Version 20.94.2: Jun 18, 2021 Queries moved to module swad_group_database.

This commit is contained in:
acanas 2021-06-18 18:39:21 +02:00
parent e18dd65470
commit e1db62661b
5 changed files with 185 additions and 124 deletions

View File

@ -602,13 +602,14 @@ TODO: FIX BUG, URGENT! En las fechas como par
TODO: En las encuestas, que los estudiantes no puedan ver los resultados hasta que no finalice el plazo.
#define Log_PLATFORM_VERSION "SWAD 20.94.1 (2021-06-17)"
#define Log_PLATFORM_VERSION "SWAD 20.94.2 (2021-06-18)"
#define CSS_FILE "swad20.45.css"
#define JS_FILE "swad20.69.1.js"
TODO: Rename CENTRE to CENTER in help wiki.
TODO: Rename ASSESSMENT.Announcements to ASSESSMENT.Calls_for_exams
Version 20.94.2: Jun 18, 2021 Queries moved to module swad_group_database. (313557 lines)
Version 20.94.1: Jun 17, 2021 Queries moved to module swad_group_database. (313511 lines)
Version 20.94: Jun 17, 2021 New module swad_group_database for database queries related to groups. (313489 lines)
Version 20.93: Jun 17, 2021 Code refactoring. (313382 lines)

