
This commit is contained in:
Antonio Cañas Vargas 2019-04-04 14:48:05 +02:00
parent 9455534308
commit 762609056b
6 changed files with 234 additions and 79 deletions

View File

@ -464,10 +464,14 @@ En OpenSWAD:
ps2pdf destination.pdf
#define Log_PLATFORM_VERSION "SWAD 18.95.1 (2019-04-03)"
#define Log_PLATFORM_VERSION "SWAD 18.96 (2019-04-03)"
#define CSS_FILE "swad18.92.css"
#define JS_FILE "swad18.92.js"
TODO: Fix: Campos tienen que aparecer rellenos en formulario de creación tras editar una institución existente
Version 18.96: Apr 03, 2019 Code refactoring in edition of institutions.
Fixed bug in creation of country. (241724 lines)
Version 18.95.1: Apr 03, 2019 Code refactoring in edition of countries. (241607 lines)
Version 18.95: Apr 03, 2019 Code refactoring related to hierarchy. (241575 lines)
Version 18.94.2: Apr 03, 2019 Remember last role even if last access is old. (241531 lines)

View File

@ -2282,9 +2282,9 @@ static void Cty_CreateCountry (struct Country *Cty)
DB_QueryINSERT ("can not create country",
"INSERT INTO countries"
" (CtyCod,Alpha2%s%s)"
" (CtyCod,Alpha2,MapAttribution%s%s)"
" ('%03ld','%s'%s%s)",
" ('%03ld','%s',''%s%s)",
@ -2446,15 +2446,15 @@ void Cty_ListCtysFound (MYSQL_RES **mysql_res,unsigned NumCtys)
/*********************** Country constructor/destructor **********************/
// *Cty must be null
// *Cty must be NULL
static void Cty_CountryConstructor (struct Country **Cty)
Lan_Language_t Lan;
/***** *Cty must be NULL *****/
if (*Cty == NULL)
Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Error trying to initialyze country.");
if (*Cty != NULL)
Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Error initializinig country.");
/***** Allocate memory for country *****/
if ((*Cty = (struct Country *) malloc (sizeof (struct Country))) == NULL)
@ -2462,10 +2462,22 @@ static void Cty_CountryConstructor (struct Country **Cty)
/***** Reset country *****/
(*Cty)->CtyCod = -1L;
(*Cty)->Alpha2[0] = '\0';
for (Lan = (Lan_Language_t) 1;
(*Cty)->Name[Lan][0] = '\0';
(*Cty)->WWW [Lan][0] = '\0';
(*Cty)->Inss.Num = 0;
(*Cty)->Inss.Lst = NULL;
(*Cty)->Inss.SelectedOrder = Ins_ORDER_DEFAULT;
(*Cty)->NumCtrs = 0;
(*Cty)->NumDegs = 0;
(*Cty)->NumCrss = 0;
(*Cty)->NumUsrs = 0;
(*Cty)->NumUsrsWhoClaimToBelongToCty = 0;
static void Cty_CountryDestructor (struct Country **Cty)

View File

@ -236,13 +236,6 @@ void Gbl_InitializeGlobals (void)
Gbl.Hierarchy.Cty.Inss.Num = 0;
Gbl.Hierarchy.Cty.Inss.Lst = NULL;
Gbl.Hierarchy.Cty.Inss.SelectedOrder = Ins_ORDER_DEFAULT;
Gbl.Inss.EditingIns.InsCod = -1L;
Gbl.Inss.EditingIns.CtyCod = -1L;
Gbl.Inss.EditingIns.ShrtName[0] = '\0';
Gbl.Inss.EditingIns.FullName[0] = '\0';
Gbl.Inss.EditingIns.WWW[0] = '\0';
Gbl.Inss.EditingIns.Ctrs.Num = Gbl.Inss.EditingIns.NumDpts = Gbl.Inss.EditingIns.NumDegs = 0;
Gbl.Inss.EditingIns.NumUsrs = 0;
Gbl.Hierarchy.Sys.Ctys.Num = 0;
Gbl.Hierarchy.Sys.Ctys.Lst = NULL;

View File

@ -214,10 +214,6 @@ struct Globals
struct Degree Deg; // Current degree
struct Course Crs; // Current course. Aditional info about course is stored in Gbl.Crs.
} Hierarchy;
struct Instit EditingIns;
} Inss;
struct Centre EditingCtr;

