#!/usr/bin/env sh # Call a YaCy HTTP POST API URL protected by HTTP authentication and transaction token validation # $1 : API path # $2 : POST parameters (example : "param1=value1¶m2=value2") # # $YACY_DATA_PATH : path to the YaCy DATA folder to use. When not set, the relative ../DATA path is used as a default. # # Authentication options : # - enable unauthenticated local access as administrator : set adminAccountForLocalhost=true in the DATA/SETTINGS/yacy.conf file # - OR use the legacy Basic HTTP authentication mode (unsecured for remote access): set the "auth-method" to BASIC in the defaults/web.xml file # - OR use the Digest HTTP authentication mode : set the "auth-method" to DIGEST in the defaults/web.xml file. # With that last option, the script will run in interactive mode as default, prompting for the administrator password. # To run in batch mode, you must first export an environment variable filled with the clear-text administrator password before using this script : # For example with > export YACY_ADMIN_PASSWORD=your_admin_password # cd "`dirname $0`" . ./checkDataFolder.sh . ./checkConfFile.sh port=$(grep ^port= "$YACY_DATA_PATH/SETTINGS/yacy.conf" |cut -d= -f2) admin=$(grep ^adminAccountUserName= "$YACY_DATA_PATH/SETTINGS/yacy.conf" |cut -d= -f2) adminAccountForLocalhost=$(grep ^adminAccountForLocalhost= "$YACY_DATA_PATH/SETTINGS/yacy.conf" | cut -d= -f2) if grep "BASIC" "$YACY_APP_PATH/defaults/web.xml" > /dev/null; then # When authentication method is in basic mode, use directly the password hash from the configuration file YACY_ADMIN_PASSWORD=$(grep ^adminAccountBase64MD5= "$YACY_DATA_PATH/SETTINGS/yacy.conf" |cut -d= -f2) fi if which curl > /dev/null; then if [ "$adminAccountForLocalhost" = "true" ]; then # localhost access as administrator without authentication is enabled # retrieve the transaction token from the HTTP GET flavor of the URL transactionToken=$(curl -sSfI "$port/$1" | grep X-YaCy-Transaction-Token: | awk {'printf $2'} | tr -d '[:space:]') # send POST data including the transaction token curl -sSf -d "$2&transactionToken=$transactionToken" "$port/$1" > /dev/null else if [ -z "$YACY_ADMIN_PASSWORD" ]; then # no password environment variable : we ask interactively for it only once (not using read -s to be POSIX compliant) stty -echo read -p "Enter host password for user '$admin':" YACY_ADMIN_PASSWORD stty echo printf "\n" fi # retrieve the transaction token from the HTTP GET flavor of the URL transactionToken=$(curl -sSfI --anyauth -u "$admin:$YACY_ADMIN_PASSWORD" "$port/$1" | grep X-YaCy-Transaction-Token: | awk {'printf $2'} | tr -d '[:space:]') # send POST data including the transaction token curl -sSf --anyauth -u "$admin:$YACY_ADMIN_PASSWORD" -d "$2&transactionToken=$transactionToken" "$port/$1" > /dev/null fi elif which wget > /dev/null; then if [ "$adminAccountForLocalhost" = "true" ]; then # localhost access as administrator without authentication is enabled # retrieve the transaction token from the HTTP GET flavor of the URL transactionToken=$(wget -q -t 1 -O - --save-headers --timeout=120 "$port/$1" | grep X-YaCy-Transaction-Token: | awk {'printf $2'} | tr -d '[:space:]') # send POST data including the transaction token wget -nv -t 1 -O /dev/null --timeout=120 --post-data "$2&transactionToken=$transactionToken" "$port/$1" else if [ -z "$YACY_ADMIN_PASSWORD" ]; then # no password environment variable : we ask interactively for it only once (not using read -s to be POSIX compliant) stty -echo read -p "Enter host password for user '$admin':" YACY_ADMIN_PASSWORD stty echo printf "\n" fi # retrieve the transaction token from the HTTP GET flavor of the URL transactionToken=$(wget -q -t 1 -O - --http-user "$admin" --http-password "$YACY_ADMIN_PASSWORD" --save-headers --timeout=120 "$port/$1" | grep X-YaCy-Transaction-Token: | awk {'printf $2'} | tr -d '[:space:]') # send POST data including the transaction token wget -nv -t 1 -O /dev/null --timeout=120 --http-user "$admin" --http-password "$YACY_ADMIN_PASSWORD" --post-data "$2&transactionToken=$transactionToken" "$port/$1" fi else printf "Please install curl or wget\n" > /dev/stderr exit 1 fi