// swad_notification_database.c: notifications operations with database /* SWAD (Shared Workspace At a Distance), is a web platform developed at the University of Granada (Spain), and used to support university teaching. This file is part of SWAD core. Copyright (C) 1999-2023 Antonio Caņas Vargas This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /*****************************************************************************/ /********************************* Headers ***********************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ #include "swad_database.h" #include "swad_error.h" #include "swad_global.h" #include "swad_notification_database.h" /*****************************************************************************/ /************** External global variables from others modules ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ extern struct Globals Gbl; /*****************************************************************************/ /************** Store a notify event to one user into database ***************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Ntf_DB_StoreNotifyEventToUsr (Ntf_NotifyEvent_t NotifyEvent, long ToUsrCod,long Cod,Ntf_Status_t Status, long InsCod,long CtrCod,long DegCod,long CrsCod) { DB_QueryINSERT ("can not create new notification event", "INSERT INTO ntf_notifications" " (NotifyEvent,ToUsrCod,FromUsrCod," "InsCod,CtrCod,DegCod,CrsCod,Cod,TimeNotif,Status)" " VALUES" " (%u,%ld,%ld," "%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,NOW(),%u)", (unsigned) NotifyEvent, ToUsrCod, Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod, InsCod, CtrCod, DegCod, CrsCod, Cod, (unsigned) Status); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Update my last access to notifications ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Ntf_DB_UpdateMyLastAccessToNotifications (void) { DB_QueryUPDATE ("can not update last access to notifications", "UPDATE usr_last" " SET LastAccNotif=NOW()" " WHERE UsrCod=%ld", Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************** Mark all my notifications as seen **********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Ntf_DB_MarkAllMyNotifAsSeen (void) { DB_QueryUPDATE ("can not set notification(s) as seen", "UPDATE ntf_notifications" " SET Status=(Status | %u)" " WHERE ToUsrCod=%ld", (unsigned) Ntf_STATUS_BIT_READ, Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************ Mark all pending notifications of a user as 'sent' *************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Ntf_DB_MarkPendingNtfsAsSent (long ToUsrCod) { DB_QueryUPDATE ("can not set pending notifications of a user as sent", "UPDATE ntf_notifications" " SET Status=(Status | %u)" " WHERE ToUsrCod=%ld" " AND (Status & %u)<>0" " AND (Status & %u)=0" " AND (Status & %u)=0", (unsigned) Ntf_STATUS_BIT_SENT, ToUsrCod, (unsigned) Ntf_STATUS_BIT_EMAIL, (unsigned) Ntf_STATUS_BIT_SENT, (unsigned) (Ntf_STATUS_BIT_READ | Ntf_STATUS_BIT_REMOVED)); } /*****************************************************************************/ /**************** Set one possible notification as seen by me ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Ntf_DB_MarkNotifAsSeenUsingNtfCod (long NtfCod) { DB_QueryUPDATE ("can not set notification as seen", "UPDATE ntf_notifications" " SET Status=(Status | %u)" " WHERE NtfCod=%ld" " AND ToUsrCod=%ld", (unsigned) Ntf_STATUS_BIT_READ, NtfCod, Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /**************** Set one possible notification as seen by me ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Ntf_DB_MarkNotifAsSeenUsingCod (Ntf_NotifyEvent_t NotifyEvent,long Cod) { /***** Trivial check: if no code specified, nothing to do *****/ if (Cod <= 0) // If the user code is specified return; /***** Set notification as seen by me *****/ DB_QueryUPDATE ("can not set notification(s) as seen", "UPDATE ntf_notifications" " SET Status=(Status | %u)" " WHERE ToUsrCod=%ld" " AND NotifyEvent=%u" " AND Cod=%ld", (unsigned) Ntf_STATUS_BIT_READ, Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod, (unsigned) NotifyEvent, Cod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /** Set all notifications of this type in the current course as seen by me ***/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Ntf_DB_MarkNotifsInCrsAsSeen (Ntf_NotifyEvent_t NotifyEvent) { DB_QueryUPDATE ("can not set notification(s) as seen", "UPDATE ntf_notifications" " SET Status=(Status | %u)" " WHERE ToUsrCod=%ld" " AND NotifyEvent=%u" " AND