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// swad_test_print.c: test prints made by users
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
SWAD (Shared Workspace At a Distance),
is a web platform developed at the University of Granada (Spain),
and used to support university teaching.
This file is part of SWAD core.
2021-02-09 12:43:45 +01:00
Copyright (C) 1999-2021 Antonio Ca<EFBFBD>as Vargas
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/*********************************** Headers *********************************/
#define _GNU_SOURCE // For asprintf
#include <stdbool.h> // For boolean type
#include <stddef.h> // For NULL
#include <stdio.h> // For asprintf
#include <stdlib.h> // For free
#include <string.h> // For string functions
#include "swad_action.h"
#include "swad_database.h"
#include "swad_error.h"
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
#include "swad_form.h"
#include "swad_global.h"
#include "swad_HTML.h"
#include "swad_ID.h"
2020-04-14 17:15:17 +02:00
#include "swad_photo.h"
#include "swad_question.h"
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
#include "swad_test.h"
#include "swad_test_database.h"
2020-05-07 18:33:26 +02:00
#include "swad_test_print.h"
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
#include "swad_test_visibility.h"
#include "swad_user.h"
/***************************** Public constants ******************************/
/**************************** Private constants ******************************/
/******************************* Private types *******************************/
2020-06-23 18:10:20 +02:00
struct TstRes_ICanView
bool Result;
bool Score;
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/************** External global variables from others modules ****************/
extern struct Globals Gbl;
/************************* Private global variables **************************/
/***************************** Private prototypes ****************************/
2020-05-11 02:28:38 +02:00
static void TstPrn_ResetPrintExceptPrnCod (struct TstPrn_Print *Print);
2020-04-16 21:03:22 +02:00
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
static void TstPrn_WriteQstAndAnsToFill (struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
unsigned QstInd,
struct Qst_Question *Question);
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
static void TstPrn_WriteAnswersToFill (const struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
unsigned QstInd,
struct Qst_Question *Question);
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
static void TstPrn_WriteIntAnsToFill (const struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
unsigned QstInd,
__attribute__((unused)) struct Qst_Question *Question);
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
static void TstPrn_WriteFltAnsToFill (const struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
unsigned QstInd,
__attribute__((unused)) struct Qst_Question *Question);
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
static void TstPrn_WriteTF_AnsToFill (const struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
unsigned QstInd,
__attribute__((unused)) struct Qst_Question *Question);
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
static void TstPrn_WriteChoAnsToFill (const struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
unsigned QstInd,
struct Qst_Question *Question);
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
static void TstPrn_WriteTxtAnsToFill (const struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
unsigned QstInd,
__attribute__((unused)) struct Qst_Question *Question);
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
static void TstPrn_PutCheckBoxAllowTeachers (bool AllowTeachers);
2020-05-07 18:33:26 +02:00
static void TstPrn_WriteQstAndAnsExam (struct UsrData *UsrDat,
2020-06-24 20:10:57 +02:00
struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion PrintedQuestions[TstCfg_MAX_QUESTIONS_PER_TEST],
unsigned QstInd,
2020-06-24 20:10:57 +02:00
struct Qst_Question *Question,
2020-05-07 19:54:24 +02:00
bool QuestionExists,
2020-04-03 19:13:00 +02:00
unsigned Visibility);
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
static void TstPrn_UpdateQstScoreInDB (struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion);
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
static void TstPrn_GetCorrectAndComputeIntAnsScore (struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
struct Qst_Question *Question);
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
static void TstPrn_GetCorrectAndComputeFltAnsScore (struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
struct Qst_Question *Question);
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
static void TstPrn_GetCorrectAndComputeTF_AnsScore (struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
struct Qst_Question *Question);
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
static void TstPrn_GetCorrectAndComputeChoAnsScore (struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
struct Qst_Question *Question);
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
static void TstPrn_GetCorrectAndComputeTxtAnsScore (struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
struct Qst_Question *Question);
2020-05-16 02:04:36 +02:00
static void TstPrn_GetCorrectIntAnswerFromDB (struct Qst_Question *Question);
static void TstPrn_GetCorrectFltAnswerFromDB (struct Qst_Question *Question);
static void TstPrn_GetCorrectTF_AnswerFromDB (struct Qst_Question *Question);
static void TstPrn_GetCorrectChoAnswerFromDB (struct Qst_Question *Question);
static void TstPrn_GetCorrectTxtAnswerFromDB (struct Qst_Question *Question);
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
static void TstPrn_WriteIntAnsPrint (struct UsrData *UsrDat,
const struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
struct Qst_Question *Question,
2020-06-17 20:20:16 +02:00
__attribute__((unused)) const char *ClassTxt,
__attribute__((unused)) const char *ClassFeedback);
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
static void TstPrn_WriteFltAnsPrint (struct UsrData *UsrDat,
const struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
struct Qst_Question *Question,
2020-06-17 20:20:16 +02:00
__attribute__((unused)) const char *ClassTxt,
__attribute__((unused)) const char *ClassFeedback);
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
static void TstPrn_WriteTF_AnsPrint (struct UsrData *UsrDat,
const struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
struct Qst_Question *Question,
2020-06-17 20:20:16 +02:00
__attribute__((unused)) const char *ClassTxt,
__attribute__((unused)) const char *ClassFeedback);
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
static void TstPrn_WriteChoAnsPrint (struct UsrData *UsrDat,
const struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
struct Qst_Question *Question,
2020-06-17 20:20:16 +02:00
const char *ClassTxt,
const char *ClassFeedback);
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
static void TstPrn_WriteTxtAnsPrint (struct UsrData *UsrDat,
const struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
struct Qst_Question *Question,
2020-06-17 20:20:16 +02:00
__attribute__((unused)) const char *ClassTxt,
__attribute__((unused)) const char *ClassFeedback);
2020-05-16 02:04:36 +02:00
2020-05-07 18:33:26 +02:00
static void TstPrn_WriteHeadUserCorrect (struct UsrData *UsrDat);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-09 01:37:00 +02:00
static void TstPrn_StoreOneQstOfPrintInDB (const struct TstPrn_Print *Print,
unsigned QstInd);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
static void TstPrn_PutFormToSelectUsrsToViewUsrsPrints (__attribute__((unused)) void *Args);
2020-04-09 21:36:21 +02:00
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
static void TstPrn_ShowUsrsPrints (__attribute__((unused)) void *Args);
2020-06-24 20:10:57 +02:00
static void TstPrn_ShowHeaderPrints (Usr_MeOrOther_t MeOrOther);
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
static void TstPrn_ShowUsrPrints (struct UsrData *UsrDat);
static void TstPrn_ShowPrintsSummaryRow (bool ItsMe,
unsigned NumPrints,
2020-06-24 02:15:50 +02:00
struct TstPrn_NumQuestions *NumTotalQsts,
double TotalScore);
2020-06-23 18:10:20 +02:00
static void TstRes_CheckIfICanSeePrintResult (const struct TstPrn_Print *Print,
long UsrCod,
struct TstRes_ICanView *ICanView);
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
static void TstPrn_ShowTagsPresentInAPrint (long ResCod);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-04-03 01:55:39 +02:00
2020-06-24 20:10:57 +02:00
/***************************** Reset test print ******************************/
2020-04-03 01:55:39 +02:00
2020-05-11 02:28:38 +02:00
void TstPrn_ResetPrint (struct TstPrn_Print *Print)
2020-04-03 01:55:39 +02:00
2020-05-07 18:33:26 +02:00
Print->PrnCod = -1L;
2020-05-11 02:28:38 +02:00
TstPrn_ResetPrintExceptPrnCod (Print);
2020-04-16 21:03:22 +02:00
2020-05-11 02:28:38 +02:00
static void TstPrn_ResetPrintExceptPrnCod (struct TstPrn_Print *Print)
2020-04-16 21:03:22 +02:00
Print->TimeUTC[Dat_STR_TIME] =
Print->TimeUTC[Dat_END_TIME] = (time_t) 0;
2020-06-24 02:15:50 +02:00
Print->NumQsts.All =
Print->NumQsts.NotBlank = 0;
Print->Sent = false; // After creating an exam, it's not sent
Print->AllowTeachers = false; // Teachers can't seen the exam if student don't allow it
Print->Score = 0.0;
2020-04-03 01:55:39 +02:00
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/**************** Create new blank test print in database ********************/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-09 01:37:00 +02:00
void TstPrn_CreatePrintInDB (struct TstPrn_Print *Print)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Insert new test print into table *****/
2020-05-07 18:33:26 +02:00
Print->PrnCod =
DB_QueryINSERTandReturnCode ("can not create new test print",
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
"INSERT INTO tst_exams"
" (CrsCod,UsrCod,StartTime,EndTime,"
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
" (%ld,%ld,NOW(),NOW(),"
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-06-24 02:15:50 +02:00
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/*********************** Update test print in database ***********************/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-11 02:28:38 +02:00
void TstPrn_UpdatePrintInDB (const struct TstPrn_Print *Print)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Update test print in database *****/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
Str_SetDecimalPointToUS (); // To print the floating point as a dot
DB_QueryUPDATE ("can not update test",
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
"UPDATE tst_exams"
" SET EndTime=NOW(),"
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
" WHERE ExaCod=%ld"
" AND CrsCod=%ld" // Extra check
" AND UsrCod=%ld", // Extra check
2020-06-24 02:15:50 +02:00
2020-05-07 18:33:26 +02:00
Print->Sent ? 'Y' :
Print->AllowTeachers ? 'Y' :
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
Str_SetDecimalPointToLocal (); // Return to local system
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
/********************* Show a test print to be answered **********************/
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
void TstPrn_ShowTestPrintToFillIt (struct TstPrn_Print *Print,
unsigned NumPrintsGeneratedByMe,
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
TstPrn_RequestOrConfirm_t RequestOrConfirm)
extern const char *Hlp_ASSESSMENT_Tests;
extern const char *Txt_Test;
extern const char *Txt_Continue;
extern const char *Txt_Send;
unsigned QstInd;
struct Qst_Question Question;
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
static const Act_Action_t Action[Tst_NUM_REQUEST_OR_CONFIRM] =
[TstPrn_REQUEST] = ActReqAssTst,
[TstPrn_CONFIRM] = ActAssTst,
/***** Begin box *****/
Box_BoxBegin (NULL,Txt_Test,
Lay_WriteHeaderClassPhoto (false,false,
2020-06-24 02:15:50 +02:00
if (Print->NumQsts.All)
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
/***** Begin form *****/
Frm_BeginForm (Action[RequestOrConfirm]);
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
TstPrn_PutParamPrnCod (Print->PrnCod);
Par_PutHiddenParamUnsigned (NULL,"NumTst",NumPrintsGeneratedByMe);
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
/***** Begin table *****/
HTM_TABLE_BeginWideMarginPadding (10);
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
/***** Write one row for each question *****/
for (QstInd = 0;
QstInd < Print->NumQsts.All;
Gbl.RowEvenOdd = QstInd % 2;
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
/* Create test question */
Qst_QstConstructor (&Question);
Question.QstCod = Print->PrintedQuestions[QstInd].QstCod;
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
/* Show question */
if (!Qst_GetQstDataFromDB (&Question)) // Question exists
Err_WrongQuestionExit ();
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
/* Write question and answers */
TstPrn_WriteQstAndAnsToFill (&Print->PrintedQuestions[QstInd],QstInd,&Question);
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
/* Destroy test question */
Qst_QstDestructor (&Question);
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
/***** End table *****/
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
/***** Button *****/
switch (RequestOrConfirm)
case TstPrn_REQUEST:
/* Send button */
Btn_PutConfirmButton (Txt_Continue);
case TstPrn_CONFIRM:
/* Will the test be visible by teachers? */
TstPrn_PutCheckBoxAllowTeachers (true);
/* Send button */
Btn_PutCreateButton (Txt_Send);
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
/***** End form *****/
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
Frm_EndForm ();
/***** End box *****/
Box_BoxEnd ();
/********** Write a row of a test, with one question and its answer **********/
static void TstPrn_WriteQstAndAnsToFill (struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
unsigned QstInd,
struct Qst_Question *Question)
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
/***** Begin row *****/
HTM_TR_Begin (NULL);
/***** Number of question and answer type *****/
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"RT COLOR%u\"",Gbl.RowEvenOdd);
Qst_WriteNumQst (QstInd + 1,"BIG_INDEX");
Qst_WriteAnswerType (Question->Answer.Type,"DAT_SMALL");
HTM_TD_End ();
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
/***** Stem, media and answers *****/
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LT COLOR%u\"",Gbl.RowEvenOdd);
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
/* Write parameter with question code */
Qst_WriteParamQstCod (QstInd,Question->QstCod);
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
/* Stem */
Qst_WriteQstStem (Question->Stem,"TEST_TXT",true);
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
/* Media */
Med_ShowMedia (&Question->Media,
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
/* Answers */
TstPrn_WriteAnswersToFill (PrintedQuestion,QstInd,Question);
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
HTM_TD_End ();
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
/***** End row *****/
HTM_TR_End ();
/***************** Write answers of a question to fill them ******************/
static void TstPrn_WriteAnswersToFill (const struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
unsigned QstInd,
struct Qst_Question *Question)
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
void (*TstPrn_WriteAnsBank[Qst_NUM_ANS_TYPES]) (const struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
unsigned QstInd,
struct Qst_Question *Question) =
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
[Qst_ANS_INT ] = TstPrn_WriteIntAnsToFill,
[Qst_ANS_FLOAT ] = TstPrn_WriteFltAnsToFill,
[Qst_ANS_TRUE_FALSE ] = TstPrn_WriteTF_AnsToFill,
[Qst_ANS_UNIQUE_CHOICE ] = TstPrn_WriteChoAnsToFill,
[Qst_ANS_MULTIPLE_CHOICE] = TstPrn_WriteChoAnsToFill,
[Qst_ANS_TEXT ] = TstPrn_WriteTxtAnsToFill,
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
/***** Write answers *****/
TstPrn_WriteAnsBank[Question->Answer.Type] (PrintedQuestion,QstInd,Question);
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
/****************** Write integer answer when seeing a test ******************/
static void TstPrn_WriteIntAnsToFill (const struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
unsigned QstInd,
__attribute__((unused)) struct Qst_Question *Question)
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
char StrAns[3 + Cns_MAX_DECIMAL_DIGITS_UINT + 1]; // "Ansxx...x"
/***** Write input field for the answer *****/
snprintf (StrAns,sizeof (StrAns),"Ans%010u",QstInd);
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
HTM_INPUT_TEXT (StrAns,11,PrintedQuestion->StrAnswers,
/****************** Write float answer when seeing a test ********************/
static void TstPrn_WriteFltAnsToFill (const struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
unsigned QstInd,
__attribute__((unused)) struct Qst_Question *Question)
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
char StrAns[3 + Cns_MAX_DECIMAL_DIGITS_UINT + 1]; // "Ansxx...x"
/***** Write input field for the answer *****/
snprintf (StrAns,sizeof (StrAns),"Ans%010u",QstInd);
HTM_INPUT_TEXT (StrAns,Qst_MAX_BYTES_FLOAT_ANSWER,PrintedQuestion->StrAnswers,
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
/************** Write false / true answer when seeing a test ****************/
static void TstPrn_WriteTF_AnsToFill (const struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
unsigned QstInd,
__attribute__((unused)) struct Qst_Question *Question)
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
extern const char *Txt_TF_QST[2];
/***** Write selector for the answer *****/
/* Initially user has not answered the question ==> initially all the answers will be blank.
