#%env/templates/metas.template%# #%env/templates/header.template%# #%env/templates/submenuPerformance.template%#

Timing Settings of Search Sequence

Settings for local search profile:
Entity Collection Join Pre-Sort URL Fetch Post-Sort Filter Snippet-Fetch
execution Time (percentage; sum of this must be 100)
result count (percentage of requested amount)

#(submitlocalrespond)# ::

Your settings are valid and will be used for next search.


Reset to default settings done.


Your settings cannot be accepted: sum of execution time percentage is not 100


Timing results of latest search request:
Entity Collection Join Pre-Sort URL Fetch Post-Sort Filter Snippet-Fetch
execution Time (absolute milliseconds) #[latestLocalTimeAbs_c]# #[latestLocalTimeAbs_j]# #[latestLocalTimeAbs_r]# #[latestLocalTimeAbs_u]# #[latestLocalTimeAbs_o]# #[latestLocalTimeAbs_f]# #[latestLocalTimeAbs_s]#
execution Time (relative) #[latestLocalTimeRel_c]# #[latestLocalTimeRel_j]# #[latestLocalTimeRel_r]# #[latestLocalTimeRel_u]# #[latestLocalTimeRel_o]# #[latestLocalTimeRel_f]# #[latestLocalTimeRel_s]#
result count (absolute amount) #[latestLocalCountAbs_c]# #[latestLocalCountAbs_j]# #[latestLocalCountAbs_r]# #[latestLocalCountAbs_u]# #[latestLocalCountAbs_o]# #[latestLocalCountAbs_f]# #[latestLocalCountAbs_s]#

The network picture below shows how the latest search query was solved by asking corresponding peers in the DHT:
