#!/bin/sh if [ $UID -eq 0 ] then echo echo "For security reasons you should not run this script as root!" echo exit 1 elif [ ! -x "`which java`" ] then echo "The java command is not executable." echo "Either you have not installed java or it is not in your PATH" #echo "Has this script been invoked by CRON? Then use the -c option." exit 1 fi #-c to be imlemented. #Possible locations for setting of PATH #sh, ksh, bash, zsh #. ~/.profile #bash #. ~/.bash_profile #csh, tcsh #. ~/.login #sh, ksh, bash, zsh #. /etc/profile #csh, tcsh #. /etc/csh.login #startup YaCy cd `dirname $0` options=$(getopt -n YaCy -o d,l,p -- $@) if [ $? -ne 0 ];then exit 1; fi isparameter=0; #options or parameter part of getopts? parameter="" #parameters will be collected here LOGGING=0 DEBUG=0 PRINTONLY=0 for option in $options;do if [ $isparameter -ne 1 ];then #option if [ x$option == "x-l" ];then LOGGING=1 if [ $DEBUG -eq 1 ];then echo "can not combine -l and -d" exit 1; fi elif [ x$option == "x-d" ];then DEBUG=1 if [ $LOGGING -eq 1 ];then echo "can not combine -l and -d" exit 1; fi elif [ x$option == "x-p" ];then PRINTONLY=1 fi #which option else #parameter if [ x$option == "--" ];then #option / parameter seperator isparameter=1; continue else parameter="$parameter $option" fi fi #parameter or option? done #echo $options;exit 0 #debug for getopts #get javastart args java_args="" if [ -f DATA/SETTINGS/httpProxy.conf ] then for i in $(grep javastart DATA/SETTINGS/httpProxy.conf);do i="${i#javastart_*=}"; JAVA_ARGS="-$i $JAVA_ARGS"; done fi # generating the proper classpath CLASSPATH="" #prefix=$(dirname $0); #if [ x$prefix == "x." ];then # prefix=""; #else # prefix="$prefix/" #fi for N in lib/*.jar; do CLASSPATH="$CLASSPATH$N:"; done for N in libx/*.jar; do CLASSPATH="$CLASSPATH$N:"; done CLASSPATH="classes:.:$CLASSPATH" cmdline=""; if [ $DEBUG -eq 1 ] #debug then if [ $PRINTONLY -eq 1 ];then echo java $JAVA_ARGS -Djava.awt.headless=true -classpath $CLASSPATH yacy else java $JAVA_ARGS -Djava.awt.headless=true -classpath $CLASSPATH yacy fi elif [ $LOGGING -eq 1 ];then #logging if [ $PRINTONLY -eq 1 ];then echo "java $JAVA_ARGS -Djava.awt.headless=true -classpath $CLASSPATH yacy >> yacy.log" else nohup java $JAVA_ARGS -Djava.awt.headless=true -classpath $CLASSPATH yacy >> yacy.log & fi else if [ $PRINTONLY -eq 1 ];then echo "java $JAVA_ARGS -Djava.awt.headless=true -classpath $CLASSPATH yacy > /dev/null" else nohup java $JAVA_ARGS -Djava.awt.headless=true -classpath $CLASSPATH yacy > /dev/null & #nohup java -Xms160m -Xmx160m -classpath $CLASSPATH yacy > /dev/null & echo "****************** YaCy Web Crawler/Indexer & Search Engine *******************" echo "**** (C) by Michael Peter Christen, usage granted under the GPL Version 2 ****" echo "**** USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! Project home and releases: http://yacy.net/yacy ****" echo "** LOG of YaCy: DATA/LOG/yacy00.log (and yacy.log) **" echo "** STOP YaCy: execute stopYACY.sh and wait some seconds **" echo "** GET HELP for YaCy: see www.yacy-websearch.net/wiki and www.yacy-forum.de **" echo "*******************************************************************************" echo " >> YaCy started as daemon process. Administration at http://localhost:8080 <<" fi fi