Version 15.99

This commit is contained in:
Antonio Cañas Vargas 2016-01-05 21:30:10 +01:00
parent cb155d4df3
commit 0cda171c2e
3 changed files with 231 additions and 113 deletions

View File

@ -113,18 +113,25 @@
// TODO: Forum SWAD should be always named "SWAD"?
// TODO: Enable chat for guests?
// TODO: Go to forum post (or at least to forum thread) from social timeline?
// TODO: When a social publishing is removed, but it is shared, author should be warned about it
// TODO: Consider the possibility of remove all the publishing of a social note when the author removes it
Escribir social note después de compartir, descompartir o eliminar como antes, completa arriba y siempre tras el mensaje,
excepto cuando se elimina del todo tras descompartir/eliminar, sólo en ese caso no pintar nada.
En definitiva, se estará pintando simplemente una copia arriba de lo que hay más abajo en el timeline.
/****************************** Public constants *****************************/
#define Log_PLATFORM_VERSION "SWAD 15.98 (2016-01-05)"
#define Log_PLATFORM_VERSION "SWAD 15.99 (2016-01-05)"
#define CSS_FILE "swad15.97.css"
#define JS_FILE "swad15.77.7.js"
// Number of lines (includes comments but not blank lines) has been got with the following command:
// nl swad*.c swad*.h css/swad*.css py/swad*.py js/swad*.js soap/swad*.h sql/swad*.sql | tail -1
Version 15.99: Jan 05, 2016 Changes in social timeline. (190892 lines)
Version 15.98: Jan 05, 2016 If a social note is unavailable and is shared, put button to unshare.
Several bugs in social timeline fixed. (190789 lines)
Version 15.97.5: Jan 04, 2016 Button to remove a social note is not shown if author already removed the note (but it yet exists because another user shared it). (190763 lines)

View File

@ -135,8 +135,9 @@ static void Soc_ShowTimeline (const char *Query,Act_Action_t UpdateAction,
const char *Title);
static void Soc_GetDataOfSocialPublishingFromRow (MYSQL_ROW row,struct SocialPublishing *SocPub);
static void Soc_WriteSocialNote (const struct SocialPublishing *SocPub,
struct SocialNote *SocNot,
bool WritingTimeline,bool LastInList);
const struct SocialNote *SocNot,
bool ShowAlone,
bool LastInList);
static void Soc_WriteNoteDate (time_t TimeUTC);
static void Soc_GetAndWriteSocialPost (long PstCod);
static void Soc_PutFormGoToAction (const struct SocialNote *SocNot);
@ -148,11 +149,13 @@ static void Soc_PutLinkToWriteANewPost (Act_Action_t Action,void (*FuncParams) (
static void Soc_FormSocialPost (void);
static void Soc_ReceiveSocialPost (void);
static void Soc_PutDisabledIconShare (void);
static void Soc_PutFormToShareSocialNote (long PubCod);
static void Soc_PutDisabledIconShare (unsigned NumShared);
static void Soc_PutFormToShareSocialNote (long NotCod);
static void Soc_PutFormToUnshareSocialPublishing (long PubCod);
static void Soc_PutFormToRemoveSocialPublishing (long PubCod);
static void Soc_PutHiddenParamNotCod (long NotCod);
static void Soc_PutHiddenParamPubCod (long PubCod);
static long Soc_GetParamNotCod (void);
static long Soc_GetParamPubCod (void);
static void Soc_ShareSocialNote (void);
@ -167,7 +170,7 @@ static void Soc_CheckAndDeleteASocialNoteFromDB (struct SocialNote *SocNot);
static bool Soc_CheckIfNoteIsPublishedInTimelineByUsr (long NotCod,long UsrCod);
static unsigned long Soc_GetNumPubsOfANote (long NotCod);
static void Soc_GetNumTimesANoteHasBeenShared (struct SocialNote *SocNot);
static void Soc_UpdateNumTimesANoteHasBeenShared (struct SocialNote *SocNot);
static void Soc_ShowUsrsWhoHaveSharedSocialNote (const struct SocialNote *SocNot);
static void Soc_GetDataOfSocialPublishingByCod (struct SocialPublishing *SocPub);
static void Soc_GetDataOfSocialNoteByCod (struct SocialNote *SocNot);
@ -316,7 +319,7 @@ static void Soc_ShowTimeline (const char *Query,Act_Action_t UpdateAction,
Soc_GetDataOfSocialNoteByCod (&SocNot);
/* Write social note */
Soc_WriteSocialNote (&SocPub,&SocNot,true,NumPub == NumPublishings - 1);
Soc_WriteSocialNote (&SocPub,&SocNot,false,NumPub == NumPublishings - 1);
/***** End list *****/
@ -357,12 +360,11 @@ static void Soc_GetDataOfSocialPublishingFromRow (MYSQL_ROW row,struct SocialPub
/***************************** Write social note *****************************/
// Pointer SocNot is not const because the field Unavailable...
