// swad_match.c: matches in games using remote control /* SWAD (Shared Workspace At a Distance), is a web platform developed at the University of Granada (Spain), and used to support university teaching. This file is part of SWAD core. Copyright (C) 1999-2024 Antonio Caņas Vargas This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /*****************************************************************************/ /********************************* Headers ***********************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ #define _GNU_SOURCE // For asprintf #include // For PATH_MAX #include // For NULL #include // For asprintf #include // For free #include // For string functions #include "swad_action_list.h" #include "swad_alert.h" #include "swad_box.h" #include "swad_database.h" #include "swad_date.h" #include "swad_error.h" #include "swad_form.h" #include "swad_game.h" #include "swad_game_database.h" #include "swad_global.h" #include "swad_group_database.h" #include "swad_HTML.h" #include "swad_match.h" #include "swad_match_database.h" #include "swad_match_result.h" #include "swad_parameter_code.h" #include "swad_question_database.h" #include "swad_role.h" #include "swad_setting.h" #include "swad_test.h" /*****************************************************************************/ /************** External global variables from others modules ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ extern struct Globals Gbl; /*****************************************************************************/ /***************************** Private constants *****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ #define Mch_ICON_CLOSE "fas fa-times" #define Mch_ICON_PLAY "fas fa-play" #define Mch_ICON_PAUSE "fas fa-pause" #define Mch_ICON_PREVIOUS "fas fa-step-backward" #define Mch_ICON_NEXT "fas fa-step-forward" #define Mch_ICON_RESULTS "fas fa-chart-bar" #define Mch_COUNTDOWN_SECONDS_LARGE 60 #define Mch_COUNTDOWN_SECONDS_MEDIUM 30 #define Mch_COUNTDOWN_SECONDS_SMALL 10 /*****************************************************************************/ /******************************* Private types *******************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ typedef enum { Mch_CHANGE_STATUS_BY_STUDENT, Mch_REFRESH_STATUS_BY_SERVER, } Mch_Update_t; /*****************************************************************************/ /***************************** Private variables *****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ long Mch_MchCodBeingPlayed; // Used to refresh game via AJAX /*****************************************************************************/ /***************************** Private prototypes ****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_SetMchCodBeingPlayed (long MchCod); static void Mch_PutIconsInListOfMatches (void *Games); static void Mch_PutIconToCreateNewMatch (struct Gam_Games *Games); static void Mch_ListOneOrMoreMatches (struct Gam_Games *Games, Frm_PutForm_t PutFormMatch, unsigned NumMatches, MYSQL_RES *mysql_res); static void Mch_ListOneOrMoreMatchesHeading (Usr_Can_t ICanEditMatches); static Usr_Can_t Mch_CheckIfICanEditMatches (void); static Usr_Can_t Mch_CheckIfICanEditThisMatch (const struct Mch_Match *Match); static Usr_Can_t Mch_CheckIfICanChangeVisibilityOfResults (const struct Mch_Match *Match); static void Mch_ListOneOrMoreMatchesIcons (struct Gam_Games *Games, const struct Mch_Match *Match, const char *Anchor); static void Mch_ListOneOrMoreMatchesAuthor (const struct Gam_Games *Games, const struct Mch_Match *Match); static void Mch_ListOneOrMoreMatchesTimes (const struct Gam_Games *Games, const struct Mch_Match *Match, unsigned UniqueId); static void Mch_ListOneOrMoreMatchesTitleGrps (const struct Gam_Games *Games, const struct Mch_Match *Match, const char *Anchor); static void Mch_GetAndWriteNamesOfGrpsAssociatedToMatch (const struct Gam_Games *Games, const struct Mch_Match *Match); static void Mch_ListOneOrMoreMatchesNumPlayers (const struct Gam_Games *Games, const struct Mch_Match *Match); static void Mch_ListOneOrMoreMatchesStatus (const struct Gam_Games *Games, struct Mch_Match *Match, unsigned NumQsts); static void Mch_PutParMchCod (void *MchCod); static void Mch_ListOneOrMoreMatchesResult (struct Gam_Games *Games, const struct Mch_Match *Match); static void Mch_ListOneOrMoreMatchesResultStd (struct Gam_Games *Games, const struct Mch_Match *Match); static void Mch_ListOneOrMoreMatchesResultTch (struct Gam_Games *Games, const struct Mch_Match *Match); static void Mch_GetMatchDataFromRow (MYSQL_RES *mysql_res, struct Mch_Match *Match); static void Mch_PutFormMatch (struct Mch_Match *Match); static void Mch_ParsFormMatch (void *Match); static void Mch_ShowLstGrpsToEditMatch (long MchCod); static void Mch_UpdateMatchTitleAndGrps (const struct Mch_Match *Match); static long Mch_CreateMatch (long GamCod,char Title[Mch_MAX_BYTES_TITLE + 1]); static void Mch_CreateIndexes (long GamCod,long MchCod); static void Mch_ReorderAnswer (long MchCod,unsigned QstInd, const struct Qst_Question *Question); static void Mch_CreateGrps (long MchCod); static void Mch_UpdateMatchStatusInDB (const struct Mch_Match *Match); static void Mch_UpdateElapsedTimeInQuestion (const struct Mch_Match *Match); static void Mch_GetElapsedTimeInQuestion (const struct Mch_Match *Match, struct Dat_Time *Time); static void Mch_GetElapsedTimeInMatch (const struct Mch_Match *Match, struct Dat_Time *Time); static void Mch_GetElapsedTime (unsigned NumRows,MYSQL_RES *mysql_res, struct Dat_Time *Time); static void Mch_SetMatchStatusToPrev (struct Mch_Match *Match); static void Mch_SetMatchStatusToPrevQst (struct Mch_Match *Match); static void Mch_SetMatchStatusToStart (struct Mch_Match *Match); static void Mch_SetMatchStatusToNext (struct Mch_Match *Match); static void Mch_SetMatchStatusToNextQst (struct Mch_Match *Match); static void Mch_SetMatchStatusToEnd (struct Mch_Match *Match); static void Mch_ShowMatchStatusForTch (struct Mch_Match *Match); static void Mch_ShowMatchStatusForStd (struct Mch_Match *Match,Mch_Update_t Update); static void Mch_ShowLeftColumnTch (struct Mch_Match *Match); static void Mch_ShowRefreshablePartTch (struct Mch_Match *Match); static void Mch_WriteElapsedTimeInMch (struct Mch_Match *Match); static void Mch_WriteElapsedTimeInQst (struct Mch_Match *Match); static void Mch_WriteNumRespondersQst (struct Mch_Match *Match); static void Mch_PutFormCountdown (struct Mch_Match *Match,long Seconds,const char *Color); static void Mch_PutCountdownAndHourglassIcon (struct Mch_Match *Match); static void Mch_PutFormsCountdown (struct Mch_Match *Match); static void Mch_ShowRightColumnTch (const struct Mch_Match *Match); static void Mch_ShowLeftColumnStd (const struct Mch_Match *Match, const struct Mch_UsrAnswer *UsrAnswer); static void Mch_ShowRightColumnStd (struct Mch_Match *Match, const struct Mch_UsrAnswer *UsrAnswer, Mch_Update_t Update); static void Mch_ShowNumQstInMch (const struct Mch_Match *Match); static void Mch_PutMatchControlButtons (const struct Mch_Match *Match); static void Mch_ShowFormColumns (const struct Mch_Match *Match); static void Mch_PutParNumCols (unsigned NumCols); static void Mch_ShowMatchTitleTch (const struct Mch_Match *Match); static void Mch_ShowMatchTitleStd (const struct Mch_Match *Match); static void Mch_PutCheckboxResult (const struct Mch_Match *Match); static void Mch_PutIfAnswered (const struct Mch_Match *Match,bool Answered); static void Mch_PutIconToRemoveMyAnswer (const struct Mch_Match *Match); static void Mch_ShowQuestionAndAnswersTch (const struct Mch_Match *Match); static void Mch_WriteAnswersMatchResult (const struct Mch_Match *Match, struct Qst_Question *Question, const char *Class,bool ShowResult); static void Mch_WriteChoiceAnsViewMatch (const struct Mch_Match *Match, struct Qst_Question *Question, const char *Class,bool ShowResult); static void Mch_ShowQuestionAndAnswersStd (const struct Mch_Match *Match, const struct Mch_UsrAnswer *UsrAnswer, Mch_Update_t Update); static void Mch_ShowMatchScore (const struct Mch_Match *Match); static void Mch_DrawEmptyScoreRow (unsigned NumRow,double MinScore,double MaxScore); static void Mch_DrawScoreRow (double Score,double MinScore,double MaxScore, unsigned NumRow,unsigned NumUsrs,unsigned MaxUsrs); static const char *Mch_GetClassBorder (unsigned NumRow); static void Mch_PutParNumOpt (unsigned NumOpt); static unsigned Mch_GetParNumOpt (void); static void Mch_PutBigButton (Act_Action_t NextAction,const char *Id, long MchCod,const char *Icon,const char *Txt); static void Mch_PutBigButtonHidden (const char *Icon); // static void Mch_PutBigButtonClose (void); static void Mch_ShowWaitImage (const char *Txt); /*****************************************************************************/ /*************** Set/Get match code of the match being played ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_SetMchCodBeingPlayed (long MchCod) { Mch_MchCodBeingPlayed = MchCod; } long Mch_GetMchCodBeingPlayed (void) { return Mch_MchCodBeingPlayed; } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************************* Reset match *******************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Mch_ResetMatch (struct Mch_Match *Match) { Dat_StartEndTime_t StartEndTime; /***** Initialize to empty match *****/ Match->MchCod = -1L; Match->GamCod = -1L; Match->UsrCod = -1L; for (StartEndTime = (Dat_StartEndTime_t) 0; StartEndTime <= (Dat_StartEndTime_t) (Dat_NUM_START_END_TIME - 1); StartEndTime++) Match->TimeUTC[StartEndTime] = (time_t) 0; Match->Title[0] = '\0'; Match->Status.QstInd = 0; Match->Status.QstCod = -1L; Match->Status.QstStartTimeUTC = (time_t) 0; Match->Status.Showing = Mch_SHOWING_DEFAULT; Match->Status.Countdown = 0; Match->Status.NumCols = 1; Match->Status.ShowQstResults = false; Match->Status.ShowUsrResults = false; Match->Status.Playing = false; Match->Status.NumPlayers = 0; }; /*****************************************************************************/ /************************* List the matches of a game ************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Mch_ListMatches (struct Gam_Games *Games, Frm_PutForm_t PutFormNewMatch) { extern const char *Hlp_ASSESSMENT_Games_matches; extern const char *Txt_Matches; MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; unsigned NumMatches; /***** Get data of matches from database *****/ NumMatches = Mch_DB_GetMatchesInGame (&mysql_res,Games->Game.GamCod); /***** Begin box *****/ Box_BoxBegin (Txt_Matches,Mch_PutIconsInListOfMatches,Games, Hlp_ASSESSMENT_Games_matches,Box_NOT_CLOSABLE); /***** Select whether show only my groups or all groups *****/ if (Gbl.Crs.Grps.NumGrps && Mch_CheckIfICanEditMatches () == Usr_CAN) { Set_BeginSettingsHead (); Grp_ShowFormToSelWhichGrps (ActSeeOneGam,Gam_PutPars,Games); Set_EndSettingsHead (); } /***** Show the table with the matches *****/ Mch_ListOneOrMoreMatches (Games,PutFormNewMatch, NumMatches,mysql_res); /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); /***** End box *****/ Box_BoxEnd (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************** Get match data using its code ************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Mch_GetMatchDataByCod (struct Mch_Match *Match) { MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; /***** Get data of match from database *****/ if (Mch_DB_GetMatchDataByCod (&mysql_res,Match->MchCod)) // Match found... /* Get match data from row */ Mch_GetMatchDataFromRow (mysql_res,Match); else /* Initialize to empty match */ Mch_ResetMatch (Match); /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); } /*****************************************************************************/ /****************** Put icons in list of matches of a game *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_PutIconsInListOfMatches (void *Games) { if (Games) if (Mch_CheckIfICanEditMatches () == Usr_CAN) /***** Put icon to create a new match in current game *****/ Mch_PutIconToCreateNewMatch ((struct Gam_Games *) Games); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* Put icon to create a new match ************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_PutIconToCreateNewMatch (struct Gam_Games *Games) { Ico_PutContextualIconToAdd (ActReqNewMch,Mch_NEW_MATCH_SECTION_ID, Gam_PutPars,Games); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********************** List game matches for edition ***********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_ListOneOrMoreMatches (struct Gam_Games *Games, Frm_PutForm_t PutFormMatch, unsigned NumMatches, MYSQL_RES *mysql_res) { unsigned NumMatch; unsigned UniqueId; struct Mch_Match Match; char *Anchor; Usr_Can_t ICanEditMatches = Mch_CheckIfICanEditMatches (); long MchCodToBeEdited = PutFormMatch == Frm_PUT_FORM && Games->MchCod > 0 ? Games->MchCod : -1L; /***** Reset match *****/ Mch_ResetMatch (&Match); /***** Begin table *****/ HTM_TABLE_Begin ("TBL_SCROLL"); /***** Write the heading *****/ if (NumMatches) Mch_ListOneOrMoreMatchesHeading (ICanEditMatches); /***** Write rows *****/ for (NumMatch = 0, UniqueId = 1, The_ResetRowColor (); NumMatch < NumMatches; NumMatch++, UniqueId++, The_ChangeRowColor ()) { /***** Get match data from row *****/ Mch_GetMatchDataFromRow (mysql_res,&Match); if (Mch_CheckIfICanPlayThisMatchBasedOnGrps (&Match) == Usr_CAN) { /***** Build anchor string *****/ if (asprintf (&Anchor,"mch_%ld",Match.MchCod) < 0) Err_NotEnoughMemoryExit (); /***** First row for this match with match data ****/ HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); /* Icons */ if (ICanEditMatches == Usr_CAN) Mch_ListOneOrMoreMatchesIcons (Games,&Match,Anchor); /* Start/end date/time */ Mch_ListOneOrMoreMatchesTimes (Games,&Match,UniqueId); /* Title and groups */ Mch_ListOneOrMoreMatchesTitleGrps (Games,&Match,Anchor); /* Number of players who have played the match */ Mch_ListOneOrMoreMatchesNumPlayers (Games,&Match); /* Match status */ Mch_ListOneOrMoreMatchesStatus (Games,&Match,Games->Game.NumQsts); /* Match result visible? */ Mch_ListOneOrMoreMatchesResult (Games,&Match); HTM_TR_End (); /***** Second row: match author ****/ HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); Mch_ListOneOrMoreMatchesAuthor (Games,&Match); HTM_TR_End (); /***** Third row for this match used for edition ****/ if (ICanEditMatches == Usr_CAN && PutFormMatch == Frm_PUT_FORM && // Editing... Match.MchCod == MchCodToBeEdited) // ...this match /***** Check if I can edit this match *****/ if (Mch_CheckIfICanEditThisMatch (&Match) == Usr_CAN) { HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); HTM_TD_Begin ("colspan=\"7\" class=\"LT %s\"", The_GetColorRows ()); Mch_PutFormMatch (&Match); // Form to edit this match HTM_TD_End (); HTM_TR_End (); } /***** Free anchor string *****/ free (Anchor); } } /***** Put button to play a new match in this game *****/ if (ICanEditMatches == Usr_CAN && PutFormMatch == Frm_PUT_FORM && MchCodToBeEdited <= 0) { /* Reset match */ Mch_ResetMatch (&Match); Match.GamCod = Games->Game.GamCod; Str_Copy (Match.Title,Games->Game.Title,sizeof (Match.Title) - 1); /* Put form to create new match */ HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); HTM_TD_Begin ("colspan=\"7\" class=\"LT %s\"",The_GetColorRows ()); Mch_PutFormMatch (&Match); // Form to create match HTM_TD_End (); HTM_TR_End (); } /***** End table *****/ HTM_TABLE_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Put a column for match start and end times ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_ListOneOrMoreMatchesHeading (Usr_Can_t ICanEditMatches) { extern const char *Txt_START_END_TIME[Dat_NUM_START_END_TIME]; extern const char *Txt_Match; extern const char *Txt_Players; extern const char *Txt_Status; extern const char *Txt_Results; /***** Begin row *****/ HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); /***** Column for icons *****/ if (ICanEditMatches == Usr_CAN) HTM_TH_Empty (1); /***** The rest of columns *****/ HTM_TH (Txt_START_END_TIME[Gam_ORDER_BY_START_DATE] ,HTM_HEAD_LEFT ); HTM_TH (Txt_START_END_TIME[Gam_ORDER_BY_END_DATE ] ,HTM_HEAD_LEFT ); HTM_TH (Txt_Match ,HTM_HEAD_LEFT ); HTM_TH_Begin (HTM_HEAD_RIGHT); Ico_PutIconOn ("users.svg",Ico_BLUE,Txt_Players); HTM_TH_End (); HTM_TH (Txt_Status ,HTM_HEAD_CENTER); HTM_TH (Txt_Results ,HTM_HEAD_CENTER); /***** End row *****/ HTM_TR_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********************** Check if I can edit matches *************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static Usr_Can_t Mch_CheckIfICanEditMatches (void) { static Usr_Can_t ICanEditMatches[Rol_NUM_ROLES] = { [Rol_NET ] = Usr_CAN, [Rol_TCH ] = Usr_CAN, [Rol_SYS_ADM] = Usr_CAN, }; return ICanEditMatches[Gbl.Usrs.Me.Role.Logged]; } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Check if I can edit (remove/resume) a match ***************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static Usr_Can_t Mch_CheckIfICanEditThisMatch (const struct Mch_Match *Match) { if (Match->MchCod <= 0) return Usr_CAN; switch (Gbl.Usrs.Me.Role.Logged) { case Rol_NET: return (Match->UsrCod == Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod) ? Usr_CAN : // Only if I am the creator Usr_CAN_NOT; case Rol_TCH: case Rol_SYS_ADM: return Usr_CAN; default: return Usr_CAN_NOT; } } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********** Check if visibility of match results can be changed *************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static Usr_Can_t Mch_CheckIfICanChangeVisibilityOfResults (const struct Mch_Match *Match) { if (Match->Status.ShowUsrResults || // Results are currently visible Match->Status.Showing == Mch_END) // Match has finished return Mch_CheckIfICanEditThisMatch (Match); return Usr_CAN_NOT; } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************* Put a column for icons ****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_ListOneOrMoreMatchesIcons (struct Gam_Games *Games, const struct Mch_Match *Match, const char *Anchor) { HTM_TD_Begin ("rowspan=\"2\" class=\"BT %s\"",The_GetColorRows ()); switch (Mch_CheckIfICanEditThisMatch (Match)) { case Usr_CAN: Games->MchCod = Match->MchCod; /***** Put icon to remove the match *****/ Ico_PutContextualIconToRemove (ActReqRemMch,NULL,Mch_PutParsEdit,Games); /***** Put icon to edit the match *****/ Ico_PutContextualIconToEdit (ActReqChgMch,Anchor,Mch_PutParsEdit,Games); break; case Usr_CAN_NOT: default: Ico_PutIconRemovalNotAllowed (); break; } HTM_TD_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************* Put a column for teacher who created the match ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_ListOneOrMoreMatchesAuthor (const struct Gam_Games *Games, const struct Mch_Match *Match) { /***** Match author (teacher) *****/ HTM_TD_Begin ("colspan=\"2\" class=\"LT %s\"",The_GetColorRows ()); Usr_WriteAuthor1Line (Match->UsrCod,Games->Game.HiddenOrVisible); HTM_TD_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Put a column for match start and end times ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_ListOneOrMoreMatchesTimes (const struct Gam_Games *Games, const struct Mch_Match *Match, unsigned UniqueId) { extern const char *Dat_TimeStatusClass[Dat_NUM_TIME_STATUS][HidVis_NUM_HIDDEN_VISIBLE]; Dat_StartEndTime_t StartEndTime; char *Id; static Dat_TimeStatus_t TimeStatus[Mch_NUM_SHOWING] = { [Mch_START ] = Dat_FUTURE, // Start: don't show anything [Mch_STEM ] = Dat_PRESENT, // Showing only the question stem [Mch_ANSWERS] = Dat_PRESENT, // Showing the question stem and the answers [Mch_RESULTS] = Dat_PRESENT, // Showing the results [Mch_END ] = Dat_PAST, // End: don't show anything }; for (StartEndTime = (Dat_StartEndTime_t) 0; StartEndTime <= (Dat_StartEndTime_t) (Dat_NUM_START_END_TIME - 1); StartEndTime++) { if (asprintf (&Id,"mch_time_%u_%u",(unsigned) StartEndTime,UniqueId) < 0) Err_NotEnoughMemoryExit (); HTM_TD_Begin ("id=\"%s\" class=\"LT %s_%s %s\"", Id, Dat_TimeStatusClass[TimeStatus[Match->Status.Showing]][Games->Game.HiddenOrVisible], The_GetSuffix (),The_GetColorRows ()); Dat_WriteLocalDateHMSFromUTC (Id,Match->TimeUTC[StartEndTime], Gbl.Prefs.DateFormat,Dat_SEPARATOR_BREAK, Dat_WRITE_TODAY | Dat_WRITE_DATE_ON_SAME_DAY | Dat_WRITE_WEEK_DAY | Dat_WRITE_HOUR | Dat_WRITE_MINUTE | Dat_WRITE_SECOND); HTM_TD_End (); free (Id); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Put a column for match title and grous ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_ListOneOrMoreMatchesTitleGrps (const struct Gam_Games *Games, const struct Mch_Match *Match, const char *Anchor) { extern const char *HidVis_TitleClass[HidVis_NUM_HIDDEN_VISIBLE]; extern const char *Txt_Play; extern const char *Txt_Resume; HTM_TD_Begin ("rowspan=\"2\" class=\"LT %s\"",The_GetColorRows ()); HTM_ARTICLE_Begin (Anchor); /***** Match title *****/ Frm_BeginForm (Gbl.Usrs.Me.Role.Logged == Rol_STD ? ActJoiMch : ActResMch); ParCod_PutPar (ParCod_Mch,Match->MchCod); HTM_BUTTON_Submit_Begin (Gbl.Usrs.Me.Role.Logged == Rol_STD ? Txt_Play : Txt_Resume, "class=\"LT BT_LINK %s_%s\"", HidVis_TitleClass[Games->Game.HiddenOrVisible], The_GetSuffix ()); HTM_Txt (Match->Title); HTM_BUTTON_End (); Frm_EndForm (); /***** Groups whose students can answer this match *****/ if (Gbl.Crs.Grps.NumGrps) Mch_GetAndWriteNamesOfGrpsAssociatedToMatch (Games,Match); HTM_ARTICLE_End (); HTM_TD_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************* Get and write the names of the groups of a match **************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_GetAndWriteNamesOfGrpsAssociatedToMatch (const struct Gam_Games *Games, const struct Mch_Match *Match) { extern const char *HidVis_GroupClass[HidVis_NUM_HIDDEN_VISIBLE]; extern const char *Txt_Group; extern const char *Txt_Groups; extern const char *Txt_and; MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned NumGrps; unsigned NumGrp; /***** Get groups associated to a match from database *****/ NumGrps = Mch_DB_GetGrpNamesAssociatedToMatch (&mysql_res,Match->MchCod); HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"%s_%s\"", HidVis_GroupClass[Games->Game.HiddenOrVisible], The_GetSuffix ()); /***** Write heading *****/ HTM_TxtColonNBSP (NumGrps == 1 ? Txt_Group : Txt_Groups); /***** Write groups *****/ if (NumGrps) // Groups found... { /* Get and write the group types and names */ for (NumGrp = 0; NumGrp < NumGrps; NumGrp++) { /* Get next group */ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); /* Write group type name and group name */ HTM_TxtF ("%s %s",row[0],row[1]); if (NumGrps >= 2) { if (NumGrp == NumGrps - 2) HTM_TxtF (" %s ",Txt_and); if (NumGrps >= 3) if (NumGrp < NumGrps - 2) HTM_Txt (", "); } } } else Grp_WriteTheWholeCourse (); HTM_DIV_End (); /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************* Put a column for number of players **********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_ListOneOrMoreMatchesNumPlayers (const struct Gam_Games *Games, const struct Mch_Match *Match) { extern const char *HidVis_DataClass[HidVis_NUM_HIDDEN_VISIBLE]; /***** Number of players who have answered any question in the match ******/ HTM_TD_Begin ("rowspan=\"2\" class=\"RT %s_%s %s\"", HidVis_DataClass[Games->Game.HiddenOrVisible],The_GetSuffix (), The_GetColorRows ()); HTM_Unsigned (Mch_DB_GetNumUsrsWhoHavePlayedMch (Match->MchCod)); HTM_TD_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************** Put a column for match status ************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_ListOneOrMoreMatchesStatus (const struct Gam_Games *Games, struct Mch_Match *Match, unsigned NumQsts) { extern const char *HidVis_DataClass[HidVis_NUM_HIDDEN_VISIBLE]; HTM_TD_Begin ("rowspan=\"2\" class=\"CT DAT_%s %s\"", The_GetSuffix (),The_GetColorRows ()); if (Match->Status.Showing != Mch_END) // Match not over { /* Current question index / total of questions */ HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"%s_%s\"", HidVis_DataClass[Games->Game.HiddenOrVisible], The_GetSuffix ()); HTM_TxtF ("%u/%u",Match->Status.QstInd,NumQsts); HTM_DIV_End (); } /* Icon to join match or resume match */ Lay_PutContextualLinkOnlyIcon (Gbl.Usrs.Me.Role.Logged == Rol_STD ? ActJoiMch : ActResMch, NULL, Mch_PutParMchCod,&Match->MchCod, Match->Status.Showing == Mch_END ? "flag-checkered.svg" : "play.svg",Ico_BLACK); HTM_TD_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************** Write parameter with code of match *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_PutParMchCod (void *MchCod) { if (MchCod) ParCod_PutPar (ParCod_Mch,*((long *) MchCod)); } /*****************************************************************************/ /**************** Put a column for visibility of match result ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_ListOneOrMoreMatchesResult (struct Gam_Games *Games, const struct Mch_Match *Match) { static void (*Function[Rol_NUM_ROLES]) (struct Gam_Games *Games, const struct Mch_Match *Match) = { [Rol_STD ] = Mch_ListOneOrMoreMatchesResultStd, [Rol_NET ] = Mch_ListOneOrMoreMatchesResultTch, [Rol_TCH ] = Mch_ListOneOrMoreMatchesResultTch, [Rol_SYS_ADM] = Mch_ListOneOrMoreMatchesResultTch, }; HTM_TD_Begin ("rowspan=\"2\" class=\"CT %s\"",The_GetColorRows ()); if (Function[Gbl.Usrs.Me.Role.Logged]) Function[Gbl.Usrs.Me.Role.Logged] (Games,Match); else Err_WrongRoleExit (); HTM_TD_End (); } static void Mch_ListOneOrMoreMatchesResultStd (struct Gam_Games *Games, const struct Mch_Match *Match) { Games->MchCod = Match->MchCod; /***** Is match result visible or hidden? *****/ if (Match->Status.ShowUsrResults) /* Result is visible by me */ Lay_PutContextualLinkOnlyIcon (ActSeeMyMchResMch,MchRes_RESULTS_BOX_ID, Mch_PutParsEdit,Games, "trophy.svg",Ico_BLACK); else /* Result is forbidden to me */ Ico_PutIconNotVisible (); } static void Mch_ListOneOrMoreMatchesResultTch (struct Gam_Games *Games, const struct Mch_Match *Match) { extern const char *Txt_Visible_results; extern const char *Txt_Hidden_results; Games->MchCod = Match->MchCod; /***** Show match results *****/ if (Mch_CheckIfICanEditThisMatch (Match) == Usr_CAN) Lay_PutContextualLinkOnlyIcon (ActSeeUsrMchResMch,MchRes_RESULTS_BOX_ID, Mch_PutParsEdit,Games, "trophy.svg",Ico_BLACK); /***** Check if visibility of session results can be changed *****/ switch (Mch_CheckIfICanChangeVisibilityOfResults (Match)) { case Usr_CAN: /* I can edit visibility */ if (Match->Status.ShowUsrResults) Lay_PutContextualLinkOnlyIcon (ActChgVisResMchUsr,NULL, Mch_PutParsEdit,Games, "eye.svg",Ico_GREEN); else