// swad_syllabus.c: syllabus /* SWAD (Shared Workspace At a Distance), is a web platform developed at the University of Granada (Spain), and used to support university teaching. This file is part of SWAD core. Copyright (C) 1999-2016 Antonio Cañas Vargas This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /*****************************************************************************/ /********************************* Headers ***********************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ #include // For SEEK_SET #include // For PATH_MAX #include // For NULL #include // For SOAP_OK and soap functions #include // For free () #include // For strcat (), etc. #include // For time () #include "swad_changelog.h" #include "swad_config.h" #include "swad_database.h" #include "swad_global.h" #include "swad_parameter.h" #include "swad_string.h" #include "swad_xml.h" /*****************************************************************************/ /************** External global variables from others modules ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ extern struct Globals Gbl; /*****************************************************************************/ /***************************** Private constants *****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ #define Syl_MAX_LEVELS_SYLLABUS 10 #define Syl_MAX_LENGTH_TEXT_ITEM 1024 #define Syl_MAX_BYTES_TEXT_ITEM (Syl_MAX_LENGTH_TEXT_ITEM*Str_MAX_CHARACTER) #define Syl_WIDTH_NUM_SYLLABUS 20 static const char *StyleSyllabus[1+Syl_MAX_LEVELS_SYLLABUS] = { "", "T1", "T2", "T3", "T3", "T3", "T3", "T3", "T3", "T3", "T3", }; /*****************************************************************************/ /******************************* Private types *******************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ struct ItemSyllabus { int Level; int CodItem[1+Syl_MAX_LEVELS_SYLLABUS]; bool HasChildren; char Text[Syl_MAX_BYTES_TEXT_ITEM+1]; }; /*****************************************************************************/ /***************************** Private variables *****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ struct { struct ItemSyllabus *Lst; // List of items of a syllabus unsigned NumItems; // Number of items in the list unsigned NumItemsWithChildren; // Number of items with children int NumLevels; // Number of levels in the list } LstItemsSyllabus; /*****************************************************************************/ /***************************** Private prototypes ****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Syl_SetSyllabusTypeFromAction (void); static void Syl_ShowSyllabus (void); static void Syl_ShowRowSyllabus (unsigned NumItem, int Level,int *CodItem,const char *Text,bool NewItem); static void Syl_WriteSyllabusIntoHTMLTmpFile (FILE *FileHTMLTmp); static void Syl_PutFormItemSyllabus (bool NewItem,unsigned NumItem,int Level,int *CodItem,const char *Text); /*****************************************************************************/ /******************** Get parameter to select a syllabus *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Syl_GetParamWhichSyllabus (void) { char UnsignedStr[10+1]; unsigned UnsignedNum; /***** Get which syllabus I want to see *****/ Par_GetParToText ("WhichSyllabus",UnsignedStr,10); if (sscanf (UnsignedStr,"%u",&UnsignedNum) == 1) Gbl.Syllabus.WhichSyllabus = (Syl_WhichSyllabus_t) UnsignedNum; else Gbl.Syllabus.WhichSyllabus = Syl_DEFAULT_WHICH_SYLLABUS; } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************ Write form to select syllabus **********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Syl_PutFormWhichSyllabus (void) { extern const char *Txt_SYLLABUS_WHICH_SYLLABUS[Syl_NUM_WHICH_SYLLABUS]; Syl_WhichSyllabus_t WhichSyllabus; /***** Form to select which forums I want to see (all my forums or only the forums of current institution/degree/course) *****/ Act_FormStart (ActSeeSyl); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
" "
    "); for (WhichSyllabus = (Syl_WhichSyllabus_t) 0; WhichSyllabus < For_NUM_WHICH_FORUMS; WhichSyllabus++) { fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
