#%env/templates/metas.template%# #%env/templates/header.template%# #(page)#

Search Statistics

You can monitor search attempts at your own peer. Local statistics apply for search attempts at your own search portal, and remote statistics show search requests form other peer. Not all remote peers ask your peer during a global search, therefore your cannot have a global view over all search requests within the complete YaCy network. ::

Search Statistics: Local Searches

This is a list of searches that had been requested from this' peer search interface

Showing #[num]# entries from a total of #[total]# Requests.

#{list}# #{/list}#
Requesting Host Date Offset Expected Results Returned Results Expected Time Used Time Search Words
#[host]# #[date]# #[offset]# #[querycount]# #[resultcount]# #[querytime]# #[resulttime]# #[querywords]#

Search Statistics: Local Searche Tracker

This is a list of searches that had been requested from this' peer search interface

Showing #[num]# entries from a total of #[total]# Requests.

#{list}# #{/list}#
Requesting Host Count Access Dates
#[host]# #[count]# #[dates]#

Search Statistics: Remote Searches

This is a list of searches that had been requested from remote peer search interface

Showing #[num]# entries from a total of #[total]# Requests.

#{list}# #{/list}#
Requesting Host Peer Name Date Expected Results Returned Results Expected Time Used Time Search Words
#[host]# #[peername]# #[date]# #[querycount]# #[resultcount]# #[querytime]# #[resulttime]# #[queryhashes]#

Search Statistics: Remote Searche Tracker

This is a list of searches that had been requested from remote peer search interface

Showing #[num]# entries from a total of #[total]# Requests.

#{list}# #{/list}#
Requesting Host Peer Name Count Access Dates
#[host]# #[peername]# #[count]# #[dates]#
#(/page)# #%env/templates/footer.template%#