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2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
// swad_timeline_publication.c: social timeline publications
SWAD (Shared Workspace At a Distance),
is a web platform developed at the University of Granada (Spain),
and used to support university teaching.
This file is part of SWAD core.
Copyright (C) 1999-2021 Antonio Ca<EFBFBD>as Vargas
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General 3 License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/*********************************** Headers *********************************/
#include <stdlib.h> // For malloc and free
#include <string.h> // For string functions
#include "swad_error.h"
#include "swad_follow.h"
#include "swad_follow_database.h"
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
#include "swad_global.h"
#include "swad_profile.h"
#include "swad_profile_database.h"
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
#include "swad_timeline.h"
#include "swad_timeline_database.h"
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
#include "swad_timeline_note.h"
#include "swad_timeline_publication.h"
/************** External global variables from others modules ****************/
extern struct Globals Gbl;
/***************************** Private prototypes ****************************/
static void Tml_Pub_InitializeRangeOfPubs (Tml_WhatToGet_t WhatToGet,
struct Tml_Pub_RangePubsToGet *RangePubsToGet);
static unsigned Tml_Pub_GetMaxPubsToGet (const struct Tml_Timeline *Timeline);
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
static void Tml_Pub_UpdateFirstLastPubCodesIntoSession (const struct Tml_Timeline *Timeline);
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
static struct Tml_Pub_Publication *Tml_Pub_SelectTheMostRecentPub (const struct Tml_Pub_SubQueries *SubQueries);
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
static Tml_Pub_Type_t Tml_Pub_GetPubTypeFromStr (const char *Str);
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
/*************** Get list of pubications to show in timeline *****************/
void Tml_Pub_GetListPubsToShowInTimeline (struct Tml_Timeline *Timeline)
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
struct Tml_Pub_SubQueries SubQueries;
struct Tml_Pub_RangePubsToGet RangePubsToGet;
unsigned MaxPubsToGet = Tml_Pub_GetMaxPubsToGet (Timeline);
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
unsigned NumPub;
struct Tml_Pub_Publication *Pub;
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
/***** Initialize range of publications *****/
Tml_Pub_InitializeRangeOfPubs (Timeline->WhatToGet,&RangePubsToGet);
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
/***** Clear timeline for this session in database *****/
if (Timeline->WhatToGet == Tml_GET_RECENT_TIMELINE)
Tml_DB_ClearTimelineNotesOfSessionFromDB ();
/***** Create temporary tables *****/
/* Create temporary table with notes just retrieved */
Tml_DB_CreateTmpTableJustRetrievedNotes ();
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
/* Create temporary table with all notes visible in timeline */
if (Timeline->WhatToGet == Tml_GET_ONLY_OLD_PUBS)
Tml_DB_CreateTmpTableVisibleTimeline ();
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
/***** Create subqueries *****/
/* Create subquery with potential publishers */
Tml_DB_CreateSubQueryPublishers (Timeline,&SubQueries);
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
/* Create subquery to get only notes not present in timeline */
Tml_DB_CreateSubQueryAlreadyExists (Timeline,&SubQueries);
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
/* Create subquery with bottom range of publications to get from tml_pubs.
Bottom pub. code remains unchanged in all iterations of the loop. */
Tml_DB_CreateSubQueryRangeBottom (RangePubsToGet.Bottom,&SubQueries);
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
/***** Initialize list of publications *****/
/* Chained list of publications:
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
Timeline->Pubs.Top Pub #0
______ ______ Pub #1
|______|------>|______| ______ Pub #2
|______| -> |______| ______ Pub #3
|______| / |______| ->|______| ______
|______| / |______| / |______| ->|______|
|_Next_|-- |______| / |______| // |______|
|_Next_|-- |______| // |______|
______ |_Next_|--/ |______|
|______|---------------------------------------------- |_NULL_|
Timeline->Pubs.Top =
Timeline->Pubs.Bottom = NULL;
/***** Get the publications in timeline *****/
/* With the current approach, we select one by one
the publications and notes in a loop. In each iteration,
we get the most recent publication (original, shared or commment)
of every set of publications corresponding to the same note,
checking that the note is not already retrieved.
After getting a publication, its note code is stored
in order to not get it again.
As an alternative, we tried to get the maximum PubCod,
i.e more recent publication (original, shared or commment),
of every set of publications corresponding to the same note:
SELECT MAX(PubCod) AS NewestPubCod
FROM tml_pubs ...
but this query is slow (several seconds) with a big table.
