#%env/templates/metas.template%# #%env/templates/header.template%# #%env/templates/submenuSearchConfiguration.template%#

Integration of a Search Portal

If you like to integrate YaCy as portal for your web pages, you may want to change icons and messages on the search page. The search page may be customized. You can change the 'corporate identity'-images, the greeting line and a link to a home page that is reached when the 'corporate identity'-images are clicked. To change also colours and styles use the Appearance Servlet for different skins and languages.

Greeting Line
URL of Home Page
URL of a Small Corporate Image
URL of a Large Corporate Image
Enable Search for Everyone?
Search is available for everyone  Only the administator is allowed to search
Show Navigation Bar on Search Page?
Show Navigation Top-Menu  no link to YaCy Menu (admin must navigate to /Status.html manually)
Show Advanced Search Options on Search Page?
Show Advanced Search Options on index.html  do not show Advanced Search
Show Media Search Options
Text  Images  Audio  Video  Applications
Show additional interaction features in footer
Snippet Fetch Strategy & Link Verification
ideaSpeed up search results with this option! (use CACHEONLY or FALSE to switch off verification)
NOCACHE: no use of web cache, load all snippets online
IFFRESH: use the cache if the cache exists and is fresh otherwise load online
IFEXIST: use the cache if the cache exist or load online
If verification fails, delete index reference

CACHEONLY: never go online, use all content from cache. If no cache entry exist, consider content nevertheless as available and show result without snippet
FALSE: no link verification and not snippet generation: all search results are valid without verification
Show Information Links for each Search Result Entry
Date  Size  Metadata  Parser  Pictures  Cache Augmented Browsing Host Browser  Tags
Show Navigation on Side-Bar
Host Navigation  Author Navigation  Wiki Name-Space Navigation  Topics (Tag-Cloud) Navigation 
Default Pop-Up Page
Status Page  Search Front Page  Search Page (small header)  Interactive Search Page 
Default maximum number of results per page
Default index.html Page (by forwarder)
Target for Click on Search Results
Special Target as Exception for an URL-Pattern
Exclude Hosts
List of hosts that shall be excluded from search results by default but can be included using the site:<host> operator:

'About' Column
(shown in a column alongside
with the search result page)

You have to set a remote user/password to change this options.

The search page can be integrated in your own web pages with an iframe. Simply use the following code:

      <iframe name="target"
This would look like:

For a search page with a small header, use this code:

      <iframe name="target2"
This would look like:

A third option is the interactive search. Use this code:

      <iframe name="target3"
This would look like: #%env/templates/footer.template%#