// yacySeedDB.java // ------------------------------------- // (C) by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net // first published on http://www.anomic.de // Frankfurt, Germany, 2004, 2005 // // $LastChangedDate$ // $LastChangedRevision$ // $LastChangedBy$ // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA package net.yacy.peers; import java.io.BufferedWriter; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.lang.ref.SoftReference; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import net.yacy.cora.document.ASCII; import net.yacy.cora.document.UTF8; import net.yacy.cora.protocol.ClientIdentification; import net.yacy.cora.protocol.Domains; import net.yacy.cora.protocol.HeaderFramework; import net.yacy.cora.protocol.RequestHeader; import net.yacy.cora.protocol.http.HTTPClient; import net.yacy.kelondro.blob.MapDataMining; import net.yacy.kelondro.data.meta.DigestURI; import net.yacy.kelondro.data.word.Word; import net.yacy.kelondro.index.RowSpaceExceededException; import net.yacy.kelondro.logging.Log; import net.yacy.kelondro.order.Base64Order; import net.yacy.kelondro.util.FileUtils; import net.yacy.kelondro.util.kelondroException; import net.yacy.peers.dht.PartitionScheme; import net.yacy.peers.dht.VerticalWordPartitionScheme; import net.yacy.peers.operation.yacySeedUploader; import net.yacy.search.Switchboard; import de.anomic.http.server.AlternativeDomainNames; import de.anomic.http.server.HTTPDemon; import de.anomic.server.serverCore; import de.anomic.server.serverSwitch; public final class SeedDB implements AlternativeDomainNames { // global statics private static final int dhtActivityMagic = 32; /** *

public static final String DBFILE_OWN_SEED = "mySeed.txt"


Name of the file containing the database holding this peer's seed

*/ public static final String DBFILE_OWN_SEED = "mySeed.txt"; public static final String[] sortFields = new String[] {Seed.LCOUNT, Seed.RCOUNT, Seed.ICOUNT, Seed.UPTIME, Seed.VERSION, Seed.LASTSEEN}; public static final String[] longaccFields = new String[] {Seed.LCOUNT, Seed.ICOUNT, Seed.ISPEED}; public static final String[] doubleaccFields = new String[] {Seed.RSPEED}; // class objects private File seedActiveDBFile, seedPassiveDBFile, seedPotentialDBFile; private File myOwnSeedFile; private MapDataMining seedActiveDB, seedPassiveDB, seedPotentialDB; protected int lastSeedUpload_seedDBSize = 0; public long lastSeedUpload_timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); protected String lastSeedUpload_myIP = ""; public PeerActions peerActions; public NewsPool newsPool; private int netRedundancy; public PartitionScheme scheme; private Seed mySeed; // my own seed private final Set myBotIDs; // list of id's that this bot accepts as robots.txt identification private final Map nameLookupCache; // a name-to-hash relation private final Map> ipLookupCache; public SeedDB( final File networkRoot, final String seedActiveDBFileName, final String seedPassiveDBFileName, final String seedPotentialDBFileName, final File myOwnSeedFile, final int redundancy, final int partitionExponent, final boolean useTailCache, final boolean exceed134217727) { this.seedActiveDBFile = new File(networkRoot, seedActiveDBFileName); this.seedPassiveDBFile = new File(networkRoot, seedPassiveDBFileName); this.seedPotentialDBFile = new File(networkRoot, seedPotentialDBFileName); this.mySeed = null; // my own seed this.myOwnSeedFile = myOwnSeedFile; this.myBotIDs = new HashSet(); this.myBotIDs.add("yacy"); this.myBotIDs.add("yacybot"); this.myBotIDs.add("yacyproxy"); this.netRedundancy = redundancy; this.scheme = new VerticalWordPartitionScheme(partitionExponent); // set up seed database this.seedActiveDB = openSeedTable(this.seedActiveDBFile); this.seedPassiveDB = openSeedTable(this.seedPassiveDBFile); this.seedPotentialDB = openSeedTable(this.seedPotentialDBFile); // start our virtual DNS service for yacy peers with empty cache this.nameLookupCache = new HashMap(); // cache for reverse name lookup this.ipLookupCache = new HashMap>(); // check if we are in the seedCaches: this can happen if someone else published our seed removeMySeed(); this.lastSeedUpload_seedDBSize = sizeConnected(); // tell the httpdProxy how to find this table as address resolver HTTPDemon.setAlternativeResolver(this); // create or init news database this.newsPool = new NewsPool(networkRoot, useTailCache, exceed134217727); // deploy peer actions this.peerActions = new PeerActions(this, this.newsPool); } public void relocate( final File newNetworkRoot, final int redundancy, final int partitionExponent, final