// swad_attendance.c: control of attendance /* SWAD (Shared Workspace At a Distance), is a web platform developed at the University of Granada (Spain), and used to support university teaching. This file is part of SWAD core. Copyright (C) 1999-2024 Antonio Caņas Vargas This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /*****************************************************************************/ /********************************** Headers **********************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ #define _GNU_SOURCE // For asprintf #include // For PATH_MAX #include // To access MySQL databases #include // For NULL #include // For asprintf #include // For calloc #include // For string functions #include "swad_action_list.h" #include "swad_attendance.h" #include "swad_attendance_database.h" #include "swad_autolink.h" #include "swad_box.h" #include "swad_database.h" #include "swad_error.h" #include "swad_form.h" #include "swad_global.h" #include "swad_group.h" #include "swad_group_database.h" #include "swad_hidden_visible.h" #include "swad_hierarchy_type.h" #include "swad_HTML.h" #include "swad_ID.h" #include "swad_pagination.h" #include "swad_parameter.h" #include "swad_photo.h" #include "swad_QR.h" #include "swad_resource.h" #include "swad_setting.h" /*****************************************************************************/ /*************** External global variables from others modules ***************/ /*****************************************************************************/ extern struct Globals Gbl; /*****************************************************************************/ /****************************** Private constants ****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ #define Att_ATTENDANCE_TABLE_ID "att_table" #define Att_ATTENDANCE_DETAILS_ID "att_details" /*****************************************************************************/ /******************************** Private types ******************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ #define Att_TYPES_OF_VIEW 4 typedef enum { Att_VIEW_ONLY_ME, // View only me Att_VIEW_SEL_USR, // View selected users Att_PRNT_ONLY_ME, // Print only me Att_PRNT_SEL_USR, // Print selected users } Att_TypeOfView_t; /*****************************************************************************/ /****************************** Private prototypes ***************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Att_ResetEvents (struct Att_Events *Events); static void Att_ShowAllEvents (struct Att_Events *Events); static void Att_ParsWhichGroupsToShow (void *Events); static void Att_PutIconsInListOfEvents (void *Events); static void Att_PutIconToCreateNewEvent (struct Att_Events *Events); static void Att_PutParsToCreateNewEvent (void *Events); static void Att_PutParsToListUsrsAttendance (void *Events); static void Att_ShowOneEventRow (struct Att_Events *Events, bool ShowOnlyThisAttEventComplete); static void Att_WriteEventAuthor (struct Att_Event *Event); static Dat_StartEndTime_t Att_GetParAttOrder (void); static void Att_PutFormsToRemEditOneEvent (struct Att_Events *Events, const char *Anchor); static void Att_PutPars (void *Events); static void Att_GetListEvents (struct Att_Events *Events, Att_OrderNewestOldest_t OrderNewestOldest); static void Att_GetEventDataByCodAndCheckCrs (struct Att_Event *Event); static void Att_ResetEvent (struct Att_Event *Event); static void Att_FreeListEvents (struct Att_Events *Events); static void Att_HideUnhideEvent (HidVis_HiddenOrVisible_t HiddenOrVisible); static void Att_PutParAttCod (void *Events); static void Att_ShowLstGrpsToEditEvent (long AttCod); static void Att_CreateGroups (long AttCod); static void Att_GetAndWriteNamesOfGrpsAssociatedToEvent (struct Att_Event *Event); static void Att_ShowEvent (struct Att_Events *Events); static void Att_PutIconsOneEvent (void *Events); static void Att_ListEventOnlyMeAsStudent (struct Att_Event *Event); static void Att_ListEventStudents (struct Att_Events *Events); static void Att_WriteRowUsrToCallTheRoll (unsigned NumUsr, struct Usr_Data *UsrDat, struct Att_Event *Event); static void Att_PutLinkEvent (struct Att_Event *Event, const char *Title,const char *Txt); static unsigned Att_GetNumUsrsFromAListWhoAreInEvent (long AttCod, long *LstSelectedUsrCods, unsigned NumUsrsInList); static Att_Present_t Att_CheckIfUsrIsPresentInEvent (long AttCod,long UsrCod); static Att_Present_t Att_CheckIfUsrIsPresentInEventAndGetComments (long AttCod,long UsrCod, char CommentStd[Cns_MAX_BYTES_TEXT + 1], char CommentTch[Cns_MAX_BYTES_TEXT + 1]); static void Att_ReqListOrPrintUsrsAttendanceCrs (__attribute__((unused)) void *Args); static void Att_ListOrPrintMyAttendanceCrs (Att_TypeOfView_t TypeOfView); static void Att_GetUsrsAndListOrPrintAttendanceCrs (Att_TypeOfView_t TypeOfView); static void Att_ListOrPrintUsrsAttendanceCrs (void *TypeOfView); static void Att_GetListSelectedAttCods (struct Att_Events *Events); static void Att_PutIconsMyAttList (void *Events); static void Att_PutFormToPrintMyListPars (void *Events); static void Att_PutIconsStdsAttList (void *Events); static void Att_PutParsToPrintStdsList (void *Events); static void Att_PutButtonToShowDetails (const struct Att_Events *Events); static void Att_ListEventsToSelect (struct Att_Events *Events, Att_TypeOfView_t TypeOfView); static void Att_PutIconToViewAttEvents (__attribute__((unused)) void *Args); static void Att_PutIconToEditAttEvents (__attribute__((unused)) void *Args); static void Att_ListUsrsAttendanceTable (struct Att_Events *Events, Att_TypeOfView_t TypeOfView, unsigned NumUsrsInList, long *LstSelectedUsrCods); static void Att_WriteTableHeadSeveralAttEvents (struct Att_Events *Events); static void Att_WriteRowUsrSeveralAttEvents (const struct Att_Events *Events, unsigned NumUsr,struct Usr_Data *UsrDat); static void Att_PutCheckOrCross (Att_Present_t Present); static void Att_ListStdsWithAttEventsDetails (struct Att_Events *Events, unsigned NumUsrsInList, long *LstSelectedUsrCods); static void Att_ListAttEventsForAStd (struct Att_Events *Events, unsigned NumUsr,struct Usr_Data *UsrDat); /*****************************************************************************/ /************************** Reset attendance events **************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Att_ResetEvents (struct Att_Events *Events) { Events->LstIsRead = false; // List is not read from database Events->Num = 0; // Number of attendance events Events->Lst = NULL; // List of attendance events Events->SelectedOrder = Att_ORDER_DEFAULT; Events->Event.AttCod = -1L; Events->ShowDetails = false; Events->StrAttCodsSelected = NULL; Events->CurrentPage = 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************ List all attendance events *************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Att_SeeEvents (void) { struct Att_Events Events; /***** Reset attendance events *****/ Att_ResetEvents (&Events); /***** Get parameters *****/ Events.SelectedOrder = Att_GetParAttOrder (); Grp_GetParWhichGroups (); Events.CurrentPage = Pag_GetParPagNum (Pag_ATT_EVENTS); /***** Get list of attendance events *****/ Att_GetListEvents (&Events,Att_NEWEST_FIRST); /***** Show all attendance events *****/ Att_ShowAllEvents (&Events); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************* Show all attendance events ************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Att_ShowAllEvents (struct Att_Events *Events) { extern const char *Hlp_USERS_Attendance; extern const char *Txt_Events; extern const char *Txt_START_END_TIME_HELP[Dat_NUM_START_END_TIME]; extern const char *Txt_START_END_TIME[Dat_NUM_START_END_TIME]; extern const char *Txt_Event; extern const char *Txt_ROLES_PLURAL_Abc[Rol_NUM_ROLES][Usr_NUM_SEXS]; extern const char *Txt_No_events; struct Pag_Pagination Pagination; Dat_StartEndTime_t Order; Grp_WhichGroups_t WhichGroups; unsigned NumAttEvent; /***** Compute variables related to pagination *****/ Pagination.NumItems = Events->Num; Pagination.CurrentPage = (int) Events->CurrentPage; Pag_CalculatePagination (&Pagination); Events->CurrentPage = (unsigned) Pagination.CurrentPage; /***** Begin box *****/ Box_BoxBegin (Txt_Events,Att_PutIconsInListOfEvents,Events, Hlp_USERS_Attendance,Box_NOT_CLOSABLE); /***** Select whether show only my groups or all groups *****/ if (Gbl.Crs.Grps.NumGrps) { Set_BeginSettingsHead (); Grp_ShowFormToSelWhichGrps (ActSeeAllAtt, Att_ParsWhichGroupsToShow,&Events); Set_EndSettingsHead (); } /***** Write links to pages *****/ Pag_WriteLinksToPagesCentered (Pag_ATT_EVENTS,&Pagination, Events,-1L); if (Events->Num) { /***** Begin table *****/ HTM_TABLE_Begin ("TBL_SCROLL"); /***** Table head *****/ HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); HTM_TH_Span (NULL,HTM_HEAD_CENTER,1,1,"CONTEXT_COL"); // Column for contextual icons for (Order = (Dat_StartEndTime_t) 0; Order <= (Dat_StartEndTime_t) (Dat_NUM_START_END_TIME - 1); Order++) { HTM_TH_Begin (HTM_HEAD_LEFT); Frm_BeginForm (ActSeeAllAtt); WhichGroups = Grp_GetParWhichGroups (); Grp_PutParWhichGroups (&WhichGroups); Pag_PutParPagNum (Pag_ATT_EVENTS,Events->CurrentPage); Par_PutParOrder ((unsigned) Order); HTM_BUTTON_Submit_Begin (Txt_START_END_TIME_HELP[Order], "class=\"BT_LINK\""); if (Order == Events->SelectedOrder) HTM_U_Begin (); HTM_Txt (Txt_START_END_TIME[Order]); if (Order == Events->SelectedOrder) HTM_U_End (); HTM_BUTTON_End (); Frm_EndForm (); HTM_TH_End (); } HTM_TH (Txt_Event ,HTM_HEAD_LEFT ); HTM_TH (Txt_ROLES_PLURAL_Abc[Rol_STD][Usr_SEX_UNKNOWN],HTM_HEAD_RIGHT); HTM_TR_End (); /***** Write all attendance events *****/ for (NumAttEvent = Pagination.FirstItemVisible, The_ResetRowColor (); NumAttEvent <= Pagination.LastItemVisible; NumAttEvent++, The_ChangeRowColor ()) { /***** Get data of this attendance event *****/ Events->Event.AttCod = Events->Lst[NumAttEvent - 1].AttCod; Att_GetEventDataByCodAndCheckCrs (&Events->Event); Events->Event.NumStdsTotal = Att_DB_GetNumStdsTotalWhoAreInEvent (Events->Event.AttCod); /***** Show one attendance event *****/ Att_ShowOneEventRow (Events, false); // Don't show only this event } /***** End table *****/ HTM_TABLE_End (); } else // No events created Ale_ShowAlert (Ale_INFO,Txt_No_events); /***** Write again links to pages *****/ Pag_WriteLinksToPagesCentered (Pag_ATT_EVENTS,&Pagination, Events,-1L); /***** End box *****/ Box_BoxEnd (); /***** Free list of attendance events *****/ Att_FreeListEvents (Events); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Put params to select which groups to show *****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Att_ParsWhichGroupsToShow (void *Events) { if (Events) { Par_PutParOrder ((unsigned) ((struct Att_Events *) Events)->SelectedOrder); Pag_PutParPagNum (Pag_ATT_EVENTS,((struct Att_Events *) Events)->CurrentPage); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /************* Put contextual icons in list of attendance events *************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Att_PutIconsInListOfEvents (void *Events) { Usr_Can_t ICanEdit; if (Events) { /***** Put icon to create a new attendance event *****/ ICanEdit = (Gbl.Usrs.Me.Role.Logged == Rol_TCH || Gbl.Usrs.Me.Role.Logged == Rol_SYS_ADM) ? Usr_CAN : Usr_CAN_NOT; if (ICanEdit == Usr_CAN) Att_PutIconToCreateNewEvent ((struct Att_Events *) Events); /***** Put icon to show attendance list *****/ if (((struct Att_Events *) Events)->Num) switch (Gbl.Usrs.Me.Role.Logged) { case Rol_STD: Ico_PutContextualIconToShowAttendanceList (ActSeeLstMyAtt, NULL,NULL); break; case Rol_NET: case Rol_TCH: case Rol_SYS_ADM: Ico_PutContextualIconToShowAttendanceList (ActReqLstUsrAtt, Att_PutParsToListUsrsAttendance,Events); break; default: break; } /***** Put icon to print my QR code *****/ QR_PutLinkToPrintQRCode (ActPrnUsrQR, Usr_PutParMyUsrCodEncrypted,Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.EnUsrCod); /***** Put icon to get resource link *****/ if (Rsc_CheckIfICanGetLink () == Usr_CAN) Ico_PutContextualIconToGetLink (ActReqLnkAtt,NULL, Att_PutPars,Events); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /**************** Put icon to create a new attendance event ******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Att_PutIconToCreateNewEvent (struct Att_Events *Events) { Ico_PutContextualIconToAdd (ActFrmNewAtt,NULL, Att_PutParsToCreateNewEvent,Events); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************** Put parameters to create a new attendance event **************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Att_PutParsToCreateNewEvent (void *Events) { Grp_WhichGroups_t WhichGroups; if (Events) { Par_PutParOrder ((unsigned) ((struct Att_Events *) Events)->SelectedOrder); WhichGroups = Grp_GetParWhichGroups (); Grp_PutParWhichGroups (&WhichGroups); Pag_PutParPagNum (Pag_ATT_EVENTS,((struct Att_Events *) Events)->CurrentPage); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Put parameters to list users attendance *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Att_PutParsToListUsrsAttendance (void *Events) { Grp_WhichGroups_t WhichGroups; if (Events) { Par_PutParOrder ((unsigned) ((struct Att_Events *) Events)->SelectedOrder); WhichGroups = Grp_GetParWhichGroups (); Grp_PutParWhichGroups (&WhichGroups); Pag_PutParPagNum (Pag_ATT_EVENTS,((struct Att_Events *) Events)->CurrentPage); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************* Show one attendance event *************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ // Only Event->AttCod must be filled static void Att_ShowOneEventRow (struct Att_Events *Events, bool ShowOnlyThisAttEventComplete) { extern const char *CloOpe_Class[CloOpe_NUM_CLOSED_OPEN][HidVis_NUM_HIDDEN_VISIBLE]; extern const char *HidVis_TitleClass[HidVis_NUM_HIDDEN_VISIBLE]; extern const char *HidVis_DataClass[HidVis_NUM_HIDDEN_VISIBLE]; extern const char *Txt_View_event; char *Anchor = NULL; static unsigned UniqueId = 0; char *Id; Dat_StartEndTime_t StartEndTime; char Description[Cns_MAX_BYTES_TEXT + 1]; /***** Set anchor string *****/ Frm_SetAnchorStr (Events->Event.AttCod,&Anchor); /***** Write first row of data of this attendance event *****/ /* Forms to remove/edit this attendance event */ HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); if (!ShowOnlyThisAttEventComplete) { HTM_TD_Begin ("rowspan=\"2\" class=\"CONTEXT_COL %s\"", The_GetColorRows ()); Att_PutFormsToRemEditOneEvent (Events,Anchor); HTM_TD_End (); } /* Start/end date/time */ UniqueId++; for (StartEndTime = (Dat_StartEndTime_t) 0; StartEndTime <= (Dat_StartEndTime_t) (Dat_NUM_START_END_TIME - 1); StartEndTime++) { if (asprintf (&Id,"att_date_%u_%u",(unsigned) StartEndTime,UniqueId) < 0) Err_NotEnoughMemoryExit (); if (ShowOnlyThisAttEventComplete) HTM_TD_Begin ("id=\"%s\" class=\"LT %s_%s\"", Id, CloOpe_Class[Events->Event.ClosedOrOpen][Events->Event.HiddenOrVisible], The_GetSuffix ()); else HTM_TD_Begin ("id=\"%s\" class=\"LT %s_%s %s\"", Id, CloOpe_Class[Events->Event.ClosedOrOpen][Events->Event.HiddenOrVisible], The_GetSuffix (),The_GetColorRows ()); Dat_WriteLocalDateHMSFromUTC (Id,Events->Event.TimeUTC[StartEndTime], Gbl.Prefs.DateFormat,Dat_SEPARATOR_BREAK, Dat_WRITE_TODAY | Dat_WRITE_DATE_ON_SAME_DAY | Dat_WRITE_WEEK_DAY | Dat_WRITE_HOUR | Dat_WRITE_MINUTE | Dat_WRITE_SECOND); HTM_TD_End (); free (Id); } /* Attendance event title */ if (ShowOnlyThisAttEventComplete) HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LT\""); else HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LT %s\"",The_GetColorRows ()); HTM_ARTICLE_Begin (Anchor); Att_PutLinkEvent (&Events->Event,Txt_View_event,Events->Event.Title); HTM_ARTICLE_End (); HTM_TD_End (); /* Number of students in this event */ if (ShowOnlyThisAttEventComplete) HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"RT\""); else HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"RT %s\"",The_GetColorRows ()); HTM_SPAN_Begin ("class=\"%s_%s\"", HidVis_TitleClass[Events->Event.HiddenOrVisible], The_GetSuffix ()); HTM_Unsigned (Events->Event.NumStdsTotal); HTM_SPAN_End (); HTM_TD_End (); HTM_TR_End (); /***** Write second row of data of this attendance event *****/ HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); /* Author of the attendance event */ if (ShowOnlyThisAttEventComplete) HTM_TD_Begin ("colspan=\"2\" class=\"LT\""); else HTM_TD_Begin ("colspan=\"2\" class=\"LT %s\"",The_GetColorRows ()); Att_WriteEventAuthor (&Events->Event); HTM_TD_End (); /* Text of the attendance event */ Att_DB_GetEventDescription (Events->Event.AttCod,Description); Str_ChangeFormat (Str_FROM_HTML,Str_TO_RIGOROUS_HTML, Description,Cns_MAX_BYTES_TEXT,Str_DONT_REMOVE_SPACES); ALn_InsertLinks (Description,Cns_MAX_BYTES_TEXT,60); // Insert links if (ShowOnlyThisAttEventComplete) HTM_TD_Begin ("colspan=\"2\" class=\"LT\""); else HTM_TD_Begin ("colspan=\"2\" class=\"LT %s\"",The_GetColorRows ()); if (Gbl.Crs.Grps.NumGrps) Att_GetAndWriteNamesOfGrpsAssociatedToEvent (&Events->Event); HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"%s_%s\"", HidVis_DataClass[Events->Event.HiddenOrVisible], The_GetSuffix ()); HTM_Txt (Description); HTM_DIV_End (); HTM_TD_End (); HTM_TR_End (); /***** Free anchor string *****/ Frm_FreeAnchorStr (&Anchor); } /*****************************************************************************/ /****************** Write the author of an attendance event ******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Att_WriteEventAuthor (struct Att_Event *Event) { Usr_WriteAuthor1Line (Event->UsrCod,Event->HiddenOrVisible); } /*****************************************************************************/ /**** Get parameter with the type or order in list of attendance events ******/ /*****************************************************************************/ static Dat_StartEndTime_t Att_GetParAttOrder (void) { return (Dat_StartEndTime_t) Par_GetParUnsignedLong ("Order", 0, Dat_NUM_START_END_TIME - 1, (unsigned long) Att_ORDER_DEFAULT); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************** Put a link (form) to edit one attendance event ***************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Att_PutFormsToRemEditOneEvent (struct Att_Events *Events, const char *Anchor) { static Act_Action_t ActionHideUnhide[HidVis_NUM_HIDDEN_VISIBLE] = { [HidVis_HIDDEN ] = ActUnhAtt, // Hidden ==> action to unhide [HidVis_VISIBLE] = ActHidAtt, // Visible ==> action to hide }; if (Att_CheckIfICanEditEvents () == Usr_CAN) { /***** Icon to remove attendance event *****/ Ico_PutContextualIconToRemove (ActReqRemAtt,NULL, Att_PutPars,Events); /***** Icon to hide/unhide attendance event *****/ Ico_PutContextualIconToHideUnhide (ActionHideUnhide,Anchor, Att_PutPars,Events, Events->Event.HiddenOrVisible); /***** Icon to edit attendance event *****/ Ico_PutContextualIconToEdit (ActEdiOneAtt,NULL,Att_PutPars,Events); } /***** Icon to get resource link *****/ if (Rsc_CheckIfICanGetLink () == Usr_CAN) Ico_PutContextualIconToGetLink (ActReqLnkAtt,NULL,Att_PutPars,Events); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************* Check if I can edit calls for exams *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ Usr_Can_t Att_CheckIfICanEditEvents (void) { static Usr_Can_t ICanEditAttEvents[Rol_NUM_ROLES] = { [Rol_TCH ] = Usr_CAN, [Rol_SYS_ADM] = Usr_CAN, }; return ICanEditAttEvents[Gbl.Usrs.Me.Role.Logged]; } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Params used to edit an attendance event *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Att_PutPars (void *Events) { Grp_WhichGroups_t WhichGroups; if (Events) { ParCod_PutPar (ParCod_Att,((struct Att_Events *) Events)->Event.AttCod); Par_PutParOrder ((unsigned) ((struct Att_Events *) Events)->SelectedOrder); WhichGroups = Grp_GetParWhichGroups (); Grp_PutParWhichGroups (&WhichGroups); Pag_PutParPagNum (Pag_ATT_EVENTS,((struct Att_Events *) Events)->CurrentPage); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************ List all attendance events *************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Att_GetListEvents (struct Att_Events *Events, Att_OrderNewestOldest_t OrderNewestOldest) { extern unsigned (*Att_DB_GetListAttEvents[Grp_NUM_WHICH_GROUPS]) (MYSQL_RES **mysql_res, Dat_StartEndTime_t SelectedOrder, Att_OrderNewestOldest_t OrderNewestOldest); MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; unsigned NumAttEvent; if (Events->LstIsRead) Att_FreeListEvents (Events); /***** Get list of attendance events from database *****/ Events->Num = Att_DB_GetListAttEvents[Gbl.Crs.Grps.WhichGrps] (&mysql_res, Events->SelectedOrder, OrderNewestOldest); if (Events->Num) // Attendance events found... { /***** Create list of attendance events *****/ if ((Events->Lst = calloc ((size_t) Events->Num, sizeof (*Events->Lst))) == NULL) Err_NotEnoughMemoryExit (); /***** Get the attendance events codes *****/ for (NumAttEvent = 0; NumAttEvent < Events->Num; NumAttEvent++) { /* Get next attendance event code */ if ((Events->Lst[NumAttEvent].AttCod = DB_GetNextCode (mysql_res)) < 0) Err_WrongEventExit (); } } /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); Events->LstIsRead = true; } /*****************************************************************************/ /********* Get attendance event data using its code and check course *********/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Att_GetEventDataByCodAndCheckCrs (struct Att_Event *Event) { if (Att_GetEventDataByCod (Event)) { if (Event->CrsCod != Gbl.Hierarchy.Node[Hie_CRS].HieCod) Err_WrongEventExit (); } else // Attendance event not found Err_WrongEventExit (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /**************** Get attendance event data using its code *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ // Returns true if attendance event exists // This function can be called from web service, so do not display messages bool Att_GetEventDataByCod (struct Att_Event *Event) { MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned NumAttEvents; bool Found = false; /***** Reset attendance event data *****/ Att_ResetEvent (Event); if (Event->AttCod > 0) { /***** Build query *****/ NumAttEvents = Att_DB_GetEventDataByCod (&mysql_res,Event->AttCod); /***** Get data of attendance event from database *****/ if ((Found = (NumAttEvents != 0))) // Attendance event found... { /* Get next row from result */ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); /* Get attendance event (except Txt) */ Att_GetEventDataFromRow (row,Event); } /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); } return Found; } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************** Clear all attendance event data **********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Att_ResetEvent (struct Att_Event *Event) { if (Event->AttCod <= 0) // If > 0 ==> keep values of AttCod and Selected { Event->AttCod = -1L; Event->NumStdsTotal = 0; } Event->CrsCod = -1L; Event->HiddenOrVisible = HidVis_VISIBLE; Event->UsrCod = -1L; Event->TimeUTC[Dat_STR_TIME] = Event->TimeUTC[Dat_END_TIME] = (time_t) 0; Event->ClosedOrOpen = CloOpe_CLOSED; Event->CommentTchVisible = false; Event->Title[0] = '\0'; } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************* Get attendance event data *************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Att_GetEventDataFromRow (MYSQL_ROW row,struct Att_Event *Event) { /***** Get code of attendance event (row[0]) and code of course (row[1]) *****/ Event->AttCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[0]); Event->CrsCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[1]); /***** Get whether the