If the user does not confirm the submission of their exam ==>
==> the exam may be half filled ==> the answers displayed will be those selected by the user. */
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
HTM_OPTION (HTM_Type_STRING,"" ,PrintedQuestion->StrAnswers[0] == '\0',false,"&nbsp;");
HTM_OPTION (HTM_Type_STRING,"T",PrintedQuestion->StrAnswers[0] == 'T' ,false,"%s",Txt_TF_QST[0]);
HTM_OPTION (HTM_Type_STRING,"F",PrintedQuestion->StrAnswers[0] == 'F' ,false,"%s",Txt_TF_QST[1]);
/******** Write single or multiple choice answer when seeing a test **********/
static void TstPrn_WriteChoAnsToFill (const struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
unsigned QstInd,
struct Qst_Question *Question)
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
unsigned NumOpt;
unsigned Indexes[Qst_MAX_OPTIONS_PER_QUESTION]; // Indexes of all answers of this question
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
char StrAns[3 + Cns_MAX_DECIMAL_DIGITS_UINT + 1]; // "Ansxx...x"
/***** Change format of answers text *****/
Qst_ChangeFormatAnswersText (Question);
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
/***** Get indexes for this question from string *****/
TstPrn_GetIndexesFromStr (PrintedQuestion->StrIndexes,Indexes);
/***** Get the user's answers for this question from string *****/
TstPrn_GetAnswersFromStr (PrintedQuestion->StrAnswers,UsrAnswers);
/***** Begin table *****/
HTM_TABLE_BeginPadding (2);
for (NumOpt = 0;
NumOpt < Question->Answer.NumOptions;
/***** Indexes are 0 1 2 3... if no shuffle
or 3 1 0 2... (example) if shuffle *****/
HTM_TR_Begin (NULL);
/***** Write selectors and letter of this option *****/
/* Initially user has not answered the question ==> initially all the answers will be blank.
If the user does not confirm the submission of their exam ==>
==> the exam may be half filled ==> the answers displayed will be those selected by the user. */
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LT\"");
snprintf (StrAns,sizeof (StrAns),"Ans%010u",QstInd);
if (Question->Answer.Type == Qst_ANS_UNIQUE_CHOICE)
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
HTM_INPUT_RADIO (StrAns,false,
"id=\"Ans%010u_%u\" value=\"%u\"%s"
" onclick=\"selectUnselectRadio(this,this.form.Ans%010u,%u);\"",
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
UsrAnswers[Indexes[NumOpt]] ? " checked=\"checked\"" :
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
else // Answer.Type == Tst_ANS_MULTIPLE_CHOICE
"id=\"Ans%010u_%u\" value=\"%u\"%s",
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
UsrAnswers[Indexes[NumOpt]] ? " checked=\"checked\"" :
HTM_TD_End ();
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LT\"");
HTM_LABEL_Begin ("for=\"Ans%010u_%u\" class=\"TEST_TXT\"",QstInd,NumOpt);
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
HTM_TxtF ("%c)&nbsp;",'a' + (char) NumOpt);
HTM_TD_End ();
/***** Write the option text *****/
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LT\"");
HTM_LABEL_Begin ("for=\"Ans%010u_%u\" class=\"TEST_TXT\"",QstInd,NumOpt);
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
HTM_Txt (Question->Answer.Options[Indexes[NumOpt]].Text);
Med_ShowMedia (&Question->Answer.Options[Indexes[NumOpt]].Media,
HTM_TD_End ();
HTM_TR_End ();
/***** End table *****/
/******************** Write text answer when seeing a test *******************/
static void TstPrn_WriteTxtAnsToFill (const struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
unsigned QstInd,
__attribute__((unused)) struct Qst_Question *Question)
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
char StrAns[3 + Cns_MAX_DECIMAL_DIGITS_UINT + 1]; // "Ansxx...x"
/***** Write input field for the answer *****/
snprintf (StrAns,sizeof (StrAns),"Ans%010u",QstInd);
HTM_INPUT_TEXT (StrAns,Qst_MAX_CHARS_ANSWERS_ONE_QST,PrintedQuestion->StrAnswers,
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
/**************** Put checkbox to allow teachers to see test *****************/
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
static void TstPrn_PutCheckBoxAllowTeachers (bool AllowTeachers)
extern const char *The_ClassFormInBox[The_NUM_THEMES];
extern const char *Txt_Allow_teachers_to_consult_this_test;
/***** Test exam will be available for teachers? *****/
HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"CM\"");
HTM_LABEL_Begin ("class=\"%s\"",The_ClassFormInBox[Gbl.Prefs.Theme]);
AllowTeachers ? " checked=\"checked\"" : // Teachers can see test exam
HTM_TxtF ("&nbsp;%s",Txt_Allow_teachers_to_consult_this_test);
HTM_DIV_End ();
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/************************ Show test after assessing it ***********************/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
void TstPrn_ShowPrintAfterAssess (struct TstPrn_Print *Print)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
unsigned QstInd;
struct Qst_Question Question;
2020-05-07 19:54:24 +02:00
bool QuestionExists;
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Begin table *****/
HTM_TABLE_BeginWideMarginPadding (10);
/***** Initialize score and number of questions not blank *****/
2020-06-24 02:15:50 +02:00
Print->NumQsts.NotBlank = 0;
2020-05-07 18:33:26 +02:00
Print->Score = 0.0;
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
for (QstInd = 0;
QstInd < Print->NumQsts.All;
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
Gbl.RowEvenOdd = QstInd % 2;
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-04-03 19:13:00 +02:00
/***** Create test question *****/
Qst_QstConstructor (&Question);
Question.QstCod = Print->PrintedQuestions[QstInd].QstCod;
2020-04-03 19:13:00 +02:00
/***** Get question data *****/
QuestionExists = Qst_GetQstDataFromDB (&Question);
2020-05-07 19:54:24 +02:00
/***** Write question and answers *****/
2020-06-24 20:10:57 +02:00
TstPrn_WriteQstAndAnsExam (&Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat,
2020-06-24 20:10:57 +02:00
2020-05-07 19:54:24 +02:00
TstCfg_GetConfigVisibility ());
/***** Store test question in database *****/
TstPrn_StoreOneQstOfPrintInDB (Print,QstInd);
2020-05-07 19:54:24 +02:00
/***** Compute total score *****/
Print->Score += Print->PrintedQuestions[QstInd].Score;
if (Print->PrintedQuestions[QstInd].StrAnswers[0]) // User's answer is not blank
2020-06-24 02:15:50 +02:00
2020-05-07 19:54:24 +02:00
/***** Update the number of accesses and the score of this question *****/
if (Gbl.Usrs.Me.Role.Logged == Rol_STD)
TstPrn_UpdateQstScoreInDB (&Print->PrintedQuestions[QstInd]);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-04-03 19:13:00 +02:00
/***** Destroy test question *****/
Qst_QstDestructor (&Question);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** End table *****/
/********** Write a row of a test, with one question and its answer **********/
2020-05-07 18:33:26 +02:00
static void TstPrn_WriteQstAndAnsExam (struct UsrData *UsrDat,
2020-06-24 20:10:57 +02:00
struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion PrintedQuestions[TstCfg_MAX_QUESTIONS_PER_TEST],
unsigned QstInd,
2020-06-24 20:10:57 +02:00
struct Qst_Question *Question,
2020-05-07 19:54:24 +02:00
bool QuestionExists,
2020-04-03 19:13:00 +02:00
unsigned Visibility)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-04-03 19:13:00 +02:00
extern const char *Txt_Score;
extern const char *Txt_Question_removed;
extern const char *Txt_Question_modified;
bool QuestionUneditedAfterExam = false;
2020-05-23 19:08:59 +02:00
2020-05-22 20:10:45 +02:00
/***** Check if I can view each part of the question *****/
switch (Gbl.Usrs.Me.Role.Logged)
case Rol_STD:
2020-05-23 19:08:59 +02:00
ICanView[TstVis_VISIBLE_QST_ANS_TXT ] = TstVis_IsVisibleQstAndAnsTxt (Visibility);
ICanView[TstVis_VISIBLE_FEEDBACK_TXT ] = TstVis_IsVisibleFeedbackTxt (Visibility);
ICanView[TstVis_VISIBLE_CORRECT_ANSWER] = TstVis_IsVisibleCorrectAns (Visibility);
ICanView[TstVis_VISIBLE_EACH_QST_SCORE] = TstVis_IsVisibleEachQstScore (Visibility);
2020-05-22 20:10:45 +02:00
case Rol_NET:
case Rol_TCH:
case Rol_DEG_ADM:
case Rol_CTR_ADM:
case Rol_INS_ADM:
case Rol_SYS_ADM:
2020-05-23 19:08:59 +02:00
2020-05-22 20:10:45 +02:00
2020-05-23 19:08:59 +02:00
ICanView[TstVis_VISIBLE_EACH_QST_SCORE] = false;
2020-05-22 20:10:45 +02:00
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-04-03 19:13:00 +02:00
/***** If this question has been edited later than test time
==> don't show question ****/
if (QuestionExists)
QuestionUneditedAfterExam = (Question->EditTime < TimeUTC[Dat_STR_TIME]);
2020-04-03 19:13:00 +02:00
QuestionUneditedAfterExam = false;
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Begin row *****/
HTM_TR_Begin (NULL);
2020-05-16 02:04:36 +02:00
/***** Number of question and answer type *****/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"RT COLOR%u\"",Gbl.RowEvenOdd);
Qst_WriteNumQst (QstInd + 1,"BIG_INDEX");
2020-04-03 19:13:00 +02:00
if (QuestionUneditedAfterExam)
Qst_WriteAnswerType (Question->Answer.Type,"DAT_SMALL");
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_TD_End ();
/***** Stem, media and answers *****/
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LT COLOR%u\"",Gbl.RowEvenOdd);
2020-04-03 19:13:00 +02:00
if (QuestionExists)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-04-03 19:13:00 +02:00
if (QuestionUneditedAfterExam)
/* Stem */
Qst_WriteQstStem (Question->Stem,"TEST_TXT",ICanView[TstVis_VISIBLE_QST_ANS_TXT]);
2020-04-03 19:13:00 +02:00
/* Media */
2020-05-23 19:08:59 +02:00
2020-04-03 19:13:00 +02:00
Med_ShowMedia (&Question->Media,
/* Answers */
TstPrn_ComputeAnswerScore (&PrintedQuestions[QstInd],Question);
TstPrn_WriteAnswersExam (UsrDat,&PrintedQuestions[QstInd],Question,
2020-06-17 20:20:16 +02:00
2020-04-03 19:13:00 +02:00
Ale_ShowAlert (Ale_WARNING,Txt_Question_modified);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-04-03 19:13:00 +02:00
Ale_ShowAlert (Ale_WARNING,Txt_Question_removed);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-04-03 19:13:00 +02:00
/* Write score retrieved from database */
2020-05-23 19:08:59 +02:00
2020-04-03 19:19:41 +02:00
HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"DAT_SMALL LM\"");
HTM_TxtColonNBSP (Txt_Score);
HTM_SPAN_Begin ("class=\"%s\"",
PrintedQuestions[QstInd].StrAnswers[0] ?