View File

@ -1218,12 +1218,7 @@ static void Grp_RemoveUsrFromGroup (long UsrCod,long GrpCod)
bool ItsMe = Usr_ItsMe (UsrCod);
/***** Remove user from group *****/
DB_QueryDELETE ("can not remove a user from a group",
"DELETE FROM grp_users"
" WHERE GrpCod=%ld"
" AND UsrCod=%ld",
Grp_DB_RemoveUsrFromGrp (UsrCod,GrpCod);
/***** Flush caches *****/
Grp_FlushCacheUsrSharesAnyOfMyGrpsInCurrentCrs ();
@ -1967,49 +1962,49 @@ static bool Grp_ListGrpsForChangeMySelection (struct GroupType *GrpTyp,
/* Put radio item or checkbox to select the group */
HTM_TR_Begin (NULL);
if (IBelongToThisGroup)
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LM LIGHT_BLUE\"");
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LM\"");
if (IBelongToThisGroup)
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LM LIGHT_BLUE\"");
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LM\"");
snprintf (StrGrpCod,sizeof (StrGrpCod),"GrpCod%ld",GrpTyp->GrpTypCod);
if (Gbl.Usrs.Me.Role.Logged == Rol_STD && // If I am a student
!GrpTyp->MultipleEnrolment && // ...and the enrolment is single
GrpTyp->NumGrps > 1) // ...and there are more than one group
/* Put a radio item */
if (GrpTyp->MandatoryEnrolment)
HTM_INPUT_RADIO (StrGrpCod,false,
"id=\"Grp%ld\" value=\"%ld\"%s%s",
IBelongToThisGroup ? " checked=\"checked\"" : "", // Group selected?
ICanChangeMySelectionForThisGrp ? "" :
IBelongToThisGroup ? " readonly" : // I can not unregister (disabled does not work because the value is not submitted)
" disabled=\"disabled\""); // I can not register
else // If the enrolment is not mandatory, I can select no groups
HTM_INPUT_RADIO (StrGrpCod,false,
"id=\"Grp%ld\" value=\"%ld\"%s%s"
" onclick=\"selectUnselectRadio(this,this.form.GrpCod%ld,%u)\"",
IBelongToThisGroup ? " checked=\"checked\"" : "", // Group selected?
ICanChangeMySelectionForThisGrp ? "" :
IBelongToThisGroup ? " readonly" : // I can not unregister (disabled does not work because the value is not submitted)
" disabled=\"disabled\"", // I can not register
/* Put a checkbox item */
"id=\"Grp%ld\" value=\"%ld\"%s%s",
IBelongToThisGroup ? " checked=\"checked\"" : "",
ICanChangeMySelectionForThisGrp ? "" :
IBelongToThisGroup ? " readonly" : // I can not unregister (disabled does not work because the value is not submitted)
" disabled=\"disabled\""); // I can not register
snprintf (StrGrpCod,sizeof (StrGrpCod),"GrpCod%ld",GrpTyp->GrpTypCod);
if (Gbl.Usrs.Me.Role.Logged == Rol_STD && // If I am a student
!GrpTyp->MultipleEnrolment && // ...and the enrolment is single
GrpTyp->NumGrps > 1) // ...and there are more than one group
/* Put a radio item */
if (GrpTyp->MandatoryEnrolment)
HTM_INPUT_RADIO (StrGrpCod,false,
"id=\"Grp%ld\" value=\"%ld\"%s%s",
IBelongToThisGroup ? " checked=\"checked\"" : "", // Group selected?
ICanChangeMySelectionForThisGrp ? "" :
IBelongToThisGroup ? " readonly" : // I can not unregister (disabled does not work because the value is not submitted)
" disabled=\"disabled\""); // I can not register
else // If the enrolment is not mandatory, I can select no groups
HTM_INPUT_RADIO (StrGrpCod,false,
"id=\"Grp%ld\" value=\"%ld\"%s%s"
" onclick=\"selectUnselectRadio(this,this.form.GrpCod%ld,%u)\"",
IBelongToThisGroup ? " checked=\"checked\"" : "", // Group selected?
ICanChangeMySelectionForThisGrp ? "" :
IBelongToThisGroup ? " readonly" : // I can not unregister (disabled does not work because the value is not submitted)
" disabled=\"disabled\"", // I can not register
/* Put a checkbox item */
"id=\"Grp%ld\" value=\"%ld\"%s%s",
IBelongToThisGroup ? " checked=\"checked\"" : "",
ICanChangeMySelectionForThisGrp ? "" :
IBelongToThisGroup ? " readonly" : // I can not unregister (disabled does not work because the value is not submitted)
