From b67e89ca3fa9adf75316e5941ae50e98d2f5f2c8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Michael Christen Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2011 15:18:02 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] removed translations for help page (the same content is not there any more because it was old and unappropriate) --- locales/fr.lng | 66 --------------------------------------------- locales/gr.lng | 35 ------------------------ locales/it.lng | 57 --------------------------------------- locales/sk.lng | 72 -------------------------------------------------- 4 files changed, 230 deletions(-) diff --git a/locales/fr.lng b/locales/fr.lng index 2f58aac42..dc69dbb63 100644 --- a/locales/fr.lng +++ b/locales/fr.lng @@ -268,73 +268,7 @@ Cookies==Cookies #--------------------------- YaCy: Help==YaCy: Aide >Help==>aide -This is a distributed web crawler and also a caching HTTP proxy. You are using the online-interface of the application. You can use this interface to configure your personal settings, proxy settings, access control and crawling properties. You can also use this interface to start crawls, send messages to other peers and monitor your index, cache status and crawling processes. Most important, you can use the search page to search either your own or the global index.==Yacy est un moteur de recherche qui fonctionne sur le principe de calcul distribué. Cela s'appelle plutôt ici "indexations et recherches distribuées" sur internet. En outre, il est fourni avec un serveur proxy HTTP. Vous utilisez l'Interface en ligne de YaCy. Vous pouvez utiliser cette interface pour configurer vos paramètres personnels, ceux du proxy, ceux du crawl et le contrôle d'accès. Vous pouvez aussi utiliser l'interface pour lancer des crawls, envoyer des messages à d'autres utilisateurs ou surveiller vos index, l'état de votre cache et les processus de crawl. Il est particulièrement important que l'on puisse utiliser la page de recherche pour rechercher soit sur son propre index soit sur l'index global. -For more detailed information, visit the==Pour de plus amples informations, consulter la -YaCy homepage==page d'accueil YaCy -Local and Global Search: Options and Functions==Recherche locale ou globale: options et fonctions -The proxy provides a search interface that accesses your local index, created from web pages that passed the proxy.==Le proxy fournit une interface de recherche qui utilise votre index local créé par les pages visitées par le proxy. -The search can also be applied globally, by searching other peers. You can use the following options to enhance your search results==La recherche peut aussi être globale en interrogeant les autres pairs. Vous pouvez utiliser les options suivantes pour améliorer vos résultats -Search Word List==recherche sur une liste de mots -You can search for several words simultanous. Words must be separated by a single space.==Vous pouvez lancer un recherche pour plusieurs mots simultanément. Les mots doivent être séparés par un espace. -The words are treated conjunctive, that means every must occur in the result, not any.==La recherche est conjonctive, c'est à dire que les résultats contiennent chacun tous les mots et pas seulement certain. -If you do a global search \(see below\) you may get different results each time you do a search.==Si vous faites une recherche globale \(voir ci-dessous\), vous pouvez obtenir des résultats différents à chaque recherche. -Maximum Number of Results==Nombre maximal de résultats -You can select the number of wanted maximum links. We do not yet support multiple result pages for virtually any possible link.==Vous pouvez choisir le nombre maximal de liens. Nous ne supportons pas encore les pages de résultat multiples pour chaque lien possible. -Instead we encourage you to enhance the search result by submitting more search words.==A la place, nous vous conseillons d'élargir la recherche en soumettant des mots supplémentaire. -Result Order Options==Ordre des résultats -The search engine provides an experimental 'Quality' ranking. In contrast to other known search engines we provide also==Le moteur de recherche fournit une évaluation experimentale de la 'Qualité'. Contrairement aux autres moteurs nous fournissons aussi -a result order by date. If you change the order to 'Date-Quality' the most recently updated page from the search results is listed first.==un classement par date. Si vous triez dans l'ordre 'Date-Qualité' les pages les plus fraîches sont affichées en tête. -For pages that have the same date the second order, 'Quality' is applied.