CrsCod=%ld", (unsigned) Ntf_STATUS_BIT_READ, Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod, (unsigned) NotifyEvent, Gbl.Hierarchy.Node[HieLvl_CRS].HieCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************* Set all notifications of this type as seen by me **************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Ntf_DB_MarkNotifsAsSeen (Ntf_NotifyEvent_t NotifyEvent) { DB_QueryUPDATE ("can not set notification(s) as seen", "UPDATE ntf_notifications" " SET Status=(Status | %u)" " WHERE ToUsrCod=%ld" " AND NotifyEvent=%u", (unsigned) Ntf_STATUS_BIT_READ, Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod, (unsigned) NotifyEvent); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************** Set possible notification as removed *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Ntf_DB_MarkNotifToOneUsrAsRemoved (Ntf_NotifyEvent_t NotifyEvent,long Cod,long ToUsrCod) { /***** Set notification as removed *****/ if (Cod > 0) // Set only one notification as removed DB_QueryUPDATE ("can not set notification(s) as removed", "UPDATE ntf_notifications" " SET Status=(Status | %u)" " WHERE ToUsrCod=%ld" " AND NotifyEvent=%u" " AND Cod=%ld", (unsigned) Ntf_STATUS_BIT_REMOVED, ToUsrCod, (unsigned) NotifyEvent, Cod); else // Set all notifications of this type, // in the current course for the user, as removed DB_QueryUPDATE ("can not set notification(s) as removed", "UPDATE ntf_notifications" " SET Status=(Status | %u)" " WHERE ToUsrCod=%ld" " AND NotifyEvent=%u" " AND CrsCod=%ld", (unsigned) Ntf_STATUS_BIT_REMOVED, ToUsrCod, (unsigned) NotifyEvent, Gbl.Hierarchy.Node[HieLvl_CRS].HieCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********** Set possible notifications from a course as removed *************/ /*****************************************************************************/ // This function should be called when a course is removed // because notifications from this course will not be available after course removing. // However, notifications about new messages should not be removed // because the messages will remain available void Ntf_DB_MarkNotifInCrsAsRemoved (long ToUsrCod,long CrsCod) { /***** Set all notifications from the course as removed, except notifications about new messages *****/ if (ToUsrCod > 0) // If the user code is specified DB_QueryUPDATE ("can not set notification(s) as removed", "UPDATE ntf_notifications" " SET Status=(Status | %u)" " WHERE ToUsrCod=%ld" " AND CrsCod=%ld" " AND NotifyEvent<>%u", // messages will remain available (unsigned) Ntf_STATUS_BIT_REMOVED, ToUsrCod, CrsCod, (unsigned) Ntf_EVENT_MESSAGE); else // User code not specified ==> any user DB_QueryUPDATE ("can not set notification(s) as removed", "UPDATE ntf_notifications" " SET Status=(Status | %u)" " WHERE CrsCod=%ld" " AND NotifyEvent<>%u", // messages will remain available (unsigned) Ntf_STATUS_BIT_REMOVED, CrsCod, (unsigned) Ntf_EVENT_MESSAGE); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************* Set possible notifications as removed *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Ntf_DB_MarkNotifAsRemoved (Ntf_NotifyEvent_t NotifyEvent,long Cod) { DB_QueryUPDATE ("can not set notification(s) as removed", "UPDATE ntf_notifications" " SET Status=(Status | %u)" " WHERE NotifyEvent=%u" " AND Cod=%ld", (unsigned) Ntf_STATUS_BIT_REMOVED, (unsigned) NotifyEvent, Cod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******* Set all possible notifications of files in a group as removed *******/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Ntf_DB_MarkNotifFilesInGroupAsRemoved (long GrpCod) { DB_QueryUPDATE ("can not set notification(s) as removed", "UPDATE ntf_notifications" " SET Status=(Status | %u)" " WHERE NotifyEvent IN (%u,%u,%u,%u)" " AND Cod IN" " (SELECT FilCod" " FROM brw_files" " WHERE FileBrowser IN (%u,%u,%u,%u)" " AND Cod=%ld)", (unsigned) Ntf_STATUS_BIT_REMOVED, (unsigned) Ntf_EVENT_DOCUMENT_FILE, (unsigned) Ntf_EVENT_TEACHERS_FILE, (unsigned) Ntf_EVENT_SHARED_FILE, (unsigned) Ntf_EVENT_MARKS_FILE, (unsigned) Brw_ADMI_DOC_GRP, (unsigned) Brw_ADMI_TCH_GRP, (unsigned) Brw_ADMI_SHR_GRP, (unsigned) Brw_ADMI_MRK_GRP, GrpCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************ Set possible notifications of children as removed **************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Ntf_DB_MarkNotifChildrenOfFolderAsRemoved (Ntf_NotifyEvent_t NotifyEvent, Brw_FileBrowser_t FileBrowser, long Cod,const char *Path) { DB_QueryUPDATE ("can not set notification(s) as removed", "UPDATE ntf_notifications" " SET Status=(Status | %u)" " WHERE NotifyEvent=%u" " AND Cod IN" " (SELECT FilCod" " FROM brw_files" " WHERE