boolean useTailCache, final boolean exceed134217727) { // close old databases this.seedActiveDB.close(); this.seedPassiveDB.close(); this.seedPotentialDB.close(); this.newsPool.close(); this.peerActions.close(); // open new according to the newNetworkRoot this.seedActiveDBFile = new File(newNetworkRoot, this.seedActiveDBFile.getName()); this.seedPassiveDBFile = new File(newNetworkRoot, this.seedPassiveDBFile.getName()); this.seedPotentialDBFile = new File(newNetworkRoot, this.seedPotentialDBFile.getName()); // replace my (old) seed with new seed definition from other network // but keep the seed name final String peername = myName(); this.mySeed = null; // my own seed this.myOwnSeedFile = new File(newNetworkRoot, SeedDB.DBFILE_OWN_SEED); initMySeed(); this.mySeed.setName(peername); this.netRedundancy = redundancy; this.scheme = new VerticalWordPartitionScheme(partitionExponent); // set up seed database this.seedActiveDB = openSeedTable(this.seedActiveDBFile); this.seedPassiveDB = openSeedTable(this.seedPassiveDBFile); this.seedPotentialDB = openSeedTable(this.seedPotentialDBFile); // start our virtual DNS service for yacy peers with empty cache this.nameLookupCache.clear(); // cache for reverse name lookup this.ipLookupCache.clear(); // check if we are in the seedCaches: this can happen if someone else published our seed removeMySeed(); this.lastSeedUpload_seedDBSize = sizeConnected(); // tell the httpdProxy how to find this table as address resolver HTTPDemon.setAlternativeResolver(this); // create or init news database this.newsPool = new NewsPool(newNetworkRoot, useTailCache, exceed134217727); // deploy peer actions this.peerActions = new PeerActions(this, this.newsPool); } private synchronized void initMySeed() { if (this.mySeed != null) return; // create or init own seed if (this.myOwnSeedFile.length() > 0) try { // load existing identity this.mySeed = Seed.load(this.myOwnSeedFile); if (this.mySeed == null) throw new IOException("current seed is null"); } catch (final IOException e) { // create new identity Log.logSevere("SEEDDB", "could not load stored mySeed.txt from " + this.myOwnSeedFile.toString() + ": " + e.getMessage() + ". creating new seed.", e); this.mySeed = Seed.genLocalSeed(this); try { this.mySeed.save(this.myOwnSeedFile); } catch (final IOException ee) { Log.logSevere("SEEDDB", "error saving mySeed.txt (1) to " + this.myOwnSeedFile.toString() + ": " + ee.getMessage(), ee); Log.logException(ee); System.exit(-1); } } else { // create new identity Log.logInfo("SEEDDB", "could not find stored mySeed.txt at " + this.myOwnSeedFile.toString() + ": " + ". creating new seed."); this.mySeed = Seed.genLocalSeed(this); try { this.mySeed.save(this.myOwnSeedFile); } catch (final IOException ee) { Log.logSevere("SEEDDB", "error saving mySeed.txt (2) to " + this.myOwnSeedFile.toString() + ": " + ee.getMessage(), ee); Log.logException(ee); System.exit(-1); } } this.myBotIDs.add(this.mySeed.getName() + ".yacy"); this.myBotIDs.add(this.mySeed.hash + ".yacyh"); this.mySeed.setIP(""); // we delete the old information to see what we have now this.mySeed.put(Seed.PEERTYPE, Seed.PEERTYPE_VIRGIN); // markup startup condition } public Set myBotIDs() { return this.myBotIDs; } public int redundancy() { if (this.mySeed.isJunior()) return 1; return this.netRedundancy; } public boolean mySeedIsDefined() { return this.mySeed != null; } public Seed mySeed() { if (this.mySeed == null) { if (sizeConnected() == 0) try {Thread.sleep(5000);} catch (final InterruptedException e) {} // wait for init initMySeed(); // check if my seed has an IP assigned if (myIP() == null || myIP().length() == 0) { this.mySeed.setIP(Domains.myPublicLocalIP().getHostAddress()); } } return this.mySeed; } public void setMyName(final String name) { this.myBotIDs.remove(this.mySeed.getName() + ".yacy"); this.mySeed.setName(name); this.myBotIDs.add(name + ".yacy"); } @Override public String myAlternativeAddress() { return mySeed().getName() + ".yacy"; } @Override public String myIP() { return mySeed().getIP(); } @Override public int myPort() { return mySeed().getPort(); } @Override public String myName() { return this.mySeed.getName(); } @Override public String myID() { return this.mySeed.hash; } public synchronized void removeMySeed() { if (this.seedActiveDB.isEmpty() && this.seedPassiveDB.isEmpty() && this.seedPotentialDB.isEmpty()) return; // avoid that the own seed is initialized too early if (this.mySeed == null) initMySeed(); try { final byte[] mySeedHash = ASCII.getBytes(this.mySeed.hash); this.seedActiveDB.delete(mySeedHash); this.seedPassiveDB.delete(mySeedHash); this.seedPotentialDB.delete(mySeedHash); } catch (final IOException e) { Log.logWarning("yacySeedDB", "could not remove hash ("+ e.getClass() +"): "+ e.getMessage()); } } public void saveMySeed() { try { mySeed().save(this.myOwnSeedFile); } catch (final IOException e) { Log.logWarning("yacySeedDB", "could not save mySeed '"+ this.myOwnSeedFile +"': "+ e.getMessage()); } } public boolean noDHTActivity() { // for small networks, we don't perform DHT transmissions, because it is possible to search over all peers return sizeConnected() <= dhtActivityMagic; } private synchronized MapDataMining openSeedTable(final File seedDBFile) { final File parentDir = new File(seedDBFile.getParent()); if (!parentDir.exists()) { if(!parentDir.mkdirs()) Log.logWarning("yacySeedDB", "could not create directories for "+ seedDBFile.getParent()); } try { return new MapDataMining(seedDBFile, Word.commonHashLength, Base64Order.enhancedCoder, 1024 * 512, 500, sortFields, longaccFields, doubleaccFields, this); } catch (final Exception e) { // try again FileUtils.deletedelete(seedDBFile); try { return new MapDataMining(seedDBFile, Word.commonHashLength, Base64Order.enhancedCoder, 1024 * 512, 500, sortFields, longaccFields, doubleaccFields, this); } catch (final IOException e1) { Log.logException(e1); System.exit(-1); return null; } } } private synchronized MapDataMining resetSeedTable(MapDataMining seedDB, final File seedDBFile) { // this is an emergency function that should only be used if any problem with the // seed.db is detected Network.log.logWarning("seed-db " + seedDBFile.toString() + " reset (on-the-fly)"); seedDB.close(); FileUtils.deletedelete(seedDBFile); if (seedDBFile.exists()) Log.logWarning("yacySeedDB", "could not delete file "+ seedDBFile); // create new seed database seedDB = openSeedTable(seedDBFile); return seedDB; } public synchronized void resetActiveTable() { this.seedActiveDB = resetSeedTable(this.seedActiveDB, this.seedActiveDBFile); } private synchronized void resetPassiveTable() { this.seedPassiveDB = resetSeedTable(this.seedPassiveDB, this.seedPassiveDBFile); } private synchronized void resetPotentialTable() { this.seedPotentialDB = resetSeedTable(this.seedPotentialDB, this.seedPotentialDBFile); } public void close() { if (this.seedActiveDB != null) this.seedActiveDB.close(); if (this.seedPassiveDB != null) this.seedPassiveDB.close(); if (this.seedPotentialDB != null) this.seedPotentialDB.close(); this.newsPool.close(); this.peerActions.close(); } public Iterator seedsSortedConnected(final boolean up, final String field) { // enumerates seed-type objects: all seeds sequentially ordered by field return new seedEnum(up, field, this.seedActiveDB); } public Iterator seedsSortedDisconnected(final boolean up, final String field) { // enumerates seed-type objects: all seeds sequentially ordered by field return new seedEnum(up, field, this.seedPassiveDB); } public Iterator seedsSortedPotential(final boolean up, final String field) { // enumerates seed-type objects: all seeds sequentially ordered by field return new seedEnum(up, field, this.seedPotentialDB); } public TreeMap /* peer-b64-hashes/ipport */ clusterHashes(final String clusterdefinition) { // collects seeds according to cluster definition string, which consists of // comma-separated .yacy or .yacyh-domains // the domain may be extended by an alternative address specification of the form // or :. The port must be identical to the port specified in the peer seed, // therefore it is optional. The address specification is separated by a '='; the complete // address has therefore the form // address ::= ('.yacy'|'.yacyh'){'='{':' clustermap = new TreeMap(Base64Order.enhancedCoder); Seed seed; String hash, yacydom, ipport; int p; for (final String addresse : addresses) { p = addresse.indexOf('='); if (p >= 0) { yacydom = addresse.substring(0, p); ipport = addresse.substring(p + 1); } else { yacydom = addresse; ipport = null; } if (yacydom.endsWith(".yacyh")) { // find a peer with its hexhash hash = Seed.hexHash2b64Hash(yacydom.substring(0, yacydom.length() - 6)); seed = get(hash); if (seed == null) { Network.log.logWarning("cluster peer '" + yacydom + "' was not found."); } else { clustermap.put(ASCII.getBytes(hash), ipport); } } else if (yacydom.endsWith(".yacy")) { // find a peer with its name seed = lookupByName(yacydom.substring(0, yacydom.length() - 5)); if (seed == null) { Network.log.logWarning("cluster peer '" + yacydom + "' was not found."); } else { clustermap.put(ASCII.getBytes(seed.hash), ipport); } } else { Network.log.logWarning("cluster peer '" + addresse + "' has wrong syntax. the name must end with .yacy or .yacyh"); } } return clustermap; } public Iterator seedsConnected(final boolean up, final boolean rot, final byte[] firstHash, final float minVersion) { // enumerates seed-type objects: all seeds sequentially without order return new seedEnum(up, rot, (firstHash == null) ? null : firstHash, null, this.seedActiveDB, minVersion); } private Iterator seedsDisconnected(final boolean up, final boolean rot, final byte[] firstHash, final float minVersion) { // enumerates seed-type objects: all seeds sequentially without order return new seedEnum(up, rot, (firstHash == null) ? null : firstHash, null, this.seedPassiveDB, minVersion); } public Seed anySeedVersion(final float minVersion) { // return just any seed that has a specific minimum version number final Iterator e = seedsConnected(true, true, Seed.randomHash(), minVersion); return e.next(); } /** * count the number of peers that had been seed within the time limit * @param limit the time limit in minutes. 1440 minutes is a day * @return the number of peers seen in the given time */ public int sizeActiveSince(final long limit) { int c = this.seedActiveDB.size(); Seed seed; Iterator i = seedsSortedDisconnected(false, Seed.LASTSEEN); while (i.hasNext()) { seed = i.next(); if (seed != null) { if (Math.abs((System.currentTimeMillis() - seed.getLastSeenUTC()) / 1000 / 60) > limit) break; c++; } } i = seedsSortedPotential(false, Seed.LASTSEEN); while (i.hasNext()) { seed = i.next(); if (seed != null) { if (Math.abs((System.currentTimeMillis() - seed.getLastSeenUTC()) / 1000 / 60) > limit) break; c++; } } return c; } public int sizeConnected() { return this.seedActiveDB.size(); } public int sizeDisconnected() { return this.seedPassiveDB.size(); } public int sizePotential() { return this.seedPotentialDB.size(); } public long countActiveURL() { return this.seedActiveDB.getLongAcc(Seed.LCOUNT); } public long countActiveRWI() { return this.seedActiveDB.getLongAcc(Seed.ICOUNT); } public long countActivePPM() { return this.seedActiveDB.getLongAcc(Seed.ISPEED); } public float countActiveQPM() { return this.seedActiveDB.getFloatAcc(Seed.RSPEED); } public long countPassiveURL() { return this.seedPassiveDB.getLongAcc(Seed.LCOUNT); } public long countPassiveRWI() { return this.seedPassiveDB.getLongAcc(Seed.ICOUNT); } public long countPotentialURL() { return this.seedPotentialDB.getLongAcc(Seed.LCOUNT); } public long countPotentialRWI() { return this.seedPotentialDB.getLongAcc(Seed.ICOUNT); } public void addConnected(final Seed seed) { if (seed.isProper(false) != null) return; //seed.put(yacySeed.LASTSEEN, yacyCore.shortFormatter.format(new Date(yacyCore.universalTime()))); synchronized (this) { try { this.nameLookupCache.put(seed.getName(), seed.hash); final ConcurrentMap seedPropMap = seed.getMap(); this.seedActiveDB.insert(ASCII.getBytes(seed.hash), seedPropMap); this.seedPassiveDB.delete(ASCII.getBytes(seed.hash)); this.seedPotentialDB.delete(ASCII.getBytes(seed.hash)); } catch (final Exception e) { Network.log.logSevere("ERROR add: seed.db corrupt (" + e.getMessage() + "); resetting seed.db", e); resetActiveTable(); } } } protected void addDisconnected(final Seed seed) { if (seed.isProper(false) != null) return; synchronized (this) { try { this.nameLookupCache.remove(seed.getName()); this.seedActiveDB.delete(ASCII.getBytes(seed.hash)); this.seedPotentialDB.delete(ASCII.getBytes(seed.hash)); } catch (final Exception e) { Log.logWarning("yacySeedDB", "could not remove hash ("+ e.getClass() +"): "+ e.getMessage()); } //seed.put(yacySeed.LASTSEEN, yacyCore.shortFormatter.format(new Date(yacyCore.universalTime()))); try { final ConcurrentMap seedPropMap = seed.getMap(); this.seedPassiveDB.insert(ASCII.getBytes(seed.hash), seedPropMap); } catch (final Exception e) { Network.log.logSevere("ERROR add: seed.db corrupt (" + e.getMessage() + "); resetting seed.db", e); resetPassiveTable(); } } } protected void addPotential(final Seed seed) { if (seed.isProper(false) != null) return; synchronized (this) { try { this.nameLookupCache.remove(seed.getName()); this.seedActiveDB.delete(ASCII.getBytes(seed.hash)); this.seedPassiveDB.delete(ASCII.getBytes(seed.hash)); } catch (final Exception e) { Log.logWarning("yacySeedDB", "could not remove hash ("+ e.getClass() +"): "+ e.getMessage()); } //seed.put(yacySeed.LASTSEEN, yacyCore.shortFormatter.format(new Date(yacyCore.universalTime()))); try { final ConcurrentMap seedPropMap = seed.getMap(); this.seedPotentialDB.insert(ASCII.getBytes(seed.hash), seedPropMap); } catch (final Exception e) { Network.log.logSevere("ERROR add: seed.db corrupt (" + e.getMessage() + "); resetting seed.db", e); resetPotentialTable(); } } } public synchronized void removeDisconnected(final String peerHash) { if (peerHash == null) return; try { this.seedPassiveDB.delete(ASCII.getBytes(peerHash)); } catch (final IOException e) { Log.logWarning("yacySeedDB", "could not remove hash ("+ e.getClass() +"): "+ e.getMessage()); } } public synchronized void removePotential(final String peerHash) { if (peerHash == null) return; try { this.seedPotentialDB.delete(ASCII.getBytes(peerHash)); } catch (final IOException e) { Log.logWarning("yacySeedDB", "could not remove hash ("+ e.getClass() +"): "+ e.getMessage()); } } public boolean hasConnected(final byte[] hash) { return this.seedActiveDB.containsKey(hash); } public boolean hasDisconnected(final byte[] hash) { return this.seedPassiveDB.containsKey(hash); } public boolean hasPotential(final byte[] hash) { return this.seedPotentialDB.containsKey(hash); } private Seed get(final String hash, final MapDataMining database) { if (hash == null || hash.length() == 0) return null; if ((this.mySeed != null) && (hash.equals(this.mySeed.hash))) return this.mySeed; final ConcurrentHashMap entry = new ConcurrentHashMap(); try { final Map map = database.get(ASCII.getBytes(hash)); if (map == null) return null; entry.putAll(map); } catch (final IOException e) { Log.logException(e); return null; } catch (final RowSpaceExceededException e) { Log.logException(e); return null; } return new Seed(hash, entry); } public Seed getConnected(final String hash) { return get(hash, this.seedActiveDB); } public Seed getDisconnected(final String hash) { return get(hash, this.seedPassiveDB); } public Seed getPotential(final String hash) { return get(hash, this.seedPotentialDB); } public Seed get(final String hash) { Seed seed = getConnected(hash); if (seed == null) seed = getDisconnected(hash); if (seed == null) seed = getPotential(hash); return seed; } public void update(final String hash, final Seed seed) { if (this.mySeed == null) initMySeed(); if (hash.equals(this.mySeed.hash)) { this.mySeed = seed; return; } final byte[] hashb = ASCII.getBytes(hash); Seed s = get(hash, this.seedActiveDB); if (s != null) try { this.seedActiveDB.insert(hashb, seed.getMap()); return;} catch (final Exception e) {Log.logException(e);} s = get(hash, this.seedPassiveDB); if (s != null) try { this.seedPassiveDB.insert(hashb, seed.getMap()); return;} catch (final Exception e) {Log.logException(e);} s = get(hash, this.seedPotentialDB); if (s != null) try { this.seedPotentialDB.insert(hashb, seed.getMap()); return;} catch (final Exception e) {Log.logException(e);} } public Seed lookupByName(String peerName) { // reads a seed by searching by name if (peerName.endsWith(".yacy")) peerName = peerName.substring(0, peerName.length() - 5); // local peer? if (peerName.equals("localpeer")) { if (this.mySeed == null) initMySeed(); return this.mySeed; } // then try to use the cache peerName = peerName.toLowerCase(); final String seedhash = this.nameLookupCache.get(peerName); Seed seed; if (seedhash != null) { seed = this.get(seedhash); if (seed != null) { //System.out.println("*** found lookupByName in cache: " + peerName); return seed; } } // enumerate the cache String name = Seed.checkPeerName(peerName); Map.Entry> entry; try { Iterator>> mmap = this.seedActiveDB.entries(Seed.NAME, name); while (mmap.hasNext()) { entry = mmap.next(); if (entry == null) break; seed = this.getConnected(ASCII.String(entry.getKey())); if (seed == null) continue; if (seed.isProper(false) == null) this.nameLookupCache.put(seed.getName().toLowerCase(), seed.hash); //System.out.println("*** found lookupByName in seedActiveDB: " + peerName); return seed; } } catch ( IOException e ) { } try { Iterator>> mmap = this.seedPassiveDB.entries(Seed.NAME, name); while (mmap.hasNext()) { entry = mmap.next(); if (entry == null) break; seed = this.getConnected(ASCII.String(entry.getKey())); if (seed == null) continue; if (seed.isProper(false) == null) this.nameLookupCache.put(seed.getName().toLowerCase(), seed.hash); //System.out.println("*** found lookupByName in seedPassiveDB: " + peerName); return seed; } } catch ( IOException e ) { } // check local seed if (this.mySeed == null) initMySeed(); name = this.mySeed.getName().toLowerCase(); if (this.mySeed.isProper(false) == null) this.nameLookupCache.put(name, this.mySeed.hash); if (name.equals(peerName)) return this.mySeed; // nothing found return null; } public Seed