Dave Eargle 72dc282aa0 ub1404 dev workflow
Tweaks to the recipes to avoid repetition of work, and ub1404 dev,
* let apt cookbook handle apt-update globally
* do not download, configure, make, make install if the package is
already installed
* add guards for file deletion to first check whether file is present
* use docker cookbook for image building and running, to only build if
not alrady built and only run if not already running
* drop mysql table and recreate each time

* bump Docker cookbook to 4.9.3
* bump mysql cookbook to 8.5.1
* add apt cookbook for better apt-update management
* bump depends versions and add apt
* modify readme with customization instructions
* modify all chef runlists to call apt first in the runlist
* add a vagrantfile for dev of ub1404
2019-10-29 13:36:27 -06:00

19 lines
276 B

# Cookbook:: metasploitable
# Recipe:: cups
# Copyright:: 2017, Rapid7, All Rights Reserved.
package 'cups' do
action :install
cookbook_file '/etc/cups/cupsd.conf' do
source 'cups/cupsd.conf'
mode '0644'
service 'cups' do
action [:enable, :restart]