==Pour les pages qui ont la même date, le tri par 'Qualité' est appliqué. -Resource Domain==Domaine de recherche -This search engine is constructed to search the web pages that pass the proxy. But the search index is distributed to other peers as well,==Ce moteur de recherche est construit pour rechercher les pages qui passent par le proxy. Mais l'index est aussi partagé avec les autre pairs, -so you can search also globally: this function is currently only rudimentary, but can be choosen for test cases. Future releases will==ainsi vous pouvez aussi chercher globalement: cette fonction est rudimentaire mais vous pouvez l'utiliser pour tester. Les nouvelles versions -automatically distribute index information before a search happends to form a performant distributed hash table -- a very fast global search.==distriburont automatiquement les information d'index avant qu'une recherche survienne pour former une table de hâchage distribuée -- une recherche globale très rapide. -Maximum Search Time==Temps de recherche maximal -Searching the local index is extremely fast, it happends within milliseconds, even for a large number \(millions\) of pages. But searching the==Une recherche sur l'index local est très rapide. Elle arrive dans la milliseconde même pour un grand nombre de pages (millions). -global index needs more time to find the correct remote peer that contains best search results. This is especially the case while the==Au contraire, une recherche globale nécessite plus de temps pour trouver les pairs qui contiennent les meilleurs résultats de recherche. C'est particulierement le cas lorsque l'index -distributed index is in test mode. Search results get more stable \(repeated global search produce more similar results\) the longer==distribué est en phase de test. Les résultats de recherche deviennent meilleurs et plus long (une recherche répétée produit tout de suite plus de résultats) -the search time is.==le temps de recherche est. -You may want to use accesskeys to navigate through the YaCy webinterface:==Vous pouvez utiliser des combinaisons de touches pur naviguer sur l'interface web de YaCy: -Windows and Internet Explorer: Alt \+ Accesskey \+ Enter==Windows et Internet Explorer: Alt \+ Touche \+ Enter -Windows and Mozilla/Firefox/Netscape: Alt \+ Accesskey==Windows et Mozilla/Firefox/Netscape: Alt \+ Touche -Windows and Opera: Shift \+ Esc \+ Accesskey==Windows et Opera: Shift + Touche + Taste -Macintosh and Internet Explorer: Strg \+ Accesskey \+ Enter==Macintosh et Internet Explorer: Str \+ Touche \+ Enter -Macintosh and Safari: Strg \+ Accesskey==Macintosh et Safari: Strg \+ Touche -Macintosh and Mozilla/Firefox/Netscape: Strg \+ Accesskey==Macintosh et Mozilla/Firefox/Netscape: Strg \+ Touche -Macintosh and Opera: Shift \+ Esc \+ Accesskey==Macintosh et Opera: Shift \+ Esc \+ Touche -Linux Mandrake and Galeon/Mozilla: Alt \+ Accesskey==Linux Mandrake et Galeon/Mozilla: Alt \+ Touche -All OS and Amaya: Strg \+ Accesskey==Toutes versions D'OS et Amaya: Strg \+ Touche -Search Page==Page de recherche -Network==Réseau -Status==Etat - -YaCy uses Regular Expressions for some functions, for example in the blacklist.==YaCy utilise des expressions régulières pour certaines fonctions comme la liste noire. -There are some standards for these regexps, YaCy uses the syntax used by Perl 5.==Il y a des standards pour ces expressions, YaCy s'oriente vers celui utilisé par Perl 5. -Here ist a short overview about the functions, which should fir for most cases\:<==Vous trouverez ici un bref aperçu des fonctions qui doivent couvrir la plupart des cas\:< - -arbitrary character==caractère arbitraire -character x==caractère x -not x==non x -0 or more times x==0 ou plusieurs occurrences de x -0 or 1 time x==0 ou 1 occurrence de x -1 or more times x==1 ou plusieurs occurrences de x -concatenation of x and y==concatenation de x et y -x or y==x ou y -String "foo" or string "bar"==chaîne "foo" ou chaîne "bar" -a or b or c \(same as a\|b\|c\)==a ou b ou c (équivalent à a|b|c) -a or b or c \(same as above\)==a oder b oder c (équivalent à ci-dessus) -exactly n appearances of x==exactement n occurrences de x -at least n appearances of x==au moins n occurrence de x -at least n, maximum m appearanches of x==au moins n, au plus m occurrences de x -Modify priority of instructions==Modifie la priorité des instructions -Escape-Character, used to escape special characters \(for example "\[" or "\*"\), so that they loose their special meaning==Caractère d'échappement, utilisé pour exprimer les caractères spéciaux \(par exemple "\[" or "\*"\), en oubliant leur signification spéciale. -Regex follow a special priority \(descending\)\: concatenation, unary operators \(\*,\+,\^,\{\}\), binary operators \(\|\). This can be overridden with brackets.