(PrintedQuestions[QstInd].Score > 0 ? "ANS_OK" : // Correct/semicorrect
2020-06-24 20:10:57 +02:00
"ANS_BAD") :// Wrong
"ANS_0"); // Blank answer
HTM_Double2Decimals (PrintedQuestions[QstInd].Score);
2020-04-03 19:19:41 +02:00
HTM_SPAN_End ();
HTM_DIV_End ();
2020-04-03 19:13:00 +02:00
/* Question feedback */
if (QuestionUneditedAfterExam)
2020-05-23 19:08:59 +02:00
Qst_WriteQstFeedback (Question->Feedback,"TEST_TXT_LIGHT");
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_TD_End ();
/***** End row *****/
HTM_TR_End ();
/*********** Compute score of each question and store in database ************/
2020-05-09 01:37:00 +02:00
void TstPrn_ComputeScoresAndStoreQuestionsOfPrint (struct TstPrn_Print *Print,
bool UpdateQstScore)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
unsigned QstInd;
struct Qst_Question Question;
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Initialize total score *****/
2020-05-07 18:33:26 +02:00
Print->Score = 0.0;
2020-06-24 02:15:50 +02:00
Print->NumQsts.NotBlank = 0;
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Compute and store scores of all questions *****/
for (QstInd = 0;
QstInd < Print->NumQsts.All;
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/* Compute question score */
Qst_QstConstructor (&Question);
Question.QstCod = Print->PrintedQuestions[QstInd].QstCod;
Question.Answer.Type = Qst_GetQstAnswerTypeFromDB (Question.QstCod);
TstPrn_ComputeAnswerScore (&Print->PrintedQuestions[QstInd],&Question);
Qst_QstDestructor (&Question);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/* Store test question in database */
2020-05-09 01:37:00 +02:00
TstPrn_StoreOneQstOfPrintInDB (Print,
QstInd); // 0, 1, 2, 3...
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/* Accumulate total score */
Print->Score += Print->PrintedQuestions[QstInd].Score;
if (Print->PrintedQuestions[QstInd].StrAnswers[0]) // User's answer is not blank
2020-06-24 02:15:50 +02:00
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/* Update the number of hits and the score of this question in tests database */
if (UpdateQstScore)
TstPrn_UpdateQstScoreInDB (&Print->PrintedQuestions[QstInd]);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
/******************* Get correct answer and compute score ********************/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-09 01:37:00 +02:00
void TstPrn_ComputeAnswerScore (struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
struct Qst_Question *Question)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
void (*TstPrn_GetCorrectAndComputeAnsScore[Qst_NUM_ANS_TYPES]) (struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
struct Qst_Question *Question) =
2020-05-13 13:13:03 +02:00
[Qst_ANS_INT ] = TstPrn_GetCorrectAndComputeIntAnsScore,
[Qst_ANS_FLOAT ] = TstPrn_GetCorrectAndComputeFltAnsScore,
[Qst_ANS_TRUE_FALSE ] = TstPrn_GetCorrectAndComputeTF_AnsScore,
[Qst_ANS_UNIQUE_CHOICE ] = TstPrn_GetCorrectAndComputeChoAnsScore,
[Qst_ANS_MULTIPLE_CHOICE] = TstPrn_GetCorrectAndComputeChoAnsScore,
[Qst_ANS_TEXT ] = TstPrn_GetCorrectAndComputeTxtAnsScore,
2020-05-13 13:13:03 +02:00
/***** Get correct answer and compute answer score depending on type *****/
TstPrn_GetCorrectAndComputeAnsScore[Question->Answer.Type] (PrintedQuestion,Question);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/*********************** Update the score of a question **********************/
static void TstPrn_UpdateQstScoreInDB (struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion)
/***** Update number of clicks and score of the question *****/
Str_SetDecimalPointToUS (); // To print the floating point as a dot
if (PrintedQuestion->StrAnswers[0]) // User's answer is not blank
DB_QueryUPDATE ("can not update the score of a question",
"UPDATE tst_questions"
" SET NumHits=NumHits+1,"
" WHERE QstCod=%ld",
else // User's answer is blank
DB_QueryUPDATE ("can not update the score of a question",
"UPDATE tst_questions"
" SET NumHits=NumHits+1"
" WHERE QstCod=%ld",
Str_SetDecimalPointToLocal (); // Return to local system
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
/******* Get correct answer and compute score for each type of answer ********/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
static void TstPrn_GetCorrectAndComputeIntAnsScore (struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
struct Qst_Question *Question)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-13 13:37:15 +02:00
/***** Get the numerical value of the correct answer,
and compute score *****/
2020-05-07 18:33:26 +02:00
TstPrn_GetCorrectIntAnswerFromDB (Question);
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
TstPrn_ComputeIntAnsScore (PrintedQuestion,Question);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
static void TstPrn_GetCorrectAndComputeFltAnsScore (struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
struct Qst_Question *Question)
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
2020-05-13 13:37:15 +02:00
/***** Get the numerical value of the minimum and maximum correct answers,
and compute score *****/
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
TstPrn_GetCorrectFltAnswerFromDB (Question);
TstPrn_ComputeFltAnsScore (PrintedQuestion,Question);
static void TstPrn_GetCorrectAndComputeTF_AnsScore (struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
struct Qst_Question *Question)
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
2020-05-13 13:37:15 +02:00
/***** Get answer true or false,
and compute score *****/
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
TstPrn_GetCorrectTF_AnswerFromDB (Question);
TstPrn_ComputeTF_AnsScore (PrintedQuestion,Question);
static void TstPrn_GetCorrectAndComputeChoAnsScore (struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
struct Qst_Question *Question)
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
2020-05-13 13:37:15 +02:00
/***** Get correct options of test question from database,
and compute score *****/
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
TstPrn_GetCorrectChoAnswerFromDB (Question);
TstPrn_ComputeChoAnsScore (PrintedQuestion,Question);
static void TstPrn_GetCorrectAndComputeTxtAnsScore (struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
struct Qst_Question *Question)
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
2020-05-13 13:37:15 +02:00
/***** Get correct text answers for this question from database,
and compute score *****/
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
TstPrn_GetCorrectTxtAnswerFromDB (Question);
TstPrn_ComputeTxtAnsScore (PrintedQuestion,Question);
/**************** Get correct answer for each type of answer *****************/
static void TstPrn_GetCorrectIntAnswerFromDB (struct Qst_Question *Question)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
MYSQL_RES *mysql_res;
/***** Query database *****/
Question->Answer.NumOptions = (unsigned)
DB_QuerySELECT (&mysql_res,"can not get answers of a question",
"SELECT Answer" // row[0]
" FROM tst_answers"
" WHERE QstCod=%ld",
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Check if number of rows is correct *****/
Qst_CheckIfNumberOfAnswersIsOne (Question);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Get correct answer *****/
row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res);
if (sscanf (row[0],"%ld",&Question->Answer.Integer) != 1)
Err_WrongAnswerExit ();
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/
DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res);
static void TstPrn_GetCorrectFltAnswerFromDB (struct Qst_Question *Question)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
MYSQL_RES *mysql_res;
unsigned NumOpt;
double Tmp;
/***** Query database *****/
Question->Answer.NumOptions = (unsigned)
DB_QuerySELECT (&mysql_res,"can not get answers of a question",
"SELECT Answer" // row[0]
" FROM tst_answers"
" WHERE QstCod=%ld",
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Check if number of rows is correct *****/
if (Question->Answer.NumOptions != 2)
Err_WrongAnswerExit ();
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Get float range *****/
for (NumOpt = 0;
NumOpt < 2;
row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res);
Question->Answer.FloatingPoint[NumOpt] = Str_GetDoubleFromStr (row[0]);
if (Question->Answer.FloatingPoint[0] >
Question->Answer.FloatingPoint[1]) // The maximum and the minimum are swapped
/* Swap maximum and minimum */
Tmp = Question->Answer.FloatingPoint[0];
Question->Answer.FloatingPoint[0] = Question->Answer.FloatingPoint[1];
Question->Answer.FloatingPoint[1] = Tmp;
/***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/
DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res);
static void TstPrn_GetCorrectTF_AnswerFromDB (struct Qst_Question *Question)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
MYSQL_RES *mysql_res;
/***** Query database *****/
Question->Answer.NumOptions = (unsigned)
DB_QuerySELECT (&mysql_res,"can not get answers of a question",
"SELECT Answer" // row[0]
" FROM tst_answers"
" WHERE QstCod=%ld",
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Check if number of rows is correct *****/
Qst_CheckIfNumberOfAnswersIsOne (Question);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Get answer *****/
row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res);
Question->Answer.TF = row[0][0];
/***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/
DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res);
static void TstPrn_GetCorrectChoAnswerFromDB (struct Qst_Question *Question)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
MYSQL_RES *mysql_res;
unsigned NumOpt;
/***** Query database *****/
Question->Answer.NumOptions = (unsigned)
DB_QuerySELECT (&mysql_res,"can not get answers of a question",
"SELECT Correct" // row[0]
" FROM tst_answers"
" WHERE QstCod=%ld"
" ORDER BY AnsInd",
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
for (NumOpt = 0;
NumOpt < Question->Answer.NumOptions;
/* Get next answer */
row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res);
/* Assign correctness (row[0]) of this answer (this option) */
Question->Answer.Options[NumOpt].Correct = (row[0][0] == 'Y');
/* Free structure that stores the query result */
DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res);
static void TstPrn_GetCorrectTxtAnswerFromDB (struct Qst_Question *Question)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
MYSQL_RES *mysql_res;
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
unsigned NumOpt;
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
/***** Query database *****/
Question->Answer.NumOptions = (unsigned)
DB_QuerySELECT (&mysql_res,"can not get answers of a question",
"SELECT Answer" // row[0]
" FROM tst_answers"
" WHERE QstCod=%ld",
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
/***** Get text and correctness of answers for this question from database (one row per answer) *****/
for (NumOpt = 0;
NumOpt < Question->Answer.NumOptions;
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
/***** Get next answer *****/
row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
/***** Allocate memory for text in this choice answer *****/
if (!Qst_AllocateTextChoiceAnswer (Question,NumOpt))
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
/* Abort on error */
Ale_ShowAlertsAndExit ();
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
/***** Copy answer text (row[0]) ******/
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
Str_Copy (Question->Answer.Options[NumOpt].Text,row[0],
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
/***** Change format of answers text *****/
Qst_ChangeFormatAnswersText (Question);
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
/***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/
DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
/************** Compute answer score for each type of answer *****************/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
void TstPrn_ComputeIntAnsScore (struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
const struct Qst_Question *Question)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
long AnswerUsr;
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-06-22 19:27:23 +02:00
PrintedQuestion->AnswerIsCorrect = TstPrn_ANSWER_IS_BLANK;
2020-05-22 20:10:45 +02:00
PrintedQuestion->Score = 0.0; // Default score for blank or wrong answer
2020-06-22 19:27:23 +02:00
2020-05-22 20:10:45 +02:00
if (PrintedQuestion->StrAnswers[0]) // If user has answered the answer
2020-06-22 19:27:23 +02:00
PrintedQuestion->AnswerIsCorrect = TstPrn_ANSWER_IS_WRONG_ZERO;
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
if (sscanf (PrintedQuestion->StrAnswers,"%ld",&AnswerUsr) == 1)
if (AnswerUsr == Question->Answer.Integer) // Correct answer
2020-06-22 19:27:23 +02:00
PrintedQuestion->AnswerIsCorrect = TstPrn_ANSWER_IS_CORRECT;
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
PrintedQuestion->Score = 1.0;
2020-06-22 19:27:23 +02:00
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
void TstPrn_ComputeFltAnsScore (struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
const struct Qst_Question *Question)
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
double AnswerUsr;