// ...can be marked as true inside this function
static void Soc_WriteSocialNote (const struct SocialPublishing *SocPub,
struct SocialNote *SocNot,
bool WritingTimeline,bool LastInList)
const struct SocialNote *SocNot,
bool ShowAlone, // Social note is shown alone, not in a list
bool LastInList) // Social note is shown in a list and it's the last one
extern const char *Txt_Forum;
extern const char *Txt_Course;
@ -381,9 +383,15 @@ static void Soc_WriteSocialNote (const struct SocialPublishing *SocPub,
char ForumName[512];
char SummaryStr[Cns_MAX_BYTES_TEXT+1];
if (ShowAlone)
Lay_StartRoundFrame (Soc_WIDTH_TIMELINE,NULL);
fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"<ul class=\"LIST_LEFT\">");
/***** Start list item *****/
fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"<li");
if (WritingTimeline && !LastInList)
if (!(ShowAlone || LastInList))
fprintf (Gbl.F.Out," class=\"SOCIAL_PUB\"");
fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,">");
@ -542,34 +550,31 @@ static void Soc_WriteSocialNote (const struct SocialPublishing *SocPub,
fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"<div class=\"DAT\">%s</div>",SummaryStr);
if (WritingTimeline)
/* Put icons to share/unshare */
if (IAmTheAuthor) // I am the author
Soc_PutDisabledIconShare (SocNot->NumShared);
else if (IAmAPublisherOfThisSocNot) // I am a publisher of this social note,
// but not the author ==> I have shared this social note
/* Put icon to unshare this publishing */
Soc_PutFormToUnshareSocialPublishing (SocPub->PubCod);
else // I am not the author and I am not a publisher
/* Put icons to share/unshare */
if (IAmTheAuthor) // I am the author
Soc_PutDisabledIconShare ();
else if (IAmAPublisherOfThisSocNot) // I am a publisher of this social note,
// but not the author ==> I have shared this social note
/* Put icon to unshare this publishing */
Soc_PutFormToUnshareSocialPublishing (SocPub->PubCod);
else // I am not the author and I am not a publisher
if (SocNot->Unavailable) // Unavailable social notes can not be shared
Soc_PutDisabledIconShare ();
/* Put icon to share this publishing */
Soc_PutFormToShareSocialNote (SocPub->PubCod);
/* Show who have shared this social note */
Soc_ShowUsrsWhoHaveSharedSocialNote (SocNot);
/* Put icon to remove */
if (IAmTheAuthor &&
/* Put icon to remove this publishing */
Soc_PutFormToRemoveSocialPublishing (SocPub->PubCod);
if (SocNot->Unavailable) // Unavailable social notes can not be shared
Soc_PutDisabledIconShare (SocNot->NumShared);
/* Put icon to share this publishing */
Soc_PutFormToShareSocialNote (SocNot->NotCod);
/* Show who have shared this social note */
Soc_ShowUsrsWhoHaveSharedSocialNote (SocNot);
/* Put icon to remove */
if (IAmTheAuthor &&
/* Put icon to remove this publishing */
Soc_PutFormToRemoveSocialPublishing (SocPub->PubCod);
/* End of right part */
fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"</div>");
@ -579,6 +584,12 @@ static void Soc_WriteSocialNote (const struct SocialPublishing *SocPub,
/***** End list item *****/
fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"</li>");
if (ShowAlone)
fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"</ul>");
Lay_EndRoundFrame ();
@ -1132,9 +1143,11 @@ static void Soc_ReceiveSocialPost (void)
/*********************** Put disabled icon to share **************************/
static void Soc_PutDisabledIconShare (void)
static void Soc_PutDisabledIconShare (unsigned NumShared)
extern const char *Txt_SOCIAL_PUBLISHING_Shared;
extern const char *Txt_SOCIAL_PUBLISHING_Shared_by_X_USERS;
sprintf (Gbl.Title,Txt_SOCIAL_PUBLISHING_Shared_by_X_USERS,NumShared);
/***** Disabled icon to share *****/
fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"<div class=\"SOCIAL_ICON_DISABLED\">"
@ -1143,15 +1156,14 @@ static void Soc_PutDisabledIconShare (void)
" class=\"ICON20x20\" />"
/************************* Form to share social note *************************/
static void Soc_PutFormToShareSocialNote (long PubCod)
static void Soc_PutFormToShareSocialNote (long NotCod)
extern const char *Txt_Share;
@ -1163,7 +1175,7 @@ static void Soc_PutFormToShareSocialNote (long PubCod)
Act_FormStart (ActShaSocNotGbl);
Soc_PutHiddenParamPubCod (PubCod);
Soc_PutHiddenParamNotCod (NotCod);
fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"<div class=\"SOCIAL_ICON ICON_HIGHLIGHT\">"
"<input type=\"image\""
" src=\"%s/share64x64.png\""
@ -1182,7 +1194,7 @@ static void Soc_PutFormToShareSocialNote (long PubCod)
static void Soc_PutFormToUnshareSocialPublishing (long PubCod)
extern const char *Txt_SOCIAL_PUBLISHING_Shared;
extern const char *Txt_Unshare;
/***** Form to share social publishing *****/
if (Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat.UsrCod > 0)
@ -1200,8 +1212,7 @@ static void Soc_PutFormToUnshareSocialPublishing (long PubCod)
" class=\"ICON20x20\" />"
Act_FormEnd ();
@ -1234,6 +1245,15 @@ static void Soc_PutFormToRemoveSocialPublishing (long PubCod)
Act_FormEnd ();
/************** Put parameter with the code of a social note *****************/
static void Soc_PutHiddenParamNotCod (long NotCod)
Par_PutHiddenParamLong ("NotCod",NotCod);
/*********** Put parameter with the code of a social publishing **************/
@ -1243,6 +1263,23 @@ static void Soc_PutHiddenParamPubCod (long PubCod)
Par_PutHiddenParamLong ("PubCod",PubCod);
/************** Get parameter with the code of a social note *****************/
static long Soc_GetParamNotCod (void)
char LongStr[1+10+1]; // String that holds the social note code
long NotCod;
/* Get social note code */
Par_GetParToText ("NotCod",LongStr,1+10);
if (sscanf (LongStr,"%ld",&NotCod) != 1)
Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Wrong code of social note.");
return NotCod;
/*********** Get parameter with the code of a social publishing **************/
@ -1303,13 +1340,9 @@ static void Soc_ShareSocialNote (void)
bool IHavePublishedThisNote;
/***** Get the code of the social publishing to unshare *****/
SocPub.PubCod = Soc_GetParamPubCod ();
/***** Get data of social publishing *****/
Soc_GetDataOfSocialPublishingByCod (&SocPub);
SocPub.NotCod = Soc_GetParamNotCod ();
/***** Get data of social note *****/
SocNot.NotCod = SocPub.NotCod;
Soc_GetDataOfSocialNoteByCod (&SocNot);
ICanShare = (Gbl.Usrs.Me.Logged &&
@ -1320,21 +1353,20 @@ static void Soc_ShareSocialNote (void)
IHavePublishedThisNote = Soc_CheckIfNoteIsPublishedInTimelineByUsr (SocNot.NotCod,Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod);
if (!IHavePublishedThisNote)
/***** Show the social note to be shared *****/
Lay_StartRoundFrame (Soc_WIDTH_TIMELINE,NULL);
fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"<ul class=\"LIST_LEFT\">");
Soc_WriteSocialNote (&SocPub,&SocNot,false,true);
fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"</ul>");
Lay_EndRoundFrame ();
/***** Share (publish social note in timeline) *****/
SocPub.AuthorCod = SocNot.UsrCod;
SocPub.PublisherCod = Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod;
SocPub.NotCod = SocNot.NotCod;
Soc_PublishSocialNoteInTimeline (&SocPub); // Set SocPub.PubCod
/* Update number of times this social note is shared */
Soc_UpdateNumTimesANoteHasBeenShared (&SocNot);
/***** Message of success *****/
/***** Show the social note just shared *****/
Soc_WriteSocialNote (&SocPub,&SocNot,true,true);
@ -1379,6 +1411,7 @@ static void Soc_UnshareSocialPublishing (void)