FileBrowser=%u" " AND Cod=%ld" " AND Path LIKE '%s/%%')", (unsigned) Ntf_STATUS_BIT_REMOVED, (unsigned) NotifyEvent, (unsigned) FileBrowser, Cod, Path); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************** Update number of notify emails sent ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Ntf_DB_UpdateNumNotifSent (long DegCod,long CrsCod, Ntf_NotifyEvent_t NotifyEvent, unsigned NumEvents,unsigned NumMails) { DB_QueryREPLACE ("can not update the number of sent notifications", "REPLACE INTO sta_notifications" " (DegCod,CrsCod,NotifyEvent,NumEvents,NumMails)" " VALUES" " (%ld,%ld,%u,%u,%u)", DegCod, CrsCod, (unsigned) NotifyEvent, NumEvents, NumMails); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************* Get number of events notified and emails sent *****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ unsigned Ntf_DB_GetNumNotifSent (MYSQL_RES **mysql_res, long DegCod,long CrsCod, Ntf_NotifyEvent_t NotifyEvent) { return (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get number of notifications" " sent by email", "SELECT NumEvents," // row[0] "NumMails" // row[1] " FROM sta_notifications" " WHERE DegCod=%ld" " AND CrsCod=%ld" " AND NotifyEvent=%u", DegCod, CrsCod, (unsigned) NotifyEvent); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*************************** Get my notifications ***************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ unsigned Ntf_DB_GetMyNotifications (MYSQL_RES **mysql_res,bool AllNotifications) { char SubQuery[128]; /***** Get my notifications from database *****/ if (AllNotifications) SubQuery[0] = '\0'; else sprintf (SubQuery," AND (Status&%u)=0", Ntf_STATUS_BIT_READ | Ntf_STATUS_BIT_REMOVED); return (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get your notifications", "SELECT NotifyEvent," // row[0] "FromUsrCod," // row[1] "InsCod," // row[2] "CtrCod," // row[3] "DegCod," // row[4] "CrsCod," // row[5] "Cod," // row[6] "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(TimeNotif)," // row[7] "Status" // row[8] " FROM ntf_notifications" " WHERE ToUsrCod=%ld" "%s" " ORDER BY TimeNotif DESC", Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod, SubQuery); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************* Get my recent notifications ***********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ unsigned Ntf_DB_GetMyRecentNotifications (MYSQL_RES **mysql_res,time_t BeginTime) { return (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get user's notifications", "SELECT NtfCod," // row[0] "NotifyEvent," // row[1] "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(TimeNotif)," // row[2] "FromUsrCod," // row[3] "InsCod," // row[4] "CtrCod," // row[5] "DegCod," // row[6] "CrsCod," // row[7] "Cod," // row[8] "Status" // row[9] " FROM ntf_notifications" " WHERE ToUsrCod=%ld" " AND TimeNotif>=FROM_UNIXTIME(%ld)" " ORDER BY TimeNotif DESC", Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod, (long) BeginTime); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************* Get pending notifications to a user *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ unsigned Ntf_DB_GetPendingNtfsToUsr (MYSQL_RES **mysql_res,long ToUsrCod) { return (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get user's pending notifications", "SELECT NotifyEvent," // row[0] "FromUsrCod," // row[1] "InsCod," // row[2] "CtrCod," // row[3] "DegCod," // row[4] "CrsCod," // row[5] "Cod" // row[6] " FROM ntf_notifications" " WHERE ToUsrCod=%ld" " AND (Status & %u)<>0" " AND (Status & %u)=0" " AND (Status & %u)=0" " ORDER BY TimeNotif," "NotifyEvent", ToUsrCod, (unsigned) Ntf_STATUS_BIT_EMAIL, (unsigned) Ntf_STATUS_BIT_SENT, (unsigned) (Ntf_STATUS_BIT_READ | Ntf_STATUS_BIT_REMOVED)); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************* Get the number of (all) my unseen notifications ***************/ /*****************************************************************************/ unsigned Ntf_DB_GetNumAllMyUnseenNtfs (void) { return (unsigned) DB_QueryCOUNT ("can not get number of unseen notifications", "SELECT COUNT(*)" " FROM ntf_notifications" " WHERE ToUsrCod=%ld" " AND (Status & %u)=0", Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod, (unsigned) (Ntf_STATUS_BIT_READ | Ntf_STATUS_BIT_REMOVED)); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************** Get the number of my new unseen notifications ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ unsigned Ntf_DB_GetNumMyNewUnseenNtfs (void) { return (unsigned) DB_QueryCOUNT ("can not get number of unseen notifications", "SELECT COUNT(*)" " FROM ntf_notifications" " WHERE ToUsrCod=%ld" " AND (Status & %u)=0" " AND TimeNotif>FROM_UNIXTIME(%ld)", Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod, (unsigned) (Ntf_STATUS_BIT_READ | Ntf_STATUS_BIT_REMOVED), Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrLast.LastAccNotif); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************** Get users who must be notified ***********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ unsigned Ntf_DB_GetUsrsWhoMustBeNotified (MYSQL_RES **mysql_res) { // (Status & Ntf_STATUS_BIT_EMAIL) && // !