View File

@ -579,7 +579,6 @@ void Hie_InitHierarchy (void)
/***** Initialize default fields for edition to current values *****/
Gbl.Inss.EditingIns.CtyCod = Gbl.Hierarchy.Cty.CtyCod;
Gbl.Ctrs.EditingCtr.InsCod =
Gbl.Dpts.EditingDpt.InsCod = Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins.InsCod;
Gbl.Degs.EditingDeg.CtrCod = Gbl.Hierarchy.Ctr.CtrCod;

View File

@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ static void Ins_PutIconToViewInstitutions (void);
static void Ins_GetShrtNameAndCtyOfInstitution (struct Instit *Ins,
char CtyName[Hie_MAX_BYTES_FULL_NAME + 1]);
static void Ins_ListInstitutionsForEdition (void);
static void Ins_ListInstitutionsForEdition (struct Instit *Ins);
static bool Ins_CheckIfICanEdit (struct Instit *Ins);
static Ins_StatusTxt_t Ins_GetStatusTxtFromStatusBits (Ins_Status_t Status);
static Ins_Status_t Ins_GetStatusBitsFromStatusTxt (Ins_StatusTxt_t StatusTxt);
@ -102,13 +102,20 @@ static void Ins_UpdateInsNameDB (long InsCod,const char *FieldName,const char *N
static void Ins_UpdateInsCtyDB (long InsCod,long CtyCod);
static void Ins_UpdateInsWWWDB (long InsCod,const char NewWWW[Cns_MAX_BYTES_WWW + 1]);
static void Ins_ShowAlertAndButtonToGoToIns (void);
static void Ins_ShowAlertAndButtonToGoToIns (long InsCod);
static void Ins_PutParamGoToIns (void);
static void Ins_PutFormToCreateInstitution (void);
static void Ins_PutFormToCreateInstitution (struct Instit *Ins);
static void Ins_PutHeadInstitutionsForEdition (void);
static void Ins_RecFormRequestOrCreateIns (unsigned Status);
static void Ins_CreateInstitution (unsigned Status);
static void Ins_RecFormRequestOrCreateIns (struct Instit *Ins,unsigned Status);
static void Ins_CreateInstitution (struct Instit *Ins,unsigned Status);
static void Ins_InstitutionConstructor (struct Instit **Ins);
static void Ins_InstitutionDestructor (struct Instit **Ins);
static void Ins_SetEditingInsCod (long InsCod);
static long Ins_GetEditingInsCod (void);
static long *Ins_GetPtrToEditingInsCod (void);
/***************** List institutions with pending centres ********************/
@ -935,6 +942,7 @@ void Ins_EditInstitutions (void)
extern const char *Hlp_COUNTRY_Institutions;
extern const char *Txt_Institutions_of_COUNTRY_X;
struct Instit *Ins = NULL;
/***** Get list of institutions *****/
Ins_GetListInstitutions (Gbl.Hierarchy.Cty.CtyCod,Ins_GET_EXTRA_DATA);
@ -949,12 +957,18 @@ void Ins_EditInstitutions (void)
Box_StartBox (NULL,Gbl.Title,Ins_PutIconsEditingInstitutions,
/***** Institution constructor *****/
Ins_InstitutionConstructor (&Ins);
/***** Put a form to create a new institution *****/
Ins_PutFormToCreateInstitution ();
Ins_PutFormToCreateInstitution (Ins);
/***** Forms to edit current institutions *****/
if (Gbl.Hierarchy.Cty.Inss.Num)
Ins_ListInstitutionsForEdition ();
Ins_ListInstitutionsForEdition (Ins);
/***** Institution destructor *****/
Ins_InstitutionDestructor (&Ins);
/***** End box *****/
Box_EndBox ();
@ -1438,11 +1452,10 @@ void Ins_WriteSelectorOfInstitution (void)
/************************* List all the institutions *************************/
static void Ins_ListInstitutionsForEdition (void)
static void Ins_ListInstitutionsForEdition (struct Instit *Ins)
extern const char *Txt_INSTITUTION_STATUS[Ins_NUM_STATUS_TXT];
unsigned NumIns;
struct Instit *Ins;