" disabled=\"disabled\""); // I can not register
HTM_TD_End ();
HTM_TD_End ();
Grp_WriteRowGrp (Grp,IBelongToThisGroup);
Grp_WriteRowGrp (Grp,IBelongToThisGroup);
HTM_TR_End ();
@ -2649,6 +2644,11 @@ void Grp_GetListGrpTypesInThisCrs (Grp_WhichGroupTypes_t WhichGroupTypes)
MYSQL_RES *mysql_res;
unsigned long NumGrpTyp;
static unsigned (*Grp_DB_GetGrpTypesInCurrentCrs[Grp_NUM_WHICH_GROUP_TYPES]) (MYSQL_RES **mysql_res) =
[Grp_ONLY_GROUP_TYPES_WITH_GROUPS] = Grp_DB_GetGrpTypesWithGrpsInCurrentCrs,
[Grp_ALL_GROUP_TYPES ] = Grp_DB_GetAllGrpTypesInCurrentCrs,
if (++Gbl.Crs.Grps.GrpTypes.NestedCalls > 1) // If list is created yet, there's nothing to do
@ -2657,61 +2657,8 @@ void Grp_GetListGrpTypesInThisCrs (Grp_WhichGroupTypes_t WhichGroupTypes)
if open time is in the past *****/
Grp_OpenGroupsAutomatically ();
/***** Get group types with groups + groups types without groups from database *****/
// The tables in the second part of the UNION requires ALIAS in order to LOCK TABLES when registering in groups
switch (WhichGroupTypes)
Gbl.Crs.Grps.GrpTypes.Num = (unsigned)
DB_QuerySELECT (&mysql_res,"can not get types of group of a course",
"SELECT grp_types.GrpTypCod," // row[0]
"grp_types.GrpTypName," // row[1]
"grp_types.Mandatory," // row[2]
"grp_types.Multiple," // row[3]
"grp_types.MustBeOpened," // row[4]
"UNIX_TIMESTAMP(grp_types.OpenTime)," // row[5]
"COUNT(grp_groups.GrpCod)" // row[6]
" FROM grp_types,"
" WHERE grp_types.CrsCod=%ld"
" AND grp_types.GrpTypCod=grp_groups.GrpTypCod"
" GROUP BY grp_types.GrpTypCod"
" ORDER BY grp_types.GrpTypName",
Gbl.Crs.Grps.GrpTypes.Num = (unsigned)
DB_QuerySELECT (&mysql_res,"can not get types of group of a course",
"(SELECT grp_types.GrpTypCod," // row[0]
"grp_types.GrpTypName AS GrpTypName," // row[1]
"grp_types.Mandatory," // row[2]
"grp_types.Multiple," // row[3]
"grp_types.MustBeOpened," // row[4]
"UNIX_TIMESTAMP(grp_types.OpenTime)," // row[5]
"COUNT(grp_groups.GrpCod)" // row[6]
" FROM grp_types,"
" WHERE grp_types.CrsCod=%ld"
" AND grp_types.GrpTypCod=grp_groups.GrpTypCod"
" GROUP BY grp_types.GrpTypCod)"
"(SELECT GrpTypCod," // row[0]
"GrpTypName," // row[1]
"Mandatory," // row[2]
"Multiple," // row[3]
"MustBeOpened," // row[4]
"UNIX_TIMESTAMP(OpenTime)," // row[5]
" FROM grp_types"
" WHERE CrsCod=%ld"
" AND GrpTypCod NOT IN"
" (SELECT GrpTypCod"
" FROM grp_groups))"
" ORDER BY GrpTypName",
/***** Get group types from database *****/
Gbl.Crs.Grps.GrpTypes.Num = Grp_DB_GetGrpTypesInCurrentCrs[WhichGroupTypes] (&mysql_res);
/***** Get group types *****/
Gbl.Crs.Grps.GrpTypes.NumGrpsTotal = 0;
@ -2780,37 +2727,20 @@ void Grp_OpenGroupsAutomatically (void)
long GrpTypCod;
/***** Find group types to be opened *****/
NumGrpTypes = (unsigned)
DB_QuerySELECT (&mysql_res,"can not get the types of group to be opened",
"SELECT GrpTypCod"
" FROM grp_types"
" WHERE CrsCod=%ld"
" AND MustBeOpened='Y'"
" AND OpenTime<=NOW()",
NumGrpTypes = Grp_DB_GetGrpTypesInCurrentCrsToBeOpened (&mysql_res);
for (NumGrpTyp = 0;
NumGrpTyp < NumGrpTypes;
/* Get next group TYPE */
/* Get next group type */
if ((GrpTypCod = DB_GetNextCode (mysql_res)) > 0)
/***** Open all the closed groups in this course the must be opened
and with open time in the past ****/
DB_QueryUPDATE ("can not open groups",
"UPDATE grp_groups"
" SET Open='Y'"
" WHERE GrpTypCod=%ld"
" AND Open='N'",
/***** Open all the closed groups of this type that are closed ****/
Grp_DB_OpenGrpsOfType (GrpTypCod);
/***** To not try to open groups again, set MustBeOpened to false *****/
DB_QueryUPDATE ("can not update the opening of a type of group",
"UPDATE grp_types"
" SET MustBeOpened='N'"
" WHERE GrpTypCod=%ld",
Grp_DB_ClearMustBeOpened (GrpTypCod);

