#%env/templates/metas.template%# #%env/templates/header.template%# #%env/templates/submenuIndexControl.template%#

Index Cleaner

#(urldb)# ::

ThreadAlive: #[threadAlive]#
ThreadToString: #[threadToString]#
Total URLs searched: #[total]# (#[percentUrls]#%)
Blacklisted URLs found: #[blacklisted]#
Percentage blacklisted: #[percent]#%
last searched URL: #[lastUrl]# (#[lastHash]#)
last blacklisted URL found: #[lastBlacklistedUrl]# (#[lastBlacklistedHash]#)

#(/urldb)# #(rwidb)# ::

ThreadAlive: #[threadAlive]#
ThreadToString: #[threadToString]#
RWIs at Start: #[RWIcountstart]#
RWIs now: #[RWIcountnow]#
wordHash in Progress: #[wordHashNow]#
last wordHash with deleted URLs: #[lastWordHash]#
Number of deleted URLs in on this Hash: #[lastDeletionCounter]#


UrldbCleaner - Clean up the database by deletion of blacklisted urls:
Start/Resume Stop Pause

RWIDbCleaner - Clean up the database by deletion of words with reference to blacklisted urls:
Start/Resume Stop Pause
