### ### YACY Init File ### # These properties will be loaded upon installation. # They are used only once for set-up. # If you make changes to this file and want these to make any effect, # you must delete the httpProxy.conf file in DATA/SETTINGS # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # the http service configurations # port number of server port = 8080 # shutdown time limit # this is the time that a peer takes at most for shutdown # the shutdown-procedure is difficult since there are many # caches that must be flushed first # measured in seconds shutdownWaiting = 120 # time-out of client control socket in milliseconds # since this applies only to the client-proxy connection, # it can be rather short # milliseconds clientTimeout = 8000 # maximal number of httpd sessions # a client may open several connections at one, and the maxSessions value sets # a limit on the number of concurrent connections httpdMaxSessions = 150 # default root path for the file server # may be overridden by the htdocs parameter # users shall be encouraged to use the htdocs path for individual content, # not this path defined here htRootPath = htroot htTemplatePath = htroot/env/templates # individual htroot folder # every user may publicise her/his own web pages # these pages shall be placed in the path defined here # the htdocs path shares its content with the htroot path htDocsPath = DATA/HTDOCS # the default files (typically index.html), if no file name is given # The complete path to this file is created by combination with the rootPath # you can set a list of defaults, separated by comma # the first one is priorized defaultFiles = index.html,default.html,search.html,console.html,control.html,welcome.html,wiki.html,forum.html,blog.html,email.html,content.html,monitor.html,share.html,dir.html,readme.txt # virtual host for httpdFileServlet access # for example http:/// shall access the file servlet and # return the defaultFile at rootPath # either way, http:/// denotes the same as http://localhost:/ # for the preconfigured value 'localpeer', the url is: # http://localpeer/ fileHost = localpeer # root path for message files messPath = C:/AnomicServer # specify the path to the MIME matching file table mimeConfig = httpd.mime # specify the path to message resource file messConfig = httpd.messages # proxy use. This server can also act as an caching proxy. # to enable that function, set proxy=true proxy=true # a path to the proxy's file cache. # This will be used if the server is addressed as a proxy proxyCache = DATA/HTCACHE # the proxy's maximum disc cache size in megabytes # there should be enough space for the browsing load of an internet caffee # running at 56kbit/s modem speed (this time not unusual) # during 3 days, 8 hours a day # necessary space = 3 * 8 * 60 * 60 * 56 / 8 = 604800 KB = ca. 590 MB # since 600 MB is not much these days (it's below one GB!) # we recommend using that space #proxyCacheSize = 600 #for testing: proxyCacheSize = 200 # the following mime-types are the whitelist for indexing parseableMime=application/xhtml+xml,text/html,text/plain # media extension string # a comma-separated list of extensions that denote media file formats # this is important to recognize - tags as not-html reference # These files will be excluded from indexing mediaExt=swf,wmv,jpg,jpeg,jpe,rm,mov,mpg,mpeg,mp3,asf,gif,png,avi,zip,rar,sit,hqx,img,dmg,tar,gz,ps,pdf,doc,xls,ppt,ram,bz2,arj,jar,deb,torrent,ogg,iso,bin,ace,tgz,rpm # the proxy's and indexing maximum ram cache size in megabytes ramCacheSize = 12 # ram cache is partitioned into different separate caches # we define percentual shares of the complete ram cache # values here are computed from usage profiles and should not be changed # it is not computed if the complete sum of percentages computes to 100 ramCachePercentRWI = 85 ramCachePercentHTTP = 6 ramCachePercentLURL = 4 ramCachePercentDHT = 3 ramCachePercentMessage = 1 ramCachePercentWiki = 1 # Promotion Strings # These strings appear in the Web Mask of the YACY search client # Set these Strings to cusomize your peer and give any message to # other peer users promoteSearchPageGreeting = # the log level, each for a specific software part # loglevels are: # NULL = 0: no output at all # FAILURE = 1: system-level error, internal cause, critical and not fixeable (i.e. inconsistency) # ERROR = 2: exceptional error, catcheable and non-critical (i.e. file error) # WARNING = 3: uncritical service failure, may require user activity (i.e. input required, wrong authorization) # SYSTEM = 4: regular system status information (i.e. start-up messages) # INFO = 5: regular action information (i.e. any httpd request URL) # DEBUG = 6: in-function status debug output httpdLoglevel=4 proxyLoglevel=5 plasmaLoglevel=5 yacyLoglevel=5 # the path to the PLASMA database, especially the reverse word index dbPath=DATA/PLASMADB # the path to the LISTS files. Most lists are used to filter web content listsPath=DATA/LISTS # the path to the SKINS files. skinPath=DATA/SKINS # the yellow-list; url's elements # (the core of an url; like 'yahoo' in 'de.yahoo.com') # appearing in this list will not get a manipulated user agent string proxyYellowList=yacy.yellow # the black-list; url's appearing in this list will not be loaded; # instead always a 404 is returned # all these files will be placed in the listsPath proxyBlackLists=url.default.black proxyBlackListsActive=url.default.black proxyBlackListsShared=url.default.black proxyCookieBlackList=cookie.default.black proxyCookieWhiteList=cookie.default.black # the blue-list; # no search result is locally presented that has any word of the bluelist # in the search words, the url or the url's description plasmaBlueList=yacy.blue # this proxy may in turn again access another proxy # if you wish to do that, specify it here # if you want to switch on the proxy use, set remoteProxyUse=true # remoteProxyNoProxy is a no-proxy pattern list for the remote proxy remoteProxyHost= remoteProxyPort=4239 remoteProxyNoProxy=192.