View File

@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
/******************************* Public types ********************************/
typedef enum

View File

@ -280,6 +280,85 @@ bool Grp_DB_CheckIfIBelongToGrpsOfType (long GrpTypCod)
Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod) != 0);
/************** Get group types with groups in current course ****************/
unsigned Grp_DB_GetGrpTypesWithGrpsInCurrentCrs (MYSQL_RES **mysql_res)
return (unsigned)
DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get types of group of a course",
"SELECT grp_types.GrpTypCod," // row[0]
"grp_types.GrpTypName," // row[1]
"grp_types.Mandatory," // row[2]
"grp_types.Multiple," // row[3]
"grp_types.MustBeOpened," // row[4]
"UNIX_TIMESTAMP(grp_types.OpenTime)," // row[5]
"COUNT(grp_groups.GrpCod)" // row[6]
" FROM grp_types,"
" WHERE grp_types.CrsCod=%ld"
" AND grp_types.GrpTypCod=grp_groups.GrpTypCod"
" GROUP BY grp_types.GrpTypCod"
" ORDER BY grp_types.GrpTypName",
/********** Get group types with or without groups in current course *********/
unsigned Grp_DB_GetAllGrpTypesInCurrentCrs (MYSQL_RES **mysql_res)
// The tables in the second part of the UNION requires ALIAS in order to LOCK TABLES when registering in groups
return (unsigned)
DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get types of group of a course",
"(SELECT grp_types.GrpTypCod," // row[0]
"grp_types.GrpTypName AS GrpTypName," // row[1]
"grp_types.Mandatory," // row[2]
"grp_types.Multiple," // row[3]
"grp_types.MustBeOpened," // row[4]
"UNIX_TIMESTAMP(grp_types.OpenTime)," // row[5]
"COUNT(grp_groups.GrpCod)" // row[6]
" FROM grp_types,"
" WHERE grp_types.CrsCod=%ld"
" AND grp_types.GrpTypCod=grp_groups.GrpTypCod"
" GROUP BY grp_types.GrpTypCod)"
"(SELECT GrpTypCod," // row[0]
"GrpTypName," // row[1]
"Mandatory," // row[2]
"Multiple," // row[3]
"MustBeOpened," // row[4]
"UNIX_TIMESTAMP(OpenTime)," // row[5]
" FROM grp_types"
" WHERE CrsCod=%ld"
" AND GrpTypCod NOT IN"
" (SELECT GrpTypCod"
" FROM grp_groups))"
" ORDER BY GrpTypName",
/*********** Get group types in current course that must be opened ***********/
unsigned Grp_DB_GetGrpTypesInCurrentCrsToBeOpened (MYSQL_RES **mysql_res)
return (unsigned)
DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get the types of group to be opened",
"SELECT GrpTypCod"
" FROM grp_types"
" WHERE CrsCod=%ld"
" AND MustBeOpened='Y'"
" AND OpenTime<=NOW()",
/*********** Query the number of groups that hay in this course **************/
@ -396,6 +475,33 @@ bool Grp_DB_CheckIfAssociatedToGrps (const char *Table,const char *Field,long Co
Field,Cod) != 0);
/******************** Open all the closed groups of a tyoe *******************/
void Grp_DB_OpenGrpsOfType (long GrpTypCod)
DB_QueryUPDATE ("can not open groups",
"UPDATE grp_groups"
" SET Open='Y'"
" WHERE GrpTypCod=%ld"
" AND Open='N'",
/******************** Set type of group to not be opened *********************/
void Grp_DB_ClearMustBeOpened (long GrpTypCod)
DB_QueryUPDATE ("can not update the opening of a type of group",
"UPDATE grp_types"
" SET MustBeOpened='N'"
" WHERE GrpTypCod=%ld",
/*********************** Register a user in a group **************************/
@ -411,6 +517,20 @@ void Grp_DB_AddUsrToGrp (long UsrCod,long GrpCod)
/************************* Remove a user from a group ************************/
void Grp_DB_RemoveUsrFromGrp (long UsrCod,long GrpCod)
DB_QueryDELETE ("can not remove a user from a group",
"DELETE FROM grp_users"
" WHERE GrpCod=%ld"
" AND UsrCod=%ld",
/*************** Remove a user of all the groups of a course *****************/

View File

@ -61,6 +61,11 @@ unsigned Grp_DB_CountNumUsrsInNoGrpsOfType (Rol_Role_t Role,long GrpTypCod);
bool Grp_DB_CheckIfIBelongToGrpsOfType (long GrpTypCod);
unsigned Grp_DB_GetGrpTypesWithGrpsInCurrentCrs (MYSQL_RES **mysql_res);
unsigned Grp_DB_GetAllGrpTypesInCurrentCrs (MYSQL_RES **mysql_res);
unsigned Grp_DB_GetGrpTypesInCurrentCrsToBeOpened (MYSQL_RES **mysql_res);
unsigned Grp_DB_CountNumGrpsInCurrentCrs (void);
unsigned Grp_DB_CountNumGrpsInThisCrsOfType (long GrpTypCod);
unsigned Grp_DB_GetGrpsOfType (MYSQL_RES **mysql_res,long GrpTypCod);
@ -71,8 +76,12 @@ bool Grp_DB_CheckIfAssociatedToGrp (const char *Table,const char *Field,
long Cod,long GrpCod);
bool Grp_DB_CheckIfAssociatedToGrps (const char *Table,const char *Field,long Cod);
void Grp_DB_OpenGrpsOfType (long GrpTypCod);
void Grp_DB_ClearMustBeOpened (long GrpTypCod);
void Grp_DB_AddUsrToGrp (long UsrCod,long GrpCod);
void Grp_DB_RemoveUsrFromGrp (long UsrCod,long GrpCod);
void Grp_DB_RemUsrFromAllGrpsInCrs (long UsrCod,long CrsCod);
void Grp_DB_RemUsrFromAllGrps (long UsrCod);