#%env/templates/metas.template%# #%env/templates/header.template%# #%env/templates/submenuConfig.template%#

Performance Settings for Memory

Memory Usage:

After Startup
After Initializations
before GC
After Initializations
after GC
#(gc)#before GC::after GC#(/gc)#
Max #[memoryMax]# MByte maximum memory that the JVM will attempt to use
Available #[memoryAvailAfterStartup]# MByte #[memoryAvailAfterInitBGC]# MByte #[memoryAvailAfterInitAGC]# MByte #[memoryAvailNow]# MByte total available memory including free for the JVM within maximum
Total #[memoryTotalAfterStartup]# KByte #[memoryTotalAfterInitBGC]# KByte #[memoryTotalAfterInitAGC]# KByte #[memoryTotalNow]# MByte total memory taken from the OS
Free #[memoryFreeAfterStartup]# KByte #[memoryFreeAfterInitBGC]# KByte #[memoryFreeAfterInitAGC]# KByte #[memoryFreeNow]# MByte free memory in the JVM within total amount
Used #[memoryUsedAfterStartup]# KByte #[memoryUsedAfterInitBGC]# KByte #[memoryUsedAfterInitAGC]# KByte #[memoryUsedNow]# MByte used memory in the JVM within total amount
Memory Settings
MByte    #(setStartupCommit)#::
Accepted change. This will take effect after restart of YaCy

FlexTable RAM Index:

#{TableList}# #{/TableList}#
Table Chunk Size Count Used Memory
#[tableIndexPath]# #[tableIndexChunkSize]# #[tableIndexCount]# #[tableIndexMem]#
Total Mem = #[TableIndexTotalMem]# MB

Node Caches:

#{NodeList}# #{/NodeList}#
Table Chunk Size Count Used Memory Read Hit Read Miss Write Unique Write Double Deletes Flushes
#[nodeCachePath]# #[nodeChunkSize]# #[nodeCacheCount]# #[nodeCacheMem]# #[nodeCacheReadHit]# #[nodeCacheReadMiss]# #[nodeCacheWriteUnique]# #[nodeCacheWriteDouble]# #[nodeCacheDeletes]# #[nodeCacheFlushes]#
Total Mem = #[nodeCacheTotalMem]# MB; Stop Grow when less than #[nodeCacheStopGrow]# MB available left; Start Shrink when less than #[nodeCacheStartShrink]# MB availabe left

Object Read Caches:

#{ObjectList}# #{/ObjectList}#
Read Hit Cache Read Miss Cache
Table Chunk Size Count Used Memory Read Hit Read Miss Write Unique Write Double Deletes Flushes Chunk Size Count Used Memory Read Hit Read Miss Write Unique Write Double Deletes Flushes
#[objectCachePath]# #[objectHitChunkSize]# #[objectHitCacheCount]# #[objectHitCacheMem]# #[objectHitCacheReadHit]# #[objectHitCacheReadMiss]# #[objectHitCacheWriteUnique]# #[objectHitCacheWriteDouble]# #[objectHitCacheDeletes]# #[objectHitCacheFlushes]# #[objectMissChunkSize]# #[objectMissCacheCount]# #[objectMissCacheMem]# #[objectMissCacheReadHit]# #[objectMissCacheReadMiss]# #[objectMissCacheWriteUnique]# #[objectMissCacheWriteDouble]# #[objectMissCacheDeletes]# #[objectMissCacheFlushes]#
Total Mem: #[objectHitCacheTotalMem]# MB (hit), #[objectMissCacheTotalMem]# MB (miss); Stop Grow when less than #[objectCacheStopGrow]# MB available left; Start Shrink when less than #[objectCacheStartShrink]# MB availabe left

Other Caching Structures:

Type Amount
DNSCache #[namecache.hit]#
DNSNoCache #[namecache.noCache]#
HashBlacklistedCache #[blacklistcache.size]#