#!/bin/sh cd `dirname $0` if [ -x `which wget` ] then port=`cat DATA/SETTINGS/yacy.conf |grep "^port="|sed "s/.*=//"` pw=`cat DATA/SETTINGS/yacy.conf |grep "^adminAccountBase64MD5="|sed "s/.*=//"` wget -q -t 1 --timeout=5 --header "Authorization: realm=$pw" http://localhost:$port/ConfigUpdate_p.html?autoUpdate= -O /dev/null elif [ -x `which java` ] then # generating the proper classpath CLASSPATH="" for N in lib/*.jar; do CLASSPATH="$CLASSPATH$N:"; done for N in libx/*.jar; do CLASSPATH="$CLASSPATH$N:"; done java -classpath classes:htroot:$CLASSPATH yacy -update else port=`cat DATA/SETTINGS/yacy.conf |grep "^port="|sed "s/.*=//"` echo "Neither wget nor java could be found or are not executable." fi