#%env/templates/metas.template%# #%env/templates/header.template%# #%env/templates/submenuDesign.template%#

Search Result Page Layout Configuration

Below is a generic template of the search result page. Mark the check boxes for features you would like to be displayed. To change colors and styles use the Appearance menu for different skins. Other portal settings can be adjusted in Generic Search Portal menu.

Page Template

#{search.navigation.plugin}# #{/search.navigation.plugin}#


             more options
Date Navigation

Title of Result

Description and text snippet of the search result


#[content_showDate_date]#  | 42 kbyte  | Metadata  | Parser  | Citation  | Pictures  | Cache  | Augmented Browsing  | Browse index  | Snapshots
info For this option URL proxy must be enabled.
see AugmentedBrowsing_p.html
menu: Content Semantic > Augmented Browsing

Add Navigators