(Status & Ntf_STATUS_BIT_SENT) && // !(Status & (Ntf_STATUS_BIT_READ | Ntf_STATUS_BIT_REMOVED)) return (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get users who must be notified", "SELECT DISTINCT " "ToUsrCod" " FROM ntf_notifications" " WHERE TimeNotif0" " AND (Status & %u)=0" " AND (Status & %u)=0", Cfg_TIME_TO_SEND_PENDING_NOTIF, (unsigned) Ntf_STATUS_BIT_EMAIL, (unsigned) Ntf_STATUS_BIT_SENT, (unsigned) (Ntf_STATUS_BIT_READ | Ntf_STATUS_BIT_REMOVED)); } /*****************************************************************************/ /****************** Get number of notifications by email *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ unsigned Ntf_DB_GetNumNotifs (MYSQL_RES **mysql_res,Ntf_NotifyEvent_t NotifyEvent) { switch (Gbl.Scope.Current) { case HieLvl_SYS: return (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get the number" " of notifications by email", "SELECT SUM(NumEvents)," // row[0] "SUM(NumMails)" // row[1] " FROM sta_notifications" " WHERE NotifyEvent=%u", (unsigned) NotifyEvent); case HieLvl_CTY: return (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get the number" " of notifications by email", "SELECT SUM(sta_notifications.NumEvents)," // row[0] "SUM(sta_notifications.NumMails)" // row[1] " FROM ins_instits," "ctr_centers," "deg_degrees," "sta_notifications" " WHERE ins_instits.CtyCod=%ld" " AND ins_instits.InsCod=ctr_centers.InsCod" " AND ctr_centers.CtrCod=deg_degrees.CtrCod" " AND deg_degrees.DegCod=sta_notifications.DegCod" " AND sta_notifications.NotifyEvent=%u", Gbl.Hierarchy.Node[HieLvl_CTY].HieCod, (unsigned) NotifyEvent); case HieLvl_INS: return (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get the number" " of notifications by email", "SELECT SUM(sta_notifications.NumEvents)," // row[0] "SUM(sta_notifications.NumMails)" // row[1] " FROM ctr_centers," "deg_degrees," "sta_notifications" " WHERE ctr_centers.InsCod=%ld" " AND ctr_centers.CtrCod=deg_degrees.CtrCod" " AND deg_degrees.DegCod=sta_notifications.DegCod" " AND sta_notifications.NotifyEvent=%u", Gbl.Hierarchy.Node[HieLvl_INS].HieCod, (unsigned) NotifyEvent); case HieLvl_CTR: return (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get the number" " of notifications by email", "SELECT SUM(sta_notifications.NumEvents)," // row[0] "SUM(sta_notifications.NumMails)" // row[1] " FROM deg_degrees," "sta_notifications" " WHERE deg_degrees.CtrCod=%ld" " AND deg_degrees.DegCod=sta_notifications.DegCod" " AND sta_notifications.NotifyEvent=%u", Gbl.Hierarchy.Node[HieLvl_CTR].HieCod, (unsigned) NotifyEvent); case HieLvl_DEG: return (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get the number" " of notifications by email", "SELECT SUM(NumEvents)," // row[0] "SUM(NumMails)" // row[1] " FROM sta_notifications" " WHERE DegCod=%ld" " AND NotifyEvent=%u", Gbl.Hierarchy.Node[HieLvl_DEG].HieCod, (unsigned) NotifyEvent); case HieLvl_CRS: return (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get the number" " of notifications by email", "SELECT SUM(NumEvents)," // row[0] "SUM(NumMails)" // row[1] " FROM sta_notifications" " WHERE CrsCod=%ld" " AND NotifyEvent=%u", Gbl.Hierarchy.Node[HieLvl_CRS].HieCod, (unsigned) NotifyEvent); default: Err_WrongHierarchyLevelExit (); return 0; // Not reached } } /*****************************************************************************/ /**************** Remove all notifications made to a user ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Ntf_DB_RemoveUsrNtfs (long ToUsrCod) { DB_QueryDELETE ("can not remove notifications of a user", "DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM ntf_notifications" " WHERE ToUsrCod=%ld", ToUsrCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************* Delete old notifications **************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Ntf_DB_RemoveOldNtfs (void) { DB_QueryDELETE ("can not remove old notifications", "DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM ntf_notifications" " WHERE TimeNotif