refactor: update help_message(). closes #1148

This commit is contained in:
zen0bit 2024-05-02 11:13:04 +02:00 committed by Martin Wimpress
parent 88d61eae4e
commit 6490d48bf9

View File

@ -3339,42 +3339,38 @@ function help_message() {
#shellcheck disable=SC2016
printf ' _ _
__ _ _ _ _ ___║ ║ ____ _ ___║ ║_
/ _` ║ ║ ║ ║ ║/ __║ ║/ / _` ║/ _ \ __║
( (_║ ║ ║_║ ║ ║ (__║ < (_║ ║ __/ ║_ MIT
\__, ║\__,_║_║\___║_║\ \__, ║\___║\__║ license
║_║ version: %s ║___/ part of Quickemu project
> Quickly create and run optimised Linux, <
> Windows and macOS desktop virtual machines. <
/ _` ║ ║ ║ ║ ║/ __║ ║/ / _` ║/ _ \ __║ MIT
( (_║ ║ ║_║ ║ ║ (__║ < (_║ ║ __/ ║_ license
\__, ║\__,_║_║\___║_║\ \__, ║\___║\__║ version: %s
║_║ ║___/ part of Quickemu project
> Quickly create and run optimised Linux, <
> Windows and macOS desktop virtual machines <
Project -
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Project -
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Basic Usage:
quickget <os> <release> [edition]
quickget ubuntu 22.04
Advanced Usage:
quickget <arg> [path] <os> [re] [ed]
quickget --download ubuntu 22.04
Basic Usage: Advanced Usage:
quickget <os> <release> [edition] quickget <arg> [path] <os> [re] [ed]
quickget ubuntu 22.04 quickget --download ubuntu 22.04
-[12345] <os> : Show info* about OS
--download (-d) <os> <re> [ed] : Download the ISO only; no VM configuration
--download (-d) <os> <re> [ed] : Download image; no VM configuration
--create-config (-cc) <os> [path/url]: Create default VM config for image
--open-homepage (-o) <os> : Open homepage for the OS
--version (-v) : Show version
--help (-h) : Show this help message
-------------- For testing & development ---------------------
--url (-u) [os] [re] [ed] : Show download URL for what specified or All
--check (-c) [os] [re] [ed] : Check download for what specified or All
--list (-l) : List all supported systems in plain text
--list-csv (-lc) : List all supported systems in csv format
--list-json (-lj) : List all supported systems in json format
*info: 1=Logo 2=Based of 3=Credentials 4=Homepage 5=Short info
Can be used in any combination like -13254 or -52
--------------------- For testing & development --------------------------------
--url (-u) [os] [re] [ed] : Show URL(s) for what specified or All
--check (-c) [os] [re] [ed] : Check URL(s) for what specified or All
--list (-l) : List all supported systems
--list-csv (-lc) : List everything in csv format
--list-json (-lj) : List everything in json format
*info: 1=Logo 2=Based of 3=Credentials 4=Homepage 5=Short info
Can be used in any combination like -13254 or -52
supported Operating Systems:\n' "$(quickemu --version)"
os_support | fold -s -w "$(tput cols)"