#%env/templates/metas.template%# #%env/templates/header.template%# #%env/templates/submenuIndexControl.template%#

Reverse Word Index Administration

The local index currently contains #[wcount]# reverse word indexes

RWI Retrieval (= search for a single word)
Select Segment:
Retrieve by Word:
Retrieve by Word-Hash:
Index Deletion


Index Reference Size
No reference size limitation (this may cause strong CPU load when words are searched that appear very often)
Limitation of number of references per word: (this causes that old references als deleted if that limit is reached)

#(/cleanup)# #(searchresult)#::

No entry for word '#[word]#'


No entry for word hash #[wordhash]#


Search result:

  total URLs appearance in in link type document type
  description title creator subject url emphasized image audio video app index of
  #[allurl]# #[description]# #[title]# #[creator]# #[subject]# #[url]# #[emphasized]# #[image]# #[audio]# #[video]# #[app]# #[indexof]#

Display URL List
Number of lines:
all lines   100   1000  
Word Deletion
delete also the referenced URL (recommended, may produce unresolved references at other word indexes but they do not harm)
for every resolvable and deleted URL reference, delete the same reference at every other word where the reference exists (very extensive, but prevents further unresolved references)
Transfer RWI to other Peer
Transfer by Word-Hash:
to Peer:
or enter a hash or peer name:
#(/searchresult)# #(keyhashsimilar)#::

Sequential List of Word-Hashes:
#{rows}# #{cols}# #[wordHash]##{/cols}#

#(/keyhashsimilar)# #(genUrlList)# :: No URL entries related to this word hash #[keyHash]#. ::

#[count]# URL entries related to this word hash #[keyHash]#

#{urlList}# #(urlExists)# :: #(/urlExists)# #{/urlList}#
Resource Negative Ranking Factors Positive Ranking Factors props Reverse Normalized Weighted Ranking Sum
  hash url dom length ybr url comps url length pos in text pos of phrase pos in phrase word distance YBR term frequency authority date words in title words in text local links remote links hitcount
#[urlhxValue]# unresolved URL Hash #[urlhxValue]# #[urlStringShort]# #[domlength]# #[ybr]# #[urlcomps]# #[urllength]# #[pos]# #[phrase]# #[posinphrase]# #[worddistance]# #[ybr]# #[tf]# #[authority]# #[date]# #[wordsintitle]# #[wordsintext]# #[llocal]# #[lother]# #[hitcount]# #[props]# #[ranking]#

Deletion of selected URLs
delete also the referenced URL (recommended, may produce unresolved references at other word indexes but they do not harm)
for every resolvable and deleted URL reference, delete the same reference at every other word where the reference exists (very extensive, but prevents further unresolved references)

Blacklist Extension

#(/genUrlList)# #[result]# #%env/templates/footer.template%#