#%env/templates/metas.template%# #%env/templates/header.template%# #(submenu)#::#%env/templates/submenuViewLog.template%##(/submenu)#

Log Statistics


Needed #[totalParserTime]# #[totalParserTimeUnit]# to parse #[totalParserRuns]# Entries#(avgExists)#:: (#[avgParserRunsPerMinute]#/sec)#(/avgExists)#

To enable Log Statistics open DATA/LOG/yacy.logging and set "de.anomic.server.logging.LogalizerHandler.enabled = true".

URLs Received:
URLs Requested:
URLs Blocked:
Total receive time:
#[urlTimeSum]# #[urlTimeSumUnit]#
URLs Sent:
RWIs / Words
Words received:
RWIs received:
RWIs blocked:
Total receive processing time:
#[rwiTimeSum]# #[rwiTimeSumUnit]#
RWIs selected:
Selection time:
Chunks / Protocol
Sent traffic:
#[DHTSendTraffic]# #[DHTSendTrafficUnit]#
Total peers selected:
DHT Distance: Min/Average/Max:
#[minDHTDist]# / #[avgDHTDist]# / #[maxDHTDist]#
Not enough peers found for distribution:
Peers busy:
Distribution failed:
Rejected index receives:
Rejected index receives from:
#[DHTRejectPeers]# peers#(useDHTRejectPeers)#::
  • ( #[hash]# ) #[name]#
  • #{/DHTRejectPeers}#
Sent indexes to:
#[DHTPeers]# peers#(useDHTPeers)#::
  • ( #[hash]# ) #[name]#
  • #{/DHTPeers}#
Ranking Distribution
Submitted ranking files:
Total time submitting ranking files:
Failed ranking distributions:
Indexed sites:
Size of indexed sites:
#[indexedSiteSizeSum]# #[indexedSiteSizeSumUnit]#
Indexed words:
Indexed anchors:
Total link storage time:
#[indexedLinkStorageTime]# #[indexedLinkStorageTimeUnit]#
Total index storage time:
#[indexedIndexStorageTime]# #[indexedIndexStorageTimeUnit]#
Tried to create left child node twice
Tried to create right child node twice
Malformed URL Exception
#(/results)# #%env/templates/footer.template%#