*,10.*,127.*,localhost remoteProxyUse=false #remoteProxyUse=true # the proxy may filter the content of transferred web pages # this is archieved using a special filtering class that can be # exchanged like a transformation plug-in # If you want to do this, you must implement the htmlFilterTransformer # -Interface and set the name of the implementing class here. # As a default, we use a filtering Transformer that takes a blacklist # and blocks all text fragments where a word from the blacklist appears # as the blacklist, we use the search-engine's blue-list # please see that class as an implementation example for your own transformers pageTransformerClass=htmlFilterContentTransformer pageTransformerArg=yacy.blue # security settigns # we provide proxy and server security through a 2-stage security gate: # 1st stage: firewall-like access control trough ip filter for clients # 2nd stage: password settings for proxy, server and server administrators # by default, these settings are weak to simplify set-up and testing # every user/adiministrator shall be encouraged to change these settings # your can change them also online during run-time on # http://localhost:8080/ # proxyClient: client-ip's that may connect the proxy for proxy service # if several ip's are allowed then they must be separated by a ',' # any ip may contain the wildcard-sign '*' #proxyClient= proxyClient=localhost,,192.168*,10* # serverClient: client-ip's that may connect to the web server, # thus are allowed to use the search service # if you set this to another value, search requst from others # are blocked, but you will also be blocked from using others # search services. serverClient=* # proxyAccount: a user:password - pair for proxy authentification # leave empty for no authenication # example: #proxyAccount=jim:knopf proxyAccount= proxyAccountBase64MD5= # serverAccount: a user:password - pair for web server access # this is the access to the 'public' pages on the server # should be always open, but you get the option here # if set to a user:password, you get a conflict with the administration account # future versions will check if the server is unprotected, # because the p2p-index-sharing function will use the http server for # data exchange. # example #serverAccount=dicke:berta serverAccount= serverAccountBase64MD5= # adminAccount: a user:password - pair for administration of # settings through the web interface # should be set to a secret. By default it is without a password # but you are encouraged to set it to another value on the page # http://localhost:8080/ #adminAccount=admin:anomic adminAccount= adminAccountBase64MD5= # peer-to-peer construction for distributed search # we have several stages: # 1st: a file within every distribution that has a list of URL's: # -> this is the superseed file # 2nd: the files that can be retrieved by the superseed's URL's # are called seed list-files. # -> the seed list-files contain IP/port combinations of running # AnomicHTTPProxies # 3rd: the peers that are targeted within the seed files are called superpeers # 4th: the superpeers hold and share a list of all client/search/crawl peers # # some superpeers should be able to create again seed list-files. # These superpeers must upload their IP or their list of peer-IP's to a # ftp location to create the seed list-file. # Everyone who do so should mail his/her new seed location to mcanomic.de # The seed list-file location will then be included in the superseed file. # This superseed file is available then at two localtions: # - it is included in every distribution and # - updated through a specific URL-location # we see the file name and the url of the superseed here: superseedFile=superseed.txt superseedLocation=http://www.yacy.net/superseed.txt # if you are running a principal peer, you must update the following variables # This is an ftp account with all relevant information # the cycle parameter is the update period in minutes. # The update is only made if there had been changes in between. seedFTPServer= seedFTPAccount= seedFTPPassword= seedFTPPath= seedURL= # alternatively to an FTP account, a peer can also become a principal peer # if the seed-list can be generated as a file and that file is also accessible from # the internet. In this case, omit any ftp settings and set this path here. # if this path stays empty, an ftp account is considered # however, you must always set a seedURL because it is used to check if the # file is actually accessible from the internet seedFilePath= # every peer should have a name. inded, we try to give every peer an unique ID, # which is necessary for internal organization of the index sharing, but the # peer's name is purely informal. No function but information is applied. # please change this at your pleasure peerName=nameless # every