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-06-22 19:27:23 +02:00
PrintedQuestion->AnswerIsCorrect = TstPrn_ANSWER_IS_BLANK;
2020-05-22 20:10:45 +02:00
PrintedQuestion->Score = 0.0; // Default score for blank or wrong answer
2020-06-22 19:27:23 +02:00
2020-05-22 20:10:45 +02:00
if (PrintedQuestion->StrAnswers[0]) // If user has answered the answer
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
2020-06-22 19:27:23 +02:00
PrintedQuestion->AnswerIsCorrect = TstPrn_ANSWER_IS_WRONG_ZERO;
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
AnswerUsr = Str_GetDoubleFromStr (PrintedQuestion->StrAnswers);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
// A bad formatted floating point answer will interpreted as 0.0
2020-06-22 19:27:23 +02:00
if (AnswerUsr >= Question->Answer.FloatingPoint[0] &&
AnswerUsr <= Question->Answer.FloatingPoint[1])
PrintedQuestion->AnswerIsCorrect = TstPrn_ANSWER_IS_CORRECT;
PrintedQuestion->Score = 1.0; // Correct (inside the interval)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
void TstPrn_ComputeTF_AnsScore (struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
const struct Qst_Question *Question)
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
2020-06-22 19:27:23 +02:00
PrintedQuestion->AnswerIsCorrect = TstPrn_ANSWER_IS_BLANK;
PrintedQuestion->Score = 0.0;
2020-05-22 20:10:45 +02:00
if (PrintedQuestion->StrAnswers[0]) // If user has selected T or F
2020-06-22 19:27:23 +02:00
if (PrintedQuestion->StrAnswers[0] == Question->Answer.TF)
PrintedQuestion->AnswerIsCorrect = TstPrn_ANSWER_IS_CORRECT;
PrintedQuestion->Score = 1.0; // Correct
PrintedQuestion->AnswerIsCorrect = TstPrn_ANSWER_IS_WRONG_NEGATIVE;
PrintedQuestion->Score = -1.0; // Wrong
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
void TstPrn_ComputeChoAnsScore (struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
const struct Qst_Question *Question)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
unsigned Indexes[Qst_MAX_OPTIONS_PER_QUESTION]; // Indexes of all answers of this question
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
unsigned NumOpt;
unsigned NumOptTotInQst = 0;
unsigned NumOptCorrInQst = 0;
unsigned NumAnsGood = 0;
unsigned NumAnsBad = 0;
2020-06-22 19:27:23 +02:00
PrintedQuestion->AnswerIsCorrect = TstPrn_ANSWER_IS_BLANK;
PrintedQuestion->Score = 0.0;
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
/***** Get indexes for this question from string *****/
TstPrn_GetIndexesFromStr (PrintedQuestion->StrIndexes,Indexes);
/***** Get the user's answers for this question from string *****/
TstPrn_GetAnswersFromStr (PrintedQuestion->StrAnswers,UsrAnswers);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Compute the total score of this question *****/
for (NumOpt = 0;
NumOpt < Question->Answer.NumOptions;
if (Question->Answer.Options[Indexes[NumOpt]].Correct)
if (UsrAnswers[Indexes[NumOpt]]) // This answer has been selected by the user
if (Question->Answer.Options[Indexes[NumOpt]].Correct)
2020-06-22 19:27:23 +02:00
/* The answer is not blank? */
2020-05-22 20:10:45 +02:00
if (NumAnsGood || NumAnsBad) // If user has answered the answer
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/* Compute the score */
if (Question->Answer.Type == Qst_ANS_UNIQUE_CHOICE)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
if (NumOptTotInQst >= 2) // It should be 2 options at least
2020-06-22 19:27:23 +02:00
if (NumAnsGood == 1 && NumAnsBad == 0)
PrintedQuestion->AnswerIsCorrect = TstPrn_ANSWER_IS_CORRECT;
PrintedQuestion->Score = 1;
else if (NumAnsGood == 0 && NumAnsBad == 1)
PrintedQuestion->AnswerIsCorrect = TstPrn_ANSWER_IS_WRONG_NEGATIVE;
PrintedQuestion->Score = -1.0 / (double) (NumOptTotInQst - 1);
// other case should be impossible
// other case should be impossible
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
else // AnswerType == Tst_ANS_MULTIPLE_CHOICE
if (NumOptCorrInQst) // There are correct options in the question
2020-06-22 19:27:23 +02:00
if (NumAnsGood == NumOptCorrInQst && NumAnsBad == 0)
PrintedQuestion->AnswerIsCorrect = TstPrn_ANSWER_IS_CORRECT;
PrintedQuestion->Score = 1.0;
if (NumOptCorrInQst < NumOptTotInQst) // If there are correct options and wrong options (typical case)
PrintedQuestion->Score = (double) NumAnsGood / (double) NumOptCorrInQst -
(double) NumAnsBad / (double) (NumOptTotInQst - NumOptCorrInQst);
if (PrintedQuestion->Score > 0.000001)
PrintedQuestion->AnswerIsCorrect = TstPrn_ANSWER_IS_WRONG_POSITIVE;
else if (PrintedQuestion->Score < -0.000001)
PrintedQuestion->AnswerIsCorrect = TstPrn_ANSWER_IS_WRONG_NEGATIVE;
else // Score is 0
PrintedQuestion->AnswerIsCorrect = TstPrn_ANSWER_IS_WRONG_ZERO;
else // If all options are correct (extrange case)
if (NumAnsGood == 0)
PrintedQuestion->AnswerIsCorrect = TstPrn_ANSWER_IS_WRONG_ZERO;
PrintedQuestion->Score = 0.0;
PrintedQuestion->AnswerIsCorrect = TstPrn_ANSWER_IS_WRONG_POSITIVE;
PrintedQuestion->Score = (double) NumAnsGood / (double) NumOptCorrInQst;
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-06-22 19:27:23 +02:00
// other case should be impossible
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
void TstPrn_ComputeTxtAnsScore (struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
const struct Qst_Question *Question)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
unsigned NumOpt;
char TextAnsUsr[Qst_MAX_BYTES_ANSWERS_ONE_QST + 1];
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-06-22 19:27:23 +02:00
PrintedQuestion->AnswerIsCorrect = TstPrn_ANSWER_IS_BLANK;
2020-05-09 01:37:00 +02:00
PrintedQuestion->Score = 0.0; // Default score for blank or wrong answer
2020-06-22 19:27:23 +02:00
2020-05-22 20:10:45 +02:00
if (PrintedQuestion->StrAnswers[0]) // If user has answered the answer
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/* Filter the user answer */
Str_Copy (TextAnsUsr,PrintedQuestion->StrAnswers,sizeof (TextAnsUsr) - 1);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/* In order to compare student answer to stored answer,
the text answers are stored avoiding two or more consecurive spaces */
Str_ReplaceSeveralSpacesForOne (TextAnsUsr);
Str_ConvertToComparable (TextAnsUsr);
2020-06-22 19:27:23 +02:00
PrintedQuestion->AnswerIsCorrect = TstPrn_ANSWER_IS_WRONG_ZERO;
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
for (NumOpt = 0;
NumOpt < Question->Answer.NumOptions;
/* Filter this correct answer */
Str_Copy (TextAnsOK,Question->Answer.Options[NumOpt].Text,sizeof (TextAnsOK) - 1);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
Str_ConvertToComparable (TextAnsOK);
/* Check is user answer is correct */
if (!strcoll (TextAnsUsr,TextAnsOK))
2020-06-22 19:27:23 +02:00
PrintedQuestion->AnswerIsCorrect = TstPrn_ANSWER_IS_CORRECT;
2020-05-09 01:37:00 +02:00
PrintedQuestion->Score = 1.0; // Correct answer
2020-06-22 19:27:23 +02:00
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
/********** Get vector of unsigned indexes from string with indexes **********/
void TstPrn_GetIndexesFromStr (const char StrIndexesOneQst[Qst_MAX_BYTES_INDEXES_ONE_QST + 1], // 0 1 2 3, 3 0 2 1, etc.
unsigned Indexes[Qst_MAX_OPTIONS_PER_QUESTION])
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
unsigned NumOpt;
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
const char *Ptr;
char StrOneIndex[Cns_MAX_DECIMAL_DIGITS_UINT + 1];
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
/***** Get indexes from string *****/
for (NumOpt = 0, Ptr = StrIndexesOneQst;
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
Par_GetNextStrUntilComma (&Ptr,StrOneIndex,Cns_MAX_DECIMAL_DIGITS_UINT);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
if (sscanf (StrOneIndex,"%u",&(Indexes[NumOpt])) != 1)
Err_WrongAnswerIndexExit ();
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
if (Indexes[NumOpt] >= Qst_MAX_OPTIONS_PER_QUESTION)
Err_WrongAnswerIndexExit ();
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
/***** Initialize remaining to 0 *****/
for (;
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
Indexes[NumOpt] = 0;
/************ Get vector of bool answers from string with answers ************/
void TstPrn_GetAnswersFromStr (const char StrAnswersOneQst[Qst_MAX_BYTES_ANSWERS_ONE_QST + 1],
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
unsigned NumOpt;
const char *Ptr;
char StrOneAnswer[Cns_MAX_DECIMAL_DIGITS_UINT + 1];
unsigned AnsUsr;
/***** Initialize all answers to false *****/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
for (NumOpt = 0;
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
UsrAnswers[NumOpt] = false;
/***** Set selected answers to true *****/
for (NumOpt = 0, Ptr = StrAnswersOneQst;
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
Par_GetNextStrUntilComma (&Ptr,StrOneAnswer,Cns_MAX_DECIMAL_DIGITS_UINT);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
if (sscanf (StrOneAnswer,"%u",&AnsUsr) != 1)
Err_WrongAnswerExit ();
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
Err_WrongAnswerExit ();
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-13 12:53:27 +02:00
UsrAnswers[AnsUsr] = true;
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/************ Compute and show total grade out of maximum grade **************/
2020-05-07 18:33:26 +02:00
void TstPrn_ComputeAndShowGrade (unsigned NumQsts,double Score,double MaxGrade)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-07 18:33:26 +02:00
TstPrn_ShowGrade (TstPrn_ComputeGrade (NumQsts,Score,MaxGrade),MaxGrade);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/**************** Compute total grade out of maximum grade *******************/
2020-05-07 18:33:26 +02:00
double TstPrn_ComputeGrade (unsigned NumQsts,double Score,double MaxGrade)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
double MaxScore;
double Grade;
/***** Compute grade *****/
if (NumQsts)
MaxScore = (double) NumQsts;
Grade = Score * MaxGrade / MaxScore;
Grade = 0.0;
return Grade;
/****************** Show total grade out of maximum grade ********************/
2020-05-07 18:33:26 +02:00
void TstPrn_ShowGrade (double Grade,double MaxGrade)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Write grade over maximum grade *****/
HTM_Double2Decimals (Grade);
HTM_Txt ("/");
HTM_Double2Decimals (MaxGrade);
/************* Write answers of a question when assessing a test *************/
2020-05-16 02:04:36 +02:00
void TstPrn_WriteAnswersExam (struct UsrData *UsrDat,
const struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
struct Qst_Question *Question,
2020-06-17 20:20:16 +02:00
const char *ClassTxt,
const char *ClassFeedback)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
void (*TstPrn_WriteAnsExam[Qst_NUM_ANS_TYPES]) (struct UsrData *UsrDat,
2020-05-16 02:04:36 +02:00
const struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
struct Qst_Question *Question,
2020-06-17 20:20:16 +02:00
const char *ClassTxt,
const char *ClassFeedback) =
2020-05-16 02:04:36 +02:00
[Qst_ANS_INT ] = TstPrn_WriteIntAnsPrint,
[Qst_ANS_FLOAT ] = TstPrn_WriteFltAnsPrint,
[Qst_ANS_TRUE_FALSE ] = TstPrn_WriteTF_AnsPrint,
[Qst_ANS_UNIQUE_CHOICE ] = TstPrn_WriteChoAnsPrint,
[Qst_ANS_MULTIPLE_CHOICE] = TstPrn_WriteChoAnsPrint,
[Qst_ANS_TEXT ] = TstPrn_WriteTxtAnsPrint,
2020-05-16 02:04:36 +02:00
/***** Get correct answer and compute answer score depending on type *****/
2020-05-22 20:10:45 +02:00
TstPrn_WriteAnsExam[Question->Answer.Type] (UsrDat,PrintedQuestion,Question,
2020-06-17 20:20:16 +02:00
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
/******************* Write integer answer in a test print ********************/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
static void TstPrn_WriteIntAnsPrint (struct UsrData *UsrDat,
const struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
struct Qst_Question *Question,
2020-06-17 20:20:16 +02:00
__attribute__((unused)) const char *ClassTxt,
__attribute__((unused)) const char *ClassFeedback)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
long IntAnswerUsr;
2020-04-03 19:13:00 +02:00
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Check if number of rows is correct *****/
Qst_CheckIfNumberOfAnswersIsOne (Question);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Header with the title of each column *****/
HTM_TABLE_BeginPadding (2);
HTM_TR_Begin (NULL);
2020-05-07 18:33:26 +02:00
TstPrn_WriteHeadUserCorrect (UsrDat);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_TR_End ();
HTM_TR_Begin (NULL);
/***** Write the user answer *****/
2020-05-16 02:04:36 +02:00
if (PrintedQuestion->StrAnswers[0]) // If user has answered the question
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-16 02:04:36 +02:00
if (sscanf (PrintedQuestion->StrAnswers,"%ld",&IntAnswerUsr) == 1)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"%s CM\"",
2020-05-23 19:08:59 +02:00
2020-04-03 19:13:00 +02:00
(IntAnswerUsr == Question->Answer.Integer ? "ANS_OK" :
"ANS_BAD") :
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_Long (IntAnswerUsr);
HTM_TD_End ();
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"ANS_0 CM\"");
HTM_Txt ("?");
HTM_TD_End ();
else // If user has omitted the answer
HTM_TD_Empty (1);
/***** Write the correct answer *****/
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"ANS_0 CM\"");
2020-04-03 19:13:00 +02:00
