gfyoung 415b89a022 Reduce dependency on global settings variable
Global variables make code less modular
and therefore more difficult to test.
2017-07-03 18:42:15 -07:00

1211 lines
39 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Script by gfyoung
# Python script for testing
from updateHostsFile import (Colors, PY3, colorize, flush_dns_cache,
gather_custom_exclusions, get_defaults,
get_file_by_url, is_valid_domain_format,
move_hosts_file_into_place, normalize_rule,
path_join_robust, print_failure, print_success,
supports_color, query_yes_no, recursive_glob,
remove_old_hosts_file, strip_rule,
update_readme_data, write_data,
import updateHostsFile
import unittest
import tempfile
import locale
import shutil
import json
import sys
import os
if PY3:
from io import BytesIO, StringIO
import unittest.mock as mock
unicode = str
from StringIO import StringIO
BytesIO = StringIO
import mock
# Base Test Classes
class Base(unittest.TestCase):
def mock_property(name):
return mock.patch(name, new_callable=mock.PropertyMock)
def sep(self):
return "\\" if sys.platform == "win32" else "/"
class BaseStdout(Base):
def setUp(self):
sys.stdout = StringIO()
def tearDown(self):
sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
class BaseMockDir(Base):
def dir_count(self):
return len(os.listdir(self.test_dir))
def setUp(self):
self.test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
def tearDown(self):
# End Base Test Classes
# Project Settings
class TestGetDefaults(Base):
def test_get_defaults(self):
with self.mock_property("updateHostsFile.BASEDIR_PATH"):
updateHostsFile.BASEDIR_PATH = "foo"
actual = get_defaults()
expected = {"numberofrules": 0,
"datapath": "foo" + self.sep + "data",
"freshen": True,
"replace": False,
"backup": False,
"skipstatichosts": False,
"keepdomaincomments": False,
"extensionspath": "foo" + self.sep + "extensions",
"extensions": [],
"outputsubfolder": "",
"hostfilename": "hosts",
"targetip": "",
"ziphosts": False,
"sourcedatafilename": "update.json",
"sourcesdata": [],
"readmefilename": "",
"readmetemplate": ("foo" + self.sep +
"readmedata": {},
"readmedatafilename": ("foo" + self.sep +
"exclusionpattern": "([a-zA-Z\d-]+\.){0,}",
"exclusionregexs": [],
"exclusions": [],
"commonexclusions": [""],
"blacklistfile": "foo" + self.sep + "blacklist",
"whitelistfile": "foo" + self.sep + "whitelist"}
self.assertDictEqual(actual, expected)
# End Project Settings
# Exclusion Logic
class TestGatherCustomExclusions(BaseStdout):
# Can only test in the invalid domain case
# because of the settings global variable.
@mock.patch("updateHostsFile.raw_input", side_effect=["foo", "no"])
@mock.patch("updateHostsFile.is_valid_domain_format", return_value=False)
def test_basic(self, *_):
expected = "Do you have more domains you want to enter? [Y/n]"
output = sys.stdout.getvalue()
self.assertIn(expected, output)
@mock.patch("updateHostsFile.raw_input", side_effect=["foo", "yes",
"bar", "no"])
@mock.patch("updateHostsFile.is_valid_domain_format", return_value=False)
def test_multiple(self, *_):
expected = ("Do you have more domains you want to enter? [Y/n] "
"Do you have more domains you want to enter? [Y/n]")
output = sys.stdout.getvalue()
self.assertIn(expected, output)
# End Exclusion Logic
# File Logic
class TestNormalizeRule(BaseStdout):
def test_no_match(self):
kwargs = dict(target_ip="", keep_domain_comments=False)
for rule in ["foo", "", "", "0.0.0 google",
" foo/bar", ""]:
self.assertEqual(normalize_rule(rule, **kwargs), (None, None))
output = sys.stdout.getvalue()
sys.stdout = StringIO()
expected = "==>" + rule + "<=="
self.assertIn(expected, output)
def test_no_comments(self):
for target_ip in ("", "", ""):
rule = " google foo"
expected = ("google", str(target_ip) + " google\n")