==l'expression régulière traite par ordre de priorité décroissante: concaténation, opérateurs unaires \(\*,\+,\^,\{\}\) opérateurs binaires \(\|\). Cela peut être altérer par les crochets. -Example:==Exemple: -This matches with a string in front of it, for example "http://www.", followed by any string, then a slash and a number. The dot in "" is not escaped with "\\", because it represents any character, thus the "." itself, too.==Cela fait correspondre avec une chaîne devant, par exemple "http://www.",suivi par une chaîne arbitraire un slash et un nombre. Le point dans "" n'est pas "échappé" par "\\" car il représente n'importe quel caractère, donc y compris lui même. -A possible URL which would match this regexp is\:==Une URL possible pouvant correspondre à cette espression est: -An URL which would not match is:==Une URL qui ne correspond pas est: -There is ".html" at the end, which is not included with the Regular Expression.==Il y a ".html" à la fin qui n'est pas inclus dans l'expression régulière. #----------------------------- #File: index.html diff --git a/locales/gr.lng b/locales/gr.lng index c1409707b..30fa99b0b 100644 --- a/locales/gr.lng +++ b/locales/gr.lng @@ -152,41 +152,6 @@ Cookies==Cookies #--------------------------- YaCy: Help==YaCy: Βοήθεια Help==Βοήθεια -This is a distributed web crawler and also a caching HTTP proxy. You are using the online-interface of the application. You can use this interface to configure your personal settings, proxy settings, access control and crawling properties. You can also use this interface to start crawls, send messages to other peers and monitor your index, cache status and crawling processes. Most important, you can use the search page to search either your own or the global index.==Αυτός είναι ένας κατανεμημένος web crawler, αλλά και ένας caching proxy HTTP. Εσείς χρησιμοποιείτε την on-line διεπαφή της εφαρμογής. Μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιείτε αυτή τη διεπαφή για να ορίσετε τις προσωπικές σας προτιμήσεις και τις ρυθμίσεις του proxy, για να ελέγχετε την πρόσβαση και τις ιδιότητες του crawler. Μπορείτε, επίσης, να χρησιμοποιείτε αυτή τη διεπαφή για να ξεκινάτε κάποια crawls, να στέλνετε μηνύματα σε άλλους peers και να ελέγχετε τον δικό σας κατάλογο περιεχομένων (index), την κατάσταση της cache και τις διαδικασίες του crawling. Το πιο σημαντικό είναι ότι μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιείτε τη σελίδα αναζήτησης για να εξερευνήσετε είτε το δικό σας κατάλογο, είτε τον συνολικό κατάλογο. -For more detailed information, visit the YaCy homepage==Για λεπτομερέστερες πληροφορίες, επισκεφθείτε το Αρχική σελίδα του YaCy -Local and Global Search: Options and Functions==Τοπική και Συνολική Αναζήτηση: Επιλογές και Λειτουργίες -The proxy provides a search interface that accesses your local index, created from web pages that passed the proxy.==Ο proxy προσφέρει μία διεπαφή αναζήτησης που έχει πρόσβαση στον τοπικό σας κατάλογο και που δημιουργήθηκε από τις σελίδες που περνούν μέσω του proxy. -The search can also be applied globally, by searching other peers. You can use the following options to enhance your search results==Η αναζήτηση μπορεί επίσης να εφαρμοσθεί και συνολικά, με αναζήτηση σε άλλους ισότιμους χρήστες. Μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε τις παρακάτω επιλογές για να βελτιώσετε τα αποτελέσματα της έρευνάς σας. -Search Word List==Αναζήτηση Καταλόγου Λέξεων -You can search for several words simultanous. Words must be separated by a single space.==Μπορείτε να κάνετε αναζήτηση για πολλές λέξεις ταυτόχρονα. Οι λέξεις πρέπει να ξεχωρίζουν μεταξύ τους με ένα απλό διάστημα. -The words are treated conjunctive, that means every must occur in the result, not any.== Οι λέξεις παρουσιάζονται συνδεδεμένες, αυτό σημαίνει ότι η κάθε μία πρέπει να εμφανίζεται στο αποτέλεσμα και όχι μόνο μία οποιαδήποτε από αυτές. -If you do a global search \(see below\) you may get different results each time you do a search.