HTM_Long (Question->Answer.Integer);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
Ico_PutIconNotVisible ();
HTM_TD_End ();
HTM_TR_End ();
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
/******************** Write float answer in an test print ********************/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
static void TstPrn_WriteFltAnsPrint (struct UsrData *UsrDat,
const struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
struct Qst_Question *Question,
2020-06-17 20:20:16 +02:00
__attribute__((unused)) const char *ClassTxt,
__attribute__((unused)) const char *ClassFeedback)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-04-03 19:13:00 +02:00
double FloatAnsUsr = 0.0;
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Check if number of rows is correct *****/
if (Question->Answer.NumOptions != 2)
Err_WrongAnswerExit ();
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Header with the title of each column *****/
HTM_TABLE_BeginPadding (2);
HTM_TR_Begin (NULL);
2020-05-07 18:33:26 +02:00
TstPrn_WriteHeadUserCorrect (UsrDat);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_TR_End ();
HTM_TR_Begin (NULL);
/***** Write the user answer *****/
2020-05-16 02:04:36 +02:00
if (PrintedQuestion->StrAnswers[0]) // If user has answered the question
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-16 02:04:36 +02:00
FloatAnsUsr = Str_GetDoubleFromStr (PrintedQuestion->StrAnswers);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
// A bad formatted floating point answer will interpreted as 0.0
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"%s CM\"",
2020-05-23 19:08:59 +02:00
2020-04-03 19:13:00 +02:00
((FloatAnsUsr >= Question->Answer.FloatingPoint[0] &&
FloatAnsUsr <= Question->Answer.FloatingPoint[1]) ? "ANS_OK" :
"ANS_BAD") :
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_Double (FloatAnsUsr);
else // If user has omitted the answer
HTM_TD_Begin (NULL);
HTM_TD_End ();
/***** Write the correct answer *****/
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"ANS_0 CM\"");
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_Txt ("[");
2020-04-03 19:13:00 +02:00
HTM_Double (Question->Answer.FloatingPoint[0]);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_Txt ("; ");
2020-04-03 19:13:00 +02:00
HTM_Double (Question->Answer.FloatingPoint[1]);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_Txt ("]");
Ico_PutIconNotVisible ();
HTM_TD_End ();
HTM_TR_End ();
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
/***************** Write false / true answer in a test print *****************/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
static void TstPrn_WriteTF_AnsPrint (struct UsrData *UsrDat,
const struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
struct Qst_Question *Question,
2020-06-17 20:20:16 +02:00
__attribute__((unused)) const char *ClassTxt,
__attribute__((unused)) const char *ClassFeedback)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-04-03 19:13:00 +02:00
char AnsTFUsr;
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Check if number of rows is correct *****/
Qst_CheckIfNumberOfAnswersIsOne (Question);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Get answer true or false *****/
2020-05-16 02:04:36 +02:00
AnsTFUsr = PrintedQuestion->StrAnswers[0];
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Header with the title of each column *****/
HTM_TABLE_BeginPadding (2);
HTM_TR_Begin (NULL);
2020-05-07 18:33:26 +02:00
TstPrn_WriteHeadUserCorrect (UsrDat);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_TR_End ();
HTM_TR_Begin (NULL);
/***** Write the user answer *****/
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"%s CM\"",
2020-05-23 19:08:59 +02:00
2020-04-03 19:13:00 +02:00
(AnsTFUsr == Question->Answer.TF ? "ANS_OK" :
"ANS_BAD") :
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
Qst_WriteAnsTF (AnsTFUsr);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_TD_End ();
/***** Write the correct answer *****/
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"ANS_0 CM\"");
Qst_WriteAnsTF (Question->Answer.TF);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
Ico_PutIconNotVisible ();
HTM_TD_End ();
HTM_TR_End ();
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
/********** Write single or multiple choice answer in a test print ***********/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
static void TstPrn_WriteChoAnsPrint (struct UsrData *UsrDat,
const struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
struct Qst_Question *Question,
2020-06-17 20:20:16 +02:00
const char *ClassTxt,
const char *ClassFeedback)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
extern const char *Txt_TST_Answer_given_by_the_user;
extern const char *Txt_TST_Answer_given_by_the_teachers;
unsigned NumOpt;
unsigned Indexes[Qst_MAX_OPTIONS_PER_QUESTION]; // Indexes of all answers of this question
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
char *Class;
char *Str;
} Ans;
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
/***** Change format of answers text *****/
Qst_ChangeFormatAnswersText (Question);
2020-05-22 20:10:45 +02:00
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
/***** Change format of answers feedback *****/
Qst_ChangeFormatAnswersFeedback (Question);
2020-05-22 20:10:45 +02:00
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Get indexes for this question from string *****/
2020-05-16 02:04:36 +02:00
TstPrn_GetIndexesFromStr (PrintedQuestion->StrIndexes,Indexes);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Get the user's answers for this question from string *****/
2020-05-16 02:04:36 +02:00
TstPrn_GetAnswersFromStr (PrintedQuestion->StrAnswers,UsrAnswers);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Begin table *****/
HTM_TABLE_BeginPadding (2);
HTM_TR_Begin (NULL);
2020-05-07 18:33:26 +02:00
TstPrn_WriteHeadUserCorrect (UsrDat);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_TD_Empty (2);
HTM_TR_End ();
/***** Write answers (one row per answer) *****/
for (NumOpt = 0;
NumOpt < Question->Answer.NumOptions;
HTM_TR_Begin (NULL);
/* Draw icon depending on user's answer */
if (UsrAnswers[Indexes[NumOpt]] == true) // This answer has been selected by the user
2020-05-23 19:08:59 +02:00
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
if (Question->Answer.Options[Indexes[NumOpt]].Correct)
Ans.Class = "ANS_OK";
Ans.Str = "&check;";
Ans.Class = "ANS_BAD";
Ans.Str = "&cross;";
Ans.Class = "ANS_0";
Ans.Str = "&bull;";
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"%s CT\" title=\"%s\"",
HTM_Txt (Ans.Str);
HTM_TD_End ();
else // This answer has NOT been selected by the user
HTM_TD_Empty (1);
/* Draw icon that indicates whether the answer is correct */
2020-05-23 19:08:59 +02:00
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
if (Question->Answer.Options[Indexes[NumOpt]].Correct)
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"ANS_0 CT\" title=\"%s\"",
HTM_Txt ("&bull;");
HTM_TD_End ();
HTM_TD_Empty (1);
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"ANS_0 CT\"");
Ico_PutIconNotVisible ();
HTM_TD_End ();
/* Answer letter (a, b, c,...) */
2020-06-17 20:20:16 +02:00
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"%s LT\"",ClassTxt);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_TxtF ("%c)&nbsp;",'a' + (char) NumOpt);
HTM_TD_End ();
/* Answer text and feedback */
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LT\"");
2020-06-17 20:20:16 +02:00
HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"%s\"",ClassTxt);
2020-05-23 19:08:59 +02:00
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_Txt (Question->Answer.Options[Indexes[NumOpt]].Text);
Med_ShowMedia (&Question->Answer.Options[Indexes[NumOpt]].Media,
Ico_PutIconNotVisible ();
HTM_DIV_End ();
2020-05-23 19:08:59 +02:00
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
if (Question->Answer.Options[Indexes[NumOpt]].Feedback)
if (Question->Answer.Options[Indexes[NumOpt]].Feedback[0])
2020-06-17 20:20:16 +02:00
HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"%s\"",ClassFeedback);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_Txt (Question->Answer.Options[Indexes[NumOpt]].Feedback);
HTM_DIV_End ();
HTM_TD_End ();
HTM_TR_End ();
/***** End table *****/
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
/************** Write text answer when assessing a test print ****************/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
static void TstPrn_WriteTxtAnsPrint (struct UsrData *UsrDat,
const struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion,
struct Qst_Question *Question,
2020-06-17 20:20:16 +02:00
__attribute__((unused)) const char *ClassTxt,
__attribute__((unused)) const char *ClassFeedback)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
unsigned NumOpt;
char TextAnsUsr[Qst_MAX_BYTES_ANSWERS_ONE_QST + 1];
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
bool Correct = false;
2020-04-03 19:13:00 +02:00
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
/***** Change format of answers text *****/
Qst_ChangeFormatAnswersText (Question);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-06-17 02:31:42 +02:00
/***** Change format of answers feedback *****/
Qst_ChangeFormatAnswersFeedback (Question);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Header with the title of each column *****/
HTM_TABLE_BeginPadding (2);
HTM_TR_Begin (NULL);
2020-05-07 18:33:26 +02:00
TstPrn_WriteHeadUserCorrect (UsrDat);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_TR_End ();
HTM_TR_Begin (NULL);
/***** Write the user answer *****/
2020-05-16 02:04:36 +02:00
if (PrintedQuestion->StrAnswers[0]) // If user has answered the question
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/* Filter the user answer */
Str_Copy (TextAnsUsr,PrintedQuestion->StrAnswers,sizeof (TextAnsUsr) - 1);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/* In order to compare student answer to stored answer,
the text answers are stored avoiding two or more consecurive spaces */
Str_ReplaceSeveralSpacesForOne (TextAnsUsr);
Str_ConvertToComparable (TextAnsUsr);
for (NumOpt = 0;
NumOpt < Question->Answer.NumOptions;
/* Filter this correct answer */
Str_Copy (TextAnsOK,Question->Answer.Options[NumOpt].Text,sizeof (TextAnsOK) - 1);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
Str_ConvertToComparable (TextAnsOK);
/* Check is user answer is correct */
if (!strcoll (TextAnsUsr,TextAnsOK))
Correct = true;
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"%s CT\"",
2020-05-23 19:08:59 +02:00
ICanView[TstVis_VISIBLE_CORRECT_ANSWER] ? (Correct ? "ANS_OK" :
2020-05-22 20:10:45 +02:00
"ANS_BAD") :
2020-05-16 02:04:36 +02:00
HTM_Txt (PrintedQuestion->StrAnswers);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
else // If user has omitted the answer
HTM_TD_Begin (NULL);
HTM_TD_End ();
/***** Write the correct answers *****/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"CT\"");
HTM_TABLE_BeginPadding (2);
for (NumOpt = 0;
NumOpt < Question->Answer.NumOptions;
HTM_TR_Begin (NULL);
/* Answer letter (a, b, c,...) */
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"ANS_0 LT\"");
HTM_TxtF ("%c)&nbsp;",'a' + (char) NumOpt);
HTM_TD_End ();
/* Answer text and feedback */
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LT\"");
HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"ANS_0\"");
HTM_Txt (Question->Answer.Options[NumOpt].Text);
HTM_DIV_End ();
2020-05-23 19:08:59 +02:00
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
if (Question->Answer.Options[NumOpt].Feedback)
if (Question->Answer.Options[NumOpt].Feedback[0])
2020-06-17 20:20:16 +02:00
HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"TEST_TXT_LIGHT\"");
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_Txt (Question->Answer.Options[NumOpt].Feedback);
HTM_DIV_End ();
HTM_TD_End ();
HTM_TR_End ();
HTM_TD_End ();
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"ANS_0 CT\"");
Ico_PutIconNotVisible ();
HTM_TD_End ();
HTM_TR_End ();
/********* Write head with two columns: ********/
/********* one for the user's answer and other for the correct answer ********/
2020-05-07 18:33:26 +02:00
static void TstPrn_WriteHeadUserCorrect (struct UsrData *UsrDat)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
extern const char *Txt_User[Usr_NUM_SEXS];
extern const char *Txt_ROLES_PLURAL_Abc[Rol_NUM_ROLES][Usr_NUM_SEXS];
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"DAT_SMALL CM\"");
HTM_Txt (Txt_User[UsrDat->Sex]);
HTM_TD_End ();
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"DAT_SMALL CM\"");
HTM_TD_End ();
2020-05-09 01:37:00 +02:00
/************ Store user's answers of an test print into database ************/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-09 01:37:00 +02:00
static void TstPrn_StoreOneQstOfPrintInDB (const struct TstPrn_Print *Print,
unsigned QstInd)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Insert question and user's answers into database *****/
Str_SetDecimalPointToUS (); // To print the floating point as a dot
DB_QueryREPLACE ("can not update a question of a test",
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
"REPLACE INTO tst_exam_questions"
" (ExaCod,QstCod,QstInd,Score,Indexes,Answers)"
" (%ld,%ld,%u,'%.15lg','%s','%s')",
QstInd, // 0, 1, 2, 3...
