/* * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2014 Alexander Schier, Michael Peter Christen, * and other YaCy developers (see http://yacy.net/en/Join.html) * * This file is part of YaCy. * * YaCy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * YaCy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with YaCy. If not, see . */ DELETE_STRING="delete"; BAR_IMG1="env/grafics/green-block.png"; BAR_IMG2="env/grafics/red-block.png"; WORDCACHEBAR_LENGTH=1/4; var statusRPC; var refreshInterval=2; var wait=0; var changing=false; //change the interval var statusLoaded=true; /* Running crawls table DOM element */ var crawlsTable; /* Size of the running crawls table header */ var crawlsHeadLength; /* Running crawls legend DOM element */ var runningCrawlsLegend; /* true when debug is enabled */ var debug; function initCrawler(){ initCrawlProfiles(); refresh(); //loadInterval=window.setInterval("refresh()", refreshInterval*1000); countInterval=window.setInterval("countdown()", 1000); } /** * Init variables used to refresh the running crawls table */ function initCrawlProfiles() { debug = document.getElementById("headerDebug") != null; crawlsTable = document.getElementById("crawlProfiles"); if(crawlsTable != null && crawlsTable.rows != null) { crawlsHeadLength = crawlsTable.tHead != null ? crawlsTable.tHead.rows.length : 0; } runningCrawlsLegend = document.getElementById("runningCrawlsLegend"); } function changeInterval(){ if(!changing){ window.clearInterval(countInterval); counter=document.getElementById("nextUpdate"); //counter.innerHTML=''; //document.getElementById("newInterval").focus(); counter.value=refreshInterval; changing=true; } } function newInterval(){ var newInterval=document.getElementById("nextUpdate").value; // make sure that only positive intervals can be set if(newInterval>0){ refreshInterval=newInterval; } refresh(); countInterval=window.setInterval("countdown()", 1000); changing=false; } function countdown(){ if(statusLoaded){ wait--; if (wait == 0) { refresh(); } } } function refresh(){ wait=refreshInterval; statusLoaded=false; requestStatus(); getRSS("api/feed.xml?count=20&set=REMOTEINDEXING,LOCALINDEXING&time=" + (new Date()).getTime()); } function requestStatus(){ statusRPC=createRequestObject(); statusRPC.open('get', 'api/status_p.xml?html='); statusRPC.onreadystatechange = handleStatus; statusRPC.send(null); } function handleStatus(){ if(statusRPC.readyState != 4){ return; } var statusResponse = statusRPC.responseXML; var statusTag = getFirstChild(statusResponse, "status"); var ppm = getValue(getFirstChild(statusTag, "ppm")); var ppmNum = document.getElementById("ppmNum"); removeAllChildren(ppmNum); ppmNum.appendChild(document.createTextNode(ppm)); // ppmBar start var ppmBar = document.getElementById("ppmbar"); var ppmBarMaxRead = document.getElementById("customPPM"); var ppmforppmbar = ppm.replace(/\.*/g,""); ppmBar.setAttribute("value", ppmforppmbar); ppmBar.setAttribute("max", ppmBarMaxRead.value); // ppmBar end // traffic output (no bar up to now) var traffic = getFirstChild(statusTag, "traffic"); var trafficCrawlerValue = getValue(getFirstChild(traffic, "crawler")); var trafCrawlerSpan = document.getElementById("trafficCrawler"); removeAllChildren(trafCrawlerSpan); trafCrawlerSpan.appendChild(document.createTextNode(Math.round((trafficCrawlerValue) / 1024 / 10.24) / 100)); var dbsize = getFirstChild(statusTag, "dbsize"); var urlpublictext = getValue(getFirstChild(dbsize, "urlpublictext")); var urlpublictextSegmentCount = getValue(getFirstChild(dbsize, "urlpublictextSegmentCount")); var webgraph = getValue(getFirstChild(dbsize, "webgraph")); var webgraphSegmentCount = getValue(getFirstChild(dbsize, "webgraphSegmentCount")); var citation = getValue(getFirstChild(dbsize, "citation")); var citationSegmentCount = getValue(getFirstChild(dbsize, "citationSegmentCount")); var rwipublictext = getValue(getFirstChild(dbsize, "rwipublictext")); var rwipublictextSegmentCount = getValue(getFirstChild(dbsize, "rwipublictextSegmentCount")); document.getElementById("urlpublictextSize").firstChild.nodeValue=urlpublictext; document.getElementById("urlpublictextSegmentCount").firstChild.nodeValue=urlpublictextSegmentCount; document.getElementById("webgraphSize").firstChild.nodeValue=webgraph; document.getElementById("webgraphSegmentCount").firstChild.nodeValue=webgraphSegmentCount; document.getElementById("citationSize").firstChild.nodeValue=citation; document.getElementById("citationSegmentCount").firstChild.nodeValue=citationSegmentCount; document.getElementById("rwipublictextSize").firstChild.nodeValue=rwipublictext; document.getElementById("rwipublictextSegmentCount").firstChild.nodeValue=rwipublictextSegmentCount; refreshRunningCrawls(statusTag); var postprocessing = getFirstChild(statusTag, "postprocessing"); document.getElementById("postprocessing_status").firstChild.nodeValue=getValue(getFirstChild(postprocessing, "status")); document.getElementById("postprocessing_collection").firstChild.nodeValue=getValue(getFirstChild(postprocessing, "collectionRemainingCount")); document.getElementById("postprocessing_webgraph").firstChild.nodeValue=getValue(getFirstChild(postprocessing, "webgraphRemainingCount")); document.getElementById("postprocessing_remainingTimeMinutes").firstChild.nodeValue=getValue(getFirstChild(postprocessing, "remainingTimeMinutes")); document.getElementById("postprocessing_remainingTimeSeconds").firstChild.nodeValue=getValue(getFirstChild(postprocessing, "remainingTimeSeconds")); var postprocessingElapsedTime = parseInt(getValue(getFirstChild(postprocessing, "ElapsedTime"))); var postprocessingRemainingTime = parseInt(getValue(getFirstChild(postprocessing, "RemainingTime"))); var p = 100 * postprocessingElapsedTime / (postprocessingElapsedTime + postprocessingRemainingTime) || 0; document.getElementById("postprocessing_bar").firstChild.setAttribute("value", p); //document.getElementById("postprocessing_speed").firstChild.nodeValue=getValue(getFirstChild(postprocessing, "speed")); var load = getFirstChild(statusTag, "load"); document.getElementById("load").firstChild.nodeValue=getValue(load); var loaderqueue = getFirstChild(statusTag, "loaderqueue"); var loaderqueue_size = getValue(getFirstChild(loaderqueue, "size")); var loaderqueue_max = getValue(getFirstChild(loaderqueue, "max")); document.getElementById("loaderqueuesize").firstChild.nodeValue=loaderqueue_size; document.getElementById("loaderqueuemax").firstChild.nodeValue=loaderqueue_max; var localcrawlerqueue = getFirstChild(statusTag, "localcrawlerqueue"); var localcrawlerqueue_size = getValue(getFirstChild(localcrawlerqueue, "size")); var localcrawlerqueue_state = getValue(getFirstChild(localcrawlerqueue, "state")); document.getElementById("localcrawlerqueuesize").firstChild.nodeValue=localcrawlerqueue_size; putQueueState("localcrawler", localcrawlerqueue_state); var limitcrawlerqueue = getFirstChild(statusTag, "limitcrawlerqueue"); var limitcrawlerqueue_size = getValue(getFirstChild(limitcrawlerqueue, "size")); var limitcrawlerqueue_state = getValue(getFirstChild(limitcrawlerqueue, "state")); document.getElementById("limitcrawlerqueuesize").firstChild.nodeValue=limitcrawlerqueue_size; putQueueState("limitcrawler", limitcrawlerqueue_state); var remotecrawlerqueue = getFirstChild(statusTag, "remotecrawlerqueue"); var remotecrawlerqueue_size = getValue(getFirstChild(remotecrawlerqueue, "size")); var remotecrawlerqueue_state = getValue(getFirstChild(remotecrawlerqueue, "state")); document.getElementById("remotecrawlerqueuesize").firstChild.nodeValue=remotecrawlerqueue_size; putQueueState("remotecrawler", remotecrawlerqueue_state); var noloadcrawlerqueue = getFirstChild(statusTag, "noloadcrawlerqueue"); var noloadcrawlerqueue_size = getValue(getFirstChild(noloadcrawlerqueue, "size")); var noloadcrawlerqueue_state = getValue(getFirstChild(noloadcrawlerqueue, "state")); document.getElementById("noloadcrawlerqueuesize").firstChild.nodeValue=noloadcrawlerqueue_size; putQueueState("noloadcrawler", noloadcrawlerqueue_state); statusLoaded=true; } /** * Insert a new crawl line to the end of the running crawls table * @param table crawls table HTML DOM node * @param crawl crawl profile node from status_p.xml * @param handle {String} identifier of the running crawl profile * @param status {String} running status of the crawl profile */ function insertCrawlRaw(table, crawl, handle, status) { /* Insert a row in the table at the end */ var newRow = table.insertRow(); newRow.className = ((table.rows.length - crawlsHeadLength) % 2) == 0 ? "TableCellLight" : "TableCellDark"; newRow.id = handle; /* Insert name cell */ var newCell = newRow.insertCell(); var newText = document.createTextNode(getValue(getFirstChild(crawl, "name"))); newCell.appendChild(newText); if(debug) { /* Insert count cell when debug is enabled */ newCell = newRow.insertCell(); newCell.textContent = getValue(getFirstChild(crawl, "count")); } /* Insert status cell */ newCell = newRow.insertCell(); newCell.id = handle + "_status_cell"; if(status == "alive") { var newDiv = document.createElement("div"); newDiv.id = handle + "_status"; newDiv.style = "text-decoration:blink;float:left;"; newText = document.createTextNode("Running"); newDiv.appendChild(newText); newCell.appendChild(newDiv); var newForm = document.createElement("form"); newForm.id = handle + "_terminate"; newForm.style = "float:left;"; newForm.action = "Crawler_p.html"; newForm.method = "get"; newForm.enctype="multipart/form-data"; newForm["accept-charset"]="UTF-8"; newDiv = document.createElement("div"); var newInput = document.createElement("input"); newInput.type = "hidden"; newInput.name = "handle"; newInput.value = handle; newDiv.appendChild(newInput); newInput = document.createElement("input"); newInput.type = "submit"; newInput.name = "terminate"; newInput.value = "Terminate"; newInput.className = "btn btn-danger btn-xs"; newDiv.appendChild(newInput); newForm.appendChild(newDiv); newCell.appendChild(newForm); } } /** * Refresh status cell text and terminate button presence * @param handle name of the crawl * @param status current crawl status label */ function refreshStatusCell(handle, status) { var handleStatus = document.getElementById(handle + "_status"); if(handleStatus != null) { handleStatus.textContent = status; } var terminateForm = document.getElementById(handle + "_terminate"); if(terminateForm != null && terminateForm.parentElement) { terminateForm.parentElement.removeChild(terminateForm); } } /** * Refresh the count in running crawls legend * @param legend the HTML DOM legend element * @param crawls crawls node from xml api status_p.xml */ function refreshCrawlsLegend(legend, crawls) { var count = crawls.getAttribute("count"); if(count && legend != null) { legend.textContent = "Running Crawls (" + count + ")"; } } /** * Refresh dark/light rows style * @param table running crawls table */ function refreshRowsStyle(table, headLength) { for(var i = headLength; i < table.rows.length; i++) { raw = table.rows[i]; raw.className = ((i - headLength) % 2) == 0 ? "TableCellLight" : "TableCellDark"; } } /** * Refresh running crawls table * * @param statusTag * status tag from xml api status_p.xml */ function refreshRunningCrawls(statusTag) { var crawls = getFirstChild(statusTag, "crawls"); /* crawls node should be present even when no crawl is running */ if(crawls != null) { /* Update the table when present */ if(crawlsTable != null && crawlsTable.rows != null) { var processedHandles = {}, crawlNode = getFirstChild(crawls, "crawl"); if(crawlNode) { var handle, rowIndex, handleCell; /* Loop on crawl node elements from xml */ for(; crawlNode; crawlNode = getNextSibling(crawlNode, "crawl")) { handle = getValue(getFirstChild(crawlNode, "handle")); if(handle != null) { processedHandles[handle] = crawlNode; status = getValue(getFirstChild(crawlNode, "status")); /* Let's try to get the crawls table cell with id prefixed by this handle */ handleCell = document.getElementById(handle + "_status_cell"); if(handleCell == null) { insertCrawlRaw(crawlsTable, crawlNode, handle, status); refreshCrawlsLegend(runningCrawlsLegend, crawls); refreshRowsStyle(crawlsTable, crawlsHeadLength); } else if(status != "alive"){ refreshStatusCell(handle, status); } } } } /* Collect raws to delete */ var raw, rawsToDelete = []; for(var i = crawlsHeadLength; i < crawlsTable.rows.length; i++) { raw = crawlsTable.rows[i]; if(processedHandles[raw.id] == null) { rawsToDelete.push(raw); } } /* Delete raws */ for(var i = 0; i < rawsToDelete.length; i++) { raw = rawsToDelete[i]; raw.parentElement.removeChild(raw); } /* Refresh legend and rows style (dark/light alternate) */ if(rawsToDelete.length > 0) { refreshCrawlsLegend(runningCrawlsLegend, crawls); refreshRowsStyle(crawlsTable, crawlsHeadLength); } } } } function putQueueState(queue, state) { a = document.getElementById(queue + "stateA"); img = document.getElementById(queue + "stateIMG"); if (state == "paused") { a.href = "Crawler_p.html?continue=" + queue; a.title = "Continue this queue (" + state + ")"; img.src = "env/grafics/start.gif"; img.alt = "Continue this queue"; } else { a.href = "Crawler_p.html?pause=" + queue; a.title = "Pause this queue (" + state + ")"; img.src = "env/grafics/pause.gif"; img.alt = "Pause this queue"; } } function shortenURL(url) { if (url.length > 80) { return url.substr(0, 80) + "..."; } else { return url; } } function createIndexingRow(queue, profile, initiator, depth, modified, anchor, url, size, deletebutton){ row=document.createElement("tr"); row.setAttribute("height", 10); row.appendChild(createCol(queue)); row.appendChild(createCol(profile)); row.appendChild(createCol(initiator)); row.appendChild(createCol(depth)); row.appendChild(createCol(modified)); row.appendChild(createCol(anchor)); row.appendChild(createLinkCol(url, shortenURL(url))); row.appendChild(createCol(size)); row.appendChild(deletebutton); return row; } crawllist_head = ""; crawllist_body = ""; crawllist_tail = "
"; function showRSS(RSS) { var doc = document.getElementById("crawllist"); if (doc != null) { if (crawllist_body.length > 100000) crawllist_body = ""; for (var i=0; i" + RSS.items[i].description + "" + RSS.items[i].link + "" + crawllist_body; } doc.innerHTML = crawllist_head + crawllist_body + crawllist_tail; } return true; }