// IndexImportMediawiki.java // ------------------------- // (C) 2009 by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net // first published 04.05.2009 on http://yacy.net // Frankfurt, Germany // // $LastChangedDate$ // $LastChangedRevision$ // $LastChangedBy$ // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import org.apache.http.Header; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.HttpStatus; import net.yacy.cora.date.GenericFormatter; import net.yacy.cora.document.encoding.UTF8; import net.yacy.cora.document.id.MultiProtocolURL; import net.yacy.cora.protocol.ClientIdentification; import net.yacy.cora.protocol.HeaderFramework; import net.yacy.cora.protocol.RequestHeader; import net.yacy.cora.protocol.http.HTTPClient; import net.yacy.cora.util.ConcurrentLog; import net.yacy.cora.util.SpaceExceededException; import net.yacy.data.TransactionManager; import net.yacy.data.WorkTables; import net.yacy.document.importer.MediawikiImporter; import net.yacy.kelondro.blob.Tables.Row; import net.yacy.search.Switchboard; import net.yacy.server.serverObjects; import net.yacy.server.serverSwitch; /** * Import of MediaWiki dump files in the local index. */ public class IndexImportMediawiki_p { /** * Run conditions : * - no MediaWiki import thread is running : allow to start a new import by filling the "file" parameter * - the MediaWiki import thread is running : returns monitoring information. * @param header servlet request header * @param post request parameters. Supported keys : * * @param env server environment * @return the servlet answer object */ public static serverObjects respond(final RequestHeader header, final serverObjects post, final serverSwitch env) { final serverObjects prop = new serverObjects(); final Switchboard sb = (Switchboard) env; if (MediawikiImporter.job != null && (MediawikiImporter.job.isAlive() || (post != null && post.containsKey("report")))) { /* one import is running, or report was explicitly requested : no option to insert anything */ prop.put("import", 1); /* Only refresh automatically when the job is running */ prop.put("refresh", MediawikiImporter.job.isAlive() ? 1 : 0); final String jobErrorMessage = MediawikiImporter.job.status(); if( jobErrorMessage != null && !jobErrorMessage.isEmpty()) { prop.put("import_status", 1); prop.put("import_status_message", jobErrorMessage); } prop.put("import_thread", MediawikiImporter.job.isAlive() ? 2 : 0); prop.put("import_dump", MediawikiImporter.job.source()); prop.put("import_count", MediawikiImporter.job.count()); prop.put("import_speed", MediawikiImporter.job.speed()); prop.put("import_runningHours", (MediawikiImporter.job.runningTime() / 60) / 60); prop.put("import_runningMinutes", (MediawikiImporter.job.runningTime() / 60) % 60); prop.put("import_remainingHours", (MediawikiImporter.job.remainingTime() / 60) / 60); prop.put("import_remainingMinutes", (MediawikiImporter.job.remainingTime() / 60) % 60); } else { prop.put("import", 0); prop.put("refresh", 0); prop.put("import_prevReport", MediawikiImporter.job != null ? 1 : 0); if (post == null) { prop.put("import_status", 0); /* Acquire a transaction token for the next POST form submission */ final String token = TransactionManager.getTransactionToken(header); prop.put(TransactionManager.TRANSACTION_TOKEN_PARAM, token); prop.put("import_" + TransactionManager.TRANSACTION_TOKEN_PARAM, token); } else { if (post.containsKey("file")) { /* Check the transaction is valid */ TransactionManager.checkPostTransaction(header, post); String file = post.get("file"); MultiProtocolURL sourceURL = null; int status = 0; String sourceFilePath = ""; final Row lastExecutedCall = selectLastExecutedCall(post, sb); Date lastExecutionDate = null; if (lastExecutedCall != null) { lastExecutionDate = lastExecutedCall.get(WorkTables.TABLE_API_COL_DATE_LAST_EXEC, (Date) null); } try { sourceURL = new MultiProtocolURL(file); if(sourceURL.isFile()) { final File sourcefile = sourceURL.getFSFile(); sourceFilePath = sourcefile.getAbsolutePath(); if (!sourcefile.exists()) { status = 2; } else if (!sourcefile.canRead()) { status = 3; } else if (sourcefile.isDirectory()) { status = 4; } } if (status == 0 && post.getBoolean("iffresh")) { long lastModified = getLastModified(sourceURL); if (lastExecutionDate != null && lastModified != 0L && lastModified <= lastExecutionDate.getTime()) { status = 5; prop.put("import_status_lastImportDate", GenericFormatter.FORMAT_SIMPLE.format(lastExecutionDate)); /* the import is not performed, but we increase here the api call count */ if(sb.tables != null) { byte[] lastExecutedCallPk = lastExecutedCall.getPK(); if(lastExecutedCallPk != null && !post.containsKey(WorkTables.TABLE_API_COL_APICALL_PK)) { post.add(WorkTables.TABLE_API_COL_APICALL_PK, UTF8.String(lastExecutedCallPk)); } sb.tables.recordAPICall(post, "IndexImportMediawiki_p.html", WorkTables.TABLE_API_TYPE_DUMP, "MediaWiki Dump Import for " + sourceURL); } } } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { status = 1; } if (status == 0) { /* store this call as an api call */ if(sb.tables != null) { /* We avoid creating a duplicate of any already recorded API call with the same parameters */ if(lastExecutedCall != null && !post.containsKey(WorkTables.TABLE_API_COL_APICALL_PK)) { byte[] lastExecutedCallPk = lastExecutedCall.getPK(); if(lastExecutedCallPk != null) { post.add(WorkTables.TABLE_API_COL_APICALL_PK, UTF8.String(lastExecutedCallPk)); } } sb.tables.recordAPICall(post, "IndexImportMediawiki_p.html", WorkTables.TABLE_API_TYPE_DUMP, "MediaWiki Dump Import for " + sourceURL); } MediawikiImporter.job = new MediawikiImporter(sourceURL, sb.surrogatesInPath); MediawikiImporter.job.start(); prop.put("import_dump", MediawikiImporter.job.source()); prop.put("import_thread", 1); prop.put("import", 1); prop.put("refresh", 1); } else { prop.put("import_status", status); prop.put("import_status_sourceFile", sourceFilePath); /* Acquire a transaction token for the next POST form submission */ final String token = TransactionManager.getTransactionToken(header); prop.put(TransactionManager.TRANSACTION_TOKEN_PARAM, token); prop.put("import_" + TransactionManager.TRANSACTION_TOKEN_PARAM, token); } prop.put("import_count", 0); prop.put("import_speed", 0); prop.put("import_runningHours", 0); prop.put("import_runningMinutes", 0); prop.put("import_remainingHours", 0); prop.put("import_remainingMinutes", 0); } } } return prop; } /** * @param post Servlet request parameters. Must not be null. * @param sb the {@link Switchboard} instance. Must not be null. * @return the most recently recorded call to this API with the same parameters */ private static Row selectLastExecutedCall(final serverObjects post, final Switchboard sb) { Row lastRecordedCall = null; if (sb.tables != null) { try { if(post.containsKey(WorkTables.TABLE_API_COL_APICALL_PK)) { /* Search the table on the primary key when when present (re-execution of a recorded call) */ lastRecordedCall = sb.tables.select(WorkTables.TABLE_API_NAME, UTF8.getBytes(post.get(WorkTables.TABLE_API_COL_APICALL_PK))); } else { /* Else search the table on the API URL as recorded (including parameters) */ final String apiURL = WorkTables.generateRecordedURL(post, "IndexImportMediawiki_p.html"); Iterator rowsIt = sb.tables.iterator(WorkTables.TABLE_API_NAME, WorkTables.TABLE_API_COL_URL, UTF8.getBytes(apiURL)); while (rowsIt.hasNext()) { Row currentRow = rowsIt.next(); if (currentRow != null) { Date currentLastExec = currentRow.get(WorkTables.TABLE_API_COL_DATE_LAST_EXEC, (Date) null); if(currentLastExec != null) { if(lastRecordedCall == null) { lastRecordedCall = currentRow; } else if(lastRecordedCall.get(WorkTables.TABLE_API_COL_DATE_LAST_EXEC, (Date) null).before(currentLastExec)) { lastRecordedCall = currentRow; } } } } } } catch (final IOException e) { ConcurrentLog.logException(e); } catch(final SpaceExceededException e) { ConcurrentLog.logException(e); } } return lastRecordedCall; } /** * @param fileURL the file URL. Must not be null. * @return the last modified date for the file at fileURL, or 0L when unknown or when an error occurred */ private static long getLastModified(MultiProtocolURL fileURL) { long lastModified = 0l; try { if (fileURL.isHTTP() || fileURL.isHTTPS()) { /* http(s) : we do not use MultiprotocolURL.lastModified() which always returns 0L for these protocols */ HTTPClient httpClient = new HTTPClient(ClientIdentification.yacyInternetCrawlerAgent); HttpResponse headResponse = httpClient.HEADResponse(fileURL, false); if (headResponse != null && headResponse.getStatusLine() != null && headResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { Header lastModifiedHeader = headResponse .getFirstHeader(HeaderFramework.LAST_MODIFIED); if (lastModifiedHeader != null) { Date lastModifiedDate = HeaderFramework.parseHTTPDate(lastModifiedHeader.getValue()); if(lastModifiedDate != null) { lastModified = lastModifiedDate.getTime(); } } } } else { lastModified = fileURL.lastModified(); } } catch (IOException ignored) { ConcurrentLog.warn("IndexImportMediawiki_p", "Could not retrieve last modified date for dump file at " + fileURL); } return lastModified; } }