Markus Tiefenbacher 68cc1f14b3 ProgressBar instead of Loading-Spinner
Flexible Progressbar which shows the state loading/encoding of the json files
2023-06-25 00:07:27 +02:00

266 lines
5.3 KiB

@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
/* Product table */
thead > tr {
@apply bg-primary text-white text-left hidden md:table-row uppercase text-sm;
.item {
@apply mb-3 overflow-hidden;
@apply grid grid-cols-3 col-span-3 items-end;
@apply md:table-row;
@apply border border-b md:rounded-xl;
.item > td[data-label="Kette"] {
@apply p-1 uppercase font-medium align-top;
@apply md:text-center;
@apply order-2;
.item > td[data-label="Name"] {
@apply p-1 font-bold text-gray-800;
@apply md:font-normal md:bg-white;
@apply md:hover:bg-gray-100;
@apply order-1 col-span-3;
.item > td[data-label="Preis"] {
@apply p-1 text-left whitespace-nowrap align-top;
@apply order-3;
.item > td:nth-child(4) {
@apply order-4 text-right;
.item > td[data-label="Aktionen"] {
@apply order-5 p-1;
.action {
@apply flex justify-end;
.item > td[data-label]::before {
@apply content-label font-bold uppercase block bg-primary text-white px-1 -m-1 mb-1 text-sm;
@apply md:content-none;
.item .chevron {
@apply text-sm cursor-pointer;
/* additional info table */
.priceinfo {
@apply text-xs mt-2;
@apply md:text-sm;
.priceinfo tr > td:nth-child(1) {
@apply font-medium;
.priceinfo .price-line {
@apply text-xs text-white px-1;
@apply md:text-sm;
.btn-action {
@apply w-6 h-6;
@apply flex items-center justify-center bg-white;
@apply cursor-pointer hover:shadow hover:scale-110;
@apply border rounded leading-none;
@apply transition-transform duration-200;
/* colors */
.item.red {
@apply bg-red-200/50;
@apply border-red-200;
.item.yellow {
@apply bg-yellow-200/50;
@apply border-yellow-200;
.item.green {
@apply bg-green-200/50;
@apply border-green-200;
.item.purple {
@apply bg-purple-200/50;
@apply border-purple-200;
.item.pink {
@apply bg-pink-200/50;
@apply border-pink-200;
.item.rose {
@apply bg-rose-200/50;
@apply border-rose-200;
.item.orange {
@apply bg-orange-200/50;
@apply border-orange-200;
.item.blue {
@apply bg-blue-200/50;
@apply border-blue-200;
.item.purple {
@apply bg-purple-200/50;
@apply border-purple-200;
.item.teal {
@apply bg-teal-200/50;
@apply border-teal-200;
.item.stone {
@apply bg-gray-200/50;
@apply border-gray-200;
.item.emerald {
@apply bg-emerald-600/50;
@apply border-emerald-500;
/* checkbox */
.customcheckbox {
@apply inline-flex items-center gap-x-1 px-2 py-1;
@apply text-xs font-medium text-gray-600;
@apply cursor-pointer hover:bg-gray-400 hover:scale-105;
@apply border rounded-full bg-gray-200 border-gray-400;
@apply transition-all duration-200;
/* colors */
.customcheckbox.red {
@apply bg-red-200;
@apply border-red-400;
@apply hover:bg-red-400;
.customcheckbox.yellow {
@apply bg-yellow-200;
@apply border-yellow-400;
@apply hover:bg-yellow-400;
.customcheckbox.green {
@apply bg-green-200;
@apply border-green-400;
@apply hover:bg-green-400;
.customcheckbox.purple {
@apply bg-purple-200;
@apply border-purple-400;
@apply hover:bg-purple-400;
.customcheckbox.pink {
@apply bg-pink-200;
@apply border-pink-400;
@apply hover:bg-pink-400;
.customcheckbox.rose {
@apply bg-rose-200;
@apply border-rose-400;
@apply hover:bg-rose-400;
.customcheckbox.orange {
@apply bg-orange-200;
@apply border-orange-400;
@apply hover:bg-orange-400;
.customcheckbox.blue {
@apply bg-blue-200;
@apply border-blue-400;
@apply hover:bg-blue-400;
.customcheckbox.purple {
@apply bg-purple-200;
@apply border-purple-400;
@apply hover:bg-purple-400;
.customcheckbox.teal {
@apply bg-teal-200;
@apply border-teal-400;
@apply hover:bg-teal-400;
.customcheckbox.stone {
@apply bg-stone-200;
@apply border-stone-400;
@apply hover:bg-stone-400;
.customcheckbox.emerald {
@apply bg-emerald-600/50;
@apply border-emerald-500;
.customcheckbox.indigo {
@apply bg-indigo-200;
@apply border-indigo-300;
@apply hover:bg-indigo-300;
/* items filter */
.items-filter {
@apply bg-stone-200;
@apply rounded-xl;
@apply p-4;
@apply max-w-4xl;
@apply mx-auto;
@apply md:mt-6;
@apply block;
.items-list {
@apply max-w-4xl;
.bold {
font-weight: 900 !important;
.toggle--hidden {
display: none !important;
.wrapper {
@apply flex justify-center items-center;
@apply relative text-center mx-auto my-0 gap-2;
@apply w-full z-[2];
.wrapper--search label {
@apply cursor-pointer;
.wrapper--search abbr {
@apply no-underline;
.wrapper--sticky {
@apply flex-col z-[2] p-1 gap-0;
.toggle:not(:checked) ~ .wrapper--sticky,
.toggle:not(:checked) ~ .wrapper--sticky * {
@apply hidden;
.sticky ~ items-list > items-chart > .sticky {
@apply top-[4.5em];
a {
@apply hover:underline;
/* loading-bar */
.progress-bar-container {
@apply bg-stone-200 rounded-xl;
width: 300px;
height: 10px;
.progress-bar {
@apply bg-primary rounded-xl;
height: 10px;
transform: scaleX(0%);
will-change: transform;
transition: scaleX 0.5s;
width: 100%;
transform-origin: left center;