Private System Properties
System Resources Processors: #[processors]#  
Protection #(protection)# Your settings are _not_ protected! Please go to the settings page immediately and set an administration password. :: Your settings are protected by a password. #(/protection)#  
Peer host #[host]#:#[port]# #(extPortFormat)#::| (Binding to interface: #[extPort]#)#(/extPortFormat)# #(sslSupport)#::| SSL: enabled#(/sslSupport)#  
Port forwarding host #(portForwarding)#not used::#[host]#:#[port]# (#(status)#broken::connected#(/status)#)#(/portForwarding)#  
Remote proxy #(remoteProxy)#not used::#[host]#:#[port]# | Used for YaCy -> YaCy communication: #(4Yacy)#Yes::No #(/4Yacy)# #(/remoteProxy)#  
Auto-popup on start-up #(popup)# Disabled. To enable this again please use the Settings page. :: Enabled. To disable this please use the Settings page. #(/popup)#  
Memory Usage free: #[freeMemory]# | total: #[totalMemory]# | max: #[maxMemory]#  
Traffic Proxy: #[trafficOut]# | Crawler: #[trafficCrawler]# [Reset]
Connections Incoming Active: #[connectionsActive]# | Idle: #[connectionsIdle]# | Max: #[connectionsMax]# [Details]
Indexing Queue
#[indexingQueueSize]# | #[indexingQueueMax]# 
Loader Queue
#[loaderQueueSize]# | #[loaderQueueMax]# 
Crawler Queues
Local Crawl #[localCrawlQueueSize]# #(localCrawlPaused)# ::(paused)#(/localCrawlPaused)#
Remote triggered Crawl #[remoteTriggeredCrawlQueueSize]# #(remoteTriggeredCrawlPaused)# ::(paused)#(/remoteTriggeredCrawlPaused)#
Global Crawl Trigger #[globalCrawlTriggerQueueSize]# #(globalCrawlTriggerPaused)# ::(paused)#(/globalCrawlTriggerPaused)#
Pre-Queueing #[stackCrawlQueueSize]#    
Seed server #(seedServer)# Disabled. To enable this you need a FTP account where you can upload files to a web space. If you do that, you become a YaCy root server. You can configure your account details on the Settings page. :: Enabled: Updating periodically to server #[seedServer]#. Last upload: #[lastUpload]# ago. :: Enabled: Updating periodically to file #[seedFile]#. Last upload: #[lastUpload]# ago. #(/seedServer)#