attendance event is hidden or not (row[2]) *****/ Event->HiddenOrVisible = HidVid_GetHiddenOrVisible (row[2][0]); /***** Get author of the attendance event (row[3]) *****/ Event->UsrCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[3]); /***** Get start date (row[4]) and end date (row[5]) in UTC time *****/ Event->TimeUTC[Dat_STR_TIME] = Dat_GetUNIXTimeFromStr (row[4]); Event->TimeUTC[Dat_END_TIME] = Dat_GetUNIXTimeFromStr (row[5]); /***** Get whether the attendance event is open or closed (row(6)) *****/ Event->ClosedOrOpen = CloOpe_GetClosedOrOpenFrom01 (row[6][0]); /***** Get whether the attendance event is visible or not (row[7]) *****/ Event->CommentTchVisible = (row[7][0] == 'Y'); /***** Get the title of the attendance event (row[8]) *****/ Str_Copy (Event->Title,row[8],sizeof (Event->Title) - 1); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************** Free list of attendance events ***********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Att_FreeListEvents (struct Att_Events *Events) { if (Events->LstIsRead && Events->Lst) { /***** Free memory used by the list of attendance events *****/ free (Events->Lst); Events->Lst = NULL; Events->Num = 0; Events->LstIsRead = false; } } /*****************************************************************************/ /********* Ask for confirmation of removing of an attendance event ***********/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Att_AskRemEvent (void) { extern const char *Txt_Do_you_really_want_to_remove_the_event_X; struct Att_Events Events; /***** Reset attendance events *****/ Att_ResetEvents (&Events); /***** Get parameters *****/ Events.SelectedOrder = Att_GetParAttOrder (); Grp_GetParWhichGroups (); Events.CurrentPage = Pag_GetParPagNum (Pag_ATT_EVENTS); /***** Get attendance event code *****/ Events.Event.AttCod = ParCod_GetAndCheckPar (ParCod_Att); /***** Get data of the attendance event from database *****/ Att_GetEventDataByCodAndCheckCrs (&Events.Event); /***** Show question and button to remove event *****/ Ale_ShowAlertRemove (ActRemAtt,NULL, Att_PutPars,&Events, Txt_Do_you_really_want_to_remove_the_event_X, Events.Event.Title); /***** Show attendance events again *****/ Att_SeeEvents (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /** Get param., remove an attendance event and show attendance events again **/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Att_GetAndRemEvent (void) { extern const char *Txt_Event_X_removed; struct Att_Event Event; /***** Get attendance event code *****/ Event.AttCod = ParCod_GetAndCheckPar (ParCod_Att); /***** Get data of the attendance event from database *****/ // Inside this function, the course is checked to be the current one Att_GetEventDataByCodAndCheckCrs (&Event); /***** Remove the attendance event from database *****/ Att_RemoveEventFromDB (Event.AttCod); /***** Write message to show the change made *****/ Ale_ShowAlert (Ale_SUCCESS,Txt_Event_X_removed, Event.Title); /***** Show attendance events again *****/ Att_SeeEvents (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /**************** Remove an attendance event from database *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Att_RemoveEventFromDB (long AttCod) { /***** Remove users registered in the attendance event *****/ Att_DB_RemoveAllUsrsFromAnEvent (AttCod); /***** Remove all groups of this attendance event *****/ Att_DB_RemoveGrpsAssociatedToAnEvent (AttCod); /***** Remove attendance event *****/ Att_DB_RemoveEventFromCurrentCrs (AttCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* Hide/unhide an attendance event ***********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Att_HideEvent (void) { Att_HideUnhideEvent (HidVis_HIDDEN); } void Att_UnhideEvent (void) { Att_HideUnhideEvent (HidVis_VISIBLE); } static void Att_HideUnhideEvent (HidVis_HiddenOrVisible_t HiddenOrVisible) { struct Att_Event Event; /***** Get attendance event code *****/ Event.AttCod = ParCod_GetAndCheckPar (ParCod_Att); /***** Get data of the attendance event from database *****/ Att_GetEventDataByCodAndCheckCrs (&Event); /***** Unhide attendance event *****/ Att_DB_HideOrUnhideEvent (Event.AttCod,HiddenOrVisible); /***** Show attendance events again *****/ Att_SeeEvents (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*************** Put a form to create a new attendance event *****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Att_ReqCreatOrEditEvent (void) { extern const char *Hlp_USERS_Attendance_edit_event; extern const char *Txt_Event; extern const char *Txt_Teachers_comment; extern const char *Txt_Title; extern const char *Txt_Hidden_MALE_PLURAL; extern const char *Txt_Visible_MALE_PLURAL; extern const char *Txt_Description; extern const char *Txt_Create; extern const char *Txt_Save_changes; struct Att_Events Events; bool ItsANewAttEvent; Grp_WhichGroups_t WhichGroups; char Description[Cns_MAX_BYTES_TEXT + 1]; static const Dat_SetHMS SetHMS[Dat_NUM_START_END_TIME] = { [Dat_STR_TIME] = Dat_HMS_DO_NOT_SET, [Dat_END_TIME] = Dat_HMS_DO_NOT_SET }; /***** Reset attendance events *****/ Att_ResetEvents (&Events); /***** Get parameters *****/ Events.SelectedOrder = Att_GetParAttOrder (); Grp_GetParWhichGroups (); Events.CurrentPage = Pag_GetParPagNum (Pag_ATT_EVENTS); /***** Get the code of the attendance event *****/ ItsANewAttEvent = ((Events.Event.AttCod = ParCod_GetPar (ParCod_Att)) <= 0); /***** Get from the database the data of the attendance event *****/ if (ItsANewAttEvent) { /* Reset attendance event data */ Events.Event.AttCod = -1L; Att_ResetEvent (&Events.Event); /* Initialize some fields */ Events.Event.CrsCod = Gbl.Hierarchy.Node[Hie_CRS].HieCod; Events.Event.UsrCod = Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod; Events.Event.TimeUTC[Dat_STR_TIME] = Dat_GetStartExecutionTimeUTC (); Events.Event.TimeUTC[Dat_END_TIME] = Events.Event.TimeUTC[Dat_STR_TIME] + (2 * 60 * 60); // +2 hours Events.Event.ClosedOrOpen = CloOpe_OPEN; } else { /* Get data of the attendance event from database */ Att_GetEventDataByCodAndCheckCrs (&Events.Event); /* Get text of the attendance event from database */ Att_DB_GetEventDescription (Events.Event.AttCod,Description); } /***** Begin form *****/ if (ItsANewAttEvent) Frm_BeginForm (ActNewAtt); else { Frm_BeginForm (ActChgAtt); ParCod_PutPar (ParCod_Att,Events.Event.AttCod); } Par_PutParOrder ((unsigned) Events.SelectedOrder); WhichGroups = Grp_GetParWhichGroups (); Grp_PutParWhichGroups (&WhichGroups); Pag_PutParPagNum (Pag_ATT_EVENTS,Events.CurrentPage); /***** Begin box and table *****/ Box_BoxTableBegin (Events.Event.Title[0] ? Events.Event.Title : Txt_Event, NULL,NULL, Hlp_USERS_Attendance_edit_event,Box_NOT_CLOSABLE,2); /***** Attendance event title *****/ HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); /* Label */ Frm_LabelColumn ("Frm_C1 RT","Title",Txt_Title); /* Data */ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"Frm_C2 LT\""); HTM_INPUT_TEXT ("Title",Att_MAX_CHARS_ATTENDANCE_EVENT_TITLE,Events.Event.Title, HTM_REQUIRED, "id=\"Title\" class=\"Frm_C2_INPUT INPUT_%s\"", The_GetSuffix ()); HTM_TD_End (); HTM_TR_End (); /***** Assignment start and end dates *****/ Dat_PutFormStartEndClientLocalDateTimes (Events.Event.TimeUTC, Dat_FORM_SECONDS_ON, SetHMS); /***** Visibility of comments *****/ HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); /* Label */ Frm_LabelColumn ("Frm_C1 RT","ComTchVisible",Txt_Teachers_comment); /* Data */ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"Frm_C2 LT\""); HTM_SELECT_Begin (HTM_NO_ATTR,NULL, "id=\"ComTchVisible\" name=\"ComTchVisible\"" " class=\"Frm_C2_INPUT INPUT_%s\"", The_GetSuffix ()); HTM_OPTION (HTM_Type_STRING,"N", Events.Event.CommentTchVisible ? HTM_NO_ATTR : HTM_SELECTED, "%s",Txt_Hidden_MALE_PLURAL); HTM_OPTION (HTM_Type_STRING,"Y", Events.Event.CommentTchVisible ? HTM_SELECTED : HTM_NO_ATTR, "%s",Txt_Visible_MALE_PLURAL); HTM_SELECT_End (); HTM_TD_End (); HTM_TR_End (); /***** Attendance event description *****/ HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); /* Label */ Frm_LabelColumn ("Frm_C1 RT","Txt",Txt_Description); /* Data */ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"Frm_C2 LT\""); HTM_TEXTAREA_Begin (HTM_NO_ATTR, "id=\"Txt\" name=\"Txt\" rows=\"5\"" " class=\"Frm_C2_INPUT INPUT_%s\"", The_GetSuffix ()); if (!ItsANewAttEvent) HTM_Txt (Description); HTM_TEXTAREA_End (); HTM_TD_End (); HTM_TR_End (); /***** Groups *****/ Att_ShowLstGrpsToEditEvent (Events.Event.AttCod); /***** End table, send button and end box *****/ if (ItsANewAttEvent) Box_BoxTableWithButtonEnd (Btn_CREATE_BUTTON,Txt_Create); else Box_BoxTableWithButtonEnd (Btn_CONFIRM_BUTTON,Txt_Save_changes); /***** End form *****/ Frm_EndForm (); /***** Show current attendance events *****/ Att_GetListEvents (&Events,Att_NEWEST_FIRST); Att_ShowAllEvents (&Events); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************* Show list of groups to edit and attendance event **************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Att_ShowLstGrpsToEditEvent (long AttCod) { extern const char *Txt_Groups; unsigned NumGrpTyp; /***** Get list of groups types and groups in this course *****/ Grp_GetListGrpTypesAndGrpsInThisCrs (Grp_ONLY_GROUP_TYPES_WITH_GROUPS); if (Gbl.Crs.Grps.GrpTypes.NumGrpTypes) { /***** Begin box and table *****/ HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); /* Label */ Frm_LabelColumn ("Frm_C1 RT","",Txt_Groups); /* Groups */ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"Frm_C2 LT\""); HTM_TABLE_Begin (NULL); /***** First row: checkbox to select the whole course *****/ HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); HTM_TD_Begin ("colspan=\"7\" class=\"LM DAT_%s\"",The_GetSuffix ()); HTM_LABEL_Begin (NULL); HTM_INPUT_CHECKBOX ("WholeCrs", Grp_DB_CheckIfAssociatedToGrps ("att_groups", "AttCod", AttCod) ? HTM_NO_ATTR : HTM_CHECKED, "id=\"WholeCrs\" value=\"Y\"" " onclick=\"uncheckChildren(this,'GrpCods')\""); Grp_WriteTheWholeCourse (); HTM_LABEL_End (); HTM_TD_End (); HTM_TR_End (); /***** List the groups for each group type *****/ for (NumGrpTyp = 0; NumGrpTyp < Gbl.Crs.Grps.GrpTypes.NumGrpTypes; NumGrpTyp++) if (Gbl.Crs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumGrpTyp].NumGrps) Grp_ListGrpsToEditAsgAttSvyEvtMch (&Gbl.Crs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumGrpTyp], Grp_ATT_EVENT,AttCod); HTM_TABLE_End (); HTM_TD_End (); HTM_TR_End (); } /***** Free list of groups types and groups in this course *****/ Grp_FreeListGrpTypesAndGrps (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*************** Receive form to create a new attendance event ***************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Att_ReceiveEvent (void) { extern const char *Txt_Already_existed_an_event_with_the_title_X; extern const char *Txt_Created_new_event_X; extern const char *Txt_The_event_has_been_modified; struct Att_Event OldAtt; struct Att_Event ReceivedAtt; bool ItsANewAttEvent; bool ReceivedAttEventIsCorrect = true; char Description[Cns_MAX_BYTES_TEXT + 1]; /***** Get the code of the attendance event *****/ ItsANewAttEvent = ((ReceivedAtt.AttCod = ParCod_GetPar (ParCod_Att)) <= 0); if (!ItsANewAttEvent) { /* Get data of the old (current) attendance event from database */ OldAtt.AttCod = ReceivedAtt.AttCod; Att_GetEventDataByCodAndCheckCrs (&OldAtt); ReceivedAtt.HiddenOrVisible = OldAtt.HiddenOrVisible; } /***** Get start/end date-times *****/ ReceivedAtt.TimeUTC[Dat_STR_TIME] = Dat_GetTimeUTCFromForm (Dat_STR_TIME); ReceivedAtt.TimeUTC[Dat_END_TIME] = Dat_GetTimeUTCFromForm (Dat_END_TIME); /***** Get boolean parameter that indicates if teacher's comments are visible by students *****/ ReceivedAtt.CommentTchVisible = Par_GetParBool ("ComTchVisible"); /***** Get attendance event title *****/ Par_GetParText ("Title",ReceivedAtt.Title,Att_MAX_BYTES_ATTENDANCE_EVENT_TITLE); /***** Get attendance event description *****/ Par_GetParHTML ("Txt",Description,Cns_MAX_BYTES_TEXT); // Store in HTML format (not rigorous) /***** Adjust dates *****/ if (ReceivedAtt.TimeUTC[Dat_STR_TIME] == 0) ReceivedAtt.TimeUTC[Dat_STR_TIME] = Dat_GetStartExecutionTimeUTC (); if (ReceivedAtt.TimeUTC[Dat_END_TIME] == 0) ReceivedAtt.TimeUTC[Dat_END_TIME] = ReceivedAtt.TimeUTC[Dat_STR_TIME] + 2 * 60 * 60; // +2 hours // TODO: 2 * 60 * 60 should be in a #define in swad_config.h /***** Check if title is correct *****/ if (ReceivedAtt.Title[0]) // If there's an attendance event title { /* If title of attendance event was in database... */ if (Att_DB_CheckIfSimilarEventExists ("Title",ReceivedAtt.Title,ReceivedAtt.AttCod)) { ReceivedAttEventIsCorrect = false; Ale_ShowAlert (Ale_WARNING,Txt_Already_existed_an_event_with_the_title_X, ReceivedAtt.Title); } } else // If there is not an attendance event title { ReceivedAttEventIsCorrect = false; Ale_CreateAlertYouMustSpecifyTheTitle (); } /***** Create a new attendance event or update an existing one *****/ if (ReceivedAttEventIsCorrect) { /* Get groups for this attendance events */ Grp_GetParCodsSeveralGrps (); if (ItsANewAttEvent) { ReceivedAtt.HiddenOrVisible = HidVis_VISIBLE; // New attendance events are visible by default Att_CreateEvent (&ReceivedAtt,Description); // Add new attendance event to database /***** Write success message *****/ Ale_ShowAlert (Ale_SUCCESS,Txt_Created_new_event_X, ReceivedAtt.Title); } else { Att_UpdateEvent (&ReceivedAtt,Description); /***** Write success message *****/ Ale_ShowAlert (Ale_SUCCESS,Txt_The_event_has_been_modified); } /* Free memory for list of selected groups */ Grp_FreeListCodSelectedGrps (); } else Att_ReqCreatOrEditEvent (); /***** Show attendance events again *****/ Att_SeeEvents (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* Create a new attendance event *************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Att_CreateEvent (struct Att_Event *Event,const char *Description) { /***** Create a new attendance event *****/ Event->AttCod = Att_DB_CreateEvent (Event,Description); /***** Create groups *****/ if (Gbl.Crs.Grps.LstGrpsSel.NumGrps) Att_CreateGroups (Event->AttCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /****************** Update an existing attendance event **********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Att_UpdateEvent (struct Att_Event *Event,const char *Description) { /***** Update the data of the attendance event *****/ Att_DB_UpdateEvent (Event,Description); /***** Update groups *****/ /* Remove old groups */ Att_DB_RemoveGrpsAssociatedToAnEvent (Event->AttCod); /* Create new groups */ if (Gbl.Crs.Grps.LstGrpsSel.NumGrps) Att_CreateGroups (Event->AttCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Create groups of an attendance event **********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Att_CreateGroups (long AttCod) { unsigned NumGrp; /***** Create groups of the attendance event *****/ for (NumGrp = 0; NumGrp < Gbl.Crs.Grps.LstGrpsSel.NumGrps; NumGrp++) Att_DB_CreateGroup (AttCod,Gbl.Crs.Grps.LstGrpsSel.GrpCods[NumGrp]); } /*****************************************************************************/ /****** Get and write the names of the groups of an attendance event *********/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Att_GetAndWriteNamesOfGrpsAssociatedToEvent (struct Att_Event *Event) { extern const char *Txt_Group; extern const char *Txt_Groups; extern const char *Txt_and; extern const char *HidVis_GroupClass[HidVis_NUM_HIDDEN_VISIBLE]; MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned NumGrps; unsigned NumGrp; /***** Get groups associated to an attendance event from database *****/ NumGrps = Att_DB_GetGroupsAssociatedToEvent (&mysql_res,Event->AttCod); /***** Begin container *****/ HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"%s_%s\"", HidVis_GroupClass[Event->HiddenOrVisible],The_GetSuffix ()); /***** Write heading *****/ HTM_TxtColonNBSP (NumGrps == 1 ? Txt_Group : Txt_Groups); /***** Write groups *****/ if (NumGrps) // Groups found... { /* Get and write the group types and names */ for (NumGrp = 0; NumGrp < NumGrps; NumGrp++) { /* Get next group */ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); /* Write group type name (row[0]) and group name (row[1]) */ HTM_TxtF ("%s %s",row[0],row[1]); /* Write the name of the room (row[2]) */ if (row[2]) // May be NULL because of LEFT JOIN if (row[2][0]) HTM_TxtF (" (%s)",row[2]); /* Write separator */ if (NumGrps >= 2) { if (NumGrp == NumGrps - 2) HTM_TxtF (" %s ",Txt_and); if (NumGrps >= 3) if (NumGrp < NumGrps - 2) HTM_Txt (", "); } } } else Grp_WriteTheWholeCourse (); /***** End container *****/ HTM_DIV_End (); /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Remove all attendance events of a course ******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Att_RemoveCrsEvents (long HieCod) { /***** Remove students *****/ Att_DB_RemoveUsrsFromCrsEvents (HieCod); /***** Remove groups *****/ Att_DB_RemoveGrpsAssociatedToCrsEvents (HieCod); /***** Remove attendance events *****/ Att_DB_RemoveCrsEvents (HieCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* Get number of attendance events ***********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ // Returns the number of attendance events // in this location (all the platform, the current degree or the current course) unsigned Att_GetNumEvents (Hie_Level_t Level,unsigned *NumNotif) { MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned NumAttEvents; /***** Set default values *****/ NumAttEvents = 0; *NumNotif = 0; /***** Get number of attendance events from database *****/ if (Att_DB_GetNumEvents (&mysql_res,Level)) { /***** Get number of attendance events *****/ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); if (sscanf (row[0],"%u",&NumAttEvents) != 1) Err_ShowErrorAndExit ("Error when getting number of attendance events."); /***** Get number of notifications by email *****/ if (row[1]) if (sscanf (row[1],"%u",NumNotif) != 1) Err_ShowErrorAndExit ("Error when getting number of notifications of attendance events."); } /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); return NumAttEvents; } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************ Show one attendance event **************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Att_SeeOneEvent (void) { struct Att_Events Events; /***** Reset attendance events *****/ Att_ResetEvents (&Events); /***** Get attendance event code *****/ Events.Event.AttCod = ParCod_GetAndCheckPar (ParCod_Att); /***** Show event *****/ Att_ShowEvent (&Events); } static void Att_ShowEvent (struct Att_Events *Events) { extern const char *Hlp_USERS_Attendance; extern const char *Txt_Event; /***** Get parameters *****/ Events->SelectedOrder = Att_GetParAttOrder (); Grp_GetParWhichGroups (); Events->CurrentPage = Pag_GetParPagNum (Pag_ATT_EVENTS); /***** Get data of this attendance event *****/ Att_GetEventDataByCodAndCheckCrs (&Events->Event); Events->Event.NumStdsTotal = Att_DB_GetNumStdsTotalWhoAreInEvent (Events->Event.AttCod); /***** Show attendance event inside a box *****/ Box_BoxTableBegin (Events->Event.Title[0] ? Events->Event.Title : Txt_Event, Att_PutIconsOneEvent,Events, Hlp_USERS_Attendance,Box_NOT_CLOSABLE,2); Att_ShowOneEventRow (Events, true); // Show only this event Box_BoxTableEnd (); HTM_BR (); switch (Gbl.Usrs.Me.Role.Logged) { case Rol_STD: Att_ListEventOnlyMeAsStudent (&Events->Event); break; case Rol_NET: case Rol_TCH: case Rol_SYS_ADM: /***** Show list of students *****/ Att_ListEventStudents (Events); break; default: break; } } /*****************************************************************************/ /*************** Put contextual icons in an attendance event *****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Att_PutIconsOneEvent (void *Events) { char *Anchor = NULL; /***** Set anchor string *****/ Frm_SetAnchorStr (((struct Att_Events *) Events)->Event.AttCod,&Anchor); /***** Put icons to edit resource link *****/ Att_PutFormsToRemEditOneEvent ((struct Att_Events *) Events,Anchor); /***** Free anchor string *****/ Frm_FreeAnchorStr (&Anchor); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********************** List me as student in one event *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ // Event must be filled before calling this function static void Att_ListEventOnlyMeAsStudent (struct Att_Event *Event) { extern const char *Hlp_USERS_Attendance; extern const char *Txt_Attendance; extern const char *Txt_Student_comment; extern const char *Txt_Teachers_comment; extern const char *Txt_ROLES_SINGUL_Abc[Rol_NUM_ROLES][Usr_NUM_SEXS]; extern const char *Txt_Save_changes; static Usr_Can_t ICanMakeAnyChange; /***** Set who can edit *****/ ICanMakeAnyChange = Usr_CAN_NOT; switch (Gbl.Usrs.Me.Role.Logged) { case Rol_STD: // A student can see only her/his attendance if (Event->ClosedOrOpen == CloOpe_OPEN) ICanMakeAnyChange = Usr_CAN; break; default: Err_ShowErrorAndExit ("Wrong call."); break; } /***** Get my setting about photos in users' list for current course *****/ Set_GetMyPrefAboutListWithPhotosFromDB (); /***** List students (only me) *****/ /* Begin box */ Box_BoxBegin (Txt_Attendance,NULL,NULL, Hlp_USERS_Attendance,Box_NOT_CLOSABLE); /***** Begin form *****/ if (ICanMakeAnyChange) { Frm_BeginForm (ActRecAttMe); ParCod_PutPar (ParCod_Att,Event->AttCod); } /***** List students (only me) *****/ /* Begin table */ HTM_TABLE_Begin ("TBL_SCROLL"); /* Header */ HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); HTM_TH_Empty (3); if (Gbl.Usrs.Listing.WithPhotos) HTM_TH_Empty (1); HTM_TH_Span (Txt_ROLES_SINGUL_Abc[Rol_STD][Usr_SEX_UNKNOWN],HTM_HEAD_LEFT,1,2,NULL); HTM_TH (Txt_Student_comment ,HTM_HEAD_LEFT); HTM_TH (Txt_Teachers_comment ,HTM_HEAD_LEFT); HTM_TR_End (); /* List of students (only me) */ Att_WriteRowUsrToCallTheRoll (1,&Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat,Event); /* End table */ HTM_TABLE_End (); /* Send button and end form */ if (ICanMakeAnyChange == Usr_CAN) { Btn_PutConfirmButton (Txt_Save_changes); Frm_EndForm (); } /* End box */ Box_BoxEnd (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*************** List students who attended to one event *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ // Event must be filled before calling this function static void Att_ListEventStudents (struct Att_Events *Events) { extern const char *Hlp_USERS_Attendance; extern const char *Txt_Attendance; extern const char *Txt_Student_comment; extern const char *Txt_Teachers_comment; extern const char *Txt_ROLES_SINGUL_Abc[Rol_NUM_ROLES][Usr_NUM_SEXS]; extern const char *Txt_Save_changes; unsigned NumUsr; struct Usr_Data UsrDat; static Usr_Can_t ICanMakeAnyChange; /***** Set who can edit *****/ switch (Gbl.Usrs.Me.Role.Logged) { case Rol_TCH: case Rol_SYS_ADM: ICanMakeAnyChange = Usr_CAN; break; default: ICanMakeAnyChange = Usr_CAN_NOT; break; } /***** Get groups to show ******/ Grp_GetParCodsSeveralGrpsToShowUsrs (); /***** Get and order list of students in this course *****/ Usr_GetListUsrs (Hie_CRS,Rol_STD); /***** Begin box *****/ Box_BoxBegin (Txt_Attendance,NULL,NULL, Hlp_USERS_Attendance,Box_NOT_CLOSABLE); /***** Form to select groups *****/ Grp_ShowFormToSelectSeveralGroups (ActSeeOneAtt,Att_PutParAttCod,Events,NULL); /***** Begin section with user list *****/ HTM_SECTION_Begin (Usr_USER_LIST_SECTION_ID); if (Gbl.Usrs.LstUsrs[Rol_STD].NumUsrs) { /***** Get my preference about photos in users' list for current course *****/ Set_GetMyPrefAboutListWithPhotosFromDB (); /***** Initialize structure with user's data *****/ Usr_UsrDataConstructor (&UsrDat); /* Begin form */ if (ICanMakeAnyChange) { Frm_BeginForm (ActRecAttStd); ParCod_PutPar (ParCod_Att,Events->Event.AttCod); Grp_PutParsCodGrps (); } /* Begin table */ HTM_TABLE_Begin ("TBL_SCROLL"); /* Header */ HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); HTM_TH_Empty (3); if (Gbl.Usrs.Listing.WithPhotos) HTM_TH_Empty (1); HTM_TH_Span (Txt_ROLES_SINGUL_Abc[Rol_STD][Usr_SEX_UNKNOWN],HTM_HEAD_LEFT,1,2,NULL); HTM_TH (Txt_Student_comment ,HTM_HEAD_LEFT); HTM_TH (Txt_Teachers_comment ,HTM_HEAD_LEFT); HTM_TR_End (); /* List of students */ for (NumUsr = 0; NumUsr < Gbl.Usrs.LstUsrs[Rol_STD].NumUsrs; NumUsr++) { /* Copy user's basic data from list */ Usr_CopyBasicUsrDataFromList (&UsrDat,&Gbl.Usrs.LstUsrs[Rol_STD].Lst[NumUsr]); /* Get list of user's IDs */ ID_GetListIDsFromUsrCod (&UsrDat); Att_WriteRowUsrToCallTheRoll (NumUsr + 1,&UsrDat,&Events->Event); } /* End table */ HTM_TABLE_End (); /* Send button and end form */ if (ICanMakeAnyChange) { Btn_PutConfirmButton (Txt_Save_changes); Frm_EndForm (); } /***** Free memory used for user's data *****/ Usr_UsrDataDestructor (&UsrDat); } else // Gbl.Usrs.LstUsrs[Rol_STD].NumUsrs == 0 /***** Show warning indicating no students found *****/ Usr_ShowWarningNoUsersFound (Rol_STD); /***** End section with user list *****/ HTM_SECTION_End (); /***** End box *****/ Box_BoxEnd (); /***** Free memory for students list *****/ Usr_FreeUsrsList (Rol_STD); /***** Free memory for list of selected groups *****/ Grp_FreeListCodSelectedGrps (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************** Write parameter with code of attendance event ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Att_PutParAttCod (void *Events) { if (Events) ParCod_PutPar (ParCod_Att,((struct Att_Events *) Events)->Event.AttCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************** Write a row of a table with the data of a user ***************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Att_WriteRowUsrToCallTheRoll (unsigned NumUsr, struct Usr_Data *UsrDat, struct Att_Event *Event) { static const char *ClassPhoto[PhoSha_NUM_SHAPES] = { [PhoSha_SHAPE_CIRCLE ] = "PHOTOC45x60", [PhoSha_SHAPE_ELLIPSE ] = "PHOTOE45x60", [PhoSha_SHAPE_OVAL ] = "PHOTOO45x60", [PhoSha_SHAPE_RECTANGLE] = "PHOTOR45x60", }; Att_Present_t Present; char CommentStd[Cns_MAX_BYTES_TEXT + 1]; char CommentTch[Cns_MAX_BYTES_TEXT + 1]; Usr_Can_t ICanChangeStdAttendance; Usr_Can_t ICanEditStdComment; Usr_Can_t ICanEditTchComment; /***** Set who can edit *****/ switch (Gbl.Usrs.Me.Role.Logged) { case Rol_STD: // A student can see only her/his attendance if (Usr_ItsMe (UsrDat->UsrCod) == Usr_OTHER) Err_ShowErrorAndExit ("Wrong call."); ICanChangeStdAttendance = Usr_CAN_NOT; ICanEditStdComment = (Event->ClosedOrOpen == CloOpe_OPEN) ? Usr_CAN : // Attendance event is open Usr_CAN_NOT; ICanEditTchComment = Usr_CAN_NOT; break; case Rol_TCH: ICanChangeStdAttendance = Usr_CAN; ICanEditStdComment = Usr_CAN_NOT; ICanEditTchComment = Usr_CAN; break; case Rol_SYS_ADM: ICanChangeStdAttendance = Usr_CAN; ICanEditStdComment = Usr_CAN_NOT; ICanEditTchComment = Usr_CAN_NOT; break; default: ICanChangeStdAttendance = Usr_CAN_NOT; ICanEditStdComment = Usr_CAN_NOT; ICanEditTchComment = Usr_CAN_NOT; break; } /***** Check if this student is already present in the current event *****/ Present = Att_CheckIfUsrIsPresentInEventAndGetComments (Event->AttCod,UsrDat->UsrCod, CommentStd,CommentTch); /***** Begin table row *****/ HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); /***** Icon to show if the user is already present *****/ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"BT %s\"",The_GetColorRows ()); HTM_LABEL_Begin ("for=\"Std%u\"",NumUsr); Att_PutCheckOrCross (Present); HTM_LABEL_End (); HTM_TD_End (); /***** Checkbox to select user *****/ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"CT %s\"",The_GetColorRows ()); HTM_INPUT_CHECKBOX ("UsrCodStd", ((Present == Att_PRESENT) ? HTM_CHECKED : HTM_NO_ATTR) | ((ICanChangeStdAttendance == Usr_CAN) ? HTM_NO_ATTR : HTM_DISABLED), "id=\"Std%u\" value=\"%s\"", NumUsr,UsrDat->EnUsrCod); HTM_TD_End (); /***** Write number of student in the list *****/ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"RT %s_%s %s\"", UsrDat->Accepted ? "DAT_STRONG" : "DAT", The_GetSuffix (),The_GetColorRows ()); HTM_Unsigned (NumUsr); HTM_TD_End (); /***** Show student's photo *****/ if (Gbl.Usrs.Listing.WithPhotos) { HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"%s LT\"",The_GetColorRows ()); Pho_ShowUsrPhotoIfAllowed (UsrDat, ClassPhoto[Gbl.Prefs.PhotoShape],Pho_ZOOM); HTM_TD_End (); } /***** Write user's ID ******/ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LT %s_%s %s\"", UsrDat->Accepted ? "DAT_SMALL_STRONG" : "DAT_SMALL", The_GetSuffix (),The_GetColorRows ()); ID_WriteUsrIDs (UsrDat,NULL); HTM_TD_End (); /***** Write student's name *****/ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LT %s_%s %s\"", UsrDat->Accepted ? "DAT_SMALL_STRONG" : "DAT_SMALL", The_GetSuffix (),The_GetColorRows ()); HTM_Txt (UsrDat->Surname1); if (UsrDat->Surname2[0]) HTM_SPTxt (UsrDat->Surname2); HTM_TxtF (", %s",UsrDat->FrstName); HTM_TD_End (); /***** Student's comment: write form or text */ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LT %s_%s %s\"", UsrDat->Accepted ? "DAT_SMALL_STRONG" : "DAT_SMALL", The_GetSuffix (),The_GetColorRows ()); switch (ICanEditStdComment) { case Usr_CAN: // Show with form HTM_TEXTAREA_Begin (HTM_NO_ATTR, "name=\"CommentStd%s\" cols=\"40\" rows=\"3\"" " class=\"INPUT_%s\"", UsrDat->EnUsrCod,The_GetSuffix ()); HTM_Txt (CommentStd); HTM_TEXTAREA_End (); break; case Usr_CAN_NOT: // Show without form default: Str_ChangeFormat (Str_FROM_HTML,Str_TO_RIGOROUS_HTML, CommentStd,Cns_MAX_BYTES_TEXT,Str_DONT_REMOVE_SPACES); HTM_Txt (CommentStd); break; } HTM_TD_End (); /***** Teacher's comment: write form, text or nothing */ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LT %s_%s %s\"", UsrDat->Accepted ? "DAT_SMALL_STRONG" : "DAT_SMALL", The_GetSuffix (),The_GetColorRows ()); switch (ICanEditTchComment) { case Usr_CAN: // Show with form HTM_TEXTAREA_Begin (HTM_NO_ATTR, "name=\"CommentTch%s\" cols=\"40\" rows=\"3\"" " class=\"INPUT_%s\"", UsrDat->EnUsrCod,The_GetSuffix ()); HTM_Txt (CommentTch); HTM_TEXTAREA_End (); break; case Usr_CAN_NOT: // Show without form default: if (Event->CommentTchVisible) { Str_ChangeFormat (Str_FROM_HTML,Str_TO_RIGOROUS_HTML, CommentTch,Cns_MAX_BYTES_TEXT, Str_DONT_REMOVE_SPACES); HTM_Txt (CommentTch); } break; } HTM_TD_End (); /***** End table row *****/ HTM_TR_End (); The_ChangeRowColor (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /**************** Put link to view one attendance event **********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Att_PutLinkEvent (struct Att_Event *Event, const char *Title,const char *Txt) { extern const char *HidVis_TitleClass[HidVis_NUM_HIDDEN_VISIBLE]; /***** Begin form *****/ Frm_BeginForm (ActSeeOneAtt); ParCod_PutPar (ParCod_Att,Event->AttCod); Att_PutParsCodGrps (Event->AttCod); /***** Link to view attendance event *****/ HTM_BUTTON_Submit_Begin (Title,"class=\"LT BT_LINK %s_%s\"", HidVis_TitleClass[Event->HiddenOrVisible], The_GetSuffix ()); HTM_Txt (Txt); HTM_BUTTON_End (); /***** End form *****/ Frm_EndForm (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /****** Put parameters with the default groups in an attendance event ********/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Att_PutParsCodGrps (long AttCod) { extern const char *Par_SEPARATOR_PARAM_MULTIPLE; MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned NumGrp; unsigned NumGrps; size_t MaxLengthGrpCods; char *GrpCods; /***** Get groups associated to an attendance event from database *****/ if (Gbl.Crs.Grps.NumGrps) NumGrps = Att_DB_GetGrpCodsAssociatedToEvent (&mysql_res,AttCod); else NumGrps = 0; /***** Get groups *****/ if (NumGrps) // Groups found... { MaxLengthGrpCods = NumGrps * (1 + 20) - 1; if ((GrpCods = malloc (MaxLengthGrpCods + 1)) == NULL) Err_NotEnoughMemoryExit (); GrpCods[0] = '\0'; /* Get groups */ for (NumGrp = 0; NumGrp < NumGrps; NumGrp++) { /* Get next group */ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); /* Append group code to list */ if (NumGrp) Str_Concat (GrpCods,Par_SEPARATOR_PARAM_MULTIPLE,MaxLengthGrpCods); Str_Concat (GrpCods,row[0],MaxLengthGrpCods); } Par_PutParString (NULL,"GrpCods",GrpCods); free (GrpCods); } else /***** Write the boolean parameter that indicates if all groups should be listed *****/ Par_PutParChar ("AllGroups",'Y'); /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ if (Gbl.Crs.Grps.NumGrps) DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*************** Save me as students who attended to an event ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Att_RegisterMeAsStdInEvent (void) { extern const char *Txt_Your_comment_has_been_updated; struct Att_Events Events; Att_Present_t Present; char *ParName; char CommentStd[Cns_MAX_BYTES_TEXT + 1]; char CommentTch[Cns_MAX_BYTES_TEXT + 1]; /***** Reset attendance events *****/ Att_ResetEvents (&Events); /***** Get attendance event code *****/ Events.Event.AttCod = ParCod_GetAndCheckPar (ParCod_Att); Att_GetEventDataByCodAndCheckCrs (&Events.Event); // This checks that event belong to current course if (Events.Event.ClosedOrOpen == CloOpe_OPEN) { /***** Get comments for this student *****/ Present = Att_CheckIfUsrIsPresentInEventAndGetComments (Events.Event.AttCod,Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod, CommentStd,CommentTch); if (asprintf (&ParName,"CommentStd%s",Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.EnUsrCod) < 0) Err_NotEnoughMemoryExit (); Par_GetParHTML (ParName,CommentStd,Cns_MAX_BYTES_TEXT); free (ParName); if (Present || CommentStd[0] || CommentTch[0]) /***** Register student *****/ Att_DB_RegUsrInEventChangingComments (Events.Event.AttCod,Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod, Present,CommentStd,CommentTch); else /***** Remove student *****/ Att_DB_RemoveUsrFromEvent (Events.Event.AttCod,Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod); /***** Write final message *****/ Ale_ShowAlert (Ale_SUCCESS,Txt_Your_comment_has_been_updated); } /***** Show the attendance event again *****/ Att_ShowEvent (&Events); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Save students who attended to an event ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /* Algorithm: 1. Get list of students in the groups selected: Gbl.Usrs.LstUsrs[Rol_STD] 2. Mark all students in the groups selected setting Remove=true 3. Get list of students marked as present by me: Gbl.Usrs.Selected.List[Rol_STD] 4. Loop over the list Gbl.Usrs.Selected.List[Rol_STD], that holds the list of the students marked as present, marking the students in Gbl.Usrs.LstUsrs[Rol_STD].Lst as Remove=false 5. Delete from att_users all students marked as Remove=true 6. Replace (insert without duplicated) into att_users all students marked as Remove=false */ void Att_RegisterStudentsInEvent (void) { extern const char *Txt_Presents; extern const char *Txt_Absents; struct Att_Events Events; unsigned NumUsr; const char *Ptr; Att_Present_t Present; char *ParName; unsigned NumStds[Att_NUM_PRESENT]; struct Usr_Data UsrData; char CommentStd[Cns_MAX_BYTES_TEXT + 1]; char CommentTch[Cns_MAX_BYTES_TEXT + 1]; /***** Reset attendance events *****/ Att_ResetEvents (&Events); /***** Get attendance event code *****/ Events.Event.AttCod = ParCod_GetAndCheckPar (ParCod_Att); Att_GetEventDataByCodAndCheckCrs (&Events.Event); // This checks that event belong to current course /***** Get groups selected *****/ Grp_GetParCodsSeveralGrpsToShowUsrs (); /***** 1. Get list of students in the groups selected: Gbl.Usrs.LstUsrs[Rol_STD] *****/ /* Get list of students in the groups selected */ Usr_GetListUsrs (Hie_CRS,Rol_STD); if (Gbl.Usrs.LstUsrs[Rol_STD].NumUsrs) // If