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
for (NumPub = 0;
NumPub < MaxPubsToGet;
/* Create subquery with top range of publications to get from tml_pubs
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
In each iteration of this loop, top publication code is changed to a lower value */
Tml_DB_CreateSubQueryRangeTop (RangePubsToGet.Top,&SubQueries);
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
/* Select the most recent publication from tml_pubs */
Pub = Tml_Pub_SelectTheMostRecentPub (&SubQueries);
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
/* Chain the previous publication with the current one */
if (NumPub == 0)
Timeline->Pubs.Top = Pub; // Pointer to top publication
Timeline->Pubs.Bottom->Next = Pub; // Chain the previous publication with the current one
Timeline->Pubs.Bottom = Pub; // Update pointer to bottom publication
if (Pub == NULL) // Nothing got ==> abort loop
break; // Last publication
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
/* Insert note in temporary tables with just retrieved notes.
These tables will be used to not get notes already shown */
Tml_DB_InsertNoteInJustRetrievedNotes (Pub->NotCod);
if (Timeline->WhatToGet == Tml_GET_ONLY_OLD_PUBS) // Get only old publications
Tml_DB_InsertNoteInVisibleTimeline (Pub->NotCod);
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
/* Narrow the range for the next iteration */
RangePubsToGet.Top = Pub->PubCod;
/***** Update first (oldest) and last (more recent) publication codes
into session for next refresh *****/
Tml_Pub_UpdateFirstLastPubCodesIntoSession (Timeline);
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
/***** Add notes just retrieved to visible timeline for this session *****/
Tml_DB_AddNotesJustRetrievedToVisibleTimelineOfSession ();
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
/***** Drop temporary tables *****/
/* Drop temporary tables with notes already retrieved */
Tml_DB_DropTmpTableJustRetrievedNotes ();
if (Timeline->WhatToGet == Tml_GET_ONLY_OLD_PUBS) // Get only old publications
Tml_DB_DropTmpTableVisibleTimeline ();
/* Drop temporary table with me and users I follow */
if (Timeline->UsrOrGbl == Tml_Usr_TIMELINE_GBL && // Show the global timeline
Timeline->Who == Usr_WHO_FOLLOWED) // Show the timeline of the users I follow
Fol_DB_DropTmpTableMeAndUsrsIFollow ();
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
/*************** Get list of pubications to show in timeline *****************/
static void Tml_Pub_InitializeRangeOfPubs (Tml_WhatToGet_t WhatToGet,
struct Tml_Pub_RangePubsToGet *RangePubsToGet)
/* Initialize range of pubs:
_|_____| 9 <-- RangePubsToGet.Top
Get / |_____| 8
pubs | |_____| 7
from < |_____| 6
this | |_____| 5
range \_|_____| 4
|_____| 3 <-- RangePubsToGet.Bottom
|_____| 2
|_____| 1
/* Default range */
RangePubsToGet->Top = 0; // +Infinite
RangePubsToGet->Bottom = 0; // -Infinite
switch (WhatToGet)
case Tml_GET_ONLY_NEW_PUBS: // Get the publications (without limit)
// newer than LastPubCod
/* This query is made via AJAX automatically from time to time */
RangePubsToGet->Bottom = Tml_DB_GetPubCodFromSession ("LastPubCod");
case Tml_GET_ONLY_OLD_PUBS: // Get some limited publications
// older than FirstPubCod
/* This query is made via AJAX
when I click in link to get old publications */
RangePubsToGet->Top = Tml_DB_GetPubCodFromSession ("FirstPubCod");
case Tml_GET_RECENT_TIMELINE: // Get some limited recent publications
/* This is the first query to get initial timeline shown
==> no notes yet in current timeline table */
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
/********* Get maximum number of publications to get from database ***********/
static unsigned Tml_Pub_GetMaxPubsToGet (const struct Tml_Timeline *Timeline)
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
static const unsigned MaxPubsToGet[Tml_NUM_WHAT_TO_GET] =
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
return MaxPubsToGet[Timeline->WhatToGet];
/************* Update first (oldest) and last (more recent) ***************/
/************* publication codes into session for next refresh ***************/
static void Tml_Pub_UpdateFirstLastPubCodesIntoSession (const struct Tml_Timeline *Timeline)
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
long FirstPubCod;
switch (Timeline->WhatToGet)
case Tml_GET_ONLY_NEW_PUBS: // Get only new publications
Tml_DB_UpdateLastPubCodInSession ();
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
case Tml_GET_ONLY_OLD_PUBS: // Get only old publications
case Tml_GET_RECENT_TIMELINE: // Get last publications
