#[metas]# #[header]#


Scheduled tasks overview and waiting time settings:
#{table}# #{/table}#
Thread Queue Size Total
Block Time
Sleep Time
Exec Time
Short Mem
Sleep Time
per Cycle
Exec Time
per Busy-Cycle
Delay between
idle loops
Delay between
busy loops
Minimum of
Required Memory
Full Description
#[shortdescr]# #[queuesize]# #[blocktime]# sec #[blockpercent]#% #[sleeptime]# sec #[sleeppercent]#% #[exectime]# sec #[execpercent]#% #[totalcycles]# #[idlecycles]# #[busycycles]# #[memscycles]# #[sleeppercycle]# #[execpercycle]# milliseconds milliseconds bytes #[longdescr]#
        Changes take effect immediately

Indexing Cache Settings:
Words in RAM Cache: #[wordCacheRAMSize]# This is the current size of the word cache. The smaller this number, the faster the shut-down procedure will be. The maximum of this cache can be set below.
Maximum URLs currently assigned
to one cached word:
#[maxURLinWordCache]# This is the maximum size of URLs assigned to a single word cache entry. If this is a big number, it shows that the caching works efficiently.
Maximum number of Word Caches: This is is the number of word indexes that shall be held in the ram cache during indexing. When YaCy is shut down, this cache must be flushed to disc; this may last some minutes.
Changes take effect immediately

Thread pool settings:
#{pool}# #{/pool}#
Thread Pool maximum Active maximum Idle minimum Idle Full Description
Changes take effect immediately

Index Assortments:
#{assortmentCluster}# #{/assortmentCluster}#
Assortments #[assortmentSlots]#: #[assortmentSizeA]# #[assortmentSizeB]# #[assortmentSizeC]# #[assortmentSizeD]# #[assortmentSizeE]# #[assortmentSizeF]# #[assortmentSizeG]# #[assortmentSizeH]#

Proxy Performance Settings:
Online Caution Delay (milliseconds): This is the time that the crawler idles when the proxy is accessed. The delay is extended by this time each time the proxy is accessed afterwards. This shall improve performance of the proxy throughput. (current delta is #[onlineCautionDelayCurrent]# milliseconds since last proxy access.)
Changes take effect immediately