there are students in the groups selected... { /***** 2. Mark all students in the groups selected setting Remove=true *****/ for (NumUsr = 0; NumUsr < Gbl.Usrs.LstUsrs[Rol_STD].NumUsrs; NumUsr++) Gbl.Usrs.LstUsrs[Rol_STD].Lst[NumUsr].Remove = true; /***** 3. Get list of students marked as present by me: Gbl.Usrs.Selected.List[Rol_STD] *****/ Usr_GetListsSelectedEncryptedUsrsCods (&Gbl.Usrs.Selected); /***** Initialize structure with user's data *****/ Usr_UsrDataConstructor (&UsrData); /***** 4. Loop over the list Gbl.Usrs.Selected.List[Rol_STD], that holds the list of the students marked as present, marking the students in Gbl.Usrs.LstUsrs[Rol_STD].Lst as Remove=false *****/ Ptr = Gbl.Usrs.Selected.List[Rol_STD]; while (*Ptr) { Par_GetNextStrUntilSeparParMult (&Ptr,UsrData.EnUsrCod, Cry_BYTES_ENCRYPTED_STR_SHA256_BASE64); Usr_GetUsrCodFromEncryptedUsrCod (&UsrData); if (UsrData.UsrCod > 0) // Student exists in database /***** Mark student to not be removed *****/ for (NumUsr = 0; NumUsr < Gbl.Usrs.LstUsrs[Rol_STD].NumUsrs; NumUsr++) if (Gbl.Usrs.LstUsrs[Rol_STD].Lst[NumUsr].UsrCod == UsrData.UsrCod) { Gbl.Usrs.LstUsrs[Rol_STD].Lst[NumUsr].Remove = false; break; // Found! Exit loop } } /***** Free memory used for user's data *****/ Usr_UsrDataDestructor (&UsrData); /***** Free memory *****/ /* Free memory used by list of selected students' codes */ Usr_FreeListsSelectedEncryptedUsrsCods (&Gbl.Usrs.Selected); // 5. Delete from att_users all students marked as Remove=true // 6. Replace (insert without duplicated) into att_users all students marked as Remove=false for (Present = Att_ABSENT; Present <= Att_PRESENT; Present++) NumStds[Present] = 0; for (NumUsr = 0; NumUsr < Gbl.Usrs.LstUsrs[Rol_STD].NumUsrs; NumUsr++) { /***** Get comments for this student *****/ Present = Att_CheckIfUsrIsPresentInEventAndGetComments (Events.Event.AttCod, Gbl.Usrs.LstUsrs[Rol_STD].Lst[NumUsr].UsrCod, CommentStd,CommentTch); if (asprintf (&ParName,"CommentTch%s", Gbl.Usrs.LstUsrs[Rol_STD].Lst[NumUsr].EnUsrCod) < 0) Err_NotEnoughMemoryExit (); Par_GetParHTML (ParName,CommentTch,Cns_MAX_BYTES_TEXT); free (ParName); Present = Gbl.Usrs.LstUsrs[Rol_STD].Lst[NumUsr].Remove ? Att_ABSENT : Att_PRESENT; if (Present == Att_PRESENT || CommentStd[0] || CommentTch[0]) /***** Register student *****/ Att_DB_RegUsrInEventChangingComments (Events.Event.AttCod,Gbl.Usrs.LstUsrs[Rol_STD].Lst[NumUsr].UsrCod, Present,CommentStd,CommentTch); else /***** Remove student *****/ Att_DB_RemoveUsrFromEvent (Events.Event.AttCod,Gbl.Usrs.LstUsrs[Rol_STD].Lst[NumUsr].UsrCod); NumStds[Present]++; } /***** Free memory for students list *****/ Usr_FreeUsrsList (Rol_STD); /***** Write final message *****/ Ale_ShowAlert (Ale_INFO,"%s: %u
" "%s: %u", Txt_Presents,NumStds[Att_PRESENT], Txt_Absents ,NumStds[Att_ABSENT ]); } else // Gbl.Usrs.LstUsrs[Rol_STD].NumUsrs == 0 /***** Show warning indicating no students found *****/ Usr_ShowWarningNoUsersFound (Rol_STD); /***** Show the attendance event again *****/ Att_ShowEvent (&Events); /***** Free memory for list of groups selected *****/ Grp_FreeListCodSelectedGrps (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********* Get number of users from a list who attended to an event **********/ /*****************************************************************************/ static unsigned Att_GetNumUsrsFromAListWhoAreInEvent (long AttCod, long *LstSelectedUsrCods, unsigned NumUsrsInList) { char *SubQueryUsrs; unsigned NumUsrsInAttEvent; if (NumUsrsInList) { /***** Create subquery string *****/ Usr_CreateSubqueryUsrCods (LstSelectedUsrCods,NumUsrsInList, &SubQueryUsrs); /***** Get number of users from list in attendance event from database ****/ NumUsrsInAttEvent = Att_DB_GetNumStdsFromListWhoAreInEvent (AttCod,SubQueryUsrs); /***** Free memory for subquery string *****/ Usr_FreeSubqueryUsrCods (SubQueryUsrs); } else NumUsrsInAttEvent = 0; return NumUsrsInAttEvent; } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Check if a student attended to an event *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static Att_Present_t Att_CheckIfUsrIsPresentInEvent (long AttCod,long UsrCod) { Att_Present_t Present; Att_DB_CheckIfUsrIsInTableAttUsr (AttCod,UsrCod,&Present); return Present; } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Check if a student attended to an event *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static Att_Present_t Att_CheckIfUsrIsPresentInEventAndGetComments (long AttCod,long UsrCod, char CommentStd[Cns_MAX_BYTES_TEXT + 1], char CommentTch[Cns_MAX_BYTES_TEXT + 1]) { MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; Att_Present_t Present; /***** Check if a students is registered in an event in database *****/ if (Att_DB_GetPresentAndComments (&mysql_res,AttCod,UsrCod)) { /* Get row */ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); /* Get if present (row[0]) */ Present = (row[0][0] == 'Y') ? Att_PRESENT : Att_ABSENT; /* Get student's (row[1]) and teacher's (row[2]) comment */ Str_Copy (CommentStd,row[1],Cns_MAX_BYTES_TEXT); Str_Copy (CommentTch,row[2],Cns_MAX_BYTES_TEXT); } else // User is not present { Present = Att_ABSENT; CommentStd[0] = CommentTch[0] = '\0'; } /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); return Present; } /*****************************************************************************/ /********** Request listing attendance of users to several events ************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Att_ReqListUsrsAttendanceCrs (void) { Att_ReqListOrPrintUsrsAttendanceCrs (NULL); } static void Att_ReqListOrPrintUsrsAttendanceCrs (__attribute__((unused)) void *Args) { extern const char *Hlp_USERS_Attendance_attendance_list; extern const char *Txt_Attendance_list; extern const char *Txt_View_attendance; struct Att_Events Events; /***** Reset attendance events *****/ Att_ResetEvents (&Events); /***** Get list of attendance events *****/ Att_GetListEvents (&Events,Att_OLDEST_FIRST); /***** List users to select some of them *****/ Usr_PutFormToSelectUsrsToGoToAct (&Gbl.Usrs.Selected, ActSeeLstUsrAtt, NULL,NULL, Txt_Attendance_list, Hlp_USERS_Attendance_attendance_list, Txt_View_attendance, Frm_DONT_PUT_FORM); // Do not put form with date range /***** Free list of attendance events *****/ Att_FreeListEvents (&Events); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********** List my attendance (I am a student) to several events ************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Att_ListMyAttendanceCrs (void) { Att_ListOrPrintMyAttendanceCrs (Att_VIEW_ONLY_ME); } void Att_PrintMyAttendanceCrs (void) { Att_ListOrPrintMyAttendanceCrs (Att_PRNT_ONLY_ME); } static void Att_ListOrPrintMyAttendanceCrs (Att_TypeOfView_t TypeOfView) { extern const char *Hlp_USERS_Attendance_attendance_list; extern const char *Txt_Attendance; struct Att_Events Events; unsigned NumAttEvent; switch (TypeOfView) { case Att_VIEW_ONLY_ME: case Att_PRNT_ONLY_ME: /***** Reset attendance events *****/ Att_ResetEvents (&Events); /***** Get list of attendance events *****/ Att_GetListEvents (&Events,Att_OLDEST_FIRST); /***** Get boolean parameter that indicates if details must be shown *****/ Events.ShowDetails = Par_GetParBool ("ShowDetails"); /***** Get list of groups selected ******/ Grp_GetParCodsSeveralGrpsToShowUsrs (); /***** Get number of students in each event *****/ for (NumAttEvent = 0; NumAttEvent < Events.Num; NumAttEvent++) /* Get number of students in this event */ Events.Lst[NumAttEvent].NumStdsFromList = Att_GetNumUsrsFromAListWhoAreInEvent (Events.Lst[NumAttEvent].AttCod, &Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod,1); /***** Get list of attendance events selected *****/ Att_GetListSelectedAttCods (&Events); /***** Begin box *****/ switch (TypeOfView) { case Att_VIEW_ONLY_ME: Box_BoxBegin (Txt_Attendance,Att_PutIconsMyAttList,&Events, Hlp_USERS_Attendance_attendance_list,Box_NOT_CLOSABLE); break; case Att_PRNT_ONLY_ME: Box_BoxBegin (Txt_Attendance,NULL,NULL,NULL,Box_NOT_CLOSABLE); break; default: Err_WrongTypeExit (); break; } /***** List events to select *****/ Att_ListEventsToSelect (&Events,TypeOfView); /***** Get my preference about photos in users' list for current course *****/ Set_GetMyPrefAboutListWithPhotosFromDB (); /***** Show table with attendances for every student in list *****/ Att_ListUsrsAttendanceTable (&Events,TypeOfView,1,&Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod); /***** Show details or put button to show details *****/ if (Events.ShowDetails) Att_ListStdsWithAttEventsDetails (&Events,1,&Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod); /***** End box *****/ Box_BoxEnd (); /***** Free memory for list of attendance events selected *****/ free (Events.StrAttCodsSelected); /***** Free list of groups selected *****/ Grp_FreeListCodSelectedGrps (); /***** Free list of attendance events *****/ Att_FreeListEvents (&Events); break; default: Err_WrongTypeExit (); break; } } /*****************************************************************************/ /*************** List attendance of users to several events ******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Att_ListUsrsAttendanceCrs (void) { Att_GetUsrsAndListOrPrintAttendanceCrs (Att_VIEW_SEL_USR); } void Att_PrintUsrsAttendanceCrs (void) { Att_GetUsrsAndListOrPrintAttendanceCrs (Att_PRNT_SEL_USR); } static void Att_GetUsrsAndListOrPrintAttendanceCrs (Att_TypeOfView_t TypeOfView) { Usr_GetSelectedUsrsAndGoToAct (&Gbl.Usrs.Selected, Att_ListOrPrintUsrsAttendanceCrs,&TypeOfView, Att_ReqListOrPrintUsrsAttendanceCrs,NULL); } static void Att_ListOrPrintUsrsAttendanceCrs (void *TypeOfView) { extern const char *Hlp_USERS_Attendance_attendance_list; extern const char *Txt_Attendance_list; struct Att_Events Events; unsigned NumUsrsInList; long *LstSelectedUsrCods; unsigned NumAttEvent; switch (*((Att_TypeOfView_t *) TypeOfView)) { case Att_VIEW_SEL_USR: case Att_PRNT_SEL_USR: /***** Reset attendance events *****/ Att_ResetEvents (&Events); /***** Get parameters *****/ /* Get boolean parameter that indicates if details must be shown */ Events.ShowDetails = Par_GetParBool ("ShowDetails"); /* Get list of groups selected */ Grp_GetParCodsSeveralGrpsToShowUsrs (); /***** Count number of valid users in list of encrypted user codes *****/ NumUsrsInList = Usr_CountNumUsrsInListOfSelectedEncryptedUsrCods (&Gbl.Usrs.Selected); if (NumUsrsInList) { /***** Get list of students selected to show their attendances *****/ Usr_GetListSelectedUsrCods (&Gbl.Usrs.Selected,NumUsrsInList,&LstSelectedUsrCods); /***** Get list of attendance events *****/ Att_GetListEvents (&Events,Att_OLDEST_FIRST); /***** Get number of students in each event *****/ for (NumAttEvent = 0; NumAttEvent < Events.Num; NumAttEvent++) /* Get number of students in this event */ Events.Lst[NumAttEvent].NumStdsFromList = Att_GetNumUsrsFromAListWhoAreInEvent (Events.Lst[NumAttEvent].AttCod, LstSelectedUsrCods,NumUsrsInList); /***** Get list of attendance events selected *****/ Att_GetListSelectedAttCods (&Events); /***** Begin box *****/ switch (*((Att_TypeOfView_t *) TypeOfView)) { case Att_VIEW_SEL_USR: Box_BoxBegin (Txt_Attendance_list, Att_PutIconsStdsAttList,&Events, Hlp_USERS_Attendance_attendance_list,Box_NOT_CLOSABLE); break; case Att_PRNT_SEL_USR: Box_BoxBegin (Txt_Attendance_list,NULL,NULL, NULL,Box_NOT_CLOSABLE); break; default: Err_WrongTypeExit (); } /***** List events to select *****/ Att_ListEventsToSelect (&Events,*((Att_TypeOfView_t *) TypeOfView)); /***** Get my preference about photos in users' list for current course *****/ Set_GetMyPrefAboutListWithPhotosFromDB (); /***** Show table with attendances for every student in list *****/ Att_ListUsrsAttendanceTable (&Events,*((Att_TypeOfView_t *) TypeOfView), NumUsrsInList,LstSelectedUsrCods); /***** Show details or put button