Lay_PutContextualLinkOnlyIcon (ActChgVisResMchUsr,NULL, Mch_PutParsEdit,Games, "eye-slash.svg",Ico_RED); break; case Usr_CAN_NOT: default: /* I can not edit visibility */ if (Match->Status.ShowUsrResults) Ico_PutIconOff ("eye.svg" ,Ico_GREEN,Txt_Visible_results); else Ico_PutIconOff ("eye-slash.svg",Ico_RED ,Txt_Hidden_results ); break; } } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************** Toggle visibility of match results *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Mch_ToggleVisResultsMchUsr (void) { struct Gam_Games Games; struct Mch_Match Match; /***** Reset games context *****/ Gam_ResetGames (&Games); Gam_ResetGame (&Games.Game); Mch_ResetMatch (&Match); /***** Get and check parameters *****/ Mch_GetAndCheckPars (&Games,&Match); /***** Check if visibility of match results can be changed *****/ if (Mch_CheckIfICanChangeVisibilityOfResults (&Match) == Usr_CAN_NOT) Err_NoPermissionExit (); /***** Toggle visibility of match results *****/ Match.Status.ShowUsrResults = !Match.Status.ShowUsrResults; Mch_DB_UpdateVisResultsMchUsr (Match.MchCod,Match.Status.ShowUsrResults); /***** Show current game *****/ Gam_ShowOnlyOneGame (&Games, false, // Do not list game questions Frm_DONT_PUT_FORM); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************** Get game data from a database row **********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_GetMatchDataFromRow (MYSQL_RES *mysql_res, struct Mch_Match *Match) { MYSQL_ROW row; Dat_StartEndTime_t StartEndTime; long LongNum; /***** Get next row from result *****/ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); /* row[ 0] MchCod row[ 1] GamCod row[ 2] UsrCod row[ 3] UNIX_TIMESTAMP(StartTime) row[ 4] UNIX_TIMESTAMP(EndTime) row[ 5] Title */ /***** Get match data *****/ /* Code of the match (row[0]) */ if ((Match->MchCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[0])) <= 0) Err_WrongMatchExit (); /* Code of the game (row[1]) */ if ((Match->GamCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[1])) <= 0) Err_WrongGameExit (); /* Get match teacher (row[2]) */ Match->UsrCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[2]); /* Get start/end times (row[3], row[4] hold start/end UTC times) */ for (StartEndTime = (Dat_StartEndTime_t) 0; StartEndTime <= (Dat_StartEndTime_t) (Dat_NUM_START_END_TIME - 1); StartEndTime++) Match->TimeUTC[StartEndTime] = Dat_GetUNIXTimeFromStr (row[3 + StartEndTime]); /* Get the title of the match (row[5]) */ if (row[5]) Str_Copy (Match->Title,row[5],sizeof (Match->Title) - 1); else Match->Title[0] = '\0'; /***** Get current match status *****/ /* row[ 6] QstInd row[ 7] QstCod row[ 8] Showing row[ 9] Countdown row[10] NumCols row[11] ShowQstResults row[12] ShowUsrResults */ /* Current question index (row[6]) */ Match->Status.QstInd = Str_ConvertStrToUnsigned (row[6]); /* Current question code (row[7]) */ Match->Status.QstCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[7]); /* Get what to show (stem, answers, results) (row(8)) */ Match->Status.Showing = Mch_DB_GetShowingFromStr (row[8]); /* Get countdown (row[9]) */ Match->Status.Countdown = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[9]); /* Get number of columns (row[10]) */ LongNum = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[10]); Match->Status.NumCols = (LongNum <= 1 ) ? 1 : ((LongNum >= Mch_MAX_COLS) ? Mch_MAX_COLS : (unsigned) LongNum); /* Get whether to show question results or not (row(11)) */ Match->Status.ShowQstResults = (row[11][0] == 'Y'); /* Get whether to show user results or not (row(12)) */ Match->Status.ShowUsrResults = (row[12][0] == 'Y'); /***** Get whether the match is being played or not *****/ if (Match->Status.Showing == Mch_END) // Match over Match->Status.Playing = false; else // Match not over Match->Status.Playing = Mch_DB_CheckIfMatchIsBeingPlayed (Match->MchCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************** Request the removal of a match (game instance) ***************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Mch_ReqRemMatch (void) { extern const char *Txt_Do_you_really_want_to_remove_the_match_X; struct Gam_Games Games; struct Mch_Match Match; /***** Reset games context *****/ Gam_ResetGames (&Games); Gam_ResetGame (&Games.Game); Mch_ResetMatch (&Match); /***** Get and check parameters *****/ Mch_GetAndCheckPars (&Games,&Match); /***** Show question and button to remove question *****/ Ale_ShowAlertRemove (ActRemMch,NULL, Mch_PutParsEdit,&Games, Txt_Do_you_really_want_to_remove_the_match_X, Match.Title); /***** Show current game *****/ Gam_ShowOnlyOneGame (&Games, false, // Do not list game questions Frm_DONT_PUT_FORM); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************** Remove a match (game instance) ***********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Mch_RemoveMatch (void) { extern const char *Txt_Match_X_removed; struct Gam_Games Games; struct Mch_Match Match; /***** Reset games context *****/ Gam_ResetGames (&Games); Gam_ResetGame (&Games.Game); Mch_ResetMatch (&Match); /***** Get and check parameters *****/ Mch_GetAndCheckPars (&Games,&Match); /***** Check if I can remove this match *****/ if (Mch_CheckIfICanEditThisMatch (&Match) == Usr_CAN_NOT) Err_NoPermissionExit (); /***** Remove the match from all database tables *****/ Mch_DB_RemoveMatchFromAllTables (Match.MchCod); /***** Write message *****/ Ale_ShowAlert (Ale_SUCCESS,Txt_Match_X_removed, Match.Title); /***** Show current game *****/ Gam_ShowOnlyOneGame (&Games, false, // Do not list game questions Frm_DONT_PUT_FORM); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************** Remove match in game from all tables *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Mch_RemoveMatchesInGameFromAllTables (long GamCod) { /***** Remove matches from secondary tables *****/ Mch_DB_RemoveMatchesInGameFromOtherTable (GamCod,"mch_players"); Mch_DB_RemoveMatchesInGameFromOtherTable (GamCod,"mch_playing"); Mch_DB_RemoveMatchesInGameFromOtherTable (GamCod,"mch_results"); Mch_DB_RemoveMatchesInGameFromOtherTable (GamCod,"mch_answers"); Mch_DB_RemoveMatchesInGameFromOtherTable (GamCod,"mch_times"); Mch_DB_RemoveMatchesInGameFromOtherTable (GamCod,"mch_groups"); Mch_DB_RemoveMatchesInGameFromOtherTable (GamCod,"mch_indexes"); /***** Remove matches in game from main table *****/ Mch_DB_RemoveMatchesInGameFromMainTable (GamCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************* Remove match in course from all tables ******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Mch_RemoveMatchesInCourseFromAllTables (long CrsCod) { /***** Remove matches from secondary tables *****/ Mch_DB_RemoveMatchesInCrsFromOtherTable (CrsCod,"mch_players"); Mch_DB_RemoveMatchesInCrsFromOtherTable (CrsCod,"mch_playing"); Mch_DB_RemoveMatchesInCrsFromOtherTable (CrsCod,"mch_results"); Mch_DB_RemoveMatchesInCrsFromOtherTable (CrsCod,"mch_answers"); Mch_DB_RemoveMatchesInCrsFromOtherTable (CrsCod,"mch_times"); Mch_DB_RemoveMatchesInCrsFromOtherTable (CrsCod,"mch_groups"); Mch_DB_RemoveMatchesInCrsFromOtherTable (CrsCod,"mch_indexes"); /***** Remove matches in course from main table *****/ Mch_DB_RemoveMatchesInCrsFromMainTable (CrsCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*************** Remove matches made by user in all courses ******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Mch_RemoveMatchesMadeByUsrInAllCrss (long UsrCod) { /***** Remove student from secondary tables *****/ Mch_DB_RemoveMatchesMadeByUsrFromTable (UsrCod,"mch_players"); Mch_DB_RemoveMatchesMadeByUsrFromTable (UsrCod,"mch_results"); Mch_DB_RemoveMatchesMadeByUsrFromTable (UsrCod,"mch_answers"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Remove matches made by user in a course *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Mch_RemoveMatchesMadeByUsrInCrs (long UsrCod,long CrsCod) { /***** Remove student from secondary tables *****/ Mch_DB_RemoveMatchesMadeByUsrInCrsFromTable (UsrCod,CrsCod,"mch_players"); Mch_DB_RemoveMatchesMadeByUsrInCrsFromTable (UsrCod,CrsCod,"mch_results"); Mch_DB_RemoveMatchesMadeByUsrInCrsFromTable (UsrCod,CrsCod,"mch_answers"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /**************** Request the creation or edition of a match *****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Mch_ReqCreatOrEditMatch (void) { struct Gam_Games Games; struct Mch_Match Match; /***** Reset games context *****/ Gam_ResetGames (&Games); Gam_ResetGame (&Games.Game); Mch_ResetMatch (&Match); /***** Get and check parameters *****/ Mch_GetAndCheckPars (&Games,&Match); /***** Check if I can edit this match *****/ if (Mch_CheckIfICanEditThisMatch (&Match) == Usr_CAN_NOT) Err_NoPermissionExit (); /***** Show game *****/ Gam_ShowOnlyOneGame (&Games, false, // Do not list game questions Frm_PUT_FORM); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********************** Params used to edit a match *************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Mch_PutParsEdit (void *Games) { if (Games) { Gam_PutPars (Games); ParCod_PutPar (ParCod_Mch,((struct Gam_Games *) Games)->MchCod); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************** Get and check parameters *************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Mch_GetAndCheckPars (struct Gam_Games *Games, struct Mch_Match *Match) { /***** Get parameters *****/ /* Get parameters of game */ if ((Games->Game.GamCod = Gam_GetPars (Games)) <= 0) Err_WrongGameExit (); Grp_GetParWhichGroups (); Gam_GetGameDataByCod (&Games->Game); if (Games->Game.CrsCod != Gbl.Hierarchy.Node[Hie_CRS].HieCod) Err_WrongGameExit (); /* Get match code */ if ((Match->MchCod = ParCod_GetPar (ParCod_Mch)) > 0) { Mch_GetMatchDataByCod (Match); if (Games->Game.GamCod != Match->GamCod) Err_WrongGameExit (); } else Mch_ResetMatch (Match); /***** Initialize context *****/ Games->MchCod = Match->MchCod; } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************* Put a form to change and existing match *****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_PutFormMatch (struct Mch_Match *Match) { extern const char *Hlp_ASSESSMENT_Games_matches; extern const char *Txt_Title; bool ItsANewMatch = (Match->MchCod <= 0); /***** Begin section for match *****/ HTM_SECTION_Begin (Mch_NEW_MATCH_SECTION_ID); /***** Begin form to create/edit *****/ Frm_BeginFormTable (ItsANewMatch ? ActNewMch : ActChgMch, Mch_NEW_MATCH_SECTION_ID, Mch_ParsFormMatch,Match,"TBL_WIDE"); /***** Match title *****/ HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); /* Label */ Frm_LabelColumn ("Frm_C1 RT","Title",Txt_Title); /* Data */ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"Frm_C2 LT\""); HTM_INPUT_TEXT ("Title",Mch_MAX_CHARS_TITLE,Match->Title, HTM_REQUIRED, "id=\"Title\" class=\"Frm_C2_INPUT INPUT_%s\"", The_GetSuffix ()); HTM_TD_End (); HTM_TR_End (); /***** Groups *****/ Mch_ShowLstGrpsToEditMatch (Match->MchCod); /***** End form to create *****/ Frm_EndFormTable (ItsANewMatch ? Btn_CREATE_BUTTON : Btn_CONFIRM_BUTTON); /***** End section for exam session *****/ HTM_SECTION_End (); } static void Mch_ParsFormMatch (void *Match) { ParCod_PutPar (ParCod_Gam,((struct Mch_Match *) Match)->GamCod); ParCod_PutPar (ParCod_Mch,((struct Mch_Match *) Match)->MchCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Show list of groups to create a new match *****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_ShowLstGrpsToEditMatch (long MchCod) { extern const char *Txt_Groups; unsigned NumGrpTyp; /***** Get list of groups types and groups in this course *****/ Grp_GetListGrpTypesAndGrpsInThisCrs (Grp_ONLY_GROUP_TYPES_WITH_GROUPS); if (Gbl.Crs.Grps.GrpTypes.NumGrpTypes) { HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); /* Label */ Frm_LabelColumn ("Frm_C1 RT","",Txt_Groups); /* Groups */ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"Frm_C2 LT\""); HTM_TABLE_Begin (NULL); /***** First row: checkbox to select the whole course *****/ HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); HTM_TD_Begin ("colspan=\"7\" class=\"LM DAT_%s\"",The_GetSuffix ()); HTM_LABEL_Begin (NULL); HTM_INPUT_CHECKBOX ("WholeCrs", Grp_DB_CheckIfAssociatedToGrps ("mch_groups", "MchCod", MchCod) ? HTM_NO_ATTR : HTM_CHECKED, "id=\"WholeCrs\" value=\"Y\"" " onclick=\"uncheckChildren(this,'GrpCods')\""); Grp_WriteTheWholeCourse (); HTM_LABEL_End (); HTM_TD_End (); HTM_TR_End (); /***** List the groups for each group type *****/ for (NumGrpTyp = 0; NumGrpTyp < Gbl.Crs.Grps.GrpTypes.NumGrpTypes; NumGrpTyp++) if (Gbl.Crs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumGrpTyp].NumGrps) Grp_ListGrpsToEditAsgAttSvyEvtMch (&Gbl.Crs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumGrpTyp], Grp_MATCH,MchCod); HTM_TABLE_End (); HTM_TD_End (); HTM_TR_End (); } /***** Free list of groups types and groups in this course *****/ Grp_FreeListGrpTypesAndGrps (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* Create a new match (by a teacher) *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Mch_CreateNewMatch (void) { long GamCod; char Title[Mch_MAX_BYTES_TITLE + 1]; /***** Get form parameters *****/ /* Get match code */ GamCod = ParCod_GetAndCheckPar (ParCod_Gam); /* Get match title */ Par_GetParText ("Title",Title,Mch_MAX_BYTES_TITLE); /* Get