==Αν επιλέξετε μία συνολική αναζήτηση \(βλέπε πιο κάτω\) μπορείτε να έχετε διαφορετικά αποτελέσματα κάθε φορά που κάνετε μία αναζήτηση. -Maximum Number of Results==Μέγιστος Αριθμός Αποτελεσμάτων -You can select the number of wanted maximum links. We do not yet support multiple result pages for virtually any possible link.==Μπορείτε να επιλέξετε τον μέγιστο αριθμό των επιθυμητών links. Δεν υποστηρίζουμε ακόμη σελίδες πολλαπλών αποτελεσμάτων για κάθε πιθανό link. -Instead we encourage you to enhance the search result by submitting more search words.==Αντιθέτως, σας ενθαρρύνουμε να βελτιώσετε τα αποτελέσματα της αναζήτησης, υποβάλοντας περισσότερους όρους αναζήτησης. -Result Order Options==Επιλογές για τη Σειρά Εμφάνισης Αποτελεσμάτων -The search engine provides an experimental 'Quality' ranking. In contrast to other known search engines we provide also==Η μηχανή αναζήτησης προσφέρει ένα πειραματικό σύστημα ταξινόμησης 'Ποιότητας'. Σε αντίθεση με άλλες γνωστές μηχανές αναζήτησης, εμείς προσφέρουμε, επίσης, και -a result order by date. If you change the order to 'Date-Quality' the most recently updated page from the search results is listed first.==μία κατάταξη των αποτελεσμάτων με βάση την ημερομηνία. Αν αλλάξετε τη σειρά εμφάνισης σε 'Ημερομηνία-Ποιότητα' τότε θα εμφανιστούν στην αρχή οι πλέον πρόσφατα ενημερωμένες σελίδες. -For pages that have the same date the second order, 'Quality' is applied.==Οι σελίδες που φέρουν την ίδια ημερομηνία κατατάσσονται σύμφωνα με το δεύτερο κριτήριο της 'Ποιότητας'. -This search engine is constructed to search the web pages that pass the proxy. But the search index is distributed to other peers as well,==Αυτή η μηχανή αναζήτησης φτιάχθηκε για να αναζητά τις ιστοσελίδες που περνούν τον proxy. Αλλά ο πίνακας περιεχομένων αναζήτησης (search index) διανέμεται και σε άλλους ισότιμους χρήστες, -so you can search also globally: this function is currently only rudimentary, but can be choosen for test cases. Future releases will==έτσι ώστε να μπορείτε να κάνετε και μία συνολική αναζήτηση: αυτή η λειτουργία είναι, προς το παρόν, κάπως στοιχειώδης, αλλά μπορεί να επιλεχθεί για δοκιμαστικές περιπτώσεις. Στις μελλοντικές εκδόσεις οι πληροφορίες του πίνακας περιεχομένων -automatically distribute index information before a search happens to form a performant distributed hash table -- a very fast global search.==θα διανέμονται αυτόματα. πριν Η αναζήτηση μπορεί να φτιάχνει έναν πίνακα hash κατανεμημένο και performant -- μία συνολική έρευνα πραγματικά γρήγορη. -Maximum Search Time==Μέγιστος Χρόνος Αναζήτησης -Searching the local index is extremely fast, it happens within milliseconds, even for a large number \(millions\) of pages. But searching the==Οι αναζητήσεις στον τοπικό πίνακα περιεχομένων είναι εξαιρετικά γρήγορες, της τάξης των χιλιοστών του δευτερολέπτου, ακόμη και αν πρόκειται για έναν τεράστιο αριθμό /(εκατομμύρια/) σελίδων. Η αναζήτηση, όμως, -global index needs more time to find the correct remote peer that contains best search results. This is especially the case while the==στον συνολικό πίνακα περιεχομένων απαιτεί παραπάνω χρόνο για να εντοπίσει τον σωστό απομεμακρυσμένο ισότιμο χρήστη, που να μπορεί να προσφέρει τα καλύτερα αποτελέσαματα για την αναζήτηση. Αυτό ισχύει ιδιαίτερα όταν ο -distributed index is in test mode. Search results get more stable \(repeated global search produce more similar results\) the longer==κατανεμημένος πίνακας περιεχομένων βρίκεται σε test mode. Τα αποτελέσματα των αναζητήσεων θα είναι πιο σταθερά /(οι επανειλημμένες συνολικές αναζητήσεις θα αποδίδουν πιο όμοια αποτελέσματα/) όσο πιο μεγάλος -the search time is.==είναι ο χρόνος αναζήτησης. -You may want to use accesskeys to navigate through the YaCy webinterface:==Μπορεί να θελήσετε να χρησιμοποιήσετε τα accesskeys για να πλοηγηθείτε στη διαδικτυακή διεπαφή του YaCy: -Windows and Internet Explorer: Alt \+ Accesskey \+ Enter==Για τα Windows και τον Internet Explorer: Alt + Accesskey + Enter -Windows and Mozilla/Firefox/Netscape: Alt \+ Accesskey==Για τα Windows και τον Mozilla/Firefox/Netscape: Alt + Accesskey -Windows and Opera: Shift \+ Esc \+ Accesskey==Για τα Windows και το Opera: Shift + Esc + Accesskey -Macintosh and Internet Explorer: Strg \+ Accesskey \+ Enter=Για το Macintosh και τον Internet Explorer: Str + Accesskey + Enter -Macintosh and Safari: Strg \+ Accesskey==Για το Macintosh και το Safari: Strg + Accesskey -Macintosh and Mozilla/Firefox/Netscape: Strg \+ Accesskey==Για το Macintosh και τον Mozilla/Firefox/Netscape: Strg + Accesskey -Macintosh and Opera: Shift \+ Esc \+ Accesskey==Για το Macintosh και το Opera: Shift + Esc + Accesskey -Linux Mandrake and Galeon/Mozilla: Alt \+ Accesskey==Για το Linux Mandrake και το Galeon/Mozilla: Alt + Accesskey -All OS and Amaya: Strg \+ Accesskey==Για όλα τα Λ.