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
// The oldest publication code retrieved and shown
FirstPubCod = Timeline->Pubs.Bottom ? Timeline->Pubs.Bottom->PubCod :
if (Timeline->WhatToGet == Tml_GET_ONLY_OLD_PUBS)
Tml_DB_UpdateFirstPubCodInSession (FirstPubCod);
Tml_DB_UpdateFirstLastPubCodsInSession (FirstPubCod);
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
/************** Free chained list of publications in timeline ****************/
void Tml_Pub_FreeListPubs (struct Tml_Timeline *Timeline)
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
struct Tml_Pub_Publication *Pub;
struct Tml_Pub_Publication *Next;
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
/***** Go over the list freeing memory *****/
for (Pub = Timeline->Pubs.Top;
Pub = Next)
/* Save a copy of pointer to next element before freeing it */
Next = Pub->Next;
/* Free memory used for this publication */
free (Pub);
/***** Reset pointers to top and bottom elements *****/
Timeline->Pubs.Top =
Timeline->Pubs.Bottom = NULL;
/************** Select the most recent publication from tml_pubs *************/
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
static struct Tml_Pub_Publication *Tml_Pub_SelectTheMostRecentPub (const struct Tml_Pub_SubQueries *SubQueries)
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
MYSQL_RES *mysql_res;
struct Tml_Pub_Publication *Pub;
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
/***** Select the most recent publication from database *****/
if (Tml_DB_SelectTheMostRecentPub (SubQueries,&mysql_res) == 1)
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
/* Allocate space for publication */
if ((Pub = malloc (sizeof (*Pub))) == NULL)
Err_NotEnoughMemoryExit ();
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
/* Get data of publication */
Tml_Pub_GetDataOfPubFromNextRow (mysql_res,Pub);
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
Pub->Next = NULL;
Pub = NULL;
/***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/
DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res);
return Pub;
/******************* Show new publications in timeline ***********************/
// The publications are inserted as list elements of a hidden list
void Tml_Pub_InsertNewPubsInTimeline (struct Tml_Timeline *Timeline)
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
struct Tml_Pub_Publication *Pub;
struct Tml_Not_Note Not;
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
/***** List new publications in timeline *****/
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
for (Pub = Timeline->Pubs.Top;
Pub = Pub->Next)
/* Get data of note */
Not.NotCod = Pub->NotCod;
Tml_Not_GetDataOfNoteByCod (&Not);
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
/* Write note */
HTM_LI_Begin ("class=\"Tml_WIDTH Tml_SEP Tml_NEW_PUB\""
" data-note-code=\"%ld\"", // Note code to be read later...
Not.NotCod); // ...from JavaScript...
// ...to avoid repeating notes
Tml_Not_CheckAndWriteNoteWithTopMsg (Timeline,&Not,
Tml_Pub_GetTopMessage (Pub->Type),
HTM_LI_End ();
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
/********************* Show old publications in timeline *********************/
// The publications are inserted as list elements of a hidden list
void Tml_Pub_ShowOldPubsInTimeline (struct Tml_Timeline *Timeline)
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
struct Tml_Pub_Publication *Pub;
struct Tml_Not_Note Not;
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
/***** List old publications in timeline *****/
for (Pub = Timeline->Pubs.Top;
Pub = Pub->Next)
/* Get data of note */
Not.NotCod = Pub->NotCod;
Tml_Not_GetDataOfNoteByCod (&Not);
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
/* Write note */
HTM_LI_Begin ("class=\"Tml_WIDTH Tml_SEP\"");
Tml_Not_CheckAndWriteNoteWithTopMsg (Timeline,&Not,
Tml_Pub_GetTopMessage (Pub->Type),
HTM_LI_End ();
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
2021-02-11 20:19:14 +01:00
/************* Get a top message given the type of publication ***************/
Tml_TopMessage_t Tml_Pub_GetTopMessage (Tml_Pub_Type_t PubType)
2021-02-11 20:19:14 +01:00
static const Tml_TopMessage_t TopMessages[Tml_Pub_NUM_PUB_TYPES] =
2021-02-11 20:19:14 +01:00
2021-02-11 20:19:14 +01:00
return TopMessages[PubType];
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
/***************** Put link to view new publications in timeline *************/
void Tml_Pub_PutLinkToViewNewPubs (void)
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
extern const char *The_ClassFormInBoxBold[The_NUM_THEMES];