char WWW[Cns_MAX_BYTES_WWW + 1];
struct UsrData UsrDat;
bool ICanEdit;
@ -1778,13 +1791,33 @@ void Ins_RemoveInstitution (void)
void Ins_RenameInsShort (void)
Gbl.Inss.EditingIns.InsCod = Ins_GetAndCheckParamOtherInsCod (1);
Ins_RenameInstitution (&Gbl.Inss.EditingIns,Cns_SHRT_NAME);
struct Instit *Ins = NULL;
/***** Institution constructor *****/
Ins_InstitutionConstructor (&Ins);
/***** Rename institution *****/
Ins->InsCod = Ins_GetAndCheckParamOtherInsCod (1);
Ins_SetEditingInsCod (Ins->InsCod); // It will be used later
Ins_RenameInstitution (Ins,Cns_SHRT_NAME);
/***** Institution destructor *****/
Ins_InstitutionDestructor (&Ins);
void Ins_RenameInsShortInConfig (void)
Ins_RenameInstitution (&Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins,Cns_SHRT_NAME);
struct Instit *Ins = NULL;
/***** Institution constructor *****/
Ins_InstitutionConstructor (&Ins);
/***** Rename institution *****/
Ins->InsCod = Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins.InsCod;
Ins_RenameInstitution (Ins,Cns_SHRT_NAME);
/***** Institution destructor *****/
Ins_InstitutionDestructor (&Ins);
@ -1793,13 +1826,33 @@ void Ins_RenameInsShortInConfig (void)
void Ins_RenameInsFull (void)
Gbl.Inss.EditingIns.InsCod = Ins_GetAndCheckParamOtherInsCod (1);
Ins_RenameInstitution (&Gbl.Inss.EditingIns,Cns_FULL_NAME);
struct Instit *Ins = NULL;
/***** Institution constructor *****/
Ins_InstitutionConstructor (&Ins);
/***** Rename institution *****/
Ins->InsCod = Ins_GetAndCheckParamOtherInsCod (1);
Ins_SetEditingInsCod (Ins->InsCod); // It will be used later
Ins_RenameInstitution (Ins,Cns_FULL_NAME);
/***** Institution destructor *****/
Ins_InstitutionDestructor (&Ins);
void Ins_RenameInsFullInConfig (void)
Ins_RenameInstitution (&Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins,Cns_FULL_NAME);
struct Instit *Ins = NULL;
/***** Institution constructor *****/
Ins_InstitutionConstructor (&Ins);
/***** Rename institution *****/
Ins->InsCod = Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins.InsCod;
Ins_RenameInstitution (Ins,Cns_FULL_NAME);
/***** Institution destructor *****/
Ins_InstitutionDestructor (&Ins);
@ -1991,24 +2044,28 @@ void Ins_ChangeInsWWW (void)
extern const char *Txt_The_new_web_address_is_X;
extern const char *Txt_You_can_not_leave_the_web_address_empty;
struct Instit *Ins = NULL;
char NewWWW[Cns_MAX_BYTES_WWW + 1];
/***** Institution constructor *****/
Ins_InstitutionConstructor (&Ins);
/***** Get parameters from form *****/
/* Get the code of the institution */
Gbl.Inss.EditingIns.InsCod = Ins_GetAndCheckParamOtherInsCod (1);
Ins->InsCod = Ins_GetAndCheckParamOtherInsCod (1);
/* Get the new WWW for the institution */
Par_GetParToText ("WWW",NewWWW,Cns_MAX_BYTES_WWW);
/***** Get data of institution *****/
Ins_GetDataOfInstitutionByCod (&Gbl.Inss.EditingIns,Ins_GET_BASIC_DATA);
Ins_GetDataOfInstitutionByCod (Ins,Ins_GET_BASIC_DATA);
/***** Check if new WWW is empty *****/
if (NewWWW[0])
/***** Update database changing old WWW by new WWW *****/
Ins_UpdateInsWWWDB (Gbl.Inss.EditingIns.InsCod,NewWWW);
Str_Copy (Gbl.Inss.EditingIns.WWW,NewWWW,
Ins_UpdateInsWWWDB (Ins->InsCod,NewWWW);
Str_Copy (Ins->WWW,NewWWW,
/***** Write message to show the change made
@ -2016,11 +2073,14 @@ void Ins_ChangeInsWWW (void)
Ale_CreateAlert (Ale_SUCCESS,NULL,