Σ. και το Amaya: Strg + Accesskey - Search Page==Σελίδα Αναζήτησης Network==Δίκτυο Status==Κατάσταση diff --git a/locales/it.lng b/locales/it.lng index a3102a8eb..0ce5fe914 100644 --- a/locales/it.lng +++ b/locales/it.lng @@ -148,64 +148,7 @@ Cookies==Cookies #--------------------------- YaCy: Help==YaCy: Aiuto Help==Aiuto -This is a distributed web crawler and also a caching HTTP proxy. You are using the online-interface of the application. You can use this interface to configure your personal settings, proxy settings, access control and crawling properties. You can also use this interface to start crawls, send messages to other peers and monitor your index, cache status and crawling processes. Most important, you can use the search page to search either your own or the global index.==YaCy è un web crawler distributio e anche un proxy HTTP. Tu stai usando l'intefaccia on-line dell'applicazione. Puoi usare questa interfaccia per configurare le tue preferenze personali e del proxy, controllare l'accesso e le proprietà del crawler. Ancora più importante, puoi usare la pagina del search per cercare tu stesso sul'indice globale. -For more detailed information, visit the YaCy homepage==Per informazioni più dettagliate , visita YaCy Homepage -Local and Global Search: Options and Functions==Search locale e globale: Opzioni e Funzioni -The proxy provides a search interface that accesses your local index, created from web pages that passed the proxy.==Il proxy fornisce una interfaccia di ricerca che accede al tuo indice locale, creato dalle pagine che passano attraverso il proxy. -The search can also be applied globally, by searching other peers. You can use the following options to enhance your search results==Il search può funzionare globalmente, ricercando attraverso gli altri 'pari'. Puoi usare le seguenti opzioni per migliorare i risultati delle tue ricerche. -Search Word List==Lista delle parole da ricercare. -You can search for several words simultanous. Words must be separated by a single space.==Puoi cercare per più parole simultaneamente. Le parole devono essere separate da uno spazio singolo. -The words are treated conjunctive, that means every must occur in the result, not any.== Le parole sono trattate in congiunzione, cioè ognuna deve essere presente nel risultato, non almeno una. -If you do a global search \(see below\) you may get different results each time you do a search.==Se fai una ricerca globale \(vedi sotto\) puoi ottenre risultati deiversi ongi volta che fai una ricerca. -Maximum Number of Results==Massimo Numero di Risultati -You can select the number of wanted maximum links. We do not yet support multiple result pages for virtually any possible link.==Puoi selezionare il numero massimo di link desiderati. Noi non supportiamo ancora la paginazione dei risultati per ogni possibile link. -Instead we encourage you to enhance the search result by submitting more search words.==Invece incoraggiamo il miglioramento dei risultati della ricerca tramite l'inserimento di più parole. -Result Order Options==Opzioni di ordinamento del risultato -The search engine provides an experimental 'Quality' ranking. In contrast to other known search engines we provide also==Il motore di ricerca fornisce un sistema di 'ranking' della qualità sperimentale. In contrasto con gli altri motori conosciuti noi forniamo anche -a result order by date. If you change the order to 'Date-Quality' the most recently updated page from the search results is listed first.==l'ordine dei risultati per data. Se cambi l'ordine a 'Date-Quality' saranno mostrate per prime le pagine aggiornate più recentemente. -For pages that have the same date the second order, 'Quality' is applied.==Le pagine che hanno la stessa data sono ordinate per 'Qualità'. -This search engine is constructed to search the web pages that pass the proxy. But the search index is distributed to other peers as well,==Questo motore di ricerca è costruito per ricercare le pagine che passano attraverso il proxy. Ma l'indice di ricerca viene distribuito agli altri 'pari', -so you can search also globally: this function is currently only rudimentary, but can be choosen for test cases. Future releases will==in questo modo puoi comunque ricercare globalmente: questa funzione è ancora rudimentale, ma può essere scelta per i casi di test. I rilasci futuri distribuiranno -automatically distribute index information before a search happends to form a performant distributed hash table -- a very fast global search.