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
Str_SetDecimalPointToLocal (); // Return to local system
/*************** Select users and dates to show their tests ******************/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
void TstPrn_SelUsrsToViewUsrsPrints (void)
2020-04-09 21:36:21 +02:00
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
TstPrn_PutFormToSelectUsrsToViewUsrsPrints (NULL);
2020-04-09 21:36:21 +02:00
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
static void TstPrn_PutFormToSelectUsrsToViewUsrsPrints (__attribute__((unused)) void *Args)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
extern const char *Hlp_ASSESSMENT_Tests_results;
extern const char *Txt_Results;
2020-05-18 22:59:07 +02:00
extern const char *Txt_View_results;
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-04-09 21:36:21 +02:00
Usr_PutFormToSelectUsrsToGoToAct (&Gbl.Usrs.Selected,
2020-05-18 22:59:07 +02:00
2020-04-09 21:36:21 +02:00
2020-05-18 22:59:07 +02:00
2020-04-09 21:36:21 +02:00
true); // Put form with date range
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/*********************** Select dates to show my tests ***********************/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
void TstPrn_SelDatesToSeeMyPrints (void)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
extern const char *Hlp_ASSESSMENT_Tests_results;
extern const char *Txt_Results;
2020-05-18 22:59:07 +02:00
extern const char *Txt_View_results;
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
static const Dat_SetHMS SetHMS[Dat_NUM_START_END_TIME] =
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Begin form *****/
Frm_BeginForm (ActSeeMyTstResCrs);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Begin box and table *****/
Box_BoxTableBegin (NULL,Txt_Results,
Dat_PutFormStartEndClientLocalDateTimesWithYesterdayToday (SetHMS);
/***** End table, send button and end box *****/
2020-05-18 22:59:07 +02:00
Box_BoxTableWithButtonEnd (Btn_CONFIRM_BUTTON,Txt_View_results);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** End form *****/
Frm_EndForm ();
/******************************* Show my tests *******************************/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
void TstPrn_ShowMyPrints (void)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
extern const char *Hlp_ASSESSMENT_Tests_results;
extern const char *Txt_Results;
/***** Get starting and ending dates *****/
Dat_GetIniEndDatesFromForm ();
/***** Begin box and table *****/
Box_BoxTableBegin (NULL,Txt_Results,
/***** Header of the table with the list of users *****/
2020-06-24 20:10:57 +02:00
TstPrn_ShowHeaderPrints (Usr_ME);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** List my tests *****/
2020-06-23 18:10:20 +02:00
TstCfg_GetConfigFromDB (); // To get visibility
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
TstPrn_ShowUsrPrints (&Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** End table and box *****/
Box_BoxTableEnd ();
/********************** Get users and show their test ************************/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
void TstPrn_GetUsrsAndShowPrints (void)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
Usr_GetSelectedUsrsAndGoToAct (&Gbl.Usrs.Selected,
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
/********************* Show test prints for several users ********************/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
static void TstPrn_ShowUsrsPrints (__attribute__((unused)) void *Args)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
extern const char *Hlp_ASSESSMENT_Tests_results;
extern const char *Txt_Results;
const char *Ptr;
/***** Get starting and ending dates *****/
Dat_GetIniEndDatesFromForm ();
/***** Begin box and table *****/
Box_BoxTableBegin (NULL,Txt_Results,
2020-06-22 19:27:23 +02:00
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Header of the table with the list of users *****/
2020-06-24 20:10:57 +02:00
TstPrn_ShowHeaderPrints (Usr_OTHER);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** List the tests of the selected users *****/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
Ptr = Gbl.Usrs.Selected.List[Rol_UNK];
while (*Ptr)
Par_GetNextStrUntilSeparParamMult (&Ptr,Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat.EnUsrCod,
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
Usr_GetUsrCodFromEncryptedUsrCod (&Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat);
if (Usr_ChkUsrCodAndGetAllUsrDataFromUsrCod (&Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat,
2020-04-22 03:15:04 +02:00
if (Usr_CheckIfICanViewTstExaMchResult (&Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat))
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Show tests *****/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat.Accepted = Usr_CheckIfUsrHasAcceptedInCurrentCrs (&Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat);
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
TstPrn_ShowUsrPrints (&Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** End table and box *****/
Box_BoxTableEnd ();
/************************** Show header of my tests **************************/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-06-24 20:10:57 +02:00
static void TstPrn_ShowHeaderPrints (Usr_MeOrOther_t MeOrOther)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
extern const char *Txt_User[Usr_NUM_SEXS];
extern const char *Txt_START_END_TIME[Dat_NUM_START_END_TIME];
extern const char *Txt_Questions;
2020-06-23 20:28:33 +02:00
extern const char *Txt_Answers;
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
extern const char *Txt_Score;
extern const char *Txt_Grade;
2020-06-23 20:28:33 +02:00
extern const char *Txt_ANSWERS_non_blank;
extern const char *Txt_ANSWERS_blank;
extern const char *Txt_total;
extern const char *Txt_average;
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-06-23 20:28:33 +02:00
/***** First row *****/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_TR_Begin (NULL);
2020-06-24 20:10:57 +02:00
HTM_TH (3,2,"CT LINE_BOTTOM",Txt_User[MeOrOther == Usr_ME ? Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.Sex :
2020-06-24 02:15:50 +02:00
HTM_TH (3,1,"RT LINE_BOTTOM LINE_LEFT",Txt_Questions);
2020-06-23 20:28:33 +02:00
HTM_TH (1,2,"CT LINE_LEFT",Txt_Answers);
HTM_TH (1,2,"CT LINE_LEFT",Txt_Score);
2020-06-24 02:15:50 +02:00
2020-06-23 20:28:33 +02:00
HTM_TR_End ();
/***** Second row *****/
HTM_TR_Begin (NULL);
HTM_TH (1,1,"RT LINE_LEFT",Txt_ANSWERS_non_blank);
HTM_TH (1,1,"RT",Txt_ANSWERS_blank);
HTM_TH (1,1,"RT LINE_LEFT",Txt_total);
HTM_TH (1,1,"RT",Txt_average);
HTM_TR_End ();
/***** Third row *****/
HTM_TR_Begin (NULL);
2020-06-24 20:10:57 +02:00
HTM_TH (1,1,"RT LINE_BOTTOM LINE_LEFT","{-1&le;<em>p<sub>i</sub></em>&le;1}");
HTM_TH (1,1,"RT LINE_BOTTOM","{<em>p<sub>i</sub></em>=0}");
2020-06-24 02:15:50 +02:00
HTM_TH (1,1,"RT LINE_BOTTOM LINE_LEFT","<em>&Sigma;p<sub>i</sub></em>");
HTM_TH (1,1,"RT LINE_BOTTOM","-1&le;<em style=\"text-decoration:overline;\">p</em>&le;1");
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_TR_End ();
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
/************ Show the test prints of a user in the current course ***********/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
static void TstPrn_ShowUsrPrints (struct UsrData *UsrDat)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
extern const char *Txt_View_test;
MYSQL_RES *mysql_res;
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
unsigned NumPrints;
unsigned NumPrint;
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
static unsigned UniqueId = 0;
Dat_StartEndTime_t StartEndTime;
char *Id;
2020-05-07 18:33:26 +02:00
struct TstPrn_Print Print;
2020-06-24 02:15:50 +02:00
unsigned NumQstsBlank;
struct TstPrn_NumQuestions NumTotalQsts;
double TotalScore;
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
unsigned NumPrintsVisibleByTchs = 0;
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
bool ItsMe = Usr_ItsMe (UsrDat->UsrCod);
2020-06-23 18:10:20 +02:00
struct TstRes_ICanView ICanView;
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
char *ClassDat;
2020-06-24 02:15:50 +02:00
/***** Reset total number of questions and total score *****/
NumTotalQsts.All =
NumTotalQsts.NotBlank = 0;
TotalScore = 0.0;
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Make database query *****/
/* From here... ...to here
___________|_____ _____|___________
-----|______Exam_|_____|-----------------|_____|_Exam______|-----> time
Start | End Start | End
NumPrints = (unsigned)
DB_QuerySELECT (&mysql_res,"can not get tests of a user",
"SELECT ExaCod" // row[0]
" FROM tst_exams"
" WHERE CrsCod=%ld"
" AND UsrCod=%ld"
" AND EndTime>=FROM_UNIXTIME(%ld)"
" AND StartTime<=FROM_UNIXTIME(%ld)"
" ORDER BY ExaCod",
(long) Gbl.DateRange.TimeUTC[Dat_STR_TIME],
(long) Gbl.DateRange.TimeUTC[Dat_END_TIME]);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Show user's data *****/
HTM_TR_Begin (NULL);
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
Usr_ShowTableCellWithUsrData (UsrDat,NumPrints);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Get and print tests *****/
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
if (NumPrints)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
for (NumPrint = 0;
NumPrint < NumPrints;
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res);
2020-06-23 18:10:20 +02:00
/* Get print code (row[0]) */
if ((Print.PrnCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[0])) <= 0)
Err_WrongTestExit ();
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-06-23 18:10:20 +02:00
/* Get print data */
TstPrn_GetPrintDataByPrnCod (&Print);
2020-05-07 18:33:26 +02:00
ClassDat = Print.AllowTeachers ? "DAT" :
2020-06-23 18:10:20 +02:00
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-06-23 18:10:20 +02:00
/* Get if I can see print result and score */
TstRes_CheckIfICanSeePrintResult (&Print,UsrDat->UsrCod,&ICanView);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
if (NumPrint)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_TR_Begin (NULL);
2020-06-23 18:10:20 +02:00
/* Write dates and times */
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
for (StartEndTime = (Dat_StartEndTime_t) 0;
StartEndTime <= (Dat_StartEndTime_t) (Dat_NUM_START_END_TIME - 1);
if (asprintf (&Id,"tst_date_%u_%u",(unsigned) StartEndTime,UniqueId) < 0)
Err_NotEnoughMemoryExit ();
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_TD_Begin ("id=\"%s\" class=\"%s LT COLOR%u\"",
2020-05-07 18:33:26 +02:00
Dat_WriteLocalDateHMSFromUTC (Id,Print.TimeUTC[StartEndTime],
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_TD_End ();
free (Id);
2020-06-24 02:15:50 +02:00
/* Accumulate questions and score */
if (ICanView.Score)
NumTotalQsts.All += Print.NumQsts.All;
NumTotalQsts.NotBlank += Print.NumQsts.NotBlank;
TotalScore += Print.Score;
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/* Write number of questions */
2020-06-24 20:10:57 +02:00
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"%s RT LINE_LEFT COLOR%u\"",ClassDat,Gbl.RowEvenOdd);
2020-06-23 18:10:20 +02:00
if (ICanView.Result)
2020-06-24 02:15:50 +02:00
HTM_Unsigned (Print.NumQsts.All);
2020-06-23 18:10:20 +02:00
Ico_PutIconNotVisible ();
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_TD_End ();
2020-06-23 20:28:33 +02:00
/* Write number of non-blank answers */
2020-06-24 20:10:57 +02:00
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"%s RT LINE_LEFT COLOR%u\"",ClassDat,Gbl.RowEvenOdd);
2020-06-23 18:10:20 +02:00
if (ICanView.Result)
2020-06-24 02:15:50 +02:00
if (Print.NumQsts.NotBlank)
HTM_Unsigned (Print.NumQsts.NotBlank);
HTM_Light0 ();
2020-06-23 18:10:20 +02:00
Ico_PutIconNotVisible ();
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_TD_End ();
2020-06-23 20:28:33 +02:00
/* Write number of blank answers */
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"%s RT COLOR%u\"",ClassDat,Gbl.RowEvenOdd);
2020-06-23 20:28:33 +02:00
if (ICanView.Result)
2020-06-24 02:15:50 +02:00
NumQstsBlank = Print.NumQsts.All - Print.NumQsts.NotBlank;
if (NumQstsBlank)
HTM_Unsigned (NumQstsBlank);
HTM_Light0 ();
2020-06-23 20:28:33 +02:00
Ico_PutIconNotVisible ();
HTM_TD_End ();
/* Write score */
2020-06-24 20:10:57 +02:00
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"%s RT LINE_LEFT COLOR%u\"",ClassDat,Gbl.RowEvenOdd);
2020-04-16 21:03:22 +02:00
if (ICanView.Score)
2020-06-18 20:06:17 +02:00
2020-05-07 18:33:26 +02:00
HTM_Double2Decimals (Print.Score);
2020-06-18 20:06:17 +02:00
HTM_Txt ("/");
2020-06-24 02:15:50 +02:00
HTM_Unsigned (Print.NumQsts.All);
2020-06-18 20:06:17 +02:00
2020-06-23 18:10:20 +02:00
Ico_PutIconNotVisible ();
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_TD_End ();
/* Write average score per question */
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"%s RT COLOR%u\"",ClassDat,Gbl.RowEvenOdd);
2020-04-16 21:03:22 +02:00
if (ICanView.Score)
2020-06-24 02:15:50 +02:00
HTM_Double2Decimals (Print.NumQsts.All ? Print.Score /