lookupByIP( final InetAddress peerIP, final int port, final boolean lookupConnected, final boolean lookupDisconnected, final boolean lookupPotential ) { if (peerIP == null) return null; // local peer? if (Domains.isThisHostIP(peerIP)) { if (this.mySeed == null) initMySeed(); return this.mySeed; } // then try to use the cache final SoftReference ref = this.ipLookupCache.get(peerIP); Seed seed = null; if (ref != null) { seed = ref.get(); if (seed != null) { //System.out.println("*** found lookupByIP in cache: " + peerIP.toString() + " -> " + this.mySeed.getName()); return seed; } } String ipString = peerIP.getHostAddress(); Map.Entry> entry; if (lookupConnected) { try { Iterator>> mmap = this.seedActiveDB.entries(Seed.IP, ipString); while (mmap.hasNext()) { entry = mmap.next(); if (entry == null) break; String p = entry.getValue().get(Seed.PORT); if (p == null) continue; if (port > 0 && Integer.parseInt(p) != port) continue; seed = this.getConnected(ASCII.String(entry.getKey())); if (seed == null) continue; this.ipLookupCache.put(peerIP, new SoftReference(seed)); //System.out.println("*** found lookupByIP in connected: " + peerIP.toString() + " -> " + seed.getName()); return seed; } } catch ( IOException e ) { } } if (lookupDisconnected) { try { Iterator>> mmap = this.seedPassiveDB.entries(Seed.IP, ipString); while (mmap.hasNext()) { entry = mmap.next(); if (entry == null) break; String p = entry.getValue().get(Seed.PORT); if (p == null) continue; if (port > 0 && Integer.parseInt(p) != port) continue; seed = this.getDisconnected(ASCII.String(entry.getKey())); if (seed == null) continue; this.ipLookupCache.put(peerIP, new SoftReference(seed)); //System.out.println("*** found lookupByIP in disconnected: " + peerIP.toString() + " -> " + seed.getName()); return seed; } } catch ( IOException e ) { } } if (lookupPotential) { try { Iterator>> mmap = this.seedPotentialDB.entries(Seed.IP, ipString); while (mmap.hasNext()) { entry = mmap.next(); if (entry == null) break; String p = entry.getValue().get(Seed.PORT); if (p == null) continue; if (port > 0 && Integer.parseInt(p) != port) continue; seed = this.getPotential(ASCII.String(entry.getKey())); if (seed == null) continue; this.ipLookupCache.put(peerIP, new SoftReference(seed)); //System.out.println("*** found lookupByIP in potential: " + peerIP.toString() + " -> " + seed.getName()); return seed; } } catch ( IOException e ) { } } // check local seed if (this.mySeed == null) return null; String s = this.mySeed.getIP(); if (s == null || !ipString.equals(s)) return null; int p = this.mySeed.getPort(); if (p != port) return null; //System.out.println("*** found lookupByIP as my seed: " + peerIP.toString() + " -> " + this.mySeed.getName()); return this.mySeed; } private ArrayList storeSeedList(final File seedFile, final boolean addMySeed) throws IOException { PrintWriter pw = null; final ArrayList v = new ArrayList(this.seedActiveDB.size() + 1); try { pw = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(seedFile))); // store own peer seed String line; if (this.mySeed == null) initMySeed(); if (addMySeed) { line = this.mySeed.genSeedStr(null); v.add(line); pw.print(line + serverCore.CRLF_STRING); } // store active peer seeds Seed ys; Iterator se = seedsConnected(true, false, null, (float) 0.0); while (se.hasNext()) { ys = se.next(); if (ys != null) { line = ys.genSeedStr(null); v.add(line); pw.print(line + serverCore.CRLF_STRING); } } // store some of the not-so-old passive peer seeds (limit: 1 day) se = seedsDisconnected(true, false, null, (float) 0.0); final long timeout = System.currentTimeMillis() - (1000L * 60L * 60L * 24L); while (se.hasNext()) { ys = se.next(); if (ys != null) { if (ys.getLastSeenUTC() < timeout) continue; line = ys.genSeedStr(null); v.add(line); pw.print(line + serverCore.CRLF_STRING); } } pw.flush(); } finally { if (pw != null) try { pw.close(); } catch (final Exception e) {} } return v; } protected String uploadSeedList(final yacySeedUploader uploader, final serverSwitch sb, final SeedDB seedDB, final DigestURI seedURL) throws Exception { // upload a seed file, if possible if (seedURL == null) throw new NullPointerException("UPLOAD - Error: URL not given"); String log = null; File seedFile = null; try { // create a seed file which for uploading ... seedFile = File.createTempFile("seedFile",".txt", seedDB.myOwnSeedFile.getParentFile()); seedFile.deleteOnExit(); if (Log.isFine("YACY")) Log.logFine("YACY", "SaveSeedList: Storing seedlist into tempfile " + seedFile.toString()); final ArrayList uv = storeSeedList(seedFile, true); // uploading