==automaticamente le informazioni dell'indice prima che la ricerca avvenga per costituire una hash table distribuita e performante -- un ricerca globale veramente veloce. -Maximum Search Time==Massimo Tempo di Ricerca -Searching the local index is extremely fast, it happends within milliseconds, even for a large number \(millions\) of pages. But searching the==Le ricerche sull'indice locale sono estremamente veloci, dell'ordine dei millisecondi, perfino per un grande numero di /(milioni/) di pagine. Ma la ricerca -global index needs more time to find the correct remote peer that contains best search results. This is especially the case while the==sull'indice globale richiede più tempo poichè deve trovare il 'pari' giusto che contenga i migliori risultati per la ricerca. Questo è vero specialmente nel caso -distributed index is in test mode. Search results get more stable \(repeated global search produce more similar results\) the longer==che l'indice distribuito sia in test mode. I risultati delle ricerche saranno più stabili /(ripetute ricerche globali produrrano risultati più simili/) più lungo -the search time is.==sarà il tempo di ricerca. -You may want to use accesskeys to navigate through the YaCy webinterface:==Tu puoi voler usare le accesskeys per navigare attraverso l'interfaccia web di YaCy: -Windows and Internet Explorer: Alt \+ Accesskey \+ Enter==Windows e Internet Explorer: Alt + Accesskey + Enter -Windows and Mozilla/Firefox/Netscape: Alt \+ Accesskey==Windows e Mozilla/Firefox/Netscape: Alt + Accesskey -Windows and Opera: Shift \+ Esc \+ Accesskey==Windows e Opera: Shift + Esc + Accesskey -Macintosh and Internet Explorer: Strg \+ Accesskey \+ Enter=Macintosh e Internet Explorer: Str + Accesskey + Enter -Macintosh and Safari: Strg \+ Accesskey==Macintosh e Safari: Strg + Accesskey -Macintosh and Mozilla/Firefox/Netscape: Strg \+ Accesskey==Macintosh e Mozilla/Firefox/Netscape: Strg + Accesskey -Macintosh and Opera: Shift \+ Esc \+ Accesskey==Macintosh e Opera: Shift + Esc + Accesskey -Linux Mandrake and Galeon/Mozilla: Alt \+ Accesskey==Linux Mandrake e Galeon/Mozilla: Alt + Accesskey -All OS and Amaya: Strg \+ Accesskey==Tutti gli OS e Amaya: Strg + Accesskey -Search Page==Pagina di ricerca -Network==Network -Status==Stato - -YaCy uses Regular Expressions for some functions, for example in the blacklist.==YaCy in alcune funzioni usa le expressioni regolari, per esempio nelle blaklist. -There are some standards for these regexps, YaCy uses the syntax used by Perl 5.==Esistono diversi standard per le regexps, YaCy usa la sintassi del Perl 5. -Here ist a short overview about the functions, which should fir for most cases\:<==Qui c'è una breve descrizione di queste funzioni, sufficiente per la maggior parte dei casi:< - -arbitrary character==caratteri arbitrari -character x==carattere x -not x==non x -0 or more times x==0 o più volte x -0 or 1 time x==0 o 1 volta x -1 or more times x==1 o più volte x -concatenation of x and y==Concatenazione di x e y -x or y==x o y -String "foo" or string "bar"==Stringa "foo" o Stringa "bar" -a or b or c \(same as a\|b\|c\)==a o b o c \(uguale ad a\|b\|c\) -a or b or c \(same as above\)==a o b o c \(come sopra\) -exactly n appearances of x==esattamente n ricorrenze di x -at least n appearances of x==almeno n ricorrenze di x -at least n, maximum m appearanches of x==almeno n, massimo m ricorrenze di x -Modify priority of instructions==Modifica la priorità delle istruzioni #----------------------------- # EOF \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/sk.lng b/locales/sk.lng index 95686da12..bc5be06fd 100644 --- a/locales/sk.lng +++ b/locales/sk.lng @@ -302,79 +302,7 @@ Cookie==Cookie #--------------------------- YaCy: Help==YaCy: Pomoc >Help==>Pomoc -# NOT USED -#This is a distributed web crawler and also a caching HTTP proxy. You are using the online-interface of the application. You can use this interface to configure your personal settings, proxy settings, access control and crawling properties. You can also use this interface to start crawls, send messages to other peers and monitor your index, cache status and crawling processes. Most important, you can use the search page to search either your own or the global index.