Ins_ShowAlertAndButtonToGoToIns ();
Ins_ShowAlertAndButtonToGoToIns (Ins->InsCod);
Ale_ShowAlert (Ale_WARNING,Txt_You_can_not_leave_the_web_address_empty);
/***** Institution destructor *****/
Ins_InstitutionDestructor (&Ins);
/***** Show the form again *****/
Ins_EditInstitutions ();
@ -2073,12 +2133,16 @@ static void Ins_UpdateInsWWWDB (long InsCod,const char NewWWW[Cns_MAX_BYTES_WWW
void Ins_ChangeInsStatus (void)
extern const char *Txt_The_status_of_the_institution_X_has_changed;
struct Instit *Ins = NULL;
Ins_Status_t Status;
Ins_StatusTxt_t StatusTxt;
/***** Institution constructor *****/
Ins_InstitutionConstructor (&Ins);
/***** Get parameters from form *****/
/* Get institution code */
Gbl.Inss.EditingIns.InsCod = Ins_GetAndCheckParamOtherInsCod (1);
Ins->InsCod = Ins_GetAndCheckParamOtherInsCod (1);
/* Get parameter with status */
Status = (Ins_Status_t)
@ -2092,20 +2156,23 @@ void Ins_ChangeInsStatus (void)
Status = Ins_GetStatusBitsFromStatusTxt (StatusTxt); // New status
/***** Get data of institution *****/
Ins_GetDataOfInstitutionByCod (&Gbl.Inss.EditingIns,Ins_GET_BASIC_DATA);
Ins_GetDataOfInstitutionByCod (Ins,Ins_GET_BASIC_DATA);
/***** Update status in table of institutions *****/
DB_QueryUPDATE ("can not update the status of an institution",
"UPDATE institutions SET Status=%u WHERE InsCod=%ld",
(unsigned) Status,Gbl.Inss.EditingIns.InsCod);
Gbl.Inss.EditingIns.Status = Status;
(unsigned) Status,Ins->InsCod);
Ins->Status = Status;
/***** Write message to show the change made
and put button to go to institution changed *****/
Ale_CreateAlert (Ale_SUCCESS,NULL,
Ins_ShowAlertAndButtonToGoToIns ();
Ins_ShowAlertAndButtonToGoToIns (Ins->InsCod);
/***** Institution destructor *****/
Ins_InstitutionDestructor (&Ins);
/***** Show the form again *****/
Ins_EditInstitutions ();
@ -2119,7 +2186,7 @@ void Ins_ContEditAfterChgIns (void)
/***** Write message to show the change made
and put button to go to institution changed *****/
Ins_ShowAlertAndButtonToGoToIns ();
Ins_ShowAlertAndButtonToGoToIns (Ins_GetEditingInsCod ());
/***** Show the form again *****/
Ins_EditInstitutions ();
@ -2129,18 +2196,18 @@ void Ins_ContEditAfterChgIns (void)
/*************** Write message to show the change made *****************/
/*************** and put button to go to institution changed *****************/
// Gbl.Degs.EditingDeg is the degree that is beeing edited
// Gbl.Hierarchy.Deg is the current degree
static void Ins_ShowAlertAndButtonToGoToIns (void)
static void Ins_ShowAlertAndButtonToGoToIns (long InsCod)
extern const char *Txt_Go_to_X;
// If the institution beeing edited is different to the current one...
if (Gbl.Inss.EditingIns.InsCod != Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins.InsCod)
if (InsCod != Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins.InsCod)
/***** Alert with button to go to degree *****/
Ins_SetEditingInsCod (InsCod); // Parameter to function
Ale_ShowLastAlertAndButton (ActSeeCtr,NULL,NULL,Ins_PutParamGoToIns,
/***** Alert *****/
Ale_ShowAlerts (NULL);
@ -2148,7 +2215,7 @@ static void Ins_ShowAlertAndButtonToGoToIns (void)
static void Ins_PutParamGoToIns (void)
Ins_PutParamInsCod (Gbl.Inss.EditingIns.InsCod);
Ins_PutParamInsCod (Ins_GetEditingInsCod ());
@ -2182,7 +2249,7 @@ void Ins_RemoveLogo (void)
