#%env/templates/metas.template%# #%env/templates/header.template%# #%env/templates/submenuConfig.template%#

Network Configuration

#(commit)# ::
Accepted Changes.
Inapplicable Setting Combination:
No changes were made!
#(/commit)# #(commitCrawlPlea)#::
P2P operation can run without remote indexing, but runs better with remote indexing switched on. Please switch 'Accept Remote Crawl Requests' on.
#(/commitCrawlPlea)# #(commitDHTIsRobinson)#::
For P2P operation, at least DHT distribution or DHT receive (or both) must be set. You have thus defined a Robinson configuration.
#(/commitDHTIsRobinson)# #(commitDHTNoGlobalSearch)#::
Global Search in P2P configuration is only allowed, if index receive is switched on. You have a P2P configuration, but are not allowed to search other peers.
#(/commitDHTNoGlobalSearch)# #(commitRobinson)#::
For Robinson Mode, index distribution and receive is switched off.
#(/commitRobinson)# #(commitRobinsonWithRemoteIndexing)#::
This Robinson Mode switches remote indexing on, but limits targets to peers within the same cluster. Remote indexing requests from peers within the same cluster are accepted.
#(/commitRobinsonWithRemoteIndexing)# #(commitRobinsonWithoutRemoteIndexing)#::
This Robinson Mode does not allow any remote indexing (neither requests remote indexing, nor accepts it).
#(/commitRobinsonWithoutRemoteIndexing)# #(commitPasswordWarning)#::
With this configuration it is not allowed to authentify automatically from localhost! Please open the Account Configuration and set a new password.

YaCy can operate a computing grid of YaCy peers or as a stand-alone node. To control that all participants within a web indexing domain have access to the same domain, this network definition must be equal to all members of the same YaCy network.

Network Definition
Network Nick
Long Description
Indexing Domain

You can configure if you want to participate at the global YaCy network or if you want to have your own separate search cluster with or without connection to the global network. You may also define a completely independent search engine instance, without any data exchange between your peer and other peers, which we call a 'Robinson' peer.

This enables automated, DHT-ruled Index Transmission to other peers.
/ .
/ .
Accept remote Index Transmissions.
This works only if you have a senior peer. The DHT-rules do not work without this function.
/ .
Perform web indexing upon request of another peer.
This works only if you are a senior peer.
pages per minute

If your peer runs in 'Robinson Mode' you run YaCy as a search engine for your own search portal without data exchange to other peers. There is no index receive and no index distribution between your peer and any other peer. In case of Robinson-clustering there can be acceptance of remote crawl requests from peers of that cluster.

Your search engine will not contact any other peer, and will reject every request.
You are visible to other peers and contact them to distribute your presence.
Your peer does not accept any outside index data, but responds on all remote search requests.
Your peer is part of a public cluster within the YaCy network.
Index data is not distributed, but remote crawl requests are distributed and accepted
Search requests are spread over all peers of the cluster, and answered from all peers of the cluster.
List of .yacy or .yacyh - domains of the cluster: (comma-separated)

When you allow access from the YaCy network, your data is recognized using keywords.
Please describe your search portal with some keywords (comma-separated).
If you leave the field empty, no peer asks your peer. If you fill in a '*', your peer is always asked.