarios" // Okoteve traducción
#elif L==7 // it
"" // Bisogno di traduzione
#elif L==8 // pl
"" // Potrzebujesz tlumaczenie
#elif L==9 // pt
"" // Precisa de tradução
[ActSeeSntMsg] =
#if L==1 // ca
"" // Necessita traducció
#elif L==2 // de
"" // Need Übersetzung
#elif L==3 // en
"Show the messages sent to other users"
#elif L==4 // es
"Ver mensajes enviados a otros usuarios"
#elif L==5 // fr
"" // Besoin de traduction
#elif L==6 // gn
"Ver mensajes enviados a otros usuarios" // Okoteve traducción
#elif L==7 // it
"" // Bisogno di traduzione
#elif L==8 // pl
"" // Potrzebujesz tlumaczenie
#elif L==9 // pt
"" // Precisa de tradução
[ActRcvMsgUsr] =