struct SocialPublishing SocPub;
struct SocialNote SocNot;
bool ICanUnshare;
unsigned NumRemainingPubs;
/***** Get the code of the social publishing to unshare *****/
SocPub.PubCod = Soc_GetParamPubCod ();
@ -1394,18 +1427,25 @@ static void Soc_UnshareSocialPublishing (void)
SocPub.AuthorCod != Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod); // I have shared the note
if (ICanUnshare)
/***** Show the social note to be unshared *****/
Lay_StartRoundFrame (Soc_WIDTH_TIMELINE,NULL);
fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"<ul class=\"LIST_LEFT\">");
Soc_WriteSocialNote (&SocPub,&SocNot,false,true);
fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"</ul>");
Lay_EndRoundFrame ();
/***** Delete social publishing from database *****/
Soc_UnshareASocialPublishingFromDB (&SocNot);
/***** Count number of remaining publishings *****/
NumRemainingPubs = Soc_GetNumPubsOfANote (SocNot.NotCod);
/***** Message of success *****/
Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_SUCCESS,Txt_SOCIAL_PUBLISHING_Unshared);
/***** Show the social note corresponding to the publishing
just unshared if it yet exists *****/
if (NumRemainingPubs)
/* Update number of times this social note is shared */
Soc_UpdateNumTimesANoteHasBeenShared (&SocNot);
/* Show social note */
Soc_WriteSocialNote (&SocPub,&SocNot,true,true);
@ -1490,6 +1530,13 @@ static void Soc_RequestRemovalSocialPublishing (void)
if (Soc_CheckIfNoteIsPublishedInTimelineByUsr (SocNot.NotCod,SocNot.UsrCod))
/***** Show warning and social note *****/
/* Warning message */
Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_WARNING,Txt_Do_you_really_want_to_remove_the_following_comment);
/* Show social note */
Soc_WriteSocialNote (&SocPub,&SocNot,true,true);
/***** Form to ask for confirmation to remove this social post *****/
/* Start form */
if (Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat.UsrCod > 0)
@ -1501,16 +1548,6 @@ static void Soc_RequestRemovalSocialPublishing (void)
Act_FormStart (ActRemSocPubGbl);
Soc_PutHiddenParamPubCod (SocPub.PubCod);
/* Warning message */
Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_WARNING,Txt_Do_you_really_want_to_remove_the_following_comment);
/* Show social note */
Lay_StartRoundFrame (Soc_WIDTH_TIMELINE,NULL);
fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"<ul class=\"LIST_LEFT\">");
Soc_WriteSocialNote (&SocPub,&SocNot,false,true);
fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"</ul>");
Lay_EndRoundFrame ();
/* End form */
Lay_PutRemoveButton (Txt_Remove);
Act_FormEnd ();
@ -1554,10 +1591,12 @@ void Soc_RemoveSocialPubUsr (void)
static void Soc_RemoveSocialPublishing (void)
extern const char *Txt_SOCIAL_PUBLISHING_Removed_but_shared_by_others;
extern const char *Txt_SOCIAL_PUBLISHING_Removed;
struct SocialPublishing SocPub;
struct SocialNote SocNot;
bool ICanRemove;
unsigned NumRemainingPubs;
/***** Get the code of the social publishing to remove *****/
SocPub.PubCod = Soc_GetParamPubCod ();
@ -1573,18 +1612,27 @@ static void Soc_RemoveSocialPublishing (void)
SocPub.PublisherCod == Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod);
if (ICanRemove)
/***** Show the social note to be removed *****/
Lay_StartRoundFrame (Soc_WIDTH_TIMELINE,NULL);
fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"<ul class=\"LIST_LEFT\">");
Soc_WriteSocialNote (&SocPub,&SocNot,false,true);
fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"</ul>");
Lay_EndRoundFrame ();
/***** Delete social publishing from database *****/
Soc_RemoveASocialPublishingFromDB (&SocPub,&SocNot);
/***** Count number of remaining publishings *****/
NumRemainingPubs = Soc_GetNumPubsOfANote (SocNot.NotCod);
