
149 lines
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# A bunch of installation-related paths people can override on the command line
prefix = $(HOME)
bindir = $(prefix)/libexec/git-core
localedir = $(prefix)/share/locale
mandir = $(prefix)/share/man
htmldir = $(prefix)/share/doc/git-doc
pythondir = $(prefix)/lib64/python3.6/site-packages
default: build
@echo Nothing to do: filter-repo is a script which needs no compilation.
time t/run_coverage
# fixup_locale might matter once we actually have translations, but right now
# we don't. It might not even matter then, because python has a fallback podir.
sed -ie s%@@LOCALEDIR@@%$(localedir)% git-filter-repo
# People installing from tarball will already have man1/git-filter-repo.1 and
# html/git-filter-repo.html. But let's support people installing from a git
# clone too; for them, just cheat and snag a copy of the built docs that I
# record in a different branch.
snag_docs: Documentation/man1/git-filter-repo.1 Documentation/html/git-filter-repo.html
mkdir -p Documentation/man1
git show origin/docs:man1/git-filter-repo.1 >Documentation/man1/git-filter-repo.1
mkdir -p Documentation/html
git show origin/docs:html/git-filter-repo.html >Documentation/html/git-filter-repo.html
install: snag_docs #fixup_locale
cp -a git-filter-repo "$(bindir)/"
ln -sf "$(bindir)/git-filter-repo" "$(pythondir)/"
cp -a Documentation/man1/git-filter-repo.1 "$(mandir)/man1/git-filter-repo.1"
cp -a Documentation/html/git-filter-repo.html "$(htmldir)/git-filter-repo.html"
if which mandb > /dev/null; then mandb; fi
# The remainder of the targets are meant for tasks for the maintainer; if they
# don't work for you, I don't care. These tasks modify branches and upload
# releases and whatnot, and presume a directory layout I have locally.
update_docs: export GIT_WORK_TREE=$(shell mktemp -d)
update_docs: export GIT_INDEX_FILE=$(shell mktemp)
update_docs: export COMMIT=$(shell git rev-parse HEAD)
# Sanity check; we'll build docs in a clone of a git repo
test -d ../git
# Sanity check; docs == origin/docs
test -z "$(git rev-parse docs origin/docs | uniq -u)"
# Avoid spurious errors by forcing index to be well formatted, if empty
git read-tree 4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904 # empty tree
# Symlink git-filter-repo.txt documentation into git and build it
ln -sf ../../git-filter-repo/Documentation/git-filter-repo.txt ../git/Documentation/
make -C ../git/Documentation -j4 man html
# Take the built documentation and lay it out nicely
mkdir $$GIT_WORK_TREE/html
mkdir $$GIT_WORK_TREE/man1
cp -a ../git/Documentation/*.html $$GIT_WORK_TREE/html/
cp -a ../git/Documentation/git-filter-repo.1 $$GIT_WORK_TREE/man1/
dos2unix $$GIT_WORK_TREE/html/*
# Add new version of the documentation as a commit, if it differs
git --work-tree $$GIT_WORK_TREE add .
git diff --quiet docs || git write-tree \
| xargs git commit-tree -p docs -m "Update docs to $$COMMIT" \
| xargs git update-ref refs/heads/docs
# Remove temporary files
rm -rf $$GIT_WORK_TREE
# Push the new documentation upstream
git push origin docs
# Notify of completion
@echo === filter-repo docs branch updated ===
# Call like this:
# make GITHUB_COM_TOKEN=$KEY TAGNAME=v2.23.0 release
release: github_release pypi_release
# Call like this:
# make GITHUB_COM_TOKEN=$KEY TAGNAME=v2.23.0 github_release
github_release: export FILEBASE=git-filter-repo-$(shell echo $(TAGNAME) | tail -c +2)
github_release: export TMP_INDEX_FILE=$(shell mktemp)
github_release: export COMMIT=$(shell git rev-parse HEAD)
github_release: update_docs
test -n "$(GITHUB_COM_TOKEN)"
test -n "$(TAGNAME)"
test -n "$$COMMIT"
# Make sure we don't have any staged or unstaged changes
git diff --quiet --staged HEAD && git diff --quiet HEAD
# Make sure 'jq' is installed
type -p jq
# Tag the release, push it to GitHub
git tag -a -m "filter-repo $(TAGNAME)" $(TAGNAME) $$COMMIT
git push origin $(TAGNAME)
# Create the tarball
git ls-tree -r docs | grep filter-repo \
| sed -e 's%\t%\tDocumentation/%' \
| GIT_INDEX_FILE=$$TMP_INDEX_FILE git update-index --index-info
GIT_INDEX_FILE=$$TMP_INDEX_FILE git write-tree \
| xargs git archive --prefix=$(FILEBASE)/ \
| xz -c >$(FILEBASE).tar.xz
# Make GitHub mark our new tag as an official release
curl -s -H "Authorization: token $(GITHUB_COM_TOKEN)" -X POST \ \
--data "{ \
\"tag_name\": \"$(TAGNAME)\", \
\"target_commitish\": \"$$COMMIT\", \
\"name\": \"$(TAGNAME)\", \
\"body\": \"filter-repo $(TAGNAME)\" \
}" | jq -r .id >asset_id
# Upload our tarball
cat asset_id | xargs -I ASSET_ID curl -s -H "Authorization: token $(GITHUB_COM_TOKEN)" -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" --data-binary @$(FILEBASE).tar.xz$(FILEBASE).tar.xz
# Remove temporary file(s)
rm asset_id
# Notify of completion
@echo === filter-repo $(TAGNAME) created and uploaded to GitHub ===
pypi_release: # Has an implicit dependency on github_release because...
# Upload to PyPI, automatically picking tag created by github_release
cd release && python3 -m venv venv
cd release && venv/bin/pip3 install --upgrade setuptools pip
cd release && venv/bin/pip3 install twine wheel
cd release && venv/bin/python3 sdist bdist_wheel
# Note: hope you remember password for pypi, but username is 'newren'
cd release && venv/bin/twine upload dist/*
# Remove temporary file(s)
cd release && rm -f git-filter-repo
cd release && rm -rf .eggs/ build/ venv/ git_filter_repo.egg-info/
# NOTE TO FUTURE SELF: If you accidentally push a bad release, you can remove
# all but the git-filter-repo-$VERSION.tar.xz asset with
# git push --delete origin $TAGNAME
# To remove the git-filter-repo-$VERSION.tar.xz asset as well:
# curl -s -H "Authorization: token $GITHUB_COM_TOKEN" -X GET \
# and look for the "id", then run
# curl -s -H "Authorization: token $GITHUB_COM_TOKEN" -X DELETE \