(double) Print.NumQsts.All :
2020-06-23 18:10:20 +02:00
Ico_PutIconNotVisible ();
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_TD_End ();
/* Write grade */
2020-06-24 20:10:57 +02:00
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"%s RT LINE_LEFT COLOR%u\"",ClassDat,Gbl.RowEvenOdd);
2020-04-16 21:03:22 +02:00
if (ICanView.Score)
2020-06-24 02:15:50 +02:00
TstPrn_ComputeAndShowGrade (Print.NumQsts.All,Print.Score,Tst_SCORE_MAX);
2020-06-23 18:10:20 +02:00
Ico_PutIconNotVisible ();
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_TD_End ();
/* Link to show this test */
2020-06-24 20:10:57 +02:00
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"RT LINE_LEFT COLOR%u\"",Gbl.RowEvenOdd);
2020-06-23 18:10:20 +02:00
if (ICanView.Result)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
Frm_BeginForm (Gbl.Action.Act == ActSeeMyTstResCrs ? ActSeeOneTstResMe :
2020-05-22 20:10:45 +02:00
2020-05-09 21:07:50 +02:00
TstPrn_PutParamPrnCod (Print.PrnCod);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
Ico_PutIconLink ("tasks.svg",Txt_View_test);
Frm_EndForm ();
2020-06-23 18:10:20 +02:00
Ico_PutIconNotVisible ();
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_TD_End ();
HTM_TR_End ();
2020-05-07 18:33:26 +02:00
if (Print.AllowTeachers)
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Write totals for this user *****/
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
TstPrn_ShowPrintsSummaryRow (ItsMe,NumPrintsVisibleByTchs,
2020-06-24 02:15:50 +02:00
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-06-24 02:15:50 +02:00
/* Columns for dates */
HTM_TD_Begin ("colspan=\"2\" class=\"LINE_BOTTOM COLOR%u\"",Gbl.RowEvenOdd);
HTM_TD_End ();
/* Column for questions */
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LINE_BOTTOM LINE_LEFT COLOR%u\"",Gbl.RowEvenOdd);
HTM_TD_End ();
/* Columns for answers */
HTM_TD_Begin ("colspan=\"2\" class=\"LINE_BOTTOM LINE_LEFT COLOR%u\"",Gbl.RowEvenOdd);
HTM_TD_End ();
/* Columns for score */
HTM_TD_Begin ("colspan=\"2\" class=\"LINE_BOTTOM LINE_LEFT COLOR%u\"",Gbl.RowEvenOdd);
HTM_TD_End ();
/* Column for grade */
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LINE_BOTTOM LINE_LEFT COLOR%u\"",Gbl.RowEvenOdd);
HTM_TD_End ();
/* Column for link to show the result */
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LINE_BOTTOM LINE_LEFT COLOR%u\"",Gbl.RowEvenOdd);
HTM_TD_End ();
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_TR_End ();
/***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/
DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res);
Gbl.RowEvenOdd = 1 - Gbl.RowEvenOdd;
/***************** Write parameter with code of test print ******************/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-09 21:07:50 +02:00
void TstPrn_PutParamPrnCod (long ExaCod)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-09 21:07:50 +02:00
Par_PutHiddenParamLong (NULL,"PrnCod",ExaCod);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***************** Get parameter with code of test print *********************/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-09 21:07:50 +02:00
long TstPrn_GetParamPrnCod (void)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Get code of test print *****/
2020-05-09 21:07:50 +02:00
return Par_GetParToLong ("PrnCod");
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/****************** Show row with summary of user's tess *********************/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
static void TstPrn_ShowPrintsSummaryRow (bool ItsMe,
2020-06-24 02:15:50 +02:00
unsigned NumPrints,
struct TstPrn_NumQuestions *NumTotalQsts,
double TotalScore)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
extern const char *Txt_Visible_tests;
bool ICanViewTotalScore;
switch (Gbl.Usrs.Me.Role.Logged)
case Rol_STD:
ICanViewTotalScore = ItsMe &&
TstVis_IsVisibleTotalScore (TstCfg_GetConfigVisibility ());
case Rol_NET:
case Rol_TCH:
case Rol_DEG_ADM:
case Rol_CTR_ADM:
case Rol_INS_ADM:
ICanViewTotalScore = ItsMe ||
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
case Rol_SYS_ADM:
ICanViewTotalScore = true;
ICanViewTotalScore = false;
/***** Begin row *****/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_TR_Begin (NULL);
/***** Row title *****/
HTM_TD_Begin ("colspan=\"2\" class=\"DAT_N RM LINE_TOP LINE_BOTTOM COLOR%u\"",Gbl.RowEvenOdd);
HTM_TxtColonNBSP (Txt_Visible_tests);
HTM_Unsigned (NumPrints);
HTM_TD_End ();
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Write total number of questions *****/
if (NumPrints)
HTM_Unsigned (NumTotalQsts->All);
HTM_TD_End ();
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Write total number of non-blank answers *****/
if (NumPrints)
HTM_Unsigned (NumTotalQsts->NotBlank);
HTM_TD_End ();
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Write total number of blank answers *****/
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"DAT_N RM LINE_TOP LINE_BOTTOM COLOR%u\"",Gbl.RowEvenOdd);
if (NumPrints)
HTM_Unsigned (NumTotalQsts->All - NumTotalQsts->NotBlank);
HTM_TD_End ();
2020-06-23 20:28:33 +02:00
/***** Write total score *****/
if (ICanViewTotalScore)
HTM_Double2Decimals (TotalScore);
HTM_Txt ("/");
HTM_Unsigned (NumTotalQsts->All);
HTM_TD_End ();
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Write average score per question *****/
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"DAT_N RM LINE_TOP LINE_BOTTOM COLOR%u\"",Gbl.RowEvenOdd);
if (ICanViewTotalScore)
HTM_Double2Decimals (NumTotalQsts->All ? TotalScore / (double) NumTotalQsts->All :
HTM_TD_End ();
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Write grade over Tst_SCORE_MAX *****/
if (ICanViewTotalScore)
TstPrn_ComputeAndShowGrade (NumTotalQsts->All,TotalScore,Tst_SCORE_MAX);
HTM_TD_End ();
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Last cell *****/
HTM_TD_End ();
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** End row *****/
HTM_TR_End ();
/*********************** Show one test of another user ***********************/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
void TstPrn_ShowOnePrint (void)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
extern const char *Hlp_ASSESSMENT_Tests_results;
2020-05-17 02:28:30 +02:00
extern const char *Txt_Result;
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
extern const char *Txt_ROLES_SINGUL_Abc[Rol_NUM_ROLES][Usr_NUM_SEXS];
extern const char *Txt_START_END_TIME[Dat_NUM_START_END_TIME];
extern const char *Txt_Questions;
2020-06-22 19:27:23 +02:00
extern const char *Txt_Answers;
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
extern const char *Txt_Score;
extern const char *Txt_Grade;
extern const char *Txt_Tags;
2020-05-07 18:33:26 +02:00
struct TstPrn_Print Print;
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
Dat_StartEndTime_t StartEndTime;
char *Id;
2020-06-23 18:10:20 +02:00
struct TstRes_ICanView ICanView;
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Get the code of the test *****/
2020-05-11 02:28:38 +02:00
TstPrn_ResetPrint (&Print);
if ((Print.PrnCod = TstPrn_GetParamPrnCod ()) <= 0)
Err_WrongTestExit ();
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Get test data *****/
2020-05-10 01:42:30 +02:00
TstPrn_GetPrintDataByPrnCod (&Print);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-06-23 18:10:20 +02:00
/***** Get if I can see print result and score *****/
if (Gbl.Usrs.Me.Role.Logged == Rol_STD)
TstCfg_GetConfigFromDB (); // To get visibility
TstRes_CheckIfICanSeePrintResult (&Print,Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat.UsrCod,&ICanView);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-06-23 18:10:20 +02:00
if (ICanView.Result) // I am allowed to view this test print result
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Get questions and user's answers of the test from database *****/
2020-05-10 01:42:30 +02:00
TstPrn_GetPrintQuestionsFromDB (&Print);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Begin box *****/
2020-05-17 02:28:30 +02:00
Box_BoxBegin (NULL,Txt_Result,
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
Lay_WriteHeaderClassPhoto (false,false,
/***** Begin table *****/
2020-05-17 22:16:39 +02:00
HTM_TABLE_BeginWideMarginPadding (10);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-06-18 20:06:17 +02:00
/***** User *****/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/* Get data of the user who made the test */
if (!Usr_ChkUsrCodAndGetAllUsrDataFromUsrCod (&Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat,
Err_WrongUserExit ();
2020-04-22 03:15:04 +02:00
if (!Usr_CheckIfICanViewTstExaMchResult (&Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat))
Err_NoPermissionExit ();
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/* User */
HTM_TR_Begin (NULL);
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"DAT_N RT\"");
HTM_TxtColon (Txt_ROLES_SINGUL_Abc[Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat.Roles.InCurrentCrs][Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat.Sex]);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_TD_End ();
2020-06-22 19:27:23 +02:00
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"DAT LB\"");
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
ID_WriteUsrIDs (&Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat,NULL);
HTM_TxtF ("&nbsp;%s",Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat.Surname1);
if (Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat.Surname2[0])
HTM_TxtF ("&nbsp;%s",Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat.Surname2);
if (Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat.FrstName[0])
HTM_TxtF (", %s",Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat.FrstName);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_BR ();
Pho_ShowUsrPhotoIfAllowed (&Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat,"PHOTO45x60",Pho_ZOOM,false);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_TD_End ();
HTM_TR_End ();
2020-06-18 20:06:17 +02:00
/***** Start/end time (for user in this test print) *****/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
for (StartEndTime = (Dat_StartEndTime_t) 0;
StartEndTime <= (Dat_StartEndTime_t) (Dat_NUM_START_END_TIME - 1);
if (asprintf (&Id,"tst_date_%u",(unsigned) StartEndTime) < 0)
Err_NotEnoughMemoryExit ();
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_TR_Begin (NULL);
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"DAT_N RT\"");
2020-06-18 20:06:17 +02:00
HTM_TxtColon (Txt_START_END_TIME[StartEndTime]);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_TD_End ();
2020-06-22 19:27:23 +02:00
HTM_TD_Begin ("id=\"%s\" class=\"DAT LB\"",Id);
2020-05-07 18:33:26 +02:00
Dat_WriteLocalDateHMSFromUTC (Id,Print.TimeUTC[StartEndTime],
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_TD_End ();
HTM_TR_End ();
free (Id);
2020-06-18 20:06:17 +02:00
/***** Number of questions *****/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_TR_Begin (NULL);
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"DAT_N RT\"");
2020-06-18 20:06:17 +02:00
HTM_TxtColon (Txt_Questions);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_TD_End ();
2020-06-22 19:27:23 +02:00
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"DAT LB\"");
2020-06-24 02:15:50 +02:00
HTM_Unsigned (Print.NumQsts.All);
2020-06-22 19:27:23 +02:00
HTM_TD_End ();
HTM_TR_End ();
/***** Number of answers *****/
HTM_TR_Begin (NULL);
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"DAT_N RT\"");
HTM_TxtColon (Txt_Answers);
HTM_TD_End ();
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"DAT LB\"");
2020-06-24 02:15:50 +02:00
HTM_Unsigned (Print.NumQsts.NotBlank);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_TD_End ();
HTM_TR_End ();
2020-06-18 20:06:17 +02:00
/***** Score *****/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_TR_Begin (NULL);
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"DAT_N RT\"");
2020-06-18 20:06:17 +02:00
HTM_TxtColon (Txt_Score);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_TD_End ();
2020-06-22 19:27:23 +02:00
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"DAT LB\"");
2020-06-23 18:10:20 +02:00
if (ICanView.Score)
2020-06-18 20:06:17 +02:00
HTM_STRONG_Begin ();
2020-05-07 18:33:26 +02:00
HTM_Double2Decimals (Print.Score);
2020-06-18 20:06:17 +02:00
HTM_Txt ("/");
2020-06-24 02:15:50 +02:00
HTM_Unsigned (Print.NumQsts.All);
2020-06-18 20:06:17 +02:00
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
Ico_PutIconNotVisible ();
HTM_TD_End ();
2020-06-18 20:06:17 +02:00
/***** Grade *****/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_TR_Begin (NULL);
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"DAT_N RT\"");
2020-06-18 20:06:17 +02:00
HTM_TxtColon (Txt_Grade);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_TD_End ();
2020-06-22 19:27:23 +02:00
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"DAT LB\"");
2020-06-23 18:10:20 +02:00
if (ICanView.Score)
2020-06-18 20:06:17 +02:00
HTM_STRONG_Begin ();
2020-06-24 02:15:50 +02:00
TstPrn_ComputeAndShowGrade (Print.NumQsts.All,Print.Score,Tst_SCORE_MAX);
