#%env/templates/metas.template%# #%env/templates/header.template%# #%env/templates/submenuBlacklist.template%#

Add Items to Blacklist

#(status)# :: Unable to store the items into the blacklist file:
#[error]# :: File Error! Unable to fetch data from file. :: YaCy-Peer "#[name]#" not found. :: URL "#[address]#" not found or empty list. :: Wrong Invocation! Please invoke with sharedBlacklist.html?name=PeerName :: Parse Error! An error occured while parsing XML data. Please check if the XML is valid. #(/status)#

Blacklist source: #[source]#
Blacklist target:
#{urllist}# #{/urllist}#
Blacklist item  
:: #(/page)#