/****************** Put a form to create a new institution *******************/
static void Ins_PutFormToCreateInstitution (void)
static void Ins_PutFormToCreateInstitution (struct Instit *Ins)
extern const char *Txt_New_institution;
extern const char *Txt_Create_institution;
@ -2221,7 +2288,7 @@ static void Ins_PutFormToCreateInstitution (void)
" class=\"INPUT_SHORT_NAME\""
" required=\"required\" />"
/***** Institution full name *****/
fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"<td class=\"LEFT_MIDDLE\">"
@ -2230,7 +2297,7 @@ static void Ins_PutFormToCreateInstitution (void)
" class=\"INPUT_FULL_NAME\""
" required=\"required\" />"
/***** Institution WWW *****/
fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"<td class=\"LEFT_MIDDLE\">"
@ -2239,7 +2306,7 @@ static void Ins_PutFormToCreateInstitution (void)
" class=\"INPUT_WWW\""
" required=\"required\" />"
/***** Number of users who claim to belong to this institution ****/
fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"<td class=\"DAT RIGHT_MIDDLE\">"
@ -2335,7 +2402,16 @@ static void Ins_PutHeadInstitutionsForEdition (void)
void Ins_RecFormReqIns (void)
Ins_RecFormRequestOrCreateIns ((unsigned) Ins_STATUS_BIT_PENDING);
struct Instit *Ins = NULL;
/***** Institution constructor *****/
Ins_InstitutionConstructor (&Ins);
/***** Receive form to request a new institution *****/
Ins_RecFormRequestOrCreateIns (Ins,(unsigned) Ins_STATUS_BIT_PENDING);
/***** Institution destructor *****/
Ins_InstitutionDestructor (&Ins);
@ -2344,14 +2420,23 @@ void Ins_RecFormReqIns (void)
void Ins_RecFormNewIns (void)
Ins_RecFormRequestOrCreateIns (0);
struct Instit *Ins = NULL;
/***** Institution constructor *****/
Ins_InstitutionConstructor (&Ins);
/***** Receive form to create a new institution *****/
Ins_RecFormRequestOrCreateIns (Ins,0);
/***** Institution destructor *****/
Ins_InstitutionDestructor (&Ins);
/*********** Receive form to request or create a new institution *************/
static void Ins_RecFormRequestOrCreateIns (unsigned Status)
static void Ins_RecFormRequestOrCreateIns (struct Instit *Ins,unsigned Status)
extern const char *Txt_The_institution_X_already_exists;
extern const char *Txt_You_must_specify_the_web_address_of_the_new_institution;
@ -2359,31 +2444,31 @@ static void Ins_RecFormRequestOrCreateIns (unsigned Status)
/***** Get parameters from form *****/
/* Set institution country */
Gbl.Inss.EditingIns.CtyCod = Gbl.Hierarchy.Cty.CtyCod;
Ins->CtyCod = Gbl.Hierarchy.Cty.CtyCod;
/* Get institution short name */
Par_GetParToText ("ShortName",Gbl.Inss.EditingIns.ShrtName,Hie_MAX_BYTES_SHRT_NAME);
Par_GetParToText ("ShortName",Ins->ShrtName,Hie_MAX_BYTES_SHRT_NAME);
/* Get institution full name */
Par_GetParToText ("FullName",Gbl.Inss.EditingIns.FullName,Hie_MAX_BYTES_FULL_NAME);
Par_GetParToText ("FullName",Ins->FullName,Hie_MAX_BYTES_FULL_NAME);
/* Get institution WWW */
Par_GetParToText ("WWW",Gbl.Inss.EditingIns.WWW,Cns_MAX_BYTES_WWW);
Par_GetParToText ("WWW",Ins->WWW,Cns_MAX_BYTES_WWW);
if (Gbl.Inss.EditingIns.ShrtName[0] &&
Gbl.Inss.EditingIns.FullName[0]) // If there's a institution name
if (Ins->ShrtName[0] &&
Ins->FullName[0]) // If there's a institution name
if (Gbl.Inss.EditingIns.WWW[0])
if (Ins->WWW[0])
/***** If name of institution was in database... *****/