actual = normalize_rule(rule, target_ip=target_ip,
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
# Nothing gets printed if there's a match.
output = sys.stdout.getvalue()
self.assertEqual(output, "")
sys.stdout = StringIO()
def test_with_comments(self):
for target_ip in ("", "", ""):
for comment in ("foo", "bar", "baz"):
rule = " google " + comment
expected = ("google", (str(target_ip) + " google # " +
comment + "\n"))
actual = normalize_rule(rule, target_ip=target_ip,
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
# Nothing gets printed if there's a match.
output = sys.stdout.getvalue()
self.assertEqual(output, "")
sys.stdout = StringIO()
class TestStripRule(Base):
def test_strip_empty(self):
for line in ["", "", "foo"]:
output = strip_rule(line)
self.assertEqual(output, "")
def test_strip_exactly_two(self):
for line in ["", "",
"", ""]:
output = strip_rule(line)
self.assertEqual(output, line)
def test_strip_more_than_two(self):
for line in ["", "",
"", ""]:
output = strip_rule(line + " # comments here galore")
self.assertEqual(output, line)
class TestWriteOpeningHeader(BaseMockDir):
def setUp(self):
super(TestWriteOpeningHeader, self).setUp()
self.final_file = BytesIO()
def test_missing_keyword(self):
kwargs = dict(extensions="", outputsubfolder="",
numberofrules=5, skipstatichosts=False)
for k in kwargs.keys():
bad_kwargs = kwargs.copy()
self.assertRaises(KeyError, write_opening_header,
self.final_file, **bad_kwargs)
def test_basic(self):
kwargs = dict(extensions="", outputsubfolder="",
numberofrules=5, skipstatichosts=True)
write_opening_header(self.final_file, **kwargs)
contents = self.final_file.getvalue()
contents = contents.decode("UTF-8")
# Expected contents.
for expected in (
"# This hosts file is a merged collection",
"# with a dash of crowd sourcing via Github",
"# Number of unique domains: {count}".format(
"Fetch the latest version of this file:",
"Project home page:",
self.assertIn(expected, contents)
# Expected non-contents.
for expected in (
"# Extensions added to this file:",
" localhost",
" local",
self.assertNotIn(expected, contents)
def test_basic_include_static_hosts(self):
kwargs = dict(extensions="", outputsubfolder="",
numberofrules=5, skipstatichosts=False)
with self.mock_property("platform.system") as obj:
obj.return_value = "Windows"
write_opening_header(self.final_file, **kwargs)
contents = self.final_file.getvalue()
contents = contents.decode("UTF-8")
# Expected contents.
for expected in (
" local",
" localhost",
"# This hosts file is a merged collection",
"# with a dash of crowd sourcing via Github",
"# Number of unique domains: {count}".format(
"Fetch the latest version of this file:",
"Project home page:",
self.assertIn(expected, contents)
# Expected non-contents.
for expected in (
"# Extensions added to this file:",
self.assertNotIn(expected, contents)
def test_basic_include_static_hosts_linux(self):
kwargs = dict(extensions="", outputsubfolder="",
numberofrules=5, skipstatichosts=False)
with self.mock_property("platform.system") as system:
system.return_value = "Linux"
with self.mock_property("socket.gethostname") as hostname:
hostname.return_value = "steven-hosts"
write_opening_header(self.final_file, **kwargs)
contents = self.final_file.getvalue()
contents = contents.decode("UTF-8")
# Expected contents.
for expected in (
" local",
" localhost",
"# This hosts file is a merged collection",
"# with a dash of crowd sourcing via Github",
"# Number of unique domains: {count}".format(
"Fetch the latest version of this file:",
"Project home page:",
self.assertIn(expected, contents)
# Expected non-contents.
expected = "# Extensions added to this file:"
self.assertNotIn(expected, contents)
def test_extensions(self):
kwargs = dict(extensions=["epsilon", "gamma", "mu", "phi"],
outputsubfolder="", numberofrules=5,
write_opening_header(self.final_file, **kwargs)
contents = self.final_file.getvalue()
contents = contents.decode("UTF-8")