peer periodically scans for other peers. you can set the time # of the period here (minutes) peerCycle=2 # The p2p maintenance can run in either of two online modes: # - process any job only if we are online, which is technically only the case # if the proxy is used -> mode 1 # - process jobs periodically, with periodes according to peerCycle -> mode 2 #onlineMode=1 onlineMode=2 # Debug mode for YACY network: this will trigger that also local ip's are # accepted as peer addresses yacyDebugMode=false # if the process is running behind a NAT or ROUTER, we cannot easily identify # the public IP of the process. We can ask a public IP responder, but cannot # rely on it. Therefore, AnomicHTTPProxy includes it's own responder. # But for the first running peer this is not an option. # The author uses a DI-604 router, which can be # asked for the public IP. If you own a DI-604 as well, please set the # DI604use to true and put in your router password, it will not be used for any # other purpose of asking for the IP #DI604use=true DI604use=false DI604pw= # each time the proxy starts up, it can trigger the local browser to show the # status page. This is active by default, to make it easier for first-time # users to understand what this application does. You can disable browser # pop-up here or set a different start page, like the search page # the browser type is optional and works only under certain conditions #browserPopUpTrigger=false browserPopUpTrigger=true #browserPopUpPage=index.html browserPopUpPage=Status.html browserPopUpApplication=netscape # the proxy saves it's own seed information. It is positive for the network if # the seed does not change it's configuration often (or not at all). # The reason for that is that the seed hash is the target for the # distributed hash table distribution function. # The following file will contain the saved seed: yacyOwnSeedFile=DATA/YACYDB/mySeed.txt yacyDB=DATA/YACYDB # index sharing attributes # by default, sharing is on. If you want to use the proxy only for # local indexing, you may switch this off allowDistributeIndex=true allowReceiveIndex=true # the frequency is the number of links per minute, that the peer allowes # _every_ other peer to send to this peer defaultWordReceiveFrequency=100 defaultLinkReceiveFrequency=30 # the default may be overridden for each peer individually, these # settings are only available through the online interface # prefetch parameters # the prefetch depth assigns a specific depth to the prefetch mechanism # prefetch of 0 means no prefetch; a prefetch of 1 means to prefetch all # embedded url's, but since embedded image links are loaded by the browser # this means that only embedded anchors are prefetched additionally # a prefetch of 2 would result in loading of all images and anchor pages # of all embedded anchors. Be careful with this value, since even a prefetch # of 2 would result in hundreds of prefetched urls for each single proxy fill. proxyPrefetchDepth=0 proxyStoreHTCache=true # From the 'IndexCreate' menu point you can also define a crawling start point. # The crawling works the same way as the prefetch, but it is possible to # assign a different crawling depth. # Be careful with this number. Consider a branching factor of average 20; # A prefect-depth of 8 would index 25.600.000.000 pages, maybe the whole WWW. crawlingDepth=2 localIndexing=true # Filter for crawlinig; may be used to restrict a crawl to a specific domain # URL's are only indexed and further crawled if they match this filter crawlingFilter=.* crawlingQ=false storeHTCache=false storeTXCache=true # default crawl profile entries # if these entries are empty, then a new entry will be generated defaultProxyProfile= defaultRemoteProfile= # peers may initiate remote crawling tasks. # every peer may allow or disallow to be used as crawling-peer; # you can also set a maximum crawl depth that can be requested or accepted # order=parameters for requester; response=parameters for responder # these values apply only for senior-senior - communication # The delay value is number of seconds bewteen two separate orders crawlOrder=true crawlOrderDepth=0 crawlOrderDelay=8 crawlResponse=true crawlResponseDepth=0 crawlResponseDelay=30 # indexing-exclusion - rules # There rules are important to reduce the number of words that are indexed # We distinguish three different sets of stop-words: # static - excludes all words given in the file yacy.stopwords from indexing, # dynamic - excludes all words from indexing which are listed by statistic rules, # parental - excludes all words from indexing which had been indexed in the parent web page. xsstopw=true xdstopw=true xpstopw=true # performance-settings # delay-times for permanent loops (milliseconds) # the idlesleep is the pause that an proces sleeps if the last call to the # process job was without execution of anything; # the busysleep is the pause after a full job execution 20_dhtdistribution_idlesleep=20000 20_dhtdistribution_busysleep=5000 30_peerping_idlesleep=120000 30_peerping_busysleep=120000 40_peerseedcycle_idlesleep=1800000 40_peerseedcycle_busysleep=1200000 50_localcrawl_idlesleep=5000 50_localcrawl_busysleep=1000 60_globalcrawl_idlesleep=60000 60_globalcrawl_busysleep=5000 70_cachemanager_idlesleep=10000 70_cachemanager_busysleep=4000 80_dequeue_idlesleep=4000 80_dequeue_busysleep=1000 90_cleanup_idlesleep=300000 90_cleanup_busysleep=300000