groups for this match */ Grp_GetParCodsSeveralGrps (); /***** Create a new match *****/ Mch_SetMchCodBeingPlayed (Mch_CreateMatch (GamCod,Title)); /***** Free memory for list of selected groups *****/ Grp_FreeListCodSelectedGrps (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************ Change a match (by a teacher) **********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Mch_ChangeMatch (void) { struct Gam_Games Games; struct Mch_Match Match; /***** Reset games context *****/ Gam_ResetGames (&Games); Gam_ResetGame (&Games.Game); Mch_ResetMatch (&Match); /***** Get and check parameters *****/ Mch_GetAndCheckPars (&Games,&Match); /***** Check if I can update this match *****/ if (Mch_CheckIfICanEditThisMatch (&Match) == Usr_CAN_NOT) Err_NoPermissionExit (); /***** Get match title and groups *****/ /* Get match title */ Par_GetParText ("Title",Match.Title,Mch_MAX_BYTES_TITLE); /* Get groups for this match */ Grp_GetParCodsSeveralGrps (); /***** Update match *****/ Mch_UpdateMatchTitleAndGrps (&Match); /***** Free memory for list of selected groups *****/ Grp_FreeListCodSelectedGrps (); /***** Show current game *****/ Gam_ShowOnlyOneGame (&Games, false, // Do not list game questions Frm_DONT_PUT_FORM); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*************** Update title and groups of an existing match ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_UpdateMatchTitleAndGrps (const struct Mch_Match *Match) { /***** Update match title into database *****/ Mch_DB_UpdateMatchTitle (Match->MchCod,Match->Title); /***** Update groups associated to the match *****/ Mch_DB_RemoveMatchFromTable (Match->MchCod,"mch_groups"); // Remove all groups associated to this match if (Gbl.Crs.Grps.LstGrpsSel.NumGrps) Mch_CreateGrps (Match->MchCod); // Associate selected groups } /*****************************************************************************/ /******* Show button to actually start / resume a match (by a teacher) *******/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Mch_ResumeMatch (void) { struct Mch_Match Match; /***** Reset match *****/ Mch_ResetMatch (&Match); /***** Remove old players. This function must be called by a teacher before getting match status. *****/ Mch_DB_RemoveOldPlaying (); /***** Get data of the match from database *****/ Match.MchCod = Mch_GetMchCodBeingPlayed (); Mch_GetMatchDataByCod (&Match); /***** Check if I have permission to resume match *****/ if (Mch_CheckIfICanEditThisMatch (&Match) == Usr_CAN_NOT) Err_NoPermissionExit (); /***** Update match status in database *****/ Mch_UpdateMatchStatusInDB (&Match); /***** Show current match status *****/ HTM_DIV_Begin ("id=\"match\" class=\"MCH_CONT\""); Mch_ShowMatchStatusForTch (&Match); HTM_DIV_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************** Create a new match in a game *************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static long Mch_CreateMatch (long GamCod,char Title[Mch_MAX_BYTES_TITLE + 1]) { long MchCod; /***** Insert this new match into database *****/ MchCod = Mch_DB_CreateMatch (GamCod,Title); /***** Create indexes for answers *****/ Mch_CreateIndexes (GamCod,MchCod); /***** Create groups associated to the match *****/ if (Gbl.Crs.Grps.LstGrpsSel.NumGrps) Mch_CreateGrps (MchCod); return MchCod; } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********************** Create indexes for a match **************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /* Everytime a new match is created, the answers of each shufflable question are shuffled. The shuffling is stored in a table of indexes that will be read when showing a match */ static void Mch_CreateIndexes (long GamCod,long MchCod) { MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned NumQsts; unsigned NumQst; struct Qst_Question Question; unsigned QstInd; /***** Get questions of the game *****/ NumQsts = Gam_DB_GetGameQuestionsFull (&mysql_res,GamCod); /***** For each question in game... *****/ for (NumQst = 0; NumQst < NumQsts; NumQst++) { /***** Create test question *****/ Qst_QstConstructor (&Question); /***** Get question data *****/ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); /* gam_questions.QstCod row[0] gam_questions.QstInd row[1] tst_questions.AnsType row[2] tst_questions.Shuffle row[3] */ /* Get question code (row[0]) */ if ((Question.QstCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[0])) <= 0) Err_WrongQuestionExit (); /* Get question index (row[1]) */ QstInd = Str_ConvertStrToUnsigned (row[1]); /* Get answer type (row[2]) */ Question.Answer.Type = Qst_ConvertFromStrAnsTypDBToAnsTyp (row[2]); if (Question.Answer.Type != Qst_ANS_UNIQUE_CHOICE) Err_WrongAnswerExit (); /* Get shuffle (row[3]) */ Question.Answer.Shuffle = (row[3][0] == 'Y'); /***** Reorder answer *****/ Mch_ReorderAnswer (MchCod,QstInd,&Question); /***** Destroy test question *****/ Qst_QstDestructor (&Question); } /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************* Reorder answers of a match question *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_ReorderAnswer (long MchCod,unsigned QstInd, const struct Qst_Question *Question) { MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned NumAnss; unsigned NumAns; unsigned AnsInd; char StrOneAnswer[Cns_MAX_DIGITS_UINT + 1]; char StrAnswersOneQst[Qst_MAX_BYTES_ANSWERS_ONE_QST + 1]; /***** Initialize list of answers to empty string *****/ StrAnswersOneQst[0] = '\0'; /***** Get suffled/not-shuffled answers indexes of question *****/ NumAnss = Qst_DB_GetShuffledAnswersIndexes (&mysql_res,Question); /***** For each answer in question... *****/ for (NumAns = 0; NumAns < NumAnss; NumAns++) { row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); /* Get answer index (row[0]) */ AnsInd = Str_ConvertStrToUnsigned (row[0]); snprintf (StrOneAnswer,sizeof (StrOneAnswer),"%u",AnsInd); /* Concatenate answer index to list of answers */ if (NumAns) Str_Concat (StrAnswersOneQst,",",sizeof (StrAnswersOneQst) - 1); Str_Concat (StrAnswersOneQst,StrOneAnswer,sizeof (StrAnswersOneQst) - 1); } /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); /***** Create entry for this question in table of match indexes *****/ Mch_DB_CreateQstIndexes (MchCod,QstInd,StrAnswersOneQst); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Get indexes for a question from database ******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Mch_GetIndexes (long MchCod,unsigned QstInd, unsigned Indexes[Qst_MAX_OPTIONS_PER_QUESTION]) { char StrIndexesOneQst[Qst_MAX_BYTES_INDEXES_ONE_QST + 1]; /***** Get indexes for a question from database *****/ Mch_DB_GetIndexes (MchCod,QstInd,StrIndexesOneQst); if (!StrIndexesOneQst[0]) Err_WrongAnswerIndexExit (); /***** Get indexes from string *****/ TstPrn_GetIndexesFromStr (StrIndexesOneQst,Indexes); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************* Create groups associated to a match *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_CreateGrps (long MchCod) { unsigned NumGrpSel; for (NumGrpSel = 0; NumGrpSel < Gbl.Crs.Grps.LstGrpsSel.NumGrps; NumGrpSel++) Mch_DB_AssociateGroupToMatch (MchCod, Gbl.Crs.Grps.LstGrpsSel.GrpCods[NumGrpSel]); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Insert/update a game match being played *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_UpdateMatchStatusInDB (const struct Mch_Match *Match) { /***** Update match status in database *****/ Mch_DB_UpdateMatchStatus (Match); /***** Update match as being/not-being played */ if (Match->Status.Playing) // Match is being played /* Update match as being played */ Mch_DB_UpdateMatchAsBeingPlayed (Match->MchCod); else // Match is paused, not being played /* Update match as not being played */ Mch_DB_RemoveMatchFromBeingPlayed (Match->MchCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********** Update elapsed time in current question (by a teacher) ***********/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_UpdateElapsedTimeInQuestion (const struct Mch_Match *Match) { /***** Update elapsed time in current question in database *****/ if (Match->Status.Playing && // Match is being played Match->Status.Showing != Mch_START && Match->Status.Showing != Mch_END) Mch_DB_UpdateElapsedTimeInQuestion (Match->MchCod,Match->Status.QstInd); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************* Get elapsed time in a match question ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_GetElapsedTimeInQuestion (const struct Mch_Match *Match, struct Dat_Time *Time) { MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; unsigned NumRows; /***** Query database *****/ NumRows = Mch_DB_GetElapsedTimeInQuestion (&mysql_res, Match->MchCod, Match->Status.QstInd); /***** Get elapsed time from query result *****/ Mch_GetElapsedTime (NumRows,mysql_res,Time); /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********************** Get elapsed time in a match *************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_GetElapsedTimeInMatch (const struct Mch_Match *Match, struct Dat_Time *Time) { MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; unsigned NumRows; /***** Query database *****/ NumRows = Mch_DB_GetElapsedTimeInMatch (&mysql_res,Match->MchCod); /***** Get elapsed time from query result *****/ Mch_GetElapsedTime (NumRows,mysql_res,Time); /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********************** Get elapsed time in a match *************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_GetElapsedTime (unsigned NumRows,MYSQL_RES *mysql_res, struct Dat_Time *Time) { MYSQL_ROW row; bool ElapsedTimeGotFromDB = false; /***** Get time from H...H:MM:SS string *****/ if (NumRows) { row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); if (row[0]) /* Get the elapsed time (row[0]) */ if (sscanf (row[0],"%u:%02u:%02u", &Time->Hour, &Time->Minute, &Time->Second) == 3) ElapsedTimeGotFromDB = true; } /***** Initialize time to default value (0) *****/ if (!ElapsedTimeGotFromDB) Time->Hour = Time->Minute = Time->Second = 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************** Play/pause match (by a teacher) **********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Mch_PlayPauseMatch (void) { struct Mch_Match Match; /***** Reset match *****/ Mch_ResetMatch (&Match); /***** Remove old players. This function must be called by a teacher before getting match status. *****/ Mch_DB_RemoveOldPlaying (); /***** Get data of the match from database *****/ Match.MchCod = Mch_GetMchCodBeingPlayed (); Mch_GetMatchDataByCod (&Match); /***** Update status *****/ if (Match.Status.Playing) // Match is being played ==> pause it Match.Status.Playing = false; // Pause match else // Match is paused, not being played ==> play it /* If not over, update status */ if (Match.Status.Showing != Mch_END) // Match not over Match.Status.Playing = true; // Start/resume match /***** Update match status in database *****/ Mch_UpdateMatchStatusInDB (&Match); /***** Show current match status *****/ HTM_DIV_Begin ("id=\"match\" class=\"MCH_CONT\""); Mch_ShowMatchStatusForTch (&Match); HTM_DIV_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******* Change number of columns in answers of a match (by a teacher) *******/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Mch_ChangeNumColsMch (void) { struct Mch_Match Match; /***** Reset match *****/ Mch_ResetMatch (&Match); /***** Remove old players. This function must be called by a teacher before getting match status. *****/ Mch_DB_RemoveOldPlaying (); /***** Get data of the match from database *****/ Match.MchCod = Mch_GetMchCodBeingPlayed (); Mch_GetMatchDataByCod (&Match); /***** Get number of columns *****/ Match.Status.NumCols = (unsigned) Par_GetParUnsignedLong ("NumCols", 1, Mch_MAX_COLS, Mch_NUM_COLS_DEFAULT); /***** Update match status in database *****/ Mch_UpdateMatchStatusInDB (&Match); /***** Show current match status *****/ HTM_DIV_Begin ("id=\"match\" class=\"MCH_CONT\""); Mch_ShowMatchStatusForTch (&Match); HTM_DIV_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********* Toggle the display of results in a match (by a teacher) ***********/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Mch_ToggleVisResultsMchQst (void) { struct Mch_Match Match; /***** Reset match *****/ Mch_ResetMatch (&Match); /***** Remove old players. This function must be called by a teacher before getting match status. *****/ Mch_DB_RemoveOldPlaying (); /***** Get data of the match from database *****/ Match.MchCod = Mch_GetMchCodBeingPlayed (); Mch_GetMatchDataByCod (&Match); /***** Update status *****/ Match.Status.ShowQstResults = !Match.Status.ShowQstResults; // Toggle display if (Match.Status.Showing == Mch_RESULTS && !Match.Status.ShowQstResults) Match.Status.Showing = Mch_ANSWERS; // Hide results /***** Update match status in database *****/ Mch_UpdateMatchStatusInDB (&Match); /***** Show current match status *****/ HTM_DIV_Begin ("id=\"match\" class=\"MCH_CONT\""); Mch_ShowMatchStatusForTch (&Match); HTM_DIV_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************* Show previous question in a match (by a teacher) **************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Mch_BackMatch (void) { struct Mch_Match Match; /***** Reset match *****/ Mch_ResetMatch (&Match); /***** Remove old players. This function must be called by a teacher before getting match status. *****/ Mch_DB_RemoveOldPlaying (); /***** Get data of the match from database *****/ Match.MchCod = Mch_GetMchCodBeingPlayed (); Mch_GetMatchDataByCod (&Match); /***** Update status *****/ Mch_SetMatchStatusToPrev (&Match); /***** Update match status in database *****/ Mch_UpdateMatchStatusInDB (&Match); /***** Show current match status *****/ HTM_DIV_Begin ("id=\"match\" class=\"MCH_CONT\""); Mch_ShowMatchStatusForTch (&Match); HTM_DIV_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*************** Show next question in a match (by a teacher) ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Mch_ForwardMatch (void) { struct Mch_Match Match; /***** Reset match *****/ Mch_ResetMatch (&Match); /***** Remove old players. This function must be called by a teacher before getting match status. *****/ Mch_DB_RemoveOldPlaying (); /***** Get data of the match from database *****/ Match.MchCod = Mch_GetMchCodBeingPlayed (); Mch_GetMatchDataByCod (&Match); /***** Update status *****/ Mch_SetMatchStatusToNext (&Match); /***** Update match status in database *****/ Mch_UpdateMatchStatusInDB (&Match); /***** Show current match status *****/ HTM_DIV_Begin ("id=\"match\" class=\"MCH_CONT\""); Mch_ShowMatchStatusForTch (&Match); HTM_DIV_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************** Set match status to previous (backward) status ***************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_SetMatchStatusToPrev (struct Mch_Match *Match) { /***** What to show *****/ switch (Match->Status.Showing) { case Mch_START: Mch_SetMatchStatusToStart (Match); break; case Mch_STEM: case Mch_END: Mch_SetMatchStatusToPrevQst (Match); break; case Mch_ANSWERS: Match->Status.Showing = Mch_STEM; break; case Mch_RESULTS: Match->Status.Showing = Mch_ANSWERS; break; } Match->Status.Countdown = -1L; // No countdown /***** Force showing results to false when match is not at the end *****/ Match->Status.ShowUsrResults = false; // Force results to be hidden } /*****************************************************************************/ /****************** Set match status to previous question ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_SetMatchStatusToPrevQst (struct Mch_Match *Match) { /***** Get index of the previous question *****/ Match->Status.QstInd = Gam_DB_GetPrevQuestionIndexInGame (Match->GamCod, Match->Status.QstInd); if (Match->Status.QstInd) // Start of questions not reached { Match->Status.QstCod = Gam_DB_GetQstCodFromQstInd (Match->GamCod, Match->Status.QstInd); Match->Status.Showing = Match->Status.ShowQstResults ? Mch_RESULTS : Mch_ANSWERS; } else // Start of questions reached Mch_SetMatchStatusToStart (Match); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************ Set match status to start **************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_SetMatchStatusToStart (struct Mch_Match *Match) { Match->Status.QstInd = 0; // Before first question Match->Status.QstCod = -1L; Match->Status.Playing = false; Match->Status.Showing = Mch_START; } /*****************************************************************************/ /**************** Set match status to next (forward) status ******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_SetMatchStatusToNext (struct Mch_Match *Match) { /***** What to show *****/ switch (Match->Status.Showing) { case Mch_START: Mch_SetMatchStatusToNextQst (Match); break; case Mch_STEM: Match->Status.Showing = Mch_ANSWERS; break; case Mch_ANSWERS: if (Match->Status.ShowQstResults) Match->Status.Showing = Mch_RESULTS; else Mch_SetMatchStatusToNextQst (Match); break; case Mch_RESULTS: Mch_SetMatchStatusToNextQst (Match); break; case Mch_END: Mch_SetMatchStatusToEnd (Match); break; } Match->Status.Countdown = -1L; // No countdown } /*****************************************************************************/ /****************** Set match status to next question ************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_SetMatchStatusToNextQst (struct Mch_Match *Match) { /***** Get index of the next question *****/ Match->Status.QstInd = Gam_DB_GetNextQuestionIndexInGame (Match->GamCod, Match->Status.QstInd); /***** Get question code *****/ if (Match->Status.QstInd < Gam_AFTER_LAST_QUESTION) // End of questions not reached { Match->Status.QstCod = Gam_DB_GetQstCodFromQstInd (Match->GamCod, Match->Status.QstInd); Match->Status.Showing = Mch_STEM; } else // End of questions reached Mch_SetMatchStatusToEnd (Match); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************* Set match status to end ***************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_SetMatchStatusToEnd (struct Mch_Match *Match) { Match->Status.QstInd = Gam_AFTER_LAST_QUESTION; // After last question Match->Status.QstCod = -1L; Match->Status.Playing = false; Match->Status.Showing = Mch_END; } /*****************************************************************************/ /******* Show current match status (number, question, answers, button) *******/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_ShowMatchStatusForTch (struct Mch_Match *Match) { /***** Left column *****/ Mch_ShowLeftColumnTch (Match); /***** Right column *****/ Mch_ShowRightColumnTch (Match); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************ Show current question being played for a student ***************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_ShowMatchStatusForStd (struct Mch_Match *Match,Mch_Update_t Update) { struct Mch_UsrAnswer UsrAnswer; /***** Can I play this match? *****/ if (Mch_CheckIfICanPlayThisMatchBasedOnGrps (Match) == Usr_CAN_NOT) Err_NoPermissionExit (); /***** Get student's answer to this question (<0 ==> no answer) *****/ Mch_GetQstAnsFromDB (Match->MchCod, Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod, Match->Status.QstInd, &UsrAnswer); /***** Left column *****/ Mch_ShowLeftColumnStd (Match,&UsrAnswer); /***** Right column *****/ Mch_ShowRightColumnStd (Match,&UsrAnswer,Update); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************ Check if I belong to any of the groups of a match **************/ /*****************************************************************************/ Usr_Can_t Mch_CheckIfICanPlayThisMatchBasedOnGrps (const struct Mch_Match *Match) { switch (Gbl.Usrs.Me.Role.Logged) { case Rol_STD: /***** Check if I belong to any of the groups associated to the match *****/ return Mch_DB_CheckIfICanPlayThisMatchBasedOnGrps (Match->MchCod); case Rol_NET: /***** Only if I am the creator *****/ return (Match->UsrCod == Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod) ? Usr_CAN : Usr_CAN_NOT; case Rol_TCH: case Rol_SYS_ADM: return Usr_CAN; default: return Usr_CAN_NOT; } } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********** Show left column when playing a match (as a teacher) ************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_ShowLeftColumnTch (struct Mch_Match *Match) { /***** Begin left container *****/ HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"MCH_LEFT_TCH\""); /***** Refreshable part *****/ HTM_DIV_Begin ("id=\"match_left\" class=\"MCH_REFRESHABLE_TEACHER\""); Mch_ShowRefreshablePartTch (Match); HTM_DIV_End (); /***** Put forms to start countdown *****/ Mch_PutFormsCountdown (Match); /***** Buttons *****/ Mch_PutMatchControlButtons (Match); /***** Put forms to choice which projects to show *****/ Set_BeginSettingsHead (); Mch_ShowFormColumns (Match); Set_EndSettingsHead (); /***** Write button to request viewing results *****/ Mch_PutCheckboxResult (Match); /***** End left container *****/ HTM_DIV_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Show left refreshable part for teachers *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_ShowRefreshablePartTch (struct Mch_Match *Match) { /***** Write elapsed time in match *****/ Mch_WriteElapsedTimeInMch (Match); /***** Write number of question *****/ Mch_ShowNumQstInMch (Match); /***** Write elapsed time in question *****/ Mch_WriteElapsedTimeInQst (Match); /***** Number of users who have responded this question *****/ Mch_WriteNumRespondersQst (Match); /***** Write hourglass *****/ Mch_PutCountdownAndHourglassIcon (Match); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************** Write elapsed time in current match ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_WriteElapsedTimeInMch (struct Mch_Match *Match) { struct Dat_Time Time; HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"MCH_TOP CT\""); /***** Get elapsed time in match *****/ Mch_GetElapsedTimeInMatch (Match,&Time); /***** Write elapsed time in hh:mm'ss" format *****/ Dat_WriteHoursMinutesSeconds (&Time); HTM_DIV_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /****************** Write elapsed time in current question *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_WriteElapsedTimeInQst (struct Mch_Match *Match) { struct Dat_Time Time; HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"MCH_TIME_QST\""); switch (Match->Status.Showing) { case Mch_START: case Mch_END: HTM_Hyphen (); // Do not write elapsed time break; default: Mch_GetElapsedTimeInQuestion (Match,&Time); Dat_WriteHoursMinutesSeconds (&Time); break; } HTM_DIV_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*************** Write number of responders to a match question **************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_WriteNumRespondersQst (struct Mch_Match *Match) { extern const char *Txt_MATCH_respond; /***** Begin block *****/ HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"MCH_NUM_ANSWERERS\""); HTM_Txt (Txt_MATCH_respond); HTM_BR (); HTM_STRONG_Begin (); /***** Write number of responders *****/ switch (Match->Status.Showing) { case Mch_START: case Mch_END: HTM_Hyphen (); // Do not write number of responders break; default: HTM_Unsigned (Mch_DB_GetNumUsrsWhoAnsweredQst (Match->MchCod, Match->Status.QstInd)); break; } /***** Write number of players *****/ if (Match->Status.Playing) // Match is being played { /* Get current number of players */ Match->Status.NumPlayers = Mch_DB_GetNumPlayers (Match->MchCod); /* Show current number of players */ HTM_TxtF ("/%u",Match->Status.NumPlayers); } HTM_STRONG_End (); /***** End block *****/ HTM_DIV_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*************** Write current countdown and hourglass icon ******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_PutCountdownAndHourglassIcon (struct Mch_Match *Match) { extern const char *Txt_Countdown; const char *Class; const char *Icon; /***** Set hourglass icon depending on countdown *****/ if (Match->Status.Showing == Mch_END) // Match over { Class = "BT_LINK_OFF MCH_BUTTON_HIDDEN MCH_GREEN"; Icon = "fa-hourglass-start"; } else if (Match->Status.Countdown < 0) // No countdown { Class = "BT_LINK_OFF MCH_BUTTON_OFF MCH_GREEN"; Icon = "fa-hourglass-start"; } else if (Match->Status.Countdown > Mch_COUNTDOWN_SECONDS_MEDIUM) // Countdown in progress { Class = "BT_LINK_OFF MCH_BUTTON_OFF MCH_LIMEGREEN"; Icon = "fa-hourglass-start"; } else if (Match->Status.Countdown > Mch_COUNTDOWN_SECONDS_SMALL) // Countdown in progress { Class = "BT_LINK_OFF MCH_BUTTON_OFF MCH_YELLOW"; Icon = "fa-hourglass-half"; } else // Countdown about to end { Class = "BT_LINK_OFF MCH_BUTTON_OFF MCH_RED"; Icon = "fa-hourglass-end"; } /***** Write countdown and put hourglass icon *****/ HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"MCH_SHOW_HOURGLASS\""); HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"MCH_BIGBUTTON_CONT\""); HTM_BUTTON_Begin (Txt_Countdown,"class=\"%s\"",Class); /* Countdown */ if (Match->Status.Countdown > 0) HTM_TxtF (" %02ld″",Match->Status.Countdown); else HTM_NBSP (); HTM_BR (); /* Icon */ HTM_TxtF ("",Icon); HTM_BUTTON_End (); HTM_DIV_End (); HTM_DIV_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************** Put all forms to start countdowns **********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_PutFormsCountdown (struct Mch_Match *Match) { /***** Begin container *****/ HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"MCH_SHOW_HOURGLASS\""); /***** Put forms to start countdown *****/ Mch_PutFormCountdown (Match,-1 ,"MCH_GREEN" ); Mch_PutFormCountdown (Match,Mch_COUNTDOWN_SECONDS_LARGE ,"MCH_LIMEGREEN"); Mch_PutFormCountdown (Match,Mch_COUNTDOWN_SECONDS_MEDIUM,"MCH_YELLOW" ); Mch_PutFormCountdown (Match,Mch_COUNTDOWN_SECONDS_SMALL ,"MCH_RED" ); /***** End container *****/ HTM_DIV_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /****** Put a form to start a countdown with a given number of seconds *******/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_PutFormCountdown (struct Mch_Match *Match,long Seconds,const char *Color) { extern const char *Txt_Countdown; static const char *fmt[Frm_NUM_PUT_FORM] = { [Frm_DONT_PUT_FORM] = "class=\"BT_LINK_OFF MCH_BUTTON_HIDDEN\"", [Frm_PUT_FORM ] = "class=\"BT_LINK MCH_BUTTON_ON\"", }; char *OnSubmit; Frm_PutForm_t PutForm = (Match->Status.Showing != Mch_END) ? Frm_PUT_FORM : Frm_DONT_PUT_FORM; const char *Title[Frm_NUM_PUT_FORM] = { [Frm_DONT_PUT_FORM] = NULL, [Frm_PUT_FORM ] = Txt_Countdown, }; if (PutForm == Frm_PUT_FORM) { /***** Begin