Tijl Deneut fbbb3e4718 Fix ManageEngine not starting
Notification Server fails to be configured for Local Service and the auto start settings where lost too. Fixed now.
2017-08-03 15:15:40 +02:00

14 lines
990 B

powershell -Command "(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('', 'C:\Windows\Temp\ManageEngine_DesktopCentral.exe')" <NUL
start /WAIT C:\Windows\Temp\ManageEngine_DesktopCentral.exe /w /s /f1C:\Vagrant\resources\manageengine\setup.iss
net stop "ManageEngine Desktop Central Server"
net stop "MEDC Server Component - Apache"
net stop "MEDC Server Component - Notification Server"
icacls "C:\ManageEngine" /grant "NT Authority\LOCAL SERVICE:(OI)(CI)F" /T
sc config "DesktopCentralServer" obj= "NT Authority\LOCAL SERVICE" type= own start= auto
sc config "MEDC Server Component - Notification Server" obj= "NT Authority\LOCAL SERVICE" type= own start= auto
sc config "MEDCServerComponent-Apache" obj= "NT Authority\LOCAL SERVICE" type= own start= auto
net start "MEDC Server Component - Apache"
net start "MEDC Server Component - Notification Server"
net start "ManageEngine Desktop Central Server"