if (Ins_CheckIfInsNameExistsInCty ("ShortName",Gbl.Inss.EditingIns.ShrtName,-1L,Gbl.Hierarchy.Cty.CtyCod))
if (Ins_CheckIfInsNameExistsInCty ("ShortName",Ins->ShrtName,-1L,Gbl.Hierarchy.Cty.CtyCod))
Ale_ShowAlert (Ale_WARNING,Txt_The_institution_X_already_exists,
else if (Ins_CheckIfInsNameExistsInCty ("FullName",Gbl.Inss.EditingIns.FullName,-1L,Gbl.Hierarchy.Cty.CtyCod))
else if (Ins_CheckIfInsNameExistsInCty ("FullName",Ins->FullName,-1L,Gbl.Hierarchy.Cty.CtyCod))
Ale_ShowAlert (Ale_WARNING,Txt_The_institution_X_already_exists,
else // Add new institution to database
Ins_CreateInstitution (Status);
Ins_CreateInstitution (Ins,Status);
else // If there is not a web
Ale_ShowAlert (Ale_WARNING,Txt_You_must_specify_the_web_address_of_the_new_institution);
@ -2398,32 +2483,31 @@ static void Ins_RecFormRequestOrCreateIns (unsigned Status)
/************************** Create a new institution *************************/
// Gbl.Inss.EditingIns must hold the institution beeing edited
static void Ins_CreateInstitution (unsigned Status)
static void Ins_CreateInstitution (struct Instit *Ins,unsigned Status)
extern const char *Txt_Created_new_institution_X;
/***** Create a new institution *****/
Gbl.Inss.EditingIns.InsCod =
Ins->InsCod =
DB_QueryINSERTandReturnCode ("can not create institution",
"INSERT INTO institutions"
" (CtyCod,Status,RequesterUsrCod,ShortName,FullName,WWW)"
" (%ld,%u,%ld,'%s','%s','%s')",
/***** Write message to show the change made
and put button to go to institution created *****/
Ale_CreateAlert (Ale_SUCCESS,NULL,
Ins_ShowAlertAndButtonToGoToIns ();
Ins_ShowAlertAndButtonToGoToIns (Ins->InsCod);
@ -2570,3 +2654,70 @@ void Ins_ListInssFound (MYSQL_RES **mysql_res,unsigned NumInss)
/***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/
DB_FreeMySQLResult (mysql_res);
/********************** Institution constructor/destructor *******************/
// *Ins must be NULL
static void Ins_InstitutionConstructor (struct Instit **Ins)
/***** *Ins must be NULL *****/
if (*Ins != NULL)
Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Error initializinig institution.");
/***** Allocate memory for institution *****/
if ((*Ins = (struct Instit *) malloc (sizeof (struct Instit))) == NULL)
Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Error allocating memory for institution.");
/***** Reset institution *****/
(*Ins)->InsCod = -1L;
(*Ins)->CtyCod = -1L;
(*Ins)->ShrtName[0] = '\0';
(*Ins)->FullName[0] = '\0';
(*Ins)->WWW[0] = '\0';
(*Ins)->Ctrs.Num = 0;
(*Ins)->Ctrs.Lst = NULL;
(*Ins)->Ctrs.SelectedOrder = Ctr_ORDER_DEFAULT;
(*Ins)->NumDpts = 0;
(*Ins)->NumDegs = 0;
(*Ins)->NumUsrs = 0;
(*Ins)->NumUsrsWhoClaimToBelongToIns = 0;
static void Ins_InstitutionDestructor (struct Instit **Ins)
/***** Free memory used for institution *****/
if (*Ins != NULL)
free ((void *) *Ins);
*Ins = NULL;
/************* Institution code of the institution beeing edited *************/
static void Ins_SetEditingInsCod (long InsCod)
long *EditingInsCod;
EditingInsCod = Ins_GetPtrToEditingInsCod ();
*EditingInsCod = InsCod;
static long Ins_GetEditingInsCod (void)
long *EditingInsCod;
EditingInsCod = Ins_GetPtrToEditingInsCod ();
return *EditingInsCod;
static long *Ins_GetPtrToEditingInsCod (void)
static long EditingInsCod; // Static variable to keep institution code
return &EditingInsCod;