#%env/templates/metas.template%# #%env/templates/header.template%# #%env/templates/submenuCustomizationIntegration.template%#

Appearance and Integration

You can change the appearance of YaCy with skins and the default icons and links on the search page can be replaced with you own.

Skin Selection

Select one of the default skins, download new skins, or create your own skin.

#(status)# ::

Unable to get URL: #[url]#


Error saving the skin.


Search Page Integration

The search page may be customized. You can change the 'corporate identity'-images, the greeting line and a link to a home page that is reached when the 'corporate identity'-images are clicked.

Greeting Line
URL of Home Page
URL of a Small Corporate Image
URL of a Large Corporate Image

The search page can be integrated in your own web pages with an iframe. Simply use the following code:

      <iframe name="target"
This would look like: #%env/templates/footer.template%#