the seed file if (Log.isFine("YACY")) Log.logFine("YACY", "SaveSeedList: Trying to upload seed-file, " + seedFile.length() + " bytes, " + uv.size() + " entries."); log = uploader.uploadSeedFile(sb, seedFile); // test download if (Log.isFine("YACY")) Log.logFine("YACY", "SaveSeedList: Trying to download seed-file '" + seedURL + "'."); final Iterator check = downloadSeedFile(seedURL); // Comparing if local copy and uploaded copy are equal final String errorMsg = checkCache(uv, check); if (errorMsg == null) log = log + "UPLOAD CHECK - Success: the result vectors are equal" + serverCore.CRLF_STRING; else { throw new Exception("UPLOAD CHECK - Error: the result vector is different. " + errorMsg + serverCore.CRLF_STRING); } } finally { if (seedFile != null) try { FileUtils.deletedelete(seedFile); } catch (final Exception e) { /* ignore this */ } } return log; } private Iterator downloadSeedFile(final DigestURI seedURL) throws IOException { // Configure http headers final RequestHeader reqHeader = new RequestHeader(); reqHeader.put(HeaderFramework.PRAGMA, "no-cache"); reqHeader.put(HeaderFramework.CACHE_CONTROL, "no-cache"); // httpc uses HTTP/1.0 is this necessary? reqHeader.put(HeaderFramework.USER_AGENT, ClientIdentification.getUserAgent()); final HTTPClient client = new HTTPClient(); client.setHeader(reqHeader.entrySet()); byte[] content = null; try { // send request content = client.GETbytes(seedURL); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new IOException("Unable to download seed file '" + seedURL + "'. " + e.getMessage()); } // check response code if (client.getHttpResponse().getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != 200) { throw new IOException("Server returned status: " + client.getHttpResponse().getStatusLine()); } try { // uncompress it if it is gzipped content = FileUtils.uncompressGZipArray(content); // convert it into an array return FileUtils.strings(content); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new IOException("Unable to uncompress seed file '" + seedURL + "'. " + e.getMessage()); } } private String checkCache(final ArrayList uv, final Iterator check) { if ((check == null) || (uv == null)) { if (Log.isFine("YACY")) Log.logFine("YACY", "SaveSeedList: Local and uploades seed-list are different"); return "Entry count is different: uv.size() = " + ((uv == null) ? "null" : Integer.toString(uv.size())); } if (Log.isFine("YACY")) Log.logFine("YACY", "SaveSeedList: Comparing local and uploades seed-list entries ..."); int i = 0; while (check.hasNext() && i < uv.size()) { if (!((uv.get(i)).equals(check.next()))) return "Element at position " + i + " is different."; i++; } // no difference found return null; } /** * resolve a yacy address */ public String resolve(String host) { Seed seed; int p; String subdom = null; if (host.endsWith(".yacyh")) { // this is not functional at the moment // caused by lowecasing of hashes at the browser client p = host.indexOf('.'); if ((p > 0) && (p != (host.length() - 6))) { subdom = host.substring(0, p); host = host.substring(p + 1); } // check if we have a b64-hash or a hex-hash String hash = host.substring(0, host.length() - 6); if (hash.length() > Word.commonHashLength) { // this is probably a hex-hash hash = Seed.hexHash2b64Hash(hash); } // check remote seeds seed = getConnected(hash); // checks only remote, not local // check local seed if (seed == null) { if (this.mySeed == null) initMySeed(); if (hash.equals(this.mySeed.hash)) seed = this.mySeed; else return null; } return seed.getPublicAddress() + ((subdom == null) ? "" : ("/" + subdom)); } else if (host.endsWith(".yacy")) { // identify subdomain p = host.indexOf('.'); if ((p > 0) && (p != (host.length() - 5))) { subdom = host.substring(0, p); // no double-dot attack possible, the subdom cannot have ".." in it host = host.substring(p + 1); // if ever, the double-dots are here but do not harm } // identify domain final String domain = host.substring(0, host.length() - 5).toLowerCase(); seed = lookupByName(domain); if (seed == null) return null; if (this.mySeed == null) initMySeed(); if ((seed == this.mySeed) && (!