# Expected contents.
for expected in (
", ".join(kwargs["extensions"]),
"# Extensions added to this file:",
"# This hosts file is a merged collection",
"# with a dash of crowd sourcing via Github",
"# Number of unique domains: {count}".format(
"Fetch the latest version of this file:",
"Project home page:",
self.assertIn(expected, contents)
# Expected non-contents.
for expected in (
" localhost",
" local",
self.assertNotIn(expected, contents)
def test_no_preamble(self):
# We should not even attempt to read this, as it is a directory.
hosts_dir = os.path.join(self.test_dir, "myhosts")
kwargs = dict(extensions="", outputsubfolder="",
numberofrules=5, skipstatichosts=True)
with self.mock_property("updateHostsFile.BASEDIR_PATH"):
updateHostsFile.BASEDIR_PATH = self.test_dir
write_opening_header(self.final_file, **kwargs)
contents = self.final_file.getvalue()
contents = contents.decode("UTF-8")
# Expected contents.
for expected in (
"# This hosts file is a merged collection",
"# with a dash of crowd sourcing via Github",
"# Number of unique domains: {count}".format(
"Fetch the latest version of this file:",
"Project home page:",
self.assertIn(expected, contents)
# Expected non-contents.
for expected in (
"# Extensions added to this file:",
" localhost",
" local",
self.assertNotIn(expected, contents)
def test_preamble(self):
hosts_file = os.path.join(self.test_dir, "myhosts")
with open(hosts_file, "w") as f:
kwargs = dict(extensions="", outputsubfolder="",
numberofrules=5, skipstatichosts=True)
with self.mock_property("updateHostsFile.BASEDIR_PATH"):
updateHostsFile.BASEDIR_PATH = self.test_dir
write_opening_header(self.final_file, **kwargs)
contents = self.final_file.getvalue()
contents = contents.decode("UTF-8")
# Expected contents.
for expected in (
"# This hosts file is a merged collection",
"# with a dash of crowd sourcing via Github",
"# Number of unique domains: {count}".format(
"Fetch the latest version of this file:",
"Project home page:",
self.assertIn(expected, contents)
# Expected non-contents.
for expected in (
"# Extensions added to this file:",
" localhost",
" local",
self.assertNotIn(expected, contents)
def tearDown(self):
super(TestWriteOpeningHeader, self).tearDown()
class TestUpdateReadmeData(BaseMockDir):
def setUp(self):
super(TestUpdateReadmeData, self).setUp()
self.readme_file = os.path.join(self.test_dir, "readmeData.json")
def test_missing_keyword(self):
kwargs = dict(extensions="", outputsubfolder="",
numberofrules="", sourcesdata="")
for k in kwargs.keys():
bad_kwargs = kwargs.copy()
self.assertRaises(KeyError, update_readme_data,
self.readme_file, **bad_kwargs)
def test_add_fields(self):
with open(self.readme_file, "w") as f:
json.dump({"foo": "bar"}, f)
kwargs = dict(extensions=None, outputsubfolder="foo",
numberofrules=5, sourcesdata="hosts")
update_readme_data(self.readme_file, **kwargs)
expected = {
"base": {
"location": "foo" + self.sep,
"sourcesdata": "hosts",
"entries": 5,
"foo": "bar"
with open(self.readme_file, "r") as f:
actual = json.load(f)
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def test_modify_fields(self):
with open(self.readme_file, "w") as f:
json.dump({"base": "soprano"}, f)
kwargs = dict(extensions=None, outputsubfolder="foo",
numberofrules=5, sourcesdata="hosts")
update_readme_data(self.readme_file, **kwargs)
expected = {
"base": {
"location": "foo" + self.sep,
"sourcesdata": "hosts",
"entries": 5,
with open(self.readme_file, "r") as f:
actual = json.load(f)
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def test_set_extensions(self):
with open(self.readme_file, "w") as f:
json.dump({}, f)
kwargs = dict(extensions=["com", "org"], outputsubfolder="foo",
numberofrules=5, sourcesdata="hosts")
update_readme_data(self.readme_file, **kwargs)
expected = {
"com-org": {
"location": "foo" + self.sep,
"sourcesdata": "hosts",
"entries": 5,
with open(self.readme_file, "r") as f:
actual = json.load(f)
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
class TestMoveHostsFile(BaseStdout):
@mock.patch("os.path.abspath", side_effect=lambda f: f)
def test_move_hosts_no_name(self, _):
with self.mock_property(""): = "foo"
mock_file = mock.Mock(name="foo")
expected = ""
output = sys.stdout.getvalue()
self.assertEqual(output, expected)
@mock.patch("os.path.abspath", side_effect=lambda f: f)
def test_move_hosts_windows(self, _):
with self.mock_property(""): = "nt"
mock_file = mock.Mock(name="foo")
expected = ("Automatically moving the hosts "
"file in place is not yet supported.\n"
"Please move the generated file to "
output = sys.stdout.getvalue()
self.assertIn(expected, output)
@mock.patch("os.path.abspath", side_effect=lambda f: f)
@mock.patch("", return_value=0)
def test_move_hosts_posix(self, *_):
with self.mock_property(""): = "posix"
mock_file = mock.Mock(name="foo")
expected = ("Moving the file requires administrative "
"privileges. You might need to enter your password.")