form *****/ if (asprintf (&OnSubmit,"updateMatchTch('match_left'," "'act=%ld&ses=%s&MchCod=%ld&Countdown=%ld');" " return false;", // return false is necessary to not submit form Act_GetActCod (ActMchCntDwn),Gbl.Session.Id, Match->MchCod,Seconds) < 0) Err_NotEnoughMemoryExit (); Frm_BeginFormOnSubmit (ActUnk,OnSubmit); } /***** Put icon *****/ HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"MCH_SMALLBUTTON_CONT %s\"",Color); HTM_BUTTON_Submit_Begin (Title[PutForm],fmt[PutForm]); HTM_NBSP (); if (Seconds >= 0) HTM_TxtF ("%ld″",Seconds); else { HTM_Txt ("∞"); HTM_NBSP (); } HTM_BUTTON_End (); HTM_DIV_End (); /***** End form *****/ if (PutForm == Frm_PUT_FORM) { Frm_EndForm (); free (OnSubmit); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /********** Show right column when playing a match (as a teacher) ************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_ShowRightColumnTch (const struct Mch_Match *Match) { /***** Begin right container *****/ HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"MCH_RIGHT_TCH\""); /***** Top row: match title *****/ Mch_ShowMatchTitleTch (Match); /***** Bottom row: current question and possible answers *****/ if (Match->Status.Showing == Mch_END) // Match over Mch_ShowMatchScore (Match); else // Match not over Mch_ShowQuestionAndAnswersTch (Match); /***** End right container *****/ HTM_DIV_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********** Show left column when playing a match (as a student) ************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_ShowLeftColumnStd (const struct Mch_Match *Match, const struct Mch_UsrAnswer *UsrAnswer) { bool Answered = UsrAnswer->NumOpt >= 0; /***** Begin left container *****/ HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"MCH_LEFT_STD\""); /***** Top *****/ HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"MCH_TOP CT\""); HTM_DIV_End (); /***** Write number of question *****/ Mch_ShowNumQstInMch (Match); switch (Match->Status.Showing) { case Mch_START: case Mch_END: break; default: /***** Write whether question is answered or not *****/ Mch_PutIfAnswered (Match,Answered); if (Match->Status.Playing && // Match is being played Match->Status.Showing == Mch_ANSWERS && // Teacher's screen is showing question answers Answered) // I have answered this question /***** Put icon to remove my answet *****/ Mch_PutIconToRemoveMyAnswer (Match); break; } /***** End left container *****/ HTM_DIV_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********** Show right column when playing a match (as a student) ************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_ShowRightColumnStd (struct Mch_Match *Match, const struct Mch_UsrAnswer *UsrAnswer, Mch_Update_t Update) { extern const char *Txt_Please_wait_; /***** Begin right container *****/ HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"MCH_RIGHT_STD\""); /***** Top row *****/ Mch_ShowMatchTitleStd (Match); /***** Bottom row *****/ if (Match->Status.Playing) // Match is being played { if (Match->Status.Showing == Mch_END) // Match over Mch_ShowWaitImage (Txt_Please_wait_); else // Match not over { HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"MCH_BOTTOM\""); /***** Update players ******/ if (Mch_RegisterMeAsPlayerInMatch (Match)) { if (Match->Status.Showing == Mch_ANSWERS) // Teacher's screen is showing question answers /* Show current question and possible answers */ Mch_ShowQuestionAndAnswersStd (Match,UsrAnswer,Update); } else Ale_ShowAlert (Ale_ERROR,"You can not join this match."); HTM_DIV_End (); } } else // Match is not being played Mch_ShowWaitImage (Txt_Please_wait_); /***** End right container *****/ HTM_DIV_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* Show number of question in game ***********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_ShowNumQstInMch (const struct Mch_Match *Match) { extern const char *Txt_MATCH_Start; extern const char *Txt_MATCH_End; unsigned NumQsts = Gam_DB_GetNumQstsGame (Match->GamCod); HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"MCH_NUM_QST\""); switch (Match->Status.Showing) { case Mch_START: // Not started HTM_Txt (Txt_MATCH_Start); break; case Mch_END: // Match over HTM_Txt (Txt_MATCH_End); break; default: HTM_TxtF ("%u/%u",Match->Status.QstInd,NumQsts); break; } HTM_DIV_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************** Put buttons to control a match ***********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_PutMatchControlButtons (const struct Mch_Match *Match) { extern const char *Txt_Go_back; extern const char *Txt_Go_forward; extern const char *Txt_Pause; extern const char *Txt_Start; extern const char *Txt_Resume; /***** Begin buttons container *****/ HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"MCH_BUTTONS_CONT\""); /***** Left button *****/ HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"MCH_BUTTON_LEFT_CONT\""); switch (Match->Status.Showing) { case Mch_START: /* Put disabled button to go back. Previously there was a button with a red cross to close the browser tab using window.close, but it no longer works in Firefox. */ Mch_PutBigButtonHidden (Mch_ICON_PREVIOUS); break; default: /* Put button to go back */ Mch_PutBigButton (ActBckMch,"backward",Match->MchCod, Mch_ICON_PREVIOUS,Txt_Go_back); break; } HTM_DIV_End (); /***** Center button *****/ HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"MCH_BUTTON_CENTER_CONT\""); if (Match->Status.Playing) // Match is being played /* Put button to pause match */ Mch_PutBigButton (ActPlyPauMch,"play_pause",Match->MchCod, Mch_ICON_PAUSE,Txt_Pause); else // Match is paused, not being played { switch (Match->Status.Showing) { case Mch_START: // Match just started, before first question /* Put button to start playing match */ Mch_PutBigButton (ActPlyPauMch,"play_pause",Match->MchCod, Mch_ICON_PLAY,Txt_Start); break; case Mch_END: // Match over /* Put disabled button to play match */ Mch_PutBigButtonHidden (Mch_ICON_PLAY); break; default: /* Put button to resume match */ Mch_PutBigButton (ActPlyPauMch,"play_pause",Match->MchCod, Mch_ICON_PLAY,Txt_Resume); } } HTM_DIV_End (); /***** Right button *****/ HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"MCH_BUTTON_RIGHT_CONT\""); switch (Match->Status.Showing) { case Mch_END: // Match over /* Put disabled button to go forward. Previously there was a button with a red cross to close the browser tab using window.close, but it no longer works in Firefox. */ Mch_PutBigButtonHidden (Mch_ICON_NEXT); break; default: // Match not over /* Put button to show answers */ Mch_PutBigButton (ActFwdMch,"forward",Match->MchCod, Mch_ICON_NEXT,Txt_Go_forward); break; } HTM_DIV_End (); /***** End buttons container *****/ HTM_DIV_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /** Show form to choice whether to show answers in one column or two columns */ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_ShowFormColumns (const struct Mch_Match *Match) { extern const char *Txt_column; extern const char *Txt_columns; char *Title; unsigned NumCols; static const char *NumColsIcon[1 + Mch_MAX_COLS] = { "", // Not used "1col.png", // 1 column "2col.png", // 2 columns "3col.png", // 3 columns "4col.png", // 4 columns }; Set_BeginOneSettingSelector (); for (NumCols = 1; NumCols <= Mch_MAX_COLS; NumCols++) { /* Begin container for this option */ HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"%s\"", (Match->Status.NumCols == NumCols) ? "MCH_NUM_COL_ON" : "MCH_NUM_COL_OFF"); /* Begin form */ Frm_BeginForm (ActChgNumColMch); ParCod_PutPar (ParCod_Mch,Match->MchCod); // Current match being played Mch_PutParNumCols (NumCols); // Number of columns /* Number of columns */ if (asprintf (&Title,"%u %s",NumCols, NumCols == 1 ? Txt_column : Txt_columns) < 0) Err_NotEnoughMemoryExit (); Ico_PutSettingIconLink (NumColsIcon[NumCols],Ico_BLACK,Title); free (Title); /* End form */ Frm_EndForm (); /* End container for this option */ HTM_DIV_End (); } Set_EndOneSettingSelector (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******** Write parameter with number of columns in answers of match *********/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_PutParNumCols (unsigned NumCols) // Number of columns { Par_PutParUnsigned (NULL,"NumCols",NumCols); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Put checkbox to select if show results ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_PutCheckboxResult (const struct Mch_Match *Match) { extern const char *Txt_View_results; /***** Begin container *****/ HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"MCH_SHOW_RESULTS DAT_%s\"",The_GetSuffix ()); /***** Begin form *****/ Frm_BeginForm (ActChgVisResMchQst); ParCod_PutPar (ParCod_Mch,Match->MchCod); // Current match being played /***** Put icon with link *****/ HTM_BUTTON_Submit_Begin (Txt_View_results, "class=\"BT_LINK ICO_HIGHLIGHT\""); HTM_TxtF ("", Match->Status.ShowQstResults ? "fas fa-toggle-on" : "fas fa-toggle-off"); HTM_NBSPTxt (Txt_View_results); HTM_BUTTON_End (); /***** End form *****/ Frm_EndForm (); /***** End container *****/ HTM_DIV_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Put checkbox to select if show results ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_PutIfAnswered (const struct Mch_Match *Match,bool Answered) { extern const char *Txt_View_my_answer; extern const char *Txt_MATCH_QUESTION_Answered; extern const char *Txt_MATCH_QUESTION_Unanswered; /***** Begin container *****/ HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"MCH_SHOW_ANSWERED\""); /***** Put icon with link *****/ if (Match->Status.Playing && // Match is being played Match->Status.Showing == Mch_ANSWERS && // Teacher's screen is showing question answers Answered) // I have answered this question { /* Begin form */ Frm_BeginForm (ActSeeMchAnsQstStd); ParCod_PutPar (ParCod_Mch,Match->MchCod); // Current match being played HTM_BUTTON_Submit_Begin (Txt_View_my_answer, "class=\"BT_LINK DAT_SMALL_GREEN_%s\"" " onmousedown=\"this.form.submit();return false;\"", The_GetSuffix ()); HTM_TxtF ("","fas fa-check-circle"); HTM_NBSPTxt (Txt_MATCH_QUESTION_Answered); HTM_BUTTON_End (); /* End form */ Frm_EndForm (); } else { HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"%s_%s\"",Answered ? "DAT_SMALL_GREEN" : "DAT_SMALL_RED", The_GetSuffix ()); HTM_TxtF ("", Answered ? "fas fa-check-circle" : "fas fa-exclamation-circle", Answered ? Txt_MATCH_QUESTION_Answered : Txt_MATCH_QUESTION_Unanswered); HTM_NBSPTxt (Answered ? Txt_MATCH_QUESTION_Answered : Txt_MATCH_QUESTION_Unanswered); HTM_DIV_End (); } /***** End container *****/ HTM_DIV_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************** Put checkbox to remove my answer ***********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_PutIconToRemoveMyAnswer (const struct Mch_Match *Match) { extern const char *Txt_Delete_my_answer; /***** Begin container *****/ HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"MCH_REM_MY_ANS\""); /***** Begin form *****/ Frm_BeginForm (ActRemMchAnsQstStd); ParCod_PutPar (ParCod_Mch,Match->MchCod); // Current match being played Gam_PutParQstInd (Match->Status.QstInd); // Current question index shown /***** Put icon with link *****/ HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"MCH_BIGBUTTON_CONT\""); HTM_BUTTON_Submit_Begin (Txt_Delete_my_answer, "BT_LINK MCH_BUTTON_ON ICO_DARKRED\"" " onmousedown=\"this.form.submit();return false;\""); HTM_Txt (""); HTM_BUTTON_End (); HTM_DIV_End (); /***** End form *****/ Frm_EndForm (); /***** End container *****/ HTM_DIV_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************************** Show match title ******************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_ShowMatchTitleTch (const struct Mch_Match *Match) { /***** Match title *****/ HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"MCH_TOP LT\""); HTM_Txt (Match->Title); HTM_DIV_End (); } static void Mch_ShowMatchTitleStd (const struct Mch_Match *Match) { /***** Match title *****/ HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"MCH_TOP CT\""); HTM_Txt (Match->Title); HTM_DIV_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***** Show question and its answers when playing a match (as a teacher) *****/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_ShowQuestionAndAnswersTch (const struct Mch_Match *Match) { extern const char *Txt_MATCH_Paused; extern const char *Txt_Question_removed; struct Qst_Question Question; /***** Create test question *****/ Qst_QstConstructor (&Question); Question.QstCod = Match->Status.QstCod; /***** Trivial check: do not show anything on match start and end *****/ switch (Match->Status.Showing) { case Mch_START: case Mch_END: return; default: break; } /***** Get data of question from database *****/ if (Qst_GetQstDataByCod (&Question)) { /***** Show question *****/ /* Check answer type */ if (Question.Answer.Type != Qst_ANS_UNIQUE_CHOICE) Err_WrongAnswerExit (); /* Begin container */ HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"MCH_BOTTOM\""); // Bottom /* Write stem */ Qst_WriteQstStem (Question.Stem,"MCH_TCH_STEM",HidVis_VISIBLE); /* Show media */ Med_ShowMedia (&Question.Media, "Tst_MED_EDIT_LIST_CONT", "Tst_MED_EDIT_LIST"); /***** Write answers? *****/ switch (Match->Status.Showing) { case Mch_ANSWERS: if (Match->Status.Playing) // Match is being played /* Write answers */ Mch_WriteAnswersMatchResult (Match, &Question, "MCH_TCH_ANS", false); // Don't show result else // Match is paused, not being played Mch_ShowWaitImage (Txt_MATCH_Paused); break; case Mch_RESULTS: /* Write answers with results */ Mch_WriteAnswersMatchResult (Match, &Question, "MCH_TCH_ANS", true); // Show result break; default: /* Don't write anything */ break; } /* End container */ HTM_DIV_End (); // Bottom } else Ale_ShowAlert (Ale_WARNING,Txt_Question_removed); /***** Destroy test question *****/ Qst_QstDestructor (&Question); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************* Write answers of a question when seeing a match ***************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_WriteAnswersMatchResult (const struct Mch_Match *Match, struct Qst_Question *Question, const char *Class,bool ShowResult) { /***** Write answer depending on type *****/ if (Question->Answer.Type == Qst_ANS_UNIQUE_CHOICE) Mch_WriteChoiceAnsViewMatch (Match, Question, Class,ShowResult); else Err_WrongAnswerTypeExit (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******** Write single or multiple choice answer when seeing a match *********/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_WriteChoiceAnsViewMatch (const struct Mch_Match *Match, struct Qst_Question *Question, const char *Class,bool ShowResult) { unsigned NumOpt; bool RowIsOpen = false; unsigned NumRespondersQst; unsigned NumRespondersAns; unsigned Indexes[Qst_MAX_OPTIONS_PER_QUESTION]; // Indexes of all answers of this question /***** Get number of users who have answered this question from database *****/ NumRespondersQst = Mch_DB_GetNumUsrsWhoAnsweredQst (Match->MchCod,Match->Status.QstInd); /***** Change format of answers text *****/ Qst_ChangeFormatAnswersText (Question); /***** Get indexes for this question in match *****/ Mch_GetIndexes (Match->MchCod,Match->Status.QstInd,Indexes); /***** Begin table *****/ HTM_TABLE_BeginWidePadding (0); /***** Show options distributed in columns *****/ for (NumOpt = 0; NumOpt < Question->Answer.NumOptions; NumOpt++) { /***** Begin row? *****/ if (NumOpt % Match->Status.NumCols == 0) { HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); RowIsOpen = true; } /***** Write letter for this option *****/ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"MCH_TCH_BUTTON_TD\""); HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"MCH_TCH_BUTTON BT_%c\"",'A' + (char) NumOpt); HTM_TxtF ("%c",'a' + (char) NumOpt); HTM_DIV_End (); HTM_TD_End (); /***** Write the option text and the result *****/ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LT\""); HTM_LABEL_Begin ("for=\"Ans%06u_%u\" class=\"%s\"",Match->Status.QstInd,NumOpt,Class); HTM_Txt (Question->Answer.Options[Indexes[NumOpt]].Text); HTM_LABEL_End (); Med_ShowMedia (&Question->Answer.Options[Indexes[NumOpt]].Media, "Tst_MED_SHOW_CONT", "Tst_MED_SHOW"); /* Show result (number of users who answered? */ if (ShowResult) { /* Get number of users who selected this answer */ NumRespondersAns = Mch_DB_GetNumUsrsWhoHaveChosenAns (Match->MchCod,Match->Status.QstInd,Indexes[NumOpt]); /* Draw proportional bar for this answer */ Mch_DrawBarNumUsrs (NumRespondersAns,NumRespondersQst, Question->Answer.Options[Indexes[NumOpt]].Correct); } else /* Draw empty bar for this answer in order to show the same layout that the one shown with results */ Mch_DrawBarNumUsrs (0,0, false); // Not used when length of bar is 0 HTM_TD_End (); /***** End row? *****/ if (NumOpt % Match->Status.NumCols == Match->Status.NumCols - 1) { HTM_TR_End (); RowIsOpen = false; } } /***** End row? *****/ if (RowIsOpen) HTM_TR_End (); /***** End table *****/ HTM_TABLE_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***** Show question and its answers when playing a match (as a student) *****/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_ShowQuestionAndAnswersStd (const struct Mch_Match *Match, const struct Mch_UsrAnswer *UsrAnswer, Mch_Update_t Update) { unsigned NumOptions; unsigned NumOpt; /***** Get number of options in this question *****/ NumOptions = Qst_DB_GetNumAnswersQst (Match->Status.QstCod); /***** Begin table *****/ HTM_TABLE_BeginWidePadding (8); for (NumOpt = 0; NumOpt < NumOptions; NumOpt++) { /***** Begin row *****/ HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); /***** Write letter for this option *****/ /* Begin table cell */ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"MCH_STD_CELL\""); /* Form with button. Sumitting onmousedown instead of default onclick is necessary in order to be fast and not lose clicks due to refresh */ Frm_BeginForm (ActAnsMchQstStd); ParCod_PutPar (ParCod_Mch,Match->MchCod); // Current match being played Gam_PutParQstInd (Match->Status.QstInd); // Current question index shown Mch_PutParNumOpt (NumOpt); // Number of button HTM_BUTTON_Submit_Begin (NULL, "class=\"MCH_STD_BUTTON%s BT_%c\"" " onmousedown=\"this.form.submit();return false;\"", UsrAnswer->NumOpt == (int) NumOpt && // Student's answer Update == Mch_CHANGE_STATUS_BY_STUDENT ? " MCH_STD_ANSWER_SELECTED" : "", 'A' + (char) NumOpt); HTM_TxtF ("%c",'a' + (char) NumOpt); HTM_BUTTON_End (); Frm_EndForm (); /* End table cell */ HTM_TD_End (); /***** End row *****/ HTM_TR_End (); } /***** End table *****/ HTM_TABLE_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************************** Show match scores *****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ #define Mch_NUM_ROWS_SCORE 50 static void Mch_ShowMatchScore (const struct Mch_Match *Match) { MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned NumScores; unsigned NumScore; double MinScore; double MaxScore; double Range; double NumRowsPerScorePoint; double Score; unsigned MaxUsrs; unsigned NumUsrs; unsigned NumRowForThisScore; unsigned NumRow; /***** Get minimum and maximum scores *****/ Gam_GetScoreRange (Match->GamCod,&MinScore,&MaxScore); Range = MaxScore - MinScore; if (Range == 0.0) return; NumRowsPerScorePoint = (double) Mch_NUM_ROWS_SCORE / Range; /***** Get maximum number of users *****/ MaxUsrs = Mch_DB_GetMaxUsrsPerScore (Match->MchCod); /***** Get scores from database *****/ NumScores = Mch_DB_GetNumUsrsPerScore (&mysql_res,Match->MchCod); /***** Begin table ****/ HTM_TABLE_BeginWide (); /***** Get and draw scores *****/ for (NumScore = 0, NumRow = 0; NumScore < NumScores; NumScore++) { /***** Get score and number of users from database *****/ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); /* Get score (row[0]) */ Str_SetDecimalPointToUS (); // To get the decimal point as a dot if (sscanf (row[0],"%lf",&Score) != 1) Score = 0.0; Str_SetDecimalPointToLocal (); // Return to local system /* Get number of users (row[1]) *****/ if (sscanf (row[1],"%u",&NumUsrs) != 1) NumUsrs = 0; /***** Draw empty rows until reaching the adequate row *****/ NumRowForThisScore = (unsigned) ((MaxScore - Score) * NumRowsPerScorePoint); if (NumRowForThisScore == Mch_NUM_ROWS_SCORE) NumRowForThisScore = Mch_NUM_ROWS_SCORE - 1; for (; NumRow < NumRowForThisScore; NumRow++) Mch_DrawEmptyScoreRow (NumRow,MinScore,MaxScore); /***** Draw row for this score *****/ Mch_DrawScoreRow (Score,MinScore,MaxScore,NumRow,NumUsrs,MaxUsrs); NumRow++; } /***** Draw final empty rows *****/ for (; NumRow < Mch_NUM_ROWS_SCORE; NumRow++) Mch_DrawEmptyScoreRow (NumRow,MinScore,MaxScore); /***** End table *****/ HTM_TABLE_End (); /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*************************** Draw empty score row ****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_DrawEmptyScoreRow (unsigned NumRow,double MinScore,double MaxScore) { /***** Draw row *****/ HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); /* Write score */ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"MCH_SCO_SCO\""); if (NumRow == 0) { HTM_DoubleFewDigits (MaxScore); HTM_NBSP (); } else if (NumRow == Mch_NUM_ROWS_SCORE - 1) { HTM_DoubleFewDigits (MinScore); HTM_NBSP (); } HTM_TD_End (); /* Empty column with bar and number of users */ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"MCH_SCO_NUM%s\"",Mch_GetClassBorder (NumRow)); HTM_TD_End (); HTM_TR_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************************* Draw score row ******************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_DrawScoreRow (double Score,double MinScore,double MaxScore, unsigned NumRow,unsigned NumUsrs,unsigned MaxUsrs) { extern const char *Txt_ROLES_SINGUL_abc[Rol_NUM_ROLES][Usr_NUM_SEXS]; extern const char *Txt_ROLES_PLURAL_abc[Rol_NUM_ROLES][Usr_NUM_SEXS]; unsigned Color; unsigned BarWidth; char *Icon; char *Title; /***** Compute color *****/ /* +----------------- MaxScore | score9_1x1.png +----------------- | score8_1x1.png +----------------- | score7_1x1.png +----------------- | score6_1x1.png +----------------- | score5_1x1.png +----------------- | score4_1x1.png +----------------- | score3_1x1.png +----------------- | score2_1x1.png +----------------- | score1_1x1.png +----------------- | score0_1x1.png +----------------- MinScore */ Color = (unsigned) (((Score - MinScore) / (MaxScore - MinScore)) * 10.0); if (Color == 10) Color = 9; /***** Compute bar width *****/ if (MaxUsrs > 0) { BarWidth = (unsigned) (((NumUsrs * 95.0) / MaxUsrs) + 0.5); if (BarWidth == 0) BarWidth = 1; } else BarWidth = 0; /***** Draw row *****/ HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); /* Write score */ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"MCH_SCO_SCO\""); HTM_DoubleFewDigits (Score); HTM_NBSP (); HTM_TD_End (); /* Draw bar and write number of users for this score */ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"MCH_SCO_NUM%s\"",Mch_GetClassBorder (NumRow)); if (asprintf (&Icon,"score%u_1x1.png",Color) < 0) // Background Err_NotEnoughMemoryExit (); if (asprintf (&Title,"%u %s",NumUsrs, NumUsrs == 1 ? Txt_ROLES_SINGUL_abc[Rol_STD][Usr_SEX_UNKNOWN] : Txt_ROLES_PLURAL_abc[Rol_STD][Usr_SEX_UNKNOWN]) < 0) Err_NotEnoughMemoryExit (); HTM_IMG (Cfg_URL_ICON_PUBLIC,Icon,Title, "class=\"MCH_SCO_BAR\" style=\"width:%u%%;\"",BarWidth); free (Title); free (Icon); HTM_TxtF (" %u",NumUsrs); HTM_TD_End (); HTM_TR_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /****** Write parameter with number of option (button) pressed by user *******/ /*****************************************************************************/ static const char *Mch_GetClassBorder (unsigned NumRow) { return NumRow == 0 ? " MCH_SCO_TOP" : (NumRow == Mch_NUM_ROWS_SCORE - 1 ? " MCH_SCO_BOT" : " MCH_SCO_MID"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /****** Write parameter with number of option (button) pressed by user *******/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_PutParNumOpt (unsigned NumOpt) { Par_PutParUnsigned (NULL,"NumOpt",NumOpt); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******* Get parameter with number of option (button) pressed by user ********/ /*****************************************************************************/ static unsigned Mch_GetParNumOpt (void) { long NumOpt; NumOpt = Par_GetParLong ("NumOpt"); if (NumOpt < 0) Err_WrongAnswerExit (); return (unsigned) NumOpt; } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********************** Put a big button to do action ***********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_PutBigButton (Act_Action_t NextAction,const char *Id, long MchCod,const char *Icon,const char *Txt) { /***** Begin form *****/ Frm_BeginFormId (NextAction,Id); ParCod_PutPar (ParCod_Mch,MchCod); /***** Put icon with link *****/ HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"MCH_BIGBUTTON_CONT\""); HTM_BUTTON_Submit_Begin (Txt, "class=\"BT_LINK MCH_BUTTON_ON ICO_BLACK_%s\"", The_GetSuffix ()); HTM_TxtF ("",Icon); HTM_BUTTON_End (); HTM_DIV_End (); /***** End form *****/ Frm_EndForm (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************** Put a big button hidden **************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_PutBigButtonHidden (const char *Icon) { /***** Put inactive icon *****/ HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"MCH_BIGBUTTON_CONT\""); HTM_BUTTON_Begin (NULL,"class=\"BT_LINK_OFF MCH_BUTTON_HIDDEN ICO_BLACK_%s\"", The_GetSuffix ()); HTM_TxtF ("",Icon); HTM_BUTTON_End (); HTM_DIV_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************** Put a big button to close window *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /* static void Mch_PutBigButtonClose (void) { extern const char *Txt_Close; ***** Put icon with link ***** HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"MCH_BIGBUTTON_CONT\""); HTM_BUTTON_Begin (Txt_Close, "class=\"BT_LINK MCH_BUTTON_ON ICO_DARKRED\"" " onclick=\"window.close();return false;\""); HTM_TxtF ("",Mch_ICON_CLOSE); HTM_BUTTON_End (); HTM_DIV_End (); } */ /*****************************************************************************/ /****************************** Show wait image ******************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Mch_ShowWaitImage (const char *Txt) { HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"MCH_WAIT_CONT\""); Ico_PutIcon ("Spin-1s-200px.gif",Ico_UNCHANGED,Txt,"MCH_WAIT_IMG"); HTM_DIV_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************* Register me as a player in a match **********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ // Return true on success bool Mch_RegisterMeAsPlayerInMatch (struct Mch_Match *Match) { /***** Trivial check: match code must be > 0 *****/ if (Match->MchCod <= 0) return false; /***** Trivial check: match must be being played *****/ if (!Match->Status.Playing) // Match is paused, not being played return false; /***** Trivial check: match must not be over *****/ if (Match->Status.Showing == Mch_END) // Match over return false; /***** Trivial check: only a student can join a match *****/ if (Gbl.Usrs.Me.Role.Logged != Rol_STD) // I am not logged as student return false; /***** Insert me as match player *****/ Mch_DB_RegisterMeAsPlayerInMatch (Match->MchCod); return true; } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************** Get code of match being played ***********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Mch_GetMatchBeingPlayed (void) { long MchCodBeingPlayed; /***** Get match code ****/ MchCodBeingPlayed = ParCod_GetAndCheckPar (ParCod_Mch); Mch_SetMchCodBeingPlayed (MchCodBeingPlayed); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* Show match being played as student ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Mch_JoinMatchAsStd (void) { struct Mch_Match Match; /***** Reset match *****/ Mch_ResetMatch (&Match); /***** Get data of the match from database *****/ Match.MchCod = Mch_GetMchCodBeingPlayed (); Mch_GetMatchDataByCod (&Match); /***** Show current match status *****/ HTM_DIV_Begin ("id=\"match\" class=\"MCH_CONT\""); Mch_ShowMatchStatusForStd (&Match,Mch_CHANGE_STATUS_BY_STUDENT); HTM_DIV_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /****** Remove student's answer to a question and show match as student ******/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Mch_RemMyQstAnsAndShowMchStatus (void) { struct Mch_Match Match; unsigned QstInd; /***** Reset match *****/ Mch_ResetMatch (&Match); /***** Get data of the match from database *****/ Match.MchCod = Mch_GetMchCodBeingPlayed (); Mch_GetMatchDataByCod (&Match); /***** Get question index from form *****/ QstInd = Gam_GetParQstInd (); /***** Remove my answer to this question *****/ Mch_RemoveMyQuestionAnswer (&Match,QstInd); /***** Show current match status *****/ HTM_DIV_Begin ("id=\"match\" class=\"MCH_CONT\""); Mch_ShowMatchStatusForStd (&Match,Mch_CHANGE_STATUS_BY_STUDENT); HTM_DIV_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************** Remove student's answer to a question ******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Mch_RemoveMyQuestionAnswer (const struct Mch_Match *Match,unsigned QstInd) { /***** Check that teacher's screen is showing answers and question index is the current one being played *****/ if (Match->Status.Playing && // Match is being played Match->Status.Showing == Mch_ANSWERS && // Teacher's screen is showing answers QstInd == Match->Status.QstInd) // Removing answer to the current question being played { /***** Remove my answer to this question *****/ Mch_DB_RemoveMyAnswerToMatchQuestion (Match); /***** Compute score and update my match result *****/ MchPrn_ComputeScoreAndUpdateMyMatchPrintInDB (Match->MchCod); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************** Start match countdown (by a teacher) *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Mch_StartCountdown (void) { struct Mch_Match Match; long NewCountdown; /***** Reset match *****/ Mch_ResetMatch (&Match); /***** Get countdown parameter ****/ NewCountdown = Par_GetParLong ("Countdown"); /***** Remove old players. This function must be called by a teacher before getting match status. *****/ Mch_DB_RemoveOldPlaying (); /***** Get data of the match from database *****/ Match.MchCod = Mch_GetMchCodBeingPlayed (); Mch_GetMatchDataByCod (&Match); /***** Start countdown *****/ Match.Status.Countdown = NewCountdown; /***** Update match status in database *****/ Mch_UpdateMatchStatusInDB (&Match); /***** Show current match status *****/ Mch_ShowRefreshablePartTch (&Match); } /*****************************************************************************/ /****************** Refresh match for a teacher via AJAX *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Mch_RefreshMatchTch (void) { struct Mch_Match Match; enum {REFRESH_LEFT,REFRESH_ALL} WhatToRefresh; if (!Gbl.Session.IsOpen) // If session has been closed, do not write anything return; /***** Reset match *****/ Mch_ResetMatch (&Match); /***** Remove old players. This function must be called by a teacher before getting match status. *****/ Mch_DB_RemoveOldPlaying (); /***** Get data of the match from database *****/ Match.MchCod = Mch_GetMchCodBeingPlayed (); Mch_GetMatchDataByCod (&Match); /***** Update countdown *****/ // If current countdown is < 0 ==> no countdown in progress WhatToRefresh = REFRESH_LEFT; if (Match.Status.Playing && // Match is being played Match.Status.Countdown >= 0) // Countdown in progress { /* Decrease countdown */ Match.Status.Countdown -= Cfg_SECONDS_TO_REFRESH_MATCH_TCH; /* On countdown reached, set match status to next (forward) status */ if (Match.Status.Countdown <= 0) // End of countdown reached { Mch_SetMatchStatusToNext (&Match); WhatToRefresh = REFRESH_ALL; // Refresh the whole page } } /***** Update match status in database *****/ Mch_UpdateMatchStatusInDB (&Match); /***** Update elapsed time in this question *****/ Mch_UpdateElapsedTimeInQuestion (&Match); /***** Show current match status *****/ switch (WhatToRefresh) { case REFRESH_LEFT: // Refresh only left part HTM_Txt ("match_left|0|"); // 0 ==> do not evaluate MatJax scripts after updating HTML Mch_ShowRefreshablePartTch (&Match); break; case REFRESH_ALL: // Refresh the whole page HTM_Txt ("match|1|"); // 1 ==> evaluate MatJax scripts after updating HTML Mch_ShowMatchStatusForTch (&Match); break; } } /*****************************************************************************/ /*************** Refresh current game for a student via AJAX *****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Mch_RefreshMatchStd (void) { struct Mch_Match Match; if (!Gbl.Session.IsOpen) // If session has been closed, do not write anything return; /***** Reset match *****/ Mch_ResetMatch (&Match); /***** Get data of the match from database *****/ Match.MchCod = Mch_GetMchCodBeingPlayed (); Mch_GetMatchDataByCod (&Match); /***** Show current match status *****/ Mch_ShowMatchStatusForStd (&Match,Mch_REFRESH_STATUS_BY_SERVER); } /*****************************************************************************/ /**** Receive previous question answer in a match question from database *****/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Mch_GetQstAnsFromDB (long MchCod,long UsrCod,unsigned QstInd, struct Mch_UsrAnswer *UsrAnswer) { MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; /***** Set default values for number of option and answer index *****/ UsrAnswer->NumOpt = -1; // < 0 ==> no answer selected UsrAnswer->AnsInd = -1; // < 0 ==> no answer selected /***** Get student's answer *****/ if (Mch_DB_GetUsrAnsToQst (&mysql_res,MchCod,UsrCod,QstInd)) // Answer found... { row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); /***** Get number of option index (row[0]) *****/ if (sscanf (row[0],"%d",&(UsrAnswer->NumOpt)) != 1) Err_WrongAnswerExit (); /***** Get answer index (row[1]) *****/ if (sscanf (row[1],"%d",&(UsrAnswer->AnsInd)) != 1) Err_WrongAnswerIndexExit (); } /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********* Receive question answer from student when playing a match *********/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Mch_ReceiveQuestionAnswer (void) { struct Mch_Match Match; unsigned QstInd; // 0 means that the game has not started. First question has index 1. struct Mch_UsrAnswer UsrAnswer; /***** Reset match *****/ Mch_ResetMatch (&Match); /***** Get data of the match from database *****/ Match.MchCod = Mch_GetMchCodBeingPlayed (); Mch_GetMatchDataByCod (&Match); /***** Get question index from form *****/ QstInd = Gam_GetParQstInd (); /***** Get number of option selected by student from form *****/ UsrAnswer.NumOpt = Mch_GetParNumOpt (); /***** Store answer *****/ Mch_StoreQuestionAnswer (&Match,QstInd,&UsrAnswer); /***** Show current match status *****/ HTM_DIV_Begin ("id=\"match\" class=\"MCH_CONT\""); Mch_ShowMatchStatusForStd (&Match,Mch_CHANGE_STATUS_BY_STUDENT); HTM_DIV_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********** Store question answer from student when playing a match **********/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Mch_StoreQuestionAnswer (const struct Mch_Match *Match,unsigned QstInd, struct Mch_UsrAnswer *UsrAnswer) { unsigned Indexes[Qst_MAX_OPTIONS_PER_QUESTION]; struct Mch_UsrAnswer PreviousUsrAnswer; /***** Check that teacher's screen is showing answers and question index is the current one being played *****/ if (Match->Status.Playing && // Match is being played Match->Status.Showing == Mch_ANSWERS && // Teacher's screen is showing answers QstInd == Match->Status.QstInd) // Receiving an answer to the current question being played { /***** Get indexes for this question from database *****/ Mch_GetIndexes (Match->MchCod,Match->Status.QstInd,Indexes); /***** Get answer index *****/ /* Indexes[4] = {0,3,1,2} +--------+--------+----------+---------+ | Button | Option | Answer | Correct | | letter | number | index | | | screen | screen | database | | +--------+--------+----------+---------+ | a | 0 | 0 | | | b | 1 | 3 | | | c | 2 | 1 | Y | <---- User press button #2 (index = 1, correct) | d | 3 | 2 | | +--------+--------+----------+---------+ UsrAnswer->NumOpt = 2 UsrAnswer->AnsInd = 1 */ UsrAnswer->AnsInd = Indexes[UsrAnswer->NumOpt]; /***** Get previous student's answer to this question (<0 ==> no answer) *****/ Mch_GetQstAnsFromDB (Match->MchCod,Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod,Match->Status.QstInd, &PreviousUsrAnswer); /***** Store student's answer *****/ if (UsrAnswer->NumOpt >= 0 && UsrAnswer->AnsInd >= 0 && UsrAnswer->AnsInd != PreviousUsrAnswer.AnsInd) { /***** Update my answer to this question *****/ Mch_DB_UpdateMyAnswerToMatchQuestion (Match,UsrAnswer); /***** Compute score and update my match result *****/ MchPrn_ComputeScoreAndUpdateMyMatchPrintInDB (Match->MchCod); } } } /*****************************************************************************/ /*************** Get the questions of a match from database ******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Mch_GetMatchQuestionsFromDB (struct MchPrn_Print *Print) { MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned NumQst; unsigned QstInd; struct Mch_UsrAnswer UsrAnswer; /***** Get questions and answers of a match result *****/ Print->NumQsts.All = Mch_DB_GetMatchQuestions (&mysql_res,Print->MchCod); for (NumQst = 0, Print->NumQsts.NotBlank = 0; NumQst < Print->NumQsts.All; NumQst++) { row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); /* Get question code (row[0]) */ if ((Print->PrintedQuestions[NumQst].QstCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[0])) <= 0) Err_WrongQuestionExit (); /* Get question index (row[1]) */ QstInd = Str_ConvertStrToUnsigned (row[1]); /* Get indexes for this question (row[2]) */ Str_Copy (Print->PrintedQuestions[NumQst].StrIndexes,row[2], sizeof (Print->PrintedQuestions[NumQst].StrIndexes) - 1); /* Get answers selected by user for this question */ Mch_GetQstAnsFromDB (Print->MchCod,Print->UsrCod,QstInd,&UsrAnswer); if (UsrAnswer.AnsInd >= 0) // UsrAnswer.AnsInd >= 0 ==> answer selected { snprintf (Print->PrintedQuestions[NumQst].StrAnswers, sizeof (Print->PrintedQuestions[NumQst].StrAnswers), "%d",UsrAnswer.AnsInd); Print->NumQsts.NotBlank++; } else // UsrAnswer.AnsInd < 0 ==> no answer selected Print->PrintedQuestions[NumQst].StrAnswers[0] = '\0'; // Empty answer } /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Draw a bar with the percentage of answers *****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ #define Mch_MAX_BAR_WIDTH 100 void Mch_DrawBarNumUsrs (unsigned NumRespondersAns,unsigned NumRespondersQst,bool Correct) { extern const char *Txt_of_PART_OF_A_TOTAL; unsigned i; unsigned BarWidth = 0; /***** Begin container *****/ HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"MCH_RESULT\""); /***** Draw bar with a with proportional to the number of clicks *****/ if (NumRespondersAns && NumRespondersQst) BarWidth = (unsigned) ((((double) NumRespondersAns * (double) Mch_MAX_BAR_WIDTH) / (double) NumRespondersQst) + 0.5); /***** Bar proportional to number of users *****/ HTM_TABLE_BeginWide (); HTM_TR_Begin ("class=\"MCH_RES_TR\""); for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"%s\"", (i < BarWidth) ? (Correct ? "MCH_RES_CORRECT" : "MCH_RES_WRONG") : "MCH_RES_VOID"); HTM_TD_End (); } HTM_TR_End (); HTM_TABLE_End (); /***** Write the number of users *****/ if (NumRespondersAns && NumRespondersQst) HTM_TxtF ("%u (%u%% %s %u)", NumRespondersAns, (unsigned) ((((double) NumRespondersAns * 100.0) / (double) NumRespondersQst) + 0.5), Txt_of_PART_OF_A_TOTAL,NumRespondersQst); else HTM_NBSP (); /***** End container *****/ HTM_DIV_End (); }