Debug/Analysis Settings

Solr communication
When checked (default), responses from remote Solr index instances are transfered using an efficient binary data format. When unchecked, responses are transferred as XML, which can be captured and parsed by any external XML aware tool for debug/analysis.
Search data sources

By default all data sources are enabled to obtain search results, but you can here disable one or more ones to check the behavior of the process.

Search testing tweaks
When checked, the remote DHT peers selection is overriden and only the local peer is selected to provide remote DHT search results.
When checked, the remote Solr peers selection is overriden and only this peer is selected to provide remote Solr search results.
Ranking information
When checked, the raw ranking score value is displayed for each text search result in the HTML results page.
Text snippets statistics
When checked, statistics are collected on text snippets generation for search results. The are resumed in the Portal Configuration page.
Changes will take effect immediately.