Added new strings for enrollment module to all languages

This commit is contained in:
Helena Rodriguez 2012-11-03 00:39:30 +01:00
parent fb87cc419a
commit d55509355b
4 changed files with 16 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -118,4 +118,9 @@
<string name="groupSeparator">: </string>
<string name="openingTime">Obertura: </string>
<string name="changeGroups">Canviar de grups</string>
<string name="resultEnrollment">Resultat de la inscripció</string>
<string name="successfullEnrollment">Totes les inscripcions shan realitzat amb èxit</string>
<string name="confirmEnrollments">Confirmar inscripcions sollicitades</string>
<string name="areYouSure"> Esteu segur que vol inscriure en els grups seleccionats?</string>

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@ -154,4 +154,9 @@
<string name="openingTime">Öffnungsdatum: </string>
<string name="noGroupsText">Gruppen worden nicht im Kurs erstellt</string>
<string name="changeGroups">Gruppen ändern</string>
<string name="resultEnrollment">Ergebnis auf dem Anmeldeformular</string>
<string name="successfullEnrollment">Alle Anmeldungen wurden erfolgreich durchgeführt </string>
<string name="confirmEnrollments">Bestätigen angeforderten Einschreibungen</string>
<string name="areYouSure">Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie sich auf den ausgewählten Gruppen einschreiben wollen?</string>

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@ -251,5 +251,10 @@ Seleccione: Sesiones de prácticas - Nueva</string>
<string name="openingTime">Apertura: </string>
<string name="noGroupsText">No se han creado grupos dentro de la asignatura</string>
<string name="changeGroups">Cambiar de grupos</string>
<string name="resultEnrollment">Resultado de la inscripción</string>
<string name="successfullEnrollment">Todas las inscripciones se han realizado con éxito </string>
<string name="confirmEnrollments">Confirmar inscripciones solicitadas </string>
<string name="areYouSure"> ¿Seguro que quiere inscribirse en los grupos seleccionados?</string>

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@ -267,5 +267,5 @@ configuration anytime using the "Clean Database" option\n\nDo you want to contin
<string name="successfullEnrollment">All the enrollments were made successfully </string>
<string name="confirmEnrollments">Confirm requested enrollments</string>
<string name="areYouSure">Are you sure, that you want to enroll on the selected groups?</string>
<string name="ok">Ok</string>
<string name="ok">OK</string>