==Toto je distribuovany vyhladavac a HTTP proxy server fungujuci na podobnom prince ako vykonavanie distribuovanych vypoctov (ako napr. SETI@home). V pripade YaCy ide o "distribuovane vyhladavanie a indexovanie" obsahu Internetu. Momentalne pouzivate YaCy online interface. Tento interface mozete pouzit aj na konfiguraciu osobnych nastaveni, proxy nastaveni, kontrolu pristupu a prehladavania/preliezania webu tzv. web crawling. YaCy online interface moze byt pouzity aj na start preliezania webu (web crawling), posielanie sprav inym YaCy uzivatelom a na kontrolu a sledovanie Vaseho indexu, stavu cache a beziacich procesov web crawling. To najdolezitejsie: Vyhladavacia stranka moze byt pouzita bud na vyhladavanie vo Vasom vlastnom, alebo v globalnom indexe. -For more detailed information, visit the==Viac informacii najdete na -YaCy homepage==domovskej stranke YaCy -Local and Global Search: Options and Functions==Lokalne a globalne vyhladavanie: Nastavenia a funkcie -The proxy provides a search interface that accesses your local index, created from web pages that passed the proxy.==Proxy poskytuje vyhladavaci interface, ktory pristupuje k lokalnemu indexu vytvorenemu z web stranok ktore ste navstivili cez proxy server. -The search can also be applied globally, by searching other peers. You can use the following options to enhance your search results==Vyhladavat mozete takisto globalne, prehladavanim ostatnych peerov. Na spresnenie vyhladavania mozete pouzit nasledujuce volby -Search Word List==Zoznam vyhladavanych slov -You can search for several words simultanous. Words must be separated by a single space.==Vyhladavat mozete podla viacerych slov sucasne. Slova musia byt oddelene medzerou. -The words are treated conjunctive, that means every must occur in the result, not any.==Vysledok vyhladavania obsahuje odkazy zahrnujuce vsetky hladane slova sucasne ("Slovo_1" a sucasne "Slovo_2") -If you do a global search \(see below\) you may get different results each time you do a search.==Pri globalnom vyhladavani (pozri nizsie) mozete obdrzat rozdielne vysledky pre rovnake vyhladavacie kriteria. -Maximum Number of Results==Maximalny pocet vysledkov vyhladavania -#DAS ist eine Murksübersetzung... bitte ggf. verbessern. -# NOT USED -#Prefer mask\:==Maska preferencii: -You can select the number of wanted maximum links. We do not yet support multiple result pages for virtually any possible link.==Mozete zvolit maximalny zobrazovany pocet odkazov. Mnohonasobne stranky vysledkov pre virtualne lubovolny odkaz zatial nie su podporovane. -Instead we encourage you to enhance the search result by submitting more search words.==Na zlepsenie vysledkov vyhladavania doporucujeme zadat viacero klucovych slov. -Result Order Options==Poradie vysledkov vyhladavania -The search engine provides an experimental 'Quality' ranking. In contrast to other known search engines we provide also==YaCy vyhladavac poskytuje experimentalne hodnotenie kvality, tzv. "Quality ranking". Oproti inych vyhladavacom ponukame -a result order by date. If you change the order to 'Date-Quality' the most recently updated page from the search results is listed first.==vysledoky vyhladavania zotriedene podla datumu. Pri zmene poradie vysledkov podla "Datum-Kvalita" bude najcerstvejsie aktualizovana stranka v zozname vysledkov ako prva. -For pages that have the same date the second order, 'Quality' is applied.==Stranky s rovnakym datumom su zoradene podla kvality. -Resource Domain==Zdroj hladania -This search engine is constructed to search the web pages that pass the proxy. But the search index is distributed to other peers as well,==YaCy vyhladavac je konstruovany na prehladavanie tych stranok ktore prejdu cez proxy, avsak vyhladavaci index je distribuovany aj inym peerom, -so you can search also globally: this function is currently only rudimentary, but can be choosen for test cases. Future releases will==takze mozete vyhladavat tiez globalne: tato funkcia je v sucasnosti zastarala. Moze byt vsak pouzita na testovacie ucely. Buduce verzie budu -# NOT USED -#automatically distribute index information before a search happends to form a performant distributed hash table -- a very fast global search.