This commit is contained in:
Lorenzo Carbonell 2022-11-14 20:35:20 +01:00
parent d5ddc10187
commit 4cb57bcc7c

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@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
DownloadDirectory: /srv/downloads
# DisableEncryption A switch disables [BitTorrent protocol encryption](
WatchDirectory: /home/ubuntu/Workdir/cloud-torrent/torrents
# DownloadDirectory The directory where downloaded file saves.
AutoStart: true
# AutoStart Whether start torrent task on added Magnet/Torrent.
AllowRuntimeConfigure: true
#AllowRuntimeConfigure is the switch whether to offer the WEB UI configuration to users.
EngineDebug: false
# EngineDebug Print debug log from anacrolix/torrent engine (lots of them)
MuteEngineLog: true
# MuteEngineLog anacrolix/torrent engine prints chunks exchanging logs, normal user can just mute them.
ObfsPreferred: true
# ObfsPreferred Whether torrent header obfuscation is preferred.
ObfsRequirePreferred: false
# ObfsRequirePreferred Whether the value of ObfsPreferred is a strict requirement. This hides torrent traffic from being censored.
DisableTrackers: false
# DisableTrackers Don't announce to trackers. This only leaves DHT to discover peers.
DisableIPv6: false
# DisableIPv6 Don't connect to IPv6 peers.
DisableUTP: false
# Disable UTP in the torrent protocol.
# In recent versions, the UTP process cause quite high CPU usage. Set to true can ease the situation.
NoDefaultPortForwarding: true
# Don't broadcast the UPNP request for gateway port forwarding, which is unnecessary in machines that has public IP (of which this program is mean for?)
EnableUpload: true
# EnableUpload Whether send chunks to peers
EnableSeeding: true
# EnableSeeding Whether upload even after there's nothing further for us. By default uploading is not altruistic, we'll only upload to encourage the peer to reciprocate.
IncomingPort: 50007
# IncomingPort The port SimpleTorrent listens to.
DoneCmd: ""
# DoneCmd is An external program to call on task finished. See [DoneCmd Usage](
SeedRatio: 1.5
# SeedRatio The ratio of task Upload/Download data when reached, the task will be stop.
SeedTime: "60m"
# SeedTime is the time to seed after a task is done downloading, during which if `SeedRatio` is reached, the tasks will stop and deleted; after the duration, the tasks will also stop and removed. But if the waiting queue is empty, will not remove.
UploadRate: High
DownloadRate: Unlimited
# UploadRate/DownloadRate The global speed limiter,
# a fixed level amoung Low(~50k/s), Medium(~500k/s) and High(~1500k/s) is accepted , Unlimited / 0
# or empty result in unlimited rate, or a customed value eg: 850k/720kb/2.85MB.
# TrackerListURL A https URL to a trackers list, this option is design to retrive public trackers from
AlwaysAddTrackers: true
# Always add tracers from TrackerListURL wheather the torrent/magnet link has it's own trackers already
MaxConcurrentTask: 0
#MaxConcurrentTask the the maximum tasks concurrently running. Too many task consumes CPU a lot, use this option to limit and queue up download task.
ProxyURL: ""
# ProxyURL Socks5 Proxy to torrent engine. Authentication should be included in the url if needed.
# Eg. socks5:#demo:demo@
# ScraperURL: ""
# The magnet search engine configuration file. Don't set this option (leave it commented) if not intended to.
RSSUrl: |-
# http://domian./rss.xml
# http://some-other-site/rss.xml
# The RSS superscription list.