package net.yacy.document.geolocation; /** * GeoPoint implementation with Integer accuracy */ public class IntegerGeoPoint implements GeoPoint { private final long latlon; // using one variable for the coordinate pair saves some space public IntegerGeoPoint(double lat, double lon) { this.latlon = (((long) coord2int(lat)) << 32) | (coord2int(lon)); } public IntegerGeoPoint(int lat, int lon) { this.latlon = (((long) coord2int(lat / 1e6d)) << 32) | (coord2int(lon / 1e6d)); } @Override public double lat() { return int2coord((int) (this.latlon >>> 32)); } @Override public double lon() { return int2coord((int) (this.latlon & (Integer.MAX_VALUE))); } /** * get the implementation-dependent accuracy of the latitude * @return */ @Override public double accuracyLat() { return Math.abs(int2coord(1) - int2coord(2)); } /** * get the implementation-dependent accuracy of the longitude * @return */ @Override public double accuracyLon() { return Math.abs(int2coord(1) - int2coord(2)); } private static final double maxint = new Double(Integer.MAX_VALUE).doubleValue(); private static final double upscale = maxint / 360.0d; private static final int coord2int(double coord) { return (int) ((coord + 180.0d) * upscale); } private static final double int2coord(int z) { return (z / upscale) - 180.0d; } /** * compute the hash code of a coordinate * this produces identical hash codes for locations that are close to each other */ @Override public int hashCode() { return (int) ((this.latlon & Integer.MAX_VALUE) >> 1) + (int) (this.latlon >> 33); } /** * equality test that is needed to use the class inside HashMap/HashSet */ @Override public boolean equals(final Object o) { if (!(o instanceof IntegerGeoPoint)) return false; IntegerGeoPoint oo = (IntegerGeoPoint) o; return (this.latlon == oo.latlon); } @Override public String toString() { return "[" + + "," + this.lon() + "]"; } public static void main(String[] args) { double lat = 13.419444d; double lon = 52.548611d; GeoPoint c = new IntegerGeoPoint(lat, lon); System.out.println(c.toString() + " #" + c.hashCode()); System.out.println("error: lat: " + (Math.abs( - lat) / meter) + " meter; lon: " + (Math.abs(c.lon() - lon) / meter) + " meter"); System.out.println("accuracyLat = " + c.accuracyLat() / meter + " meter, accuracyLon = " + c.accuracyLon() / meter + " meter"); } }