/***** Message of success *****/
Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_SUCCESS,Txt_SOCIAL_PUBLISHING_Removed);
Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_SUCCESS,
NumRemainingPubs ? Txt_SOCIAL_PUBLISHING_Removed_but_shared_by_others :
/***** Show the social note corresponding to the publishing
just removed if it yet exists *****/
if (NumRemainingPubs)
/* Update number of times this social note is shared */
Soc_UpdateNumTimesANoteHasBeenShared (&SocNot);
/* Show social note */
Soc_WriteSocialNote (&SocPub,&SocNot,true,true);
@ -1685,7 +1733,7 @@ static unsigned long Soc_GetNumPubsOfANote (long NotCod)
/******** Get number of times a note code has been shared in timeline ********/
static void Soc_GetNumTimesANoteHasBeenShared (struct SocialNote *SocNot)
static void Soc_UpdateNumTimesANoteHasBeenShared (struct SocialNote *SocNot)
char Query[128];
@ -1821,7 +1869,7 @@ static void Soc_GetDataOfSocialNoteByCod (struct SocialNote *SocNot)
Soc_GetDataOfSocialNoteFromRow (row,SocNot);
/***** Get number of times this social note has been shared *****/
Soc_GetNumTimesANoteHasBeenShared (SocNot);
Soc_UpdateNumTimesANoteHasBeenShared (SocNot);
/***** Reset fields of social note *****/

View File

@ -35575,65 +35575,107 @@ const char *Txt_SOCIAL_NOTE[Soc_NUM_SOCIAL_NOTES] =
const char *Txt_SOCIAL_PUBLISHING_Removed =
#if L==1
#elif L==2
#elif L==3
#elif L==4
#elif L==5
#elif L==6
"Eliminado"; // Okoteve traducción
"Eliminado."; // Okoteve traducción
#elif L==7
#elif L==8
#elif L==9
const char *Txt_SOCIAL_PUBLISHING_Removed_but_shared_by_others =
#if L==1
"Eliminat per&ograve; encara compartit per altres.";
#elif L==2
"Entfernt, sondern von anderen geteilt.";
#elif L==3
"Removed but shared by others.";
#elif L==4
"Eliminado pero a&uacute;n compartido por otros.";
#elif L==5
"Supprim&eacute;, mais partag&eacute; par d'autres.";
#elif L==6
"Eliminado pero a&uacute;n compartido por otros."; // Okoteve traducción
#elif L==7
"Rimosso ma condiviso da altri.";
#elif L==8
"Usuniete ale podzielaj&aogon; inni.";
#elif L==9
"Removido mas compartilhado por outros.";
const char *Txt_SOCIAL_PUBLISHING_Shared =
#if L==1
#elif L==2
#elif L==3
#elif L==4
#elif L==5
#elif L==6
"Compartido"; // Okoteve traducción
"Compartido."; // Okoteve traducción
#elif L==7
#elif L==8
#elif L==9
const char *Txt_SOCIAL_PUBLISHING_Shared_by_X_USERS = // Warning: it is very important to include %u in the following sentences
#if L==1
"Compartit per %u";
#elif L==2
"Von %u geteilt";
#elif L==3
"Shared by %u";
#elif L==4
"Compartido por %u";
#elif L==5
"Partag&eacute; par %u";
#elif L==6
"Compartido por %u"; // Okoteve traducción
#elif L==7
"Condiviso da %u";
#elif L==8
"Udost&eogon;pnione przez %u";
#elif L==9
"Compartilhado por %u";
const char *Txt_SOCIAL_PUBLISHING_Unshared = // No longer shared
#if L==1
"No compartit";
"No compartit.";
#elif L==2
"Kein geteilt";
"Kein geteilt.";
#elif L==3
#elif L==4
"No compartido";
"No compartido.";
#elif L==5
"Non partag&eacute;";
"Non partag&eacute;.";
#elif L==6
"No compartido"; // Okoteve traducción
"No compartido."; // Okoteve traducción
#elif L==7
"Non condiviso";
"Non condiviso.";
#elif L==8
#elif L==9
"N&atilde;o compartilhado";
"N&atilde;o compartilhado.";
const char *Txt_Sort_degrees_by =
@ -46870,6 +46912,27 @@ const char *Txt_Unread_BR_msgs =
"N&atilde;o<br />lidas";
const char *Txt_Unshare =
#if L==1
#elif L==2
#elif L==3
#elif L==4
"Dejar de compartir";
#elif L==5
"Arr&ecirc;ter le partage";
#elif L==6
"Dejar de compartir"; // Okoteve traducción
#elif L==7
"Interrompere la condivisione";
#elif L==8
"Zatrzymaj udost&eogon;pnianie";
#elif L==9
const char *Txt_Update =
#if L==1