extern const char *Txt_See_new_activity;
/***** Link to view (show hidden) new publications *****/
/* Begin container */
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
// div is hidden. When new posts arrive to the client via AJAX, div is shown
HTM_DIV_Begin ("id=\"view_new_posts_container\""
" class=\"Tml_WIDTH Tml_SEP VERY_LIGHT_BLUE\""
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
" style=\"display:none;\"");
/* Begin anchor */
HTM_A_Begin ("href=\"\" class=\"%s\""
" onclick=\"moveNewTimelineToTimeline();return false;\"",
/* Text */
HTM_TxtF ("%s (",Txt_See_new_activity);
HTM_SPAN_Begin ("id=\"view_new_posts_count\"");
HTM_Unsigned (0);
HTM_SPAN_End ();
HTM_Txt (")");
/* End anchor */
HTM_A_End ();
/* End container */
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
HTM_DIV_End ();
/***************** Put link to view old publications in timeline *************/
void Tml_Pub_PutLinkToViewOldPubs (void)
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
extern const char *The_ClassFormInBoxBold[The_NUM_THEMES];
extern const char *Txt_See_more;
/***** Animated link to view old publications *****/
/* Begin container */
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
HTM_DIV_Begin ("id=\"view_old_posts_container\""
" class=\"Tml_WIDTH Tml_SEP VERY_LIGHT_BLUE\"");
/* Begin anchor */
HTM_A_Begin ("href=\"\" class=\"%s\" onclick=\""
"document.getElementById('get_old_timeline').style.display='none';" // Icon to be hidden on click
"document.getElementById('getting_old_timeline').style.display='';" // Icon to be shown on click
"return false;\"",
/* Icon and text */
HTM_IMG (Cfg_URL_ICON_PUBLIC,"recycle16x16.gif","Txt_See_more",
"class=\"ICO20x20\" id=\"get_old_timeline\"");
HTM_IMG (Cfg_URL_ICON_PUBLIC,"working16x16.gif",Txt_See_more,
"class=\"ICO20x20\" style=\"display:none;\" id=\"getting_old_timeline\""); // Animated icon hidden
HTM_IMG (Cfg_URL_ICON_PUBLIC,"recycle16x16.gif","Txt_See_more",
"class=\"ICO20x20\" style=\"display:none;\" id=\"get_old_timeline\"");
HTM_TxtF ("&nbsp;%s",Txt_See_more);
/* End anchor */
HTM_A_End ();
/* End container */
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
HTM_DIV_End ();
/*************** Put parameter with the code of a publication ****************/
void Tml_Pub_PutHiddenParamPubCod (long PubCod)
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
Par_PutHiddenParamLong (NULL,"PubCod",PubCod);
/**************** Get parameter with the code of a publication ***************/
long Tml_Pub_GetParamPubCod (void)
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
return Par_GetParToLong ("PubCod");
/***************** Get data of publication using its code ********************/
void Tml_Pub_GetDataOfPubFromNextRow (MYSQL_RES *mysql_res,
struct Tml_Pub_Publication *Pub)
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
/***** Get next row from result *****/
row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res);
row[0]: PubCod
row[1]: NotCod
row[2]: PublisherCod
row[3]: PubType
/***** Get code of publication (row[0]), code of note (row[1]),
publisher's code (row[2]) and type of publication (row[3]) *****/
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
Pub->PubCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[0]);
Pub->NotCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[1]);
Pub->PublisherCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[2]);
Pub->Type = Tml_Pub_GetPubTypeFromStr (row[3]);
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
/******* Get publication type from string number coming from database ********/
static Tml_Pub_Type_t Tml_Pub_GetPubTypeFromStr (const char *Str)
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
unsigned UnsignedNum;
/***** Get publication type from string *****/
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
if (sscanf (Str,"%u",&UnsignedNum) == 1)
if (UnsignedNum < Tml_Pub_NUM_PUB_TYPES)
return (Tml_Pub_Type_t) UnsignedNum;
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
return Tml_Pub_UNKNOWN;
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
/********************* Publish note/comment in timeline **********************/
// Pub->PubCod is set by the function
void Tml_Pub_PublishPubInTimeline (struct Tml_Pub_Publication *Pub)
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
/***** Publish note in timeline *****/
Pub->PubCod = Tml_DB_CreateNewPub (Pub);
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00
/***** Increment number of publications in user's figures *****/
Prf_DB_IncrementNumTimelinePubsUsr (Pub->PublisherCod);
2021-02-11 13:10:08 +01:00