Use only latest BlendOS release

This commit is contained in:
Liam 2024-04-13 19:51:10 -07:00 committed by Martin Wimpress
parent bea27b1ffa
commit 592271d46b

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@ -527,13 +527,15 @@ function releases_biglinux() {
function releases_blendos() {
# Pull the rss feed
echo latest
function editions_blendos() {
wget -q -O- | grep -E -o 'https://.*blendOS\.iso.*</media:hash' >/tmp/blendos-isos.rss
local RLIST
RLIST=$(grep -E -o 'https://.*blendOS\.iso.*</media:hash' /tmp/blendos-isos.rss | cut -d/ -f 8-9 | sort -r -t/ --key=2 |grep -e '16878' -e '168[8-9]'| tr '\r\n' ' ')
echo "${RLIST}"
BLENDOS_EDITIONS="$(grep -E -o 'https://.*blendOS\.iso.*</media:hash' /tmp/blendos-isos.rss | cut -d '/' -f 8 | sort | uniq | tr '\n' ' ')"
function releases_bunsenlabs() {
@ -862,7 +864,7 @@ function editions_primtux() {
function releases_pureos() {
wget -q -O- "" | grep -m 1 "downloads.puri" | cut -d '"' -f 2 | cut -d '-' -f 4
wget -q -O- "" | grep -m 1 "downloads.puri" | cut -d '"' -f 2 | cut -d '-' -f 4
function editions_pureos() {
echo gnome plasma
@ -1568,23 +1570,15 @@ function get_biglinux() {
function get_blendos() {
local HASH=""
local URL=""
local latest_blendos_release
latest_blendos_release="$(grep "${EDITION}" /tmp/blendos-isos.rss | cut -d '/' -f 9 | sort -nr | head -n 1)"
URL=$(grep "${EDITION}/${latest_blendos_release}" /tmp/blendos-isos.rss | grep -E -o 'https://.*blendOS\.iso')
HASH=$(grep "${EDITION}/${latest_blendos_release}" /tmp/blendos-isos.rss | grep -E -o '[[:alnum:]]{32}')
# BlendOS has more editions and releases but there's a tracker indirect and other issues
# so easier to use the rss feed
# We have to provide edition/release as RELEASE or have a major refactor
# But this works for now ... or does it ....
URL=$(grep ${RELEASE} /tmp/blendos-isos.rss | grep -E -o 'https://.*blendOS\.iso')
HASH=$(grep ${RELEASE} /tmp/blendos-isos.rss | grep -E -o '[[:alnum:]]{32}')
# ## fix up variables for path naming
# For UX maybe show the date of the release
#echo ${RELEASE##*/} "(" $(date -d @${RELEASE##*/}) ")"
# maybe $(date -d @${RELEASE##*/} '+%Y%m%d')
echo "${URL} ${HASH}"
@ -2414,7 +2408,7 @@ function get_pureos() {
local IsoTrimmed=
HASH="$(wget -q -O- "${URL}/${IsoTrimmed}.checksums_sha256.txt" | grep -m 1 '.iso' | cut -d '.' -f 1)"
echo "${URL}/${ISO} ${HASH}"
echo "${URL}/${ISO} ${HASH}"