(seed.isOnline()))) { // take local ip instead of external return Switchboard.getSwitchboard().myPublicIP() + ":" + Switchboard.getSwitchboard().getConfig("port", "8090") + ((subdom == null) ? "" : ("/" + subdom)); } return seed.getPublicAddress() + ((subdom == null) ? "" : ("/" + subdom)); } else { return null; } } public String targetAddress(final String targetHash) { // find target address String address; if (targetHash.equals(mySeed().hash)) { address = mySeed().getClusterAddress(); } else { final Seed targetSeed = getConnected(targetHash); if (targetSeed == null) { return null; } address = targetSeed.getClusterAddress(); } if (address == null) address = "localhost:8090"; return address; } private class seedEnum implements Iterator { private Iterator>> it; private Seed nextSeed; private final MapDataMining database; private float minVersion; private seedEnum(final boolean up, final boolean rot, final byte[] firstKey, final byte[] secondKey, final MapDataMining database, final float minVersion) { this.database = database; this.minVersion = minVersion; try { this.it = (firstKey == null) ? database.entries(up, rot) : database.entries(up, rot, firstKey, secondKey); float version; while (true) { this.nextSeed = internalNext(); if (this.nextSeed == null) break; version = this.nextSeed.getVersion(); if (version >= this.minVersion || version == 0.0) break; // include 0.0 to access always developer peers } } catch (final IOException e) { Log.logException(e); Network.log.logSevere("ERROR seedLinEnum: seed.db corrupt (" + e.getMessage() + "); resetting seed.db", e); if (database == SeedDB.this.seedActiveDB) SeedDB.this.seedActiveDB = resetSeedTable(SeedDB.this.seedActiveDB, SeedDB.this.seedActiveDBFile); if (database == SeedDB.this.seedPassiveDB) SeedDB.this.seedPassiveDB = resetSeedTable(SeedDB.this.seedPassiveDB, SeedDB.this.seedPassiveDBFile); this.it = null; } catch (final kelondroException e) { Log.logException(e); Network.log.logSevere("ERROR seedLinEnum: seed.db corrupt (" + e.getMessage() + "); resetting seed.db", e); if (database == SeedDB.this.seedActiveDB) SeedDB.this.seedActiveDB = resetSeedTable(SeedDB.this.seedActiveDB, SeedDB.this.seedActiveDBFile); if (database == SeedDB.this.seedPassiveDB) SeedDB.this.seedPassiveDB = resetSeedTable(SeedDB.this.seedPassiveDB, SeedDB.this.seedPassiveDBFile); this.it = null; } } private seedEnum(final boolean up, final String field, final MapDataMining database) { this.database = database; try { this.it = database.entries(up, field); this.nextSeed = internalNext(); } catch (final kelondroException e) { Log.logException(e); Network.log.logSevere("ERROR seedLinEnum: seed.db corrupt (" + e.getMessage() + "); resetting seed.db", e); if (database == SeedDB.this.seedActiveDB) SeedDB.this.seedActiveDB = resetSeedTable(SeedDB.this.seedActiveDB, SeedDB.this.seedActiveDBFile); if (database == SeedDB.this.seedPassiveDB) SeedDB.this.seedPassiveDB = resetSeedTable(SeedDB.this.seedPassiveDB, SeedDB.this.seedPassiveDBFile); if (database == SeedDB.this.seedPotentialDB) SeedDB.this.seedPotentialDB = resetSeedTable(SeedDB.this.seedPotentialDB, SeedDB.this.seedPotentialDBFile); this.it = null; } } public boolean hasNext() { return (this.nextSeed != null); } private Seed internalNext() { if (this.it == null || !(this.it.hasNext())) return null; try { Map.Entry> dna0; ConcurrentHashMap dna; while (this.it.hasNext()) { try { dna0 = this.it.next(); } catch (final OutOfMemoryError e) { Log.logException(e); dna0 = null; } assert dna0 != null; if (dna0 == null) continue; if (dna0.getValue() instanceof ConcurrentHashMap) { dna = (ConcurrentHashMap) dna0.getValue(); } else { dna = new ConcurrentHashMap(); dna.putAll(dna0.getValue()); } if (dna0.getKey() == null) continue; // bad seed final String hash = UTF8.String(dna0.getKey()); return new Seed(hash, dna); } return null; } catch (final Exception e) { Log.logException(e); Network.log.logSevere("ERROR internalNext: seed.db corrupt (" + e.getMessage() + "); resetting seed.db", e); if (this.database == SeedDB.this.seedActiveDB) SeedDB.this.seedActiveDB = resetSeedTable(SeedDB.this.seedActiveDB, SeedDB.this.seedActiveDBFile); if (this.database == SeedDB.this.seedPassiveDB) SeedDB.this.seedPassiveDB = resetSeedTable(SeedDB.this.seedPassiveDB, SeedDB.this.seedPassiveDBFile); if (this.database == SeedDB.this.seedPotentialDB) SeedDB.this.seedPotentialDB = resetSeedTable(SeedDB.this.seedPotentialDB, SeedDB.this.seedPotentialDBFile); return null; } } public Seed next() { final Seed seed = this.nextSeed; float version; try {while (true) { this.nextSeed = internalNext(); if (this.nextSeed == null) break; version = this.nextSeed.getVersion(); if (version >= this.minVersion || version == 0.0) break; // include 0.0 to access always developer peers }} catch (final kelondroException e) { Log.logException(e); // emergency reset Network.log.logSevere("seed-db emergency reset", e); this.database.clear(); this.nextSeed = null; return null; } return seed; } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } }