Add shorter into to Social Sciences and Sports categories

This commit is contained in:
Jamin X. Chen 2015-01-06 14:18:24 +08:00
parent cc4d072331
commit 4602a72b4a

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@ -291,53 +291,52 @@ Search Engines
* ` <>`_
* ` <>`_
* `Harvard Dataverse <>`_
* `ICPSR <>`_
* ` <>`_
Social Sciences
* `CMU Enron Email <>`_
* `Facebook Social Networks (since 2007) <>`_
* `Facebook100 (2005) <>`_
* `Foursquare (2010,2011) <>`_
* `Foursquare (UMN/Sarwat, 2013) <>`_
* `General Social Survey (GSS) <>`_
* `GetGlue (users rating TV shows) <>`_
* `GitHub Archive <>`_
* `ICPSR <>`_
* `Mobile Social Networks (UMASS) <>`_
* `PewResearch Internet Project <>`_
* `Social Networking <>`_
* `SourceForge Graph <>`_
* `Stack Exchange Network (Data Explorer) <>`_
* `Titanic Survival Data Set <>`_
* `Twitter Graph <>`_
* `UC Berkeley's D-Lab Achive <>`_
* `UCLA Social Sciences Data Archive <>`_
* `UNIMI Social Network Datasets <>`_
* `Universities Worldwide <>`_
* `UPJOHN for Employment Research <>`_
* `Yahoo Graph and Social Data <>`_
* `Youtube Graph (2007,2008) <>`_
* ` Forum Dataset - Forum users and messages over ten years <>`_
* `CMU Enron Email - 150 users, mostly senior management of Enron <>`_
* `Facebook Data Scrape (2005) - 100 American colleges and univ. <>`_
* `Facebook Social Networks from LAW (since 2007) <>`_
* `Foursquare (2010, 2011) - Social networks, check-in locations and categories <>`_
* `Foursquare from UMN/Sarwat (2013) - Users, venues, check-ins, ratings etc. <>`_
* `General Social Survey (GSS, since 1972) - Demographic and attitudinal questions, plus topics of interests <>`_
* `GetGlue - Users rating TV shows <>`_
* `GitHub Archive - Programmers collaboration, projects progress etc. <>`_
* `Mobile Social Networks (UMASS) - Timestamped mote-to-mote (up to 27 subjects) connections <>`_
* `PewResearch Internet Project - A wide range of surveys about library usage, cell ownership, online dating etc. <>`_
* ` Research Data (authority requested) - Historic and status statistics of projects and users' activities <>`_
* `Stack Exchange Data Explorer - User-contributed content on the Stack Exchange network <>`_
* `Titanic Survival Data Set - Demographic information of Titanic passengers <>`_
* `Twitter Graph (authority requested) - Crawled entire Twitter site including user profiles, relations, topics and tweets <>`_
* `UCB's Archive of Social Science Data (D-Lab) - Holdings of political, social and health areas <>`_
* `UCLA Social Sciences Data Archive - A collection of social science data on the Web, e.g., DHS surveys <>`_
* `UNIMI/LAW Social Network Datasets - Multiple social networks like amazon, LiveJournal, dblp, hollywood and more <>`_
* `Universities Worldwide - Links to 9307 Universities in 205 countries <>`_
* `UPJOHN for Employment Research - Labor surveys, unemployment spells and more <>`_
* `Yahoo Graph and Social Data - Web page hyperlink graph, user-group membership, IM friends etc. <>`_
* `Youtube Video Graph (2007,2008) - video relations, uploader, category, views, ratings and more <>`_
* `Betfair (betting exchange) Event Results <>`_
* `Cricsheet (cricket) <>`_
* `Ergast Formula 1 (API available) <>`_
* `Football/Soccer data and APIs <>`_
* `Lahman's Baseball Database <>`_
* `Retrosheet (baseball) <>`_
* `Betfair Event Results - Fully time-stamped historical Betfair exchange data <>`_
* `Cricsheet (baseball) - Thousands of Cricket matches <>`_
* `Ergast Formula 1, from 1950 up to date (API available) <>`_
* `Football/Soccer resouces (data and APIs) <>`_
* `Lahman's Baseball Database - Batting and pitching statistics, team stats etc. <>`_
* `Retrosheet (baseball) - Play-by-Play files, game logs and schedules <>`_
Time Series
* `Time Series data Library (TSDL), created by Rob Hyndman, MU <>`_
* `UC Riverside Time Series, for classification and clustering. <>`_
@ -345,29 +344,17 @@ Transportation
* `Airlines OD Data 1987-2008, used by ASA Challenge 2009 <>`_
* `Bike Share Data Systems - trip histories, site maps etc. <>`_
* `Bike Share Data Systems - Trip histories, site maps etc. <>`_
* `Edge data for US domestic flights 1990 to 2009 <>`_
* `Half a million Hubway rides in MA <>`_
* `Marine Traffic - ship tracks, port calls and more <>`_
* `Marine Traffic - Ship tracks, port calls and more <>`_
* `NYC Taxi Trip Data 2013 - FOIA/FOILed by Chris Whong <>`_
* `OpenFlights - airport, airline and route data <>`_
* `RITA Airline On-Time Performance Data of major air carriers in US <>`_
* `OpenFlights - Airport, airline and route data <>`_
* `RITA Airline On-Time Performance data of major air carriers in US <>`_
* `RITA/BTS transport data collection (TranStat) <>`_
* `Transport for London (TFL) - trip histories and networking statistics <>`_
* `Transport for London (TFL) - Trip histories and networking statistics <>`_
* `Travel Tracker Survey (TTS), Chicago, 1990, 2007-2008 <>`_
* `U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) <>`_
* `U.S. Freight Analysis Framework - Freight movement among states since 2007 <>`_