to show details *****/ if (Events.ShowDetails) Att_ListStdsWithAttEventsDetails (&Events,NumUsrsInList,LstSelectedUsrCods); /***** End box *****/ Box_BoxEnd (); /***** Free memory for list of attendance events selected *****/ free (Events.StrAttCodsSelected); /***** Free list of attendance events *****/ Att_FreeListEvents (&Events); /***** Free list of user codes *****/ Usr_FreeListSelectedUsrCods (LstSelectedUsrCods); } /***** Free list of groups selected *****/ Grp_FreeListCodSelectedGrps (); break; default: Err_WrongTypeExit (); break; } } /*****************************************************************************/ /****************** Get list of attendance events selected *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Att_GetListSelectedAttCods (struct Att_Events *Events) { size_t MaxSizeListAttCodsSelected; unsigned NumAttEvent; const char *Ptr; long AttCod; char LongStr[Cns_MAX_DIGITS_LONG + 1]; MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; unsigned NumGrpsInThisEvent; unsigned NumGrpInThisEvent; long GrpCodInThisEvent; unsigned NumGrpSel; /***** Allocate memory for list of attendance events selected *****/ MaxSizeListAttCodsSelected = (size_t) Events->Num * (Cns_MAX_DIGITS_LONG + 1); if ((Events->StrAttCodsSelected = malloc (MaxSizeListAttCodsSelected + 1)) == NULL) Err_NotEnoughMemoryExit (); /***** Get parameter multiple with list of attendance events selected *****/ Par_GetParMultiToText ("AttCods",Events->StrAttCodsSelected,MaxSizeListAttCodsSelected); /***** Set which attendance events will be shown as selected (checkboxes on) *****/ if (Events->StrAttCodsSelected[0]) // There are events selected { /* Reset selection */ for (NumAttEvent = 0; NumAttEvent < Events->Num; NumAttEvent++) Events->Lst[NumAttEvent].Checked = HTM_NO_ATTR; /* Set some events as selected */ for (Ptr = Events->StrAttCodsSelected; *Ptr; ) { /* Get next attendance event selected */ Par_GetNextStrUntilSeparParMult (&Ptr,LongStr,Cns_MAX_DIGITS_LONG); AttCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (LongStr); /* Set each event in *StrAttCodsSelected as selected */ for (NumAttEvent = 0; NumAttEvent < Events->Num; NumAttEvent++) if (Events->Lst[NumAttEvent].AttCod == AttCod) { Events->Lst[NumAttEvent].Checked = HTM_CHECKED; break; } } } else // No events selected { /***** Set which events will be marked as selected by default *****/ if (!Gbl.Crs.Grps.NumGrps || // Course has no groups Gbl.Crs.Grps.AllGrps) // All groups selected /* Set all events as selected */ for (NumAttEvent = 0; NumAttEvent < Events->Num; NumAttEvent++) Events->Lst[NumAttEvent].Checked = HTM_CHECKED; else // Course has groups and not all of them are selected for (NumAttEvent = 0; NumAttEvent < Events->Num; NumAttEvent++) { /* Reset selection */ Events->Lst[NumAttEvent].Checked = HTM_NO_ATTR; /* Set this event as selected? */ if (Events->Lst[NumAttEvent].NumStdsFromList) // Some students attended to this event Events->Lst[NumAttEvent].Checked = HTM_CHECKED; else // No students attended to this event { /***** Get groups associated to an attendance event from database *****/ if ((NumGrpsInThisEvent = Att_DB_GetGrpCodsAssociatedToEvent (&mysql_res, Events->Lst[NumAttEvent].AttCod))) // This event is associated to groups /* Get groups associated to this event */ for (NumGrpInThisEvent = 0; NumGrpInThisEvent < NumGrpsInThisEvent && Events->Lst[NumAttEvent].Checked == HTM_NO_ATTR; NumGrpInThisEvent++) { /* Get next group associated to this event */ if ((GrpCodInThisEvent = DB_GetNextCode (mysql_res)) > 0) /* Check if this group is selected */ for (NumGrpSel = 0; NumGrpSel < Gbl.Crs.Grps.LstGrpsSel.NumGrps && Events->Lst[NumAttEvent].Checked == HTM_NO_ATTR; NumGrpSel++) if (Gbl.Crs.Grps.LstGrpsSel.GrpCods[NumGrpSel] == GrpCodInThisEvent) Events->Lst[NumAttEvent].Checked = HTM_CHECKED; } else // This event is not associated to groups Events->Lst[NumAttEvent].Checked = HTM_CHECKED; /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); } } } } /*****************************************************************************/ /******* Put contextual icons when listing my assistance (as student) ********/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Att_PutIconsMyAttList (void *Events) { if (Events) { /***** Put icon to print my assistance (as student) to several events *****/ Ico_PutContextualIconToPrint (ActPrnLstMyAtt, Att_PutFormToPrintMyListPars,Events); /***** Put icon to print my QR code *****/ QR_PutLinkToPrintQRCode (ActPrnUsrQR, Usr_PutParMyUsrCodEncrypted,Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.EnUsrCod); } } static void Att_PutFormToPrintMyListPars (void *Events) { if (Events) { if (((struct Att_Events *) Events)->ShowDetails) Par_PutParChar ("ShowDetails",'Y'); if (((struct Att_Events *) Events)->StrAttCodsSelected) if (((struct Att_Events *) Events)->StrAttCodsSelected[0]) Par_PutParString (NULL,"AttCods",((struct Att_Events *) Events)->StrAttCodsSelected); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /******** Put icon to print assistance of students to several events *********/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Att_PutIconsStdsAttList (void *Events) { if (Events) { /***** Put icon to print assistance of students to several events *****/ Ico_PutContextualIconToPrint (ActPrnLstUsrAtt, Att_PutParsToPrintStdsList,Events); /***** Put icon to print my QR code *****/ QR_PutLinkToPrintQRCode (ActPrnUsrQR, Usr_PutParMyUsrCodEncrypted,Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.EnUsrCod); } } static void Att_PutParsToPrintStdsList (void *Events) { if (Events) { if (((struct Att_Events *) Events)->ShowDetails) Par_PutParChar ("ShowDetails",'Y'); Grp_PutParsCodGrps (); Usr_PutParSelectedUsrsCods (&Gbl.Usrs.Selected); if (((struct Att_Events *) Events)->StrAttCodsSelected) if (((struct Att_Events *) Events)->StrAttCodsSelected[0]) Par_PutParString (NULL,"AttCods",((struct Att_Events *) Events)->StrAttCodsSelected); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /**** Put a link (form) to list assistance of students to several events *****/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Att_PutButtonToShowDetails (const struct Att_Events *Events) { extern const char *Txt_Show_more_details; /***** Button to show more details *****/ /* Begin form */ Frm_BeginFormAnchor (Gbl.Action.Act,Att_ATTENDANCE_DETAILS_ID); Par_PutParChar ("ShowDetails",'Y'); Grp_PutParsCodGrps (); Usr_PutParSelectedUsrsCods (&Gbl.Usrs.Selected); if (Events->StrAttCodsSelected) if (Events->StrAttCodsSelected[0]) Par_PutParString (NULL,"AttCods",Events->StrAttCodsSelected); /* Button */ Btn_PutConfirmButton (Txt_Show_more_details); /* End form */ Frm_EndForm (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********** Write list of those attendance events that have students *********/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Att_ListEventsToSelect (struct Att_Events *Events, Att_TypeOfView_t TypeOfView) { extern const char *Txt_Events; extern const char *Txt_Event; extern const char *Txt_ROLES_PLURAL_Abc[Rol_NUM_ROLES][Usr_NUM_SEXS]; extern const char *Txt_Update_attendance; static void (*FunctionToDrawContextualIcons[Att_TYPES_OF_VIEW]) (void *Args) = { [Att_VIEW_ONLY_ME] = Att_PutIconToViewAttEvents, [Att_VIEW_SEL_USR] = Att_PutIconToEditAttEvents, [Att_PRNT_ONLY_ME] = NULL, [Att_PRNT_SEL_USR] = NULL, }; unsigned UniqueId; char *Id; unsigned NumAttEvent; bool NormalView = (TypeOfView == Att_VIEW_ONLY_ME || TypeOfView == Att_VIEW_SEL_USR); /***** Begin box *****/ Box_BoxBegin (Txt_Events,FunctionToDrawContextualIcons[TypeOfView],NULL, NULL,Box_NOT_CLOSABLE); /***** Begin form to update the attendance depending on the events selected *****/ if (NormalView) { Frm_BeginFormAnchor (Gbl.Action.Act,Att_ATTENDANCE_TABLE_ID); Grp_PutParsCodGrps (); Usr_PutParSelectedUsrsCods (&Gbl.Usrs.Selected); } /***** Begin table *****/ HTM_TABLE_Begin ("TBL_SCROLL"); /***** Heading row *****/ HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); HTM_TH_Span (Txt_Event ,HTM_HEAD_LEFT ,1,4,NULL); HTM_TH (Txt_ROLES_PLURAL_Abc[Rol_STD][Usr_SEX_UNKNOWN],HTM_HEAD_RIGHT); HTM_TR_End (); /***** List the events *****/ for (NumAttEvent = 0, UniqueId = 1; NumAttEvent < Events->Num; NumAttEvent++, UniqueId++, The_ChangeRowColor ()) { /* Get data of the attendance event from database */ Events->Event.AttCod = Events->Lst[NumAttEvent].AttCod; Att_GetEventDataByCodAndCheckCrs (&Events->Event); Events->Event.NumStdsTotal = Att_DB_GetNumStdsTotalWhoAreInEvent (Events->Event.AttCod); /* Write a row for this event */ HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"CT DAT_%s %s\"", The_GetSuffix (),The_GetColorRows ()); HTM_INPUT_CHECKBOX ("AttCods", Events->Lst[NumAttEvent].Checked, "id=\"Event%u\" value=\"%ld\"", NumAttEvent,Events->Event.AttCod); HTM_TD_End (); HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"RT DAT_%s %s\"", The_GetSuffix (),The_GetColorRows ()); HTM_LABEL_Begin ("for=\"Event%u\"",NumAttEvent); HTM_UnsignedColon (NumAttEvent + 1); HTM_LABEL_End (); HTM_TD_End (); HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LT DAT_%s %s\"", The_GetSuffix (),The_GetColorRows ()); if (asprintf (&Id,"att_date_start_%u",UniqueId) < 0) Err_NotEnoughMemoryExit (); HTM_LABEL_Begin ("for=\"Event%u\"",NumAttEvent); HTM_SPAN_Begin ("id=\"%s\"",Id); HTM_SPAN_End (); HTM_LABEL_End (); Dat_WriteLocalDateHMSFromUTC (Id,Events->Event.TimeUTC[Dat_STR_TIME], Gbl.Prefs.DateFormat,Dat_SEPARATOR_COMMA, Dat_WRITE_TODAY | Dat_WRITE_DATE_ON_SAME_DAY | Dat_WRITE_WEEK_DAY | Dat_WRITE_HOUR | Dat_WRITE_MINUTE | Dat_WRITE_SECOND); free (Id); HTM_TD_End (); HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LT DAT_%s %s\"", The_GetSuffix (),The_GetColorRows ()); HTM_Txt (Events->Event.Title); HTM_TD_End (); HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"RT DAT_%s %s\"", The_GetSuffix (),The_GetColorRows ()); HTM_Unsigned (Events->Event.NumStdsTotal); HTM_TD_End (); HTM_TR_End (); } /***** End table *****/ HTM_TABLE_End (); /***** Put button to refresh *****/ if (NormalView) Lay_WriteLinkToUpdate (Txt_Update_attendance,NULL); /***** End form *****/ if (NormalView) Frm_EndForm (); /***** End box *****/ Box_BoxEnd (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********** Put icon to list (without edition) attendance events ************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Att_PutIconToViewAttEvents (__attribute__((unused)) void *Args) { Ico_PutContextualIconToView (ActSeeAllAtt,NULL,NULL,NULL); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************ Put icon to list (with edition) attendance events **************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Att_PutIconToEditAttEvents (__attribute__((unused)) void *Args) { Ico_PutContextualIconToEdit (ActSeeAllAtt,NULL,NULL,NULL); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************ Show table with attendances for every user in list *************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Att_ListUsrsAttendanceTable (struct Att_Events *Events, Att_TypeOfView_t TypeOfView, unsigned NumUsrsInList, long *LstSelectedUsrCods) { extern const char *Txt_Number_of_users; struct Usr_Data UsrDat; unsigned NumUsr; unsigned NumAttEvent; unsigned Total; bool PutButtonShowDetails = (TypeOfView == Att_VIEW_ONLY_ME || TypeOfView == Att_VIEW_SEL_USR) && !Events->ShowDetails; /***** Initialize structure with user's data *****/ Usr_UsrDataConstructor (&UsrDat); /***** Begin section with attendance table *****/ HTM_SECTION_Begin (Att_ATTENDANCE_TABLE_ID); /***** Begin table *****/ HTM_TABLE_Begin ("TBL_SCROLL"); /***** Heading row *****/ Att_WriteTableHeadSeveralAttEvents (Events); /***** List the users *****/ for (NumUsr = 0; NumUsr < NumUsrsInList; NumUsr++) { UsrDat.UsrCod = LstSelectedUsrCods[NumUsr]; if (Usr_ChkUsrCodAndGetAllUsrDataFromUsrCod (&UsrDat, // Get from the database the data of the student Usr_DONT_GET_PREFS, Usr_DONT_GET_ROLE_IN_CRS)) if (Usr_CheckIfICanViewAtt (&UsrDat) == Usr_CAN) { UsrDat.Accepted = Enr_CheckIfUsrHasAcceptedInCurrentCrs (&UsrDat); Att_WriteRowUsrSeveralAttEvents (Events,NumUsr,&UsrDat); } } /***** Last row with the total of users present in each event *****/ if (NumUsrsInList > 1) { HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); HTM_TD_Begin ("colspan=\"%u\" class=\"RM DAT_STRONG_%s LINE_TOP\"", Gbl.Usrs.Listing.WithPhotos ? 