output = sys.stdout.getvalue()
self.assertIn(expected, output)
@mock.patch("os.path.abspath", side_effect=lambda f: f)
@mock.patch("", return_value=1)
def test_move_hosts_posix_fail(self, *_):
with self.mock_property(""): = "posix"
mock_file = mock.Mock(name="foo")
expected = "Moving the file failed."
output = sys.stdout.getvalue()
self.assertIn(expected, output)
class TestFlushDnsCache(BaseStdout):
@mock.patch("", return_value=0)
def test_flush_darwin(self, _):
with self.mock_property("platform.system") as obj:
obj.return_value = "Darwin"
expected = ("Flushing the DNS cache to utilize new hosts "
"file...\nFlushing the DNS cache requires "
"administrative privileges. You might need to "
"enter your password.")
output = sys.stdout.getvalue()
self.assertIn(expected, output)
@mock.patch("", return_value=1)
def test_flush_darwin_fail(self, _):
with self.mock_property("platform.system") as obj:
obj.return_value = "Darwin"
expected = "Flushing the DNS cache failed."
output = sys.stdout.getvalue()
self.assertIn(expected, output)
def test_flush_windows(self):
with self.mock_property("platform.system") as obj:
obj.return_value = "win32"
with self.mock_property(""): = "nt"
expected = ("Automatically flushing the DNS cache is "
"not yet supported.\nPlease copy and paste "
"the command 'ipconfig /flushdns' in "
"administrator command prompt after running "
"this script.")
output = sys.stdout.getvalue()
self.assertIn(expected, output)
@mock.patch("os.path.isfile", return_value=False)
def test_flush_no_tool(self, _):
with self.mock_property("platform.system") as obj:
obj.return_value = "Linux"
with self.mock_property(""): = "posix"
expected = "Unable to determine DNS management tool."
output = sys.stdout.getvalue()
self.assertIn(expected, output)
@mock.patch("os.path.isfile", side_effect=[True] + [False] * 10)
@mock.patch("", return_value=0)
def test_flush_posix(self, *_):
with self.mock_property("platform.system") as obj:
obj.return_value = "Linux"
with self.mock_property(""): = "posix"
expected = ("Flushing the DNS cache by "
"restarting nscd succeeded")
output = sys.stdout.getvalue()
self.assertIn(expected, output)
@mock.patch("os.path.isfile", side_effect=[True] + [False] * 10)
@mock.patch("", return_value=1)
def test_flush_posix_fail(self, *_):
with self.mock_property("platform.system") as obj:
obj.return_value = "Linux"
with self.mock_property(""): = "posix"
expected = ("Flushing the DNS cache by "
"restarting nscd failed")
output = sys.stdout.getvalue()
self.assertIn(expected, output)
@mock.patch("os.path.isfile", side_effect=[True, False,
True] + [False] * 10)
@mock.patch("", side_effect=[1, 0])
def test_flush_posix_fail_then_succeed(self, *_):
with self.mock_property("platform.system") as obj:
obj.return_value = "Linux"
with self.mock_property(""): = "posix"
output = sys.stdout.getvalue()
for expected in [("Flushing the DNS cache by "
"restarting nscd failed"),
("Flushing the DNS cache by restarting "
"NetworkManager.service succeeded")]:
self.assertIn(expected, output)
def mock_path_join_robust(*args):