==automaticky distribuovat index vyhladavania pred tym ako sa udeje prve vyhladavanie, vytvori distribuovanu hash tabulku --- velmi rychle globalbe vyhladavanie. -Maximum Search Time==Maximalna doba vyhladavania -Searching the local index is extremely fast, it happends within milliseconds, even for a large number \(millions\) of pages. But searching the==Prehladavanie lokalneho indexu je velmi rychle. Uskutocni sa radovo za milisekundy aj pre velke mnozstvo (miliony) stranok. Naproti tomu prehladavanie -global index needs more time to find the correct remote peer that contains best search results. This is especially the case while the==globalneho indexu vyzaduje viacej casu na najdenie spravneho vzdialeneho peera, ktory obsahuje najlepsie vysledky vyhladavania. Toto sa deje zvlast v pripade -distributed index is in test mode. Search results get more stable \(repeated global search produce more similar results\) the longer==ked je distribuovany index v testovacom mode. Vysledky vyhladavania budu v tomto pripade lepsie a stabilnejsie -the search time is.==pri dlhsom case vyhladavania. (Opakovane globalne vyhladavanie prinesie podobnejsie vysledky.) -You may want to use accesskeys to navigate through the YaCy webinterface:==Na navigaciu v YaCy web interface mozete pouzivat klavesove skratky: -Windows and Internet Explorer: Alt \+ Accesskey \+ Enter==Windows a Internet Explorer: Alt + Klavesa + Enter -Windows and Mozilla/Firefox/Netscape: Alt \+ Accesskey==Windows a Mozilla/Firefox/Netscape: Alt + Klavesa -Windows and Opera: Shift \+ Esc \+ Accesskey==Windows a Opera: Shift + Esc + Klavesa -Macintosh and Internet Explorer: Strg \+ Accesskey \+ Enter==Macintosh a Internet Explorer: Ctrl + Klavesa + Enter -Macintosh and Safari: Strg \+ Accesskey==Macintosh a Safari: Ctrl + Klavesa -Macintosh and Mozilla/Firefox/Netscape: Strg \+ Accesskey==Macintosh a Mozilla/Firefox/Netscape: Ctrl + Klavesa -Macintosh and Opera: Shift \+ Esc \+ Accesskey==Macintosh a Opera: Shift + Esc + Klavesa -Linux Mandrake and Galeon/Mozilla: Alt \+ Accesskey==Linux Mandrake a Galeon/Mozilla: Alt + Klavesa -All OS and Amaya: Strg \+ Accesskey==Vsetky verzie operacnych systemov a Amaya: Ctrl + Klavesa -Search Page==Vyhladavacia stranka -Network==Siet -Status==Stav - -YaCy uses Regular Expressions for some functions, for example in the blacklist.==YaCy pouziva regularne vyrazy pre niektore funkcie, napr. Blacklist. -There are some standards for these regexps, YaCy uses the syntax used by Perl 5.==Existuje niekolko standartov pre tieto vyrazy. YaCy pouziva syntax Perlu 5. -Here ist a short overview about the functions, which should fir for most cases\:<==Tu najdete strucny prehlad funkcii, ktore by mali pokryvat najcastejsie pripady pouzitia:< - - -arbitrary character==lubovolny znak -character x==znak x -not x==nie x -0 or more times x==0 alebo viac krat x -0 or 1 time x==0 alebo 1 krat x -1 or more times x==1 alebo viac krat x -concatenation of x and y==zretazenie x a y -x or y==x alebo y -String "foo" or string "bar"==Retazec "foo" alebo retazec "bar" -a or b or c \(same as a\|b\|c\)==a alebo b alebo c (to iste ako a|b|c) -a or b or c \(same as above\)==a alebo b alebo c (to iste ako vyzsie) -exactly n appearances of x==presne n vyskytov x -at least n appearances of x==najmenej n vyskytov x -at least n, maximum m appearanches of x==minimalne n, maximalne m vyskytov m -Modify priority of instructions==Zmen prioritu prikazov -Escape-Character, used to escape special characters \(for example "\[" or "\*"\), so that they loose their special meaning==Escape-znak je pouzity na "unik" specialnych znakov (napr. "\[" alebo "\*"\), ktore potom stracaju svoj specialny vyznam -Regex follow a special priority \(descending\)\: concatenation, unary operators \(\*,\+,\^,\{\}\), binary operators \(\|\). This can be overridden with brackets.==Operatory regularnych vyrazov maju nasledovnu prioritu (zostupne): operator zretazenia, unarne operatory (*,+,^,{}), binarne operatory (|). Poradie vykonavania operatorov moze byt zmenene pomocou zatvoriek. -Example:==Priklad: -This matches with a string in front of it, for example "http://www.", followed by any string, then a slash and a number. The dot in "" is not escaped with "\\", because it represents any character, thus the "." itself, too.==Toto oznacuje s retazcom vpredu, napr. "http://www.", nasledovany lubovolnym retazcom, a po nom lomitkom a cislom. Bodka v "" nie je escapovana, pretoze predstavuje lubovolny znak, t.j. aj bodku "." samu. -A possible URL which would match this regexp is\:==URL adresa ktoru oznacuje tento regularny vyraz je: -An URL which would not match is:==URL adresa ktoru neoznacuje tento regularny vyraz je: -There is ".html" at the end, which is not included with the Regular Expression.==Tu je na konci retazec ".html" ktory nie je obsiahnutny regularnym vyrazom. #----------------------------- #File: index.html