4 : 3, The_GetSuffix ()); HTM_TxtColon (Txt_Number_of_users); HTM_TD_End (); for (NumAttEvent = 0, Total = 0; NumAttEvent < Events->Num; NumAttEvent++) if (Events->Lst[NumAttEvent].Checked == HTM_CHECKED) { HTM_TD_LINE_TOP_Unsigned (Events->Lst[NumAttEvent].NumStdsFromList); Total += Events->Lst[NumAttEvent].NumStdsFromList; } HTM_TD_LINE_TOP_Unsigned (Total); HTM_TR_End (); } /***** End table *****/ HTM_TABLE_End (); /***** Button to show more details *****/ if (PutButtonShowDetails) Att_PutButtonToShowDetails (Events); /***** End section with attendance table *****/ HTM_SECTION_End (); /***** Free memory used for user's data *****/ Usr_UsrDataDestructor (&UsrDat); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Write table heading for listing of students in several attendance events **/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Att_WriteTableHeadSeveralAttEvents (struct Att_Events *Events) { extern const char *Txt_ROLES_SINGUL_Abc[Rol_NUM_ROLES][Usr_NUM_SEXS]; extern const char *Txt_Attendance; unsigned NumAttEvent; char StrNumAttEvent[Cns_MAX_DIGITS_UINT + 1]; HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); HTM_TH_Span (Txt_ROLES_SINGUL_Abc[Rol_USR][Usr_SEX_UNKNOWN],HTM_HEAD_LEFT, 1,Gbl.Usrs.Listing.WithPhotos ? 4 : 3,NULL); for (NumAttEvent = 0; NumAttEvent < Events->Num; NumAttEvent++) if (Events->Lst[NumAttEvent].Checked == HTM_CHECKED) { /***** Get data of this attendance event *****/ Events->Event.AttCod = Events->Lst[NumAttEvent].AttCod; Att_GetEventDataByCodAndCheckCrs (&Events->Event); /***** Put link to this attendance event *****/ HTM_TH_Begin (HTM_HEAD_CENTER); snprintf (StrNumAttEvent,sizeof (StrNumAttEvent),"%u",NumAttEvent + 1); Att_PutLinkEvent (&Events->Event, Events->Event.Title, StrNumAttEvent); HTM_TH_End (); } HTM_TH (Txt_Attendance ,HTM_HEAD_RIGHT); HTM_TR_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************** Write a row of a table with the data of a user ***************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Att_WriteRowUsrSeveralAttEvents (const struct Att_Events *Events, unsigned NumUsr,struct Usr_Data *UsrDat) { static const char *ClassPhoto[PhoSha_NUM_SHAPES] = { [PhoSha_SHAPE_CIRCLE ] = "PHOTOC21x28", [PhoSha_SHAPE_ELLIPSE ] = "PHOTOE21x28", [PhoSha_SHAPE_OVAL ] = "PHOTOO21x28", [PhoSha_SHAPE_RECTANGLE] = "PHOTOR21x28", }; unsigned NumAttEvent; Att_Present_t Present; unsigned NumTimesPresent; /***** Write number of user in the list *****/ HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"RM %s_%s %s\"", UsrDat->Accepted ? "DAT_STRONG" : "DAT", The_GetSuffix (),The_GetColorRows ()); HTM_Unsigned (NumUsr + 1); HTM_TD_End (); /***** Show user's photo *****/ if (Gbl.Usrs.Listing.WithPhotos) { HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LM %s\"",The_GetColorRows ()); Pho_ShowUsrPhotoIfAllowed (UsrDat, ClassPhoto[Gbl.Prefs.PhotoShape],Pho_ZOOM); HTM_TD_End (); } /***** Write user's ID ******/ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LM %s_%s %s\"", UsrDat->Accepted ? "DAT_SMALL_STRONG" : "DAT_SMALL", The_GetSuffix (),The_GetColorRows ()); ID_WriteUsrIDs (UsrDat,NULL); HTM_TD_End (); /***** Write user's name *****/ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LM %s_%s %s\"", UsrDat->Accepted ? "DAT_SMALL_STRONG" : "DAT_SMALL", The_GetSuffix (),The_GetColorRows ()); HTM_Txt (UsrDat->Surname1); if (UsrDat->Surname2[0]) HTM_SPTxt (UsrDat->Surname2); HTM_TxtF (", %s",UsrDat->FrstName); HTM_TD_End (); /***** Check/cross to show if the user is present/absent *****/ for (NumAttEvent = 0, NumTimesPresent = 0; NumAttEvent < Events->Num; NumAttEvent++) if (Events->Lst[NumAttEvent].Checked == HTM_CHECKED) { /* Check if this student is already registered in the current event */ // Here it is not necessary to get comments Present = Att_CheckIfUsrIsPresentInEvent (Events->Lst[NumAttEvent].AttCod, UsrDat->UsrCod); /* Write check or cross */ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"BM %s\"",The_GetColorRows ()); Att_PutCheckOrCross (Present); HTM_TD_End (); if (Present == Att_PRESENT) NumTimesPresent++; } /***** Last column with the number of times this user is present *****/ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"RM DAT_STRONG_%s %s\"", The_GetSuffix (),The_GetColorRows ()); HTM_Unsigned (NumTimesPresent); HTM_TD_End (); HTM_TR_End (); The_ChangeRowColor (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********************** Put check or cross character ************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Att_PutCheckOrCross (Att_Present_t Present) { extern const char *Txt_Present; extern const char *Txt_Absent; static const char *Class[Att_NUM_PRESENT] = { [Att_ABSENT ] = "ATT_CROSS", [Att_PRESENT] = "ATT_CHECK", }; static const char **Title[Att_NUM_PRESENT] = { [Att_ABSENT ] = &Txt_Absent, [Att_PRESENT] = &Txt_Present, }; static const char *Txt[Att_NUM_PRESENT] = { [Att_ABSENT ] = "✗", [Att_PRESENT] = "✓", }; HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"%s %s_%s\" title=\"%s\"", Class[Present], Class[Present],The_GetSuffix (), *Title[Present]); HTM_Txt (Txt[Present]); HTM_DIV_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /**************** List the students with details and comments ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Att_ListStdsWithAttEventsDetails (struct Att_Events *Events, unsigned NumUsrsInList, long *LstSelectedUsrCods) { extern const char *Txt_Details; struct Usr_Data UsrDat; unsigned NumUsr; /***** Initialize structure with user's data *****/ Usr_UsrDataConstructor (&UsrDat); /***** Begin section with attendance details *****/ HTM_SECTION_Begin (Att_ATTENDANCE_DETAILS_ID); /***** Begin box *****/ Box_BoxBegin (Txt_Details,NULL,NULL,NULL,Box_NOT_CLOSABLE); /***** Begin table *****/ HTM_TABLE_Begin ("TBL_SCROLL"); /***** List students with attendance details *****/ for (NumUsr = 0; NumUsr < NumUsrsInList; NumUsr++) { UsrDat.UsrCod = LstSelectedUsrCods[NumUsr]; if (Usr_ChkUsrCodAndGetAllUsrDataFromUsrCod (&UsrDat, // Get from the database the data of the student Usr_DONT_GET_PREFS, Usr_DONT_GET_ROLE_IN_CRS)) if (Usr_CheckIfICanViewAtt (&UsrDat) == Usr_CAN) { UsrDat.Accepted = Enr_CheckIfUsrHasAcceptedInCurrentCrs (&UsrDat); Att_ListAttEventsForAStd (Events,NumUsr,&UsrDat); } } /***** End table *****/ HTM_TABLE_End (); /***** End box *****/ Box_BoxEnd (); /***** End section with attendance details *****/ HTM_SECTION_End (); /***** Free memory used for user's data *****/ Usr_UsrDataDestructor (&UsrDat); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*************** Write list of attendance events for a student ***************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Att_ListAttEventsForAStd (struct Att_Events *Events, unsigned NumUsr,struct Usr_Data *UsrDat) { extern const char *Txt_Student_comment; extern const char *Txt_Teachers_comment; static const char *ClassPhoto[PhoSha_NUM_SHAPES] = { [PhoSha_SHAPE_CIRCLE ] = "PHOTOC21x28", [PhoSha_SHAPE_ELLIPSE ] = "PHOTOE21x28", [PhoSha_SHAPE_OVAL ] = "PHOTOO21x28", [PhoSha_SHAPE_RECTANGLE] = "PHOTOR21x28", }; static const char *Class[Att_NUM_PRESENT] = { [Att_ABSENT ] = "DAT_RED", [Att_PRESENT] = "DAT_GREEN", }; unsigned NumAttEvent; unsigned UniqueId; char *Id; Att_Present_t Present; bool ShowCommentStd; bool ShowCommentTch; char CommentStd[Cns_MAX_BYTES_TEXT + 1]; char CommentTch[Cns_MAX_BYTES_TEXT + 1]; /***** Write number of student in the list *****/ NumUsr++; HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"RM %s_%s %s\"", UsrDat->Accepted ? "DAT_STRONG" : "DAT", The_GetSuffix (),The_GetColorRows ()); HTM_UnsignedColon (NumUsr); HTM_TD_End (); /***** Show student's photo *****/ HTM_TD_Begin ("colspan=\"2\" class=\"RM %s\"", The_GetColorRows ()); Pho_ShowUsrPhotoIfAllowed (UsrDat, ClassPhoto[Gbl.Prefs.PhotoShape],Pho_ZOOM); HTM_TD_End (); HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LM %s\"",The_GetColorRows ()); HTM_TABLE_Begin (NULL); HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); /***** Write user's ID ******/ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LM %s_%s\"", UsrDat->Accepted ? "DAT_SMALL_STRONG" : "DAT_SMALL", The_GetSuffix ()); ID_WriteUsrIDs (UsrDat,NULL); HTM_TD_End (); /***** Write student's name *****/ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LM %s_%s\"", UsrDat->Accepted ? "DAT_SMALL_STRONG" : "DAT_SMALL", The_GetSuffix ()); HTM_Txt (UsrDat->Surname1); if (UsrDat->Surname2[0]) HTM_SPTxt (UsrDat->Surname2); HTM_TxtF (", %s",UsrDat->FrstName); HTM_TD_End (); HTM_TR_End (); HTM_TABLE_End (); HTM_TD_End (); HTM_TR_End (); /***** List the events with students *****/ for (NumAttEvent = 0, UniqueId = 1; NumAttEvent < Events->Num; NumAttEvent++, UniqueId++) if (Events->Lst[NumAttEvent].Checked == HTM_CHECKED) { /***** Get data of the attendance event from database *****/ Events->Event.AttCod = Events->Lst[NumAttEvent].AttCod; Att_GetEventDataByCodAndCheckCrs (&Events->Event); Events->Event.NumStdsTotal = Att_DB_GetNumStdsTotalWhoAreInEvent (Events->Event.AttCod); /***** Get comments for this student *****/ Present = Att_CheckIfUsrIsPresentInEventAndGetComments (Events->Event.AttCod,UsrDat->UsrCod, CommentStd,CommentTch); ShowCommentStd = CommentStd[0]; ShowCommentTch = CommentTch[0] && (Gbl.Usrs.Me.Role.Logged == Rol_TCH || Events->Event.CommentTchVisible); /***** Write a row for this event *****/ HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); HTM_TD_ColouredEmpty (1); HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"RT %s_%s %s\"", Class[Present],The_GetSuffix (),The_GetColorRows ()); HTM_UnsignedColon (NumAttEvent + 1); HTM_TD_End (); HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"BT %s\"",The_GetColorRows ()); Att_PutCheckOrCross (Present); HTM_TD_End (); HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LT DAT_%s %s\"", The_GetSuffix (),The_GetColorRows ()); if (asprintf (&Id,"att_date_start_%u_%u",NumUsr,UniqueId) < 0) Err_NotEnoughMemoryExit (); HTM_SPAN_Begin ("id=\"%s\"",Id); HTM_SPAN_End (); HTM_BR (); HTM_Txt (Events->Event.Title); Dat_WriteLocalDateHMSFromUTC (Id,Events->Event.TimeUTC[Dat_STR_TIME], Gbl.Prefs.DateFormat,Dat_SEPARATOR_COMMA, Dat_WRITE_TODAY | Dat_WRITE_DATE_ON_SAME_DAY | Dat_WRITE_WEEK_DAY | Dat_WRITE_HOUR | Dat_WRITE_MINUTE | Dat_WRITE_SECOND); free (Id); HTM_TD_End (); HTM_TR_End (); /***** Write comments for this student *****/ if (ShowCommentStd || ShowCommentTch) { HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); HTM_TD_ColouredEmpty (2); HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"BT %s\"",The_GetColorRows ()); HTM_TD_End (); HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LM DAT_%s %s\"", The_GetSuffix (),The_GetColorRows ()); HTM_DL_Begin (); if (ShowCommentStd) { Str_ChangeFormat (Str_FROM_HTML,Str_TO_RIGOROUS_HTML, CommentStd,Cns_MAX_BYTES_TEXT, Str_DONT_REMOVE_SPACES); HTM_DT_Begin (); HTM_TxtColon (Txt_Student_comment); HTM_DT_End (); HTM_DD_Begin (); HTM_Txt (CommentStd); HTM_DD_End (); } if (ShowCommentTch) { Str_ChangeFormat (Str_FROM_HTML,Str_TO_RIGOROUS_HTML, CommentTch,Cns_MAX_BYTES_TEXT, Str_DONT_REMOVE_SPACES); HTM_DT_Begin (); HTM_TxtColon (Txt_Teachers_comment); HTM_DT_End (); HTM_DD_Begin (); HTM_Txt (CommentTch); HTM_DD_End (); } HTM_DL_End (); HTM_TD_End (); HTM_TR_End (); } } The_ChangeRowColor (); }