# We want to hard-code the backup hosts filename
# instead of parametrizing based on current time.
if len(args) == 2 and args[1].startswith("hosts-"):
return os.path.join(args[0], "hosts-new")
return os.path.join(*args)
class TestRemoveOldHostsFile(BaseMockDir):
def setUp(self):
super(TestRemoveOldHostsFile, self).setUp()
self.hosts_file = os.path.join(self.test_dir, "hosts")
def test_remove_hosts_file(self):
old_dir_count = self.dir_count
with self.mock_property("updateHostsFile.BASEDIR_PATH"):
updateHostsFile.BASEDIR_PATH = self.test_dir
new_dir_count = old_dir_count + 1
self.assertEqual(self.dir_count, new_dir_count)
with open(self.hosts_file, "r") as f:
contents =
self.assertEqual(contents, "")
def test_remove_hosts_file_exists(self):
with open(self.hosts_file, "w") as f:
old_dir_count = self.dir_count
with self.mock_property("updateHostsFile.BASEDIR_PATH"):
updateHostsFile.BASEDIR_PATH = self.test_dir
new_dir_count = old_dir_count
self.assertEqual(self.dir_count, new_dir_count)
with open(self.hosts_file, "r") as f:
contents =
self.assertEqual(contents, "")
def test_remove_hosts_file_backup(self, _):
with open(self.hosts_file, "w") as f:
old_dir_count = self.dir_count
with self.mock_property("updateHostsFile.BASEDIR_PATH"):
updateHostsFile.BASEDIR_PATH = self.test_dir
new_dir_count = old_dir_count + 1
self.assertEqual(self.dir_count, new_dir_count)
with open(self.hosts_file, "r") as f:
contents =
self.assertEqual(contents, "")
new_hosts_file = self.hosts_file + "-new"
with open(new_hosts_file, "r") as f:
contents =
self.assertEqual(contents, "foo")
# End File Logic
# Helper Functions
def mock_url_open(url):
Mock of `urlopen` that returns the url in a `BytesIO` stream.
url : str
The URL associated with the file to open.
bytes_stream : BytesIO
The `url` input wrapped in a `BytesIO` stream.
return BytesIO(url)
def mock_url_open_fail(_):
Mock of `urlopen` that fails with an Exception.
raise Exception()
def mock_url_open_read_fail(_):
Mock of `urlopen` that returns an object that fails on `read`.
file_mock : mock.Mock
A mock of a file object that fails when reading.
def fail_read():
raise Exception()
m = mock.Mock() = fail_read
return m
def mock_url_open_decode_fail(_):
Mock of `urlopen` that returns an object that fails on during decoding
the output of `urlopen`.
file_mock : mock.Mock
A mock of a file object that fails when decoding the output.