2020-06-18 20:06:17 +02:00
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
Ico_PutIconNotVisible ();
HTM_TD_End ();
HTM_TR_End ();
2020-06-18 20:06:17 +02:00
/***** Tags present in this test *****/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_TR_Begin (NULL);
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"DAT_N RT\"");
2020-06-18 20:06:17 +02:00
HTM_TxtColon (Txt_Tags);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_TD_End ();
2020-06-22 19:27:23 +02:00
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"DAT LB\"");
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
TstPrn_ShowTagsPresentInAPrint (Print.PrnCod);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
HTM_TD_End ();
HTM_TR_End ();
/***** Write answers and solutions *****/
2020-06-24 20:10:57 +02:00
TstPrn_ShowPrintAnswers (&Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat,
2020-05-22 20:10:45 +02:00
TstCfg_GetConfigVisibility ());
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** End table *****/
/***** End box *****/
Box_BoxEnd ();
else // I am not allowed to view this test
Err_NoPermissionExit ();
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-06-23 18:10:20 +02:00
/****************** Get if I can see print result and score ******************/
static void TstRes_CheckIfICanSeePrintResult (const struct TstPrn_Print *Print,
long UsrCod,
struct TstRes_ICanView *ICanView)
/***** Check if I can view print result and score *****/
switch (Gbl.Usrs.Me.Role.Logged)
case Rol_STD:
// Depends on whether the print is sent or not
// if the print is not sent ==> I can not view results
ICanView->Result = Print->Sent && Usr_ItsMe (UsrCod);
if (ICanView->Result)
// Depends on 5 visibility icons associated to tests
ICanView->Score = TstVis_IsVisibleTotalScore (TstCfg_GetConfigVisibility ());
ICanView->Score = false;
case Rol_NET:
case Rol_TCH:
case Rol_DEG_ADM:
case Rol_CTR_ADM:
case Rol_INS_ADM:
// Depends on whether the print is sent or not, and whether teachers are allowed
// if the print is not sent ==> I can not view results
// if teachers are not allowed ==> I can not view results (except if the print is mine)
ICanView->Result =
ICanView->Score = Print->Sent && (Print->AllowTeachers || Usr_ItsMe (UsrCod));
case Rol_SYS_ADM:
ICanView->Result =
ICanView->Score = true;
ICanView->Result =
ICanView->Score = false;
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/************************ Show test tags in this test ************************/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
static void TstPrn_ShowTagsPresentInAPrint (long ResCod)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
MYSQL_RES *mysql_res;
unsigned NumTags;
/***** Get all tags of questions in this test *****/
NumTags = (unsigned)
DB_QuerySELECT (&mysql_res,"can not get tags present in a test",
"SELECT tst_tags.TagTxt" // row[0]
" FROM (SELECT DISTINCT(tst_question_tags.TagCod)"
" FROM tst_question_tags,"
" WHERE tst_exam_questions.ExaCod=%ld"
" AND tst_exam_questions.QstCod=tst_question_tags.QstCod) AS TagsCods,"
" WHERE TagsCods.TagCod=tst_tags.TagCod"
" ORDER BY tst_tags.TagTxt",
Tag_ShowTagList (NumTags,mysql_res);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/
DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res);
/**************** Show user's and correct answers of a test ******************/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
void TstPrn_ShowPrintAnswers (struct UsrData *UsrDat,
2020-06-24 20:10:57 +02:00
unsigned NumQsts,
struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion PrintedQuestions[TstCfg_MAX_QUESTIONS_PER_TEST],
2020-05-22 20:10:45 +02:00
unsigned Visibility)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
unsigned QstInd;
struct Qst_Question Question;
2020-05-07 19:54:24 +02:00
bool QuestionExists;
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
for (QstInd = 0;
QstInd < NumQsts;
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
Gbl.RowEvenOdd = QstInd % 2;
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-04-03 19:13:00 +02:00
/***** Create test question *****/
Qst_QstConstructor (&Question);
Question.QstCod = PrintedQuestions[QstInd].QstCod;
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-04-03 19:13:00 +02:00
/***** Get question data *****/
QuestionExists = Qst_GetQstDataFromDB (&Question);
2020-05-07 19:54:24 +02:00
/***** Write questions and answers *****/
2020-06-24 20:10:57 +02:00
TstPrn_WriteQstAndAnsExam (UsrDat,
2020-06-24 20:10:57 +02:00
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-04-03 19:13:00 +02:00
/***** Destroy test question *****/
Qst_QstDestructor (&Question);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/**************** Get data of a test using its test code *********************/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-10 01:42:30 +02:00
void TstPrn_GetPrintDataByPrnCod (struct TstPrn_Print *Print)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
MYSQL_RES *mysql_res;
/***** Make database query *****/
if (DB_QuerySELECT (&mysql_res,"can not get data of a test",
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
"SELECT UsrCod," // row[0]
"UNIX_TIMESTAMP(StartTime)," // row[1]
"UNIX_TIMESTAMP(EndTime)," // row[2]
"NumQsts," // row[3]
"NumQstsNotBlank," // row[4]
2020-04-16 21:03:22 +02:00
"Sent," // row[5]
"AllowTeachers," // row[6]
"Score" // row[7]
" FROM tst_exams"
" WHERE ExaCod=%ld"
" AND CrsCod=%ld",
2020-05-07 18:33:26 +02:00
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
Gbl.Hierarchy.Crs.CrsCod) == 1)
row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res);
/* Get user code (row[0]) */
Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat.UsrCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[0]);
/* Get date-time (row[1] and row[2] hold UTC date-time) */
Print->TimeUTC[Dat_STR_TIME] = Dat_GetUNIXTimeFromStr (row[1]);
Print->TimeUTC[Dat_END_TIME] = Dat_GetUNIXTimeFromStr (row[2]);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/* Get number of questions (row[3]) */
2020-06-24 02:15:50 +02:00
if (sscanf (row[3],"%u",&Print->NumQsts.All) != 1)
Print->NumQsts.All = 0;
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/* Get number of questions not blank (row[4]) */
2020-06-24 02:15:50 +02:00
if (sscanf (row[4],"%u",&Print->NumQsts.NotBlank) != 1)
Print->NumQsts.NotBlank = 0;
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-04-16 21:03:22 +02:00
/* Get if exam has been sent (row[5]) */
2020-05-07 18:33:26 +02:00
Print->Sent = (row[5][0] == 'Y');
2020-04-16 21:03:22 +02:00
/* Get if teachers are allowed to see this test (row[6]) */
2020-05-07 18:33:26 +02:00
Print->AllowTeachers = (row[6][0] == 'Y');
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-04-16 21:03:22 +02:00
/* Get score (row[7]) */
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
Str_SetDecimalPointToUS (); // To get the decimal point as a dot
2020-05-07 18:33:26 +02:00
if (sscanf (row[7],"%lf",&Print->Score) != 1)
Print->Score = 0.0;
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
Str_SetDecimalPointToLocal (); // Return to local system
2020-05-11 02:28:38 +02:00
TstPrn_ResetPrintExceptPrnCod (Print);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/
DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res);
/************* Get the questions of a test print from database ***************/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-10 01:42:30 +02:00
void TstPrn_GetPrintQuestionsFromDB (struct TstPrn_Print *Print)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
MYSQL_RES *mysql_res;
2020-04-14 02:37:24 +02:00
unsigned NumQsts;
unsigned QstInd;
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Get questions of a test print from database *****/
NumQsts = (unsigned)
DB_QuerySELECT (&mysql_res,"can not get questions of a test",
"SELECT QstCod," // row[0]
"Score," // row[1]
"Indexes," // row[2]
"Answers" // row[3]
" FROM tst_exam_questions"
" WHERE ExaCod=%ld"
" ORDER BY QstInd",
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-10 01:42:30 +02:00
/***** Get questions *****/
2020-06-24 02:15:50 +02:00
if (NumQsts == Print->NumQsts.All)
for (QstInd = 0;
QstInd < NumQsts;
2020-04-14 02:37:24 +02:00
row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-04-30 20:15:21 +02:00
/* Get question code (row[0]) */
if ((Print->PrintedQuestions[QstInd].QstCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[0])) < 0)
Err_WrongQuestionExit ();
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-12 02:45:03 +02:00
/* Get score (row[1]) */
2020-05-11 14:56:49 +02:00
Str_SetDecimalPointToUS (); // To get the decimal point as a dot
if (sscanf (row[1],"%lf",&Print->PrintedQuestions[QstInd].Score) != 1)
Err_ShowErrorAndExit ("Wrong question score.");
2020-05-11 14:56:49 +02:00
Str_SetDecimalPointToLocal (); // Return to local system
2020-05-12 02:45:03 +02:00
/* Get indexes for this question (row[2]) */
Str_Copy (Print->PrintedQuestions[QstInd].StrIndexes,row[2],
sizeof (Print->PrintedQuestions[QstInd].StrIndexes) - 1);
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-12 02:45:03 +02:00
/* Get answers selected by user for this question (row[3]) */
Str_Copy (Print->PrintedQuestions[QstInd].StrAnswers,row[3],
sizeof (Print->PrintedQuestions[QstInd].StrAnswers) - 1);
2020-04-14 02:37:24 +02:00
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/
DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res);
2020-04-14 02:37:24 +02:00
2020-06-24 02:15:50 +02:00
if (NumQsts != Print->NumQsts.All)
Err_WrongExamExit ();
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/********************** Remove test prints made by a user ********************/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
void TstPrn_RemovePrintsMadeByUsrInAllCrss (long UsrCod)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-18 22:59:07 +02:00
/***** Remove test prints questions for the given user *****/
DB_QueryDELETE ("can not remove tests made by a user",
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
"DELETE FROM tst_exam_questions"
" USING tst_exams,"
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
" WHERE tst_exams.UsrCod=%ld"
" AND tst_exams.ExaCod=tst_exam_questions.ExaCod",
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-18 22:59:07 +02:00
/***** Remove test prints made by the given user *****/
DB_QueryDELETE ("can not remove tests made by a user",
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
"DELETE FROM tst_exams"
" WHERE UsrCod=%ld",
/************** Remove test prints made by a user in a course ****************/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
void TstPrn_RemovePrintsMadeByUsrInCrs (long UsrCod,long CrsCod)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Remove tests made by the given user *****/
DB_QueryDELETE ("can not remove tests made by a user in a course",
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
"DELETE FROM tst_exam_questions"
" USING tst_exams,"
" WHERE tst_exams.CrsCod=%ld"
" AND tst_exams.UsrCod=%ld"
" AND tst_exams.ExaCod=tst_exam_questions.ExaCod",
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
DB_QueryDELETE ("can not remove tests made by a user in a course",
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
"DELETE FROM tst_exams"
" WHERE CrsCod=%ld"
" AND UsrCod=%ld",
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/****************** Remove all test prints made in a course ******************/
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
2020-05-18 14:34:31 +02:00
void TstPrn_RemoveCrsPrints (long CrsCod)
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Remove questions of tests made in the course *****/
DB_QueryDELETE ("can not remove tests made in a course",
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
"DELETE FROM tst_exam_questions"
" USING tst_exams,"
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
" WHERE tst_exams.CrsCod=%ld"
" AND tst_exams.ExaCod=tst_exam_questions.ExaCod",
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***** Remove tests made in the course *****/
DB_QueryDELETE ("can not remove tests made in a course",
"DELETE FROM tst_exams"
" WHERE CrsCod=%ld",
2020-04-02 03:28:08 +02:00
/***************** Get number of test prints generated by me *****************/
unsigned TstPrn_GetNumPrintsGeneratedByMe (void)
MYSQL_RES *mysql_res;
unsigned NumRows;
unsigned NumPrintsGeneratedByMe = 0;
if (Gbl.Usrs.Me.IBelongToCurrentCrs)
/***** Get number of test prints generated by me from database *****/
NumRows = Tst_DB_GetNumPrintsGeneratedByMe (&mysql_res);
if (NumRows == 0)
NumPrintsGeneratedByMe = 0;
else if (NumRows == 1)
/* Get number of hits */
row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res);
if (row[0] == NULL)
NumPrintsGeneratedByMe = 0;
else if (sscanf (row[0],"%u",&NumPrintsGeneratedByMe) != 1)
NumPrintsGeneratedByMe = 0;
Err_ShowErrorAndExit ("Error when getting number of tests.");
/***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/
DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res);
return NumPrintsGeneratedByMe;