def fail_decode(_):
raise Exception()
def read():
s = mock.Mock()
s.decode = fail_decode
return s
m = mock.Mock() = read
return m
class GetFileByUrl(BaseStdout):
def test_read_url(self, _):
url = b""
expected = ""
actual = get_file_by_url(url)
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def test_read_url_fail(self, _):
url = b""
expected = "Problem getting file:"
output = sys.stdout.getvalue()
self.assertIn(expected, output)
def test_read_url_read_fail(self, _):
url = b""
expected = "Problem getting file:"
output = sys.stdout.getvalue()
self.assertIn(expected, output)
def test_read_url_decode_fail(self, _):
url = b""
expected = "Problem getting file:"
output = sys.stdout.getvalue()
self.assertIn(expected, output)
class TestWriteData(Base):
def test_write_basic(self):
f = BytesIO()
data = "foo"
write_data(f, data)
expected = b"foo"
actual = f.getvalue()
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def test_write_unicode(self):
f = BytesIO()
data = u"foo"
write_data(f, data)
expected = b"foo"
actual = f.getvalue()
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
class TestQueryYesOrNo(BaseStdout):
def test_invalid_default(self):
for invalid_default in ["foo", "bar", "baz", 1, 2, 3]:
self.assertRaises(ValueError, query_yes_no, "?", invalid_default)
@mock.patch("updateHostsFile.raw_input", side_effect=["yes"] * 3)
def test_valid_default(self, _):
for valid_default, expected in [(None, "[y/n]"), ("yes", "[Y/n]"),
("no", "[y/N]")]:
self.assertTrue(query_yes_no("?", valid_default))
output = sys.stdout.getvalue()
sys.stdout = StringIO()
self.assertIn(expected, output)
@mock.patch("updateHostsFile.raw_input", side_effect=([""] * 2))
def test_use_valid_default(self, _):
for valid_default in ["yes", "no"]:
expected = (valid_default == "yes")
actual = query_yes_no("?", valid_default)
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
@mock.patch("updateHostsFile.raw_input", side_effect=["no", "NO", "N",
"n", "No", "nO"])
def test_valid_no(self, _):
self.assertFalse(query_yes_no("?", None))
@mock.patch("updateHostsFile.raw_input", side_effect=["yes", "YES", "Y",
"yeS", "y", "YeS",
"yES", "YEs"])
def test_valid_yes(self, _):
self.assertTrue(query_yes_no("?", None))
@mock.patch("updateHostsFile.raw_input", side_effect=["foo", "yes",
"foo", "no"])
def test_invalid_then_valid(self, _):
expected = "Please respond with 'yes' or 'no'"
# The first time, we respond "yes"
self.assertTrue(query_yes_no("?", None))
output = sys.stdout.getvalue()
self.assertIn(expected, output)
sys.stdout = StringIO()
# The second time, we respond "no"
self.assertFalse(query_yes_no("?", None))
output = sys.stdout.getvalue()
self.assertIn(expected, output)
class TestIsValidDomainFormat(BaseStdout):
def test_empty_domain(self):
output = sys.stdout.getvalue()
expected = "You didn't enter a domain. Try again."
self.assertTrue(expected in output)
def test_invalid_domain(self):
expected = ("Do not include or "
"http(s):// Try again.")
for invalid_domain in ["www.subdomain.domain", "",
output = sys.stdout.getvalue()
sys.stdout = StringIO()
self.assertIn(expected, output)
def test_valid_domain(self):
for valid_domain in ["", "", ""]:
output = sys.stdout.getvalue()
sys.stdout = StringIO()
self.assertEqual(output, "")
def mock_walk(stem):
Mock method for `os.walk`.
Please refer to the documentation of `os.walk` for information about
the provided parameters.
files = ["foo.txt", "bar.bat", "", "foo/foo.c", "foo/bar.doc",
"foo/baz/", "bar/foo/baz.c", "bar/bar/foo.bat"]
if stem == ".":
stem = ""
matches = []
for f in files:
if not stem or f.startswith(stem + "/"):
matches.append(("", "_", [f]))
return matches
class TestRecursiveGlob(Base):
def sorted_recursive_glob(stem, file_pattern):
actual = recursive_glob(stem, file_pattern)
return actual
@mock.patch("os.walk", side_effect=mock_walk)
def test_all_match(self, _):
with self.mock_property("sys.version_info"):
sys.version_info = (2, 6)
expected = ["bar.bat", "bar/bar/foo.bat",
"bar/foo/baz.c", "",
"foo.txt", "foo/bar.doc",
"foo/baz/", "foo/foo.c"]
actual = self.sorted_recursive_glob("*", "*")
self.assertListEqual(actual, expected)
expected = ["bar/bar/foo.bat", "bar/foo/baz.c"]
actual = self.sorted_recursive_glob("bar", "*")
self.assertListEqual(actual, expected)
expected = ["foo/bar.doc", "foo/baz/", "foo/foo.c"]
actual = self.sorted_recursive_glob("foo", "*")
self.assertListEqual(actual, expected)
@mock.patch("os.walk", side_effect=mock_walk)
def test_file_ending(self, _):
with self.mock_property("sys.version_info"):
sys.version_info = (2, 6)
expected = ["foo/baz/"]
actual = self.sorted_recursive_glob("foo", "*.py")
self.assertListEqual(actual, expected)
expected = ["bar/foo/baz.c", "foo/foo.c"]
actual = self.sorted_recursive_glob("*", "*.c")
self.assertListEqual(actual, expected)
expected = []
actual = self.sorted_recursive_glob("*", ".xlsx")
self.assertListEqual(actual, expected)
def mock_path_join(*_):
Mock method for `os.path.join`.
Please refer to the documentation of `os.path.join` for information about
the provided parameters.
raise UnicodeDecodeError("foo", b"", 1, 5, "foo")
class TestPathJoinRobust(Base):
def test_basic(self):
expected = "path1"
actual = path_join_robust("path1")
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
actual = path_join_robust(u"path1")
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def test_join(self):
for i in range(1, 4):
paths = ["pathNew"] * i
expected = "path1" + (self.sep + "pathNew") * i
actual = path_join_robust("path1", *paths)
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def test_join_unicode(self):
for i in range(1, 4):
paths = [u"pathNew"] * i
expected = "path1" + (self.sep + "pathNew") * i
actual = path_join_robust("path1", *paths)
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
@mock.patch("os.path.join", side_effect=mock_path_join)
def test_join_error(self, _):
self.assertRaises(locale.Error, path_join_robust, "path")
# Colors
class TestSupportsColor(BaseStdout):
def test_posix(self):
with self.mock_property("sys.platform"):
sys.platform = "Linux"
with self.mock_property("sys.stdout.isatty") as obj:
obj.return_value = True
def test_pocket_pc(self):
with self.mock_property("sys.platform"):
sys.platform = "Pocket PC"
def test_windows_no_ansicon(self):
with self.mock_property("sys.platform"):
sys.platform = "win32"
with self.mock_property("os.environ"):
os.environ = []
def test_windows_ansicon(self):
with self.mock_property("sys.platform"):
sys.platform = "win32"
with self.mock_property("os.environ"):
os.environ = ["ANSICON"]
with self.mock_property("sys.stdout.isatty") as obj:
obj.return_value = True
def test_no_isatty_attribute(self):
with self.mock_property("sys.platform"):
sys.platform = "Linux"
with self.mock_property("sys.stdout"):
sys.stdout = list()
def test_no_isatty(self):
with self.mock_property("sys.platform"):
sys.platform = "Linux"
with self.mock_property("sys.stdout.isatty") as obj:
obj.return_value = False
class TestColorize(Base):
def setUp(self):
self.text = "house"
self.colors = ["red", "orange", "yellow",
"green", "blue", "purple"]
@mock.patch("updateHostsFile.supports_color", return_value=False)
def test_colorize_no_support(self, _):
for color in self.colors:
expected = self.text
actual = colorize(self.text, color)
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
@mock.patch("updateHostsFile.supports_color", return_value=True)
def test_colorize_support(self, _):
for color in self.colors:
expected = color + self.text + Colors.ENDC
actual = colorize(self.text, color)
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
class TestPrintSuccess(BaseStdout):
def setUp(self):
super(TestPrintSuccess, self).setUp()
self.text = "house"
@mock.patch("updateHostsFile.supports_color", return_value=False)
def test_print_success_no_support(self, _):
expected = self.text + "\n"
actual = sys.stdout.getvalue()
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
@mock.patch("updateHostsFile.supports_color", return_value=True)
def test_print_success_support(self, _):
expected = Colors.SUCCESS + self.text + Colors.ENDC + "\n"
actual = sys.stdout.getvalue()
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
class TestPrintFailure(BaseStdout):
def setUp(self):
super(TestPrintFailure, self).setUp()
self.text = "house"
@mock.patch("updateHostsFile.supports_color", return_value=False)
def test_print_failure_no_support(self, _):
expected = self.text + "\n"
actual = sys.stdout.getvalue()
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
@mock.patch("updateHostsFile.supports_color", return_value=True)
def test_print_failure_support(self, _):
expected = Colors.FAIL + self.text + Colors.ENDC + "\n"
actual = sys.stdout.getvalue()
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
# End Helper Functions
if __name__ == "__main__":