  • " "" "
  • ", Gbl.Form.Id,Txt_SYLLABUS_WHICH_SYLLABUS[WhichSyllabus]); } fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
" "
"); Act_FormEnd (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************** Get parameter item number in program edition *****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Syl_GetParamItemNumber (void) { char UnsignedStr[10+1]; Par_GetParToText ("NumI",UnsignedStr,10); if (sscanf (UnsignedStr,"%u",&Gbl.Syllabus.NumItem) != 1) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Item is missing."); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************** Check if syllabus is not empty ***********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ // Return true if info available bool Syl_CheckSyllabus (long CrsCod,Inf_InfoType_t InfoType) { bool InfoAvailable; /***** Set syllabus type *****/ switch (InfoType) { case Inf_LECTURES: Gbl.Syllabus.WhichSyllabus = Syl_LECTURES; break; case Inf_PRACTICALS: Gbl.Syllabus.WhichSyllabus = Syl_PRACTICALS; break; default: return false; } /***** Load syllabus from XML file to memory *****/ Syl_LoadListItemsSyllabusIntoMemory (CrsCod); /***** Number of items > 0 ==> info available *****/ InfoAvailable = (LstItemsSyllabus.NumItems != 0); /***** Free memory used to store items *****/ Syl_FreeListItemsSyllabus (); return InfoAvailable; } /*****************************************************************************/ /****************************** Edit a syllabus ******************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ // Return true if info available bool Syl_CheckAndEditSyllabus (void) { extern const char *Hlp_COURSE_Syllabus_edit; extern const char *Hlp_COURSE_Syllabus; extern const Act_Action_t Inf_ActionsSeeInfo[Inf_NUM_INFO_TYPES]; extern const char *Txt_INFO_TITLE[Inf_NUM_INFO_TYPES]; extern const char *Txt_Done; bool ICanEdit; bool PutIconToEdit; /***** Set syllabus type depending on current action *****/ Syl_SetSyllabusTypeFromAction (); /***** Load syllabus from XML file to memory *****/ Syl_LoadListItemsSyllabusIntoMemory (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod); if (Gbl.Action.Act == ActEditorSylLec || Gbl.Action.Act == ActEditorSylPra) Gbl.Syllabus.EditionIsActive = true; /***** Start frame *****/ if (Gbl.Syllabus.EditionIsActive || LstItemsSyllabus.NumItems) { ICanEdit = Gbl.Usrs.Me.LoggedRole == Rol_TEACHER || Gbl.Usrs.Me.LoggedRole == Rol_SYS_ADM; PutIconToEdit = ICanEdit && !Gbl.Syllabus.EditionIsActive; Lay_StartRoundFrameTable (NULL,Txt_INFO_TITLE[Gbl.CurrentCrs.Info.Type], PutIconToEdit ? Inf_PutIconToEditInfo : NULL, Gbl.Syllabus.EditionIsActive ? Hlp_COURSE_Syllabus_edit : Hlp_COURSE_Syllabus, 1); /***** Write the current syllabus *****/ Syl_ShowSyllabus (); /***** If the syllabus is empty ==> show form to add a iten to the end *****/ if (Gbl.Syllabus.EditionIsActive && LstItemsSyllabus.NumItems == 0) Syl_ShowRowSyllabus (0,1,LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[0].CodItem,"",true); /***** End table *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); if (Gbl.Syllabus.EditionIsActive) { /***** Button to view *****/ Act_FormStart (Inf_ActionsSeeInfo[Gbl.CurrentCrs.Info.Type]); Lay_PutConfirmButton (Txt_Done); Act_FormEnd (); } /***** End frame *****/ Lay_EndRoundFrame (); return true; } return false; } /*****************************************************************************/ /****************************** Edit a syllabus ******************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ // Return true if info available void Syl_EditSyllabus (void) { (void) Syl_CheckAndEditSyllabus (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************* Set syllabus type depending on the current action *************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Syl_SetSyllabusTypeFromAction (void) { Gbl.CurrentCrs.Info.Type = Inf_LECTURES; /***** Set the type of syllabus (lectures or practicals) *****/ switch (Gbl.Action.Act) { case ActSeeSyl: Gbl.CurrentCrs.Info.Type = (Gbl.Syllabus.WhichSyllabus == Syl_LECTURES ? Inf_LECTURES : Inf_PRACTICALS); break; case ActSeeSylLec: case ActEdiSylLec: case ActDelItmSylLec: case ActUp_IteSylLec: case ActDwnIteSylLec: case ActRgtIteSylLec: case ActLftIteSylLec: case ActInsIteSylLec: case ActModIteSylLec: case ActChgFrcReaSylLec: case ActChgHavReaSylLec: case ActSelInfSrcSylLec: case ActRcvURLSylLec: case ActRcvPagSylLec: case ActEditorSylLec: case ActPlaTxtEdiSylLec: case ActRchTxtEdiSylLec: case ActRcvPlaTxtSylLec: case ActRcvRchTxtSylLec: Gbl.Syllabus.WhichSyllabus = Syl_LECTURES; Gbl.CurrentCrs.Info.Type = Inf_LECTURES; break; case ActSeeSylPra: case ActEdiSylPra: case ActDelItmSylPra: case ActUp_IteSylPra: case ActDwnIteSylPra: case ActRgtIteSylPra: case ActLftIteSylPra: case ActInsIteSylPra: case ActModIteSylPra: case ActChgFrcReaSylPra: case ActChgHavReaSylPra: case ActSelInfSrcSylPra: case ActRcvURLSylPra: case ActRcvPagSylPra: case ActEditorSylPra: case ActPlaTxtEdiSylPra: case ActRchTxtEdiSylPra: case ActRcvPlaTxtSylPra: case ActRcvRchTxtSylPra: Gbl.Syllabus.WhichSyllabus = Syl_PRACTICALS; Gbl.CurrentCrs.Info.Type = Inf_PRACTICALS; break; default: Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Wrong action."); break; } } /*****************************************************************************/ /*** Read from XML and load in memory a syllabus of lectures or practicals ***/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Syl_LoadListItemsSyllabusIntoMemory (long CrsCod) { char PathFile[PATH_MAX+1]; long PostBeginList; unsigned NumItem = 0; int N; int CodItem[1+Syl_MAX_LEVELS_SYLLABUS]; // To make numeration int Result; unsigned NumItemsWithChildren = 0; /* Path of the private directory for the XML file with the syllabus */ sprintf (Gbl.Syllabus.PathDir,"%s/%s/%ld/%s", Cfg_PATH_SWAD_PRIVATE,Cfg_FOLDER_CRS,CrsCod, Gbl.Syllabus.WhichSyllabus == Syl_LECTURES ? Cfg_SYLLABUS_FOLDER_LECTURES : Cfg_SYLLABUS_FOLDER_PRACTICALS); /***** Open the file with the syllabus *****/ Syl_OpenSyllabusFile (Gbl.Syllabus.PathDir,PathFile); /***** Go to the start of the list of items *****/ if (!Str_FindStrInFile (Gbl.F.XML,"",Str_NO_SKIP_HTML_COMMENTS)) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Wrong syllabus format."); /***** Save the position of the start of the list *****/ PostBeginList = ftell (Gbl.F.XML); /***** Loop to count the number of items *****/ for (LstItemsSyllabus.NumItems = 0; Str_FindStrInFile (Gbl.F.XML," initialize an item to be edited *****/ if (LstItemsSyllabus.NumItems == 0) { /* Level of the item */ LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[0].Level = 1; /* Code (numeración) of the item */ CodItem[1] = 1; for (N = 1; N <= Syl_MAX_LEVELS_SYLLABUS; N++) LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[0].CodItem[N] = CodItem[N]; /* Text of the item */ LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[0].Text[0] = '\0'; } else /***** Loop to read and store all the items of the syllabus *****/ for (NumItem = 0; NumItem < LstItemsSyllabus.NumItems; NumItem++) { /* Go to the start of the item */ if (!Str_FindStrInFile (Gbl.F.XML," LstItemsSyllabus.NumLevels) LstItemsSyllabus.NumLevels = LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].Level; /* Set the code (number) of the item */ CodItem[LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].Level]++; for (N = LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].Level + 1; N <= Syl_MAX_LEVELS_SYLLABUS; N++) CodItem[N] = 0; for (N = 1; N <= Syl_MAX_LEVELS_SYLLABUS; N++) LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].CodItem[N] = CodItem[N]; /* Get the text of the item */ Result = Str_ReadFileUntilBoundaryStr (Gbl.F.XML,LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].Text, "",strlen (""), (unsigned long long) Syl_MAX_BYTES_TEXT_ITEM); if (Result == 0) // Str too long { if (!Str_FindStrInFile (Gbl.F.XML,"",Str_NO_SKIP_HTML_COMMENTS)) // End the search Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Wrong syllabus format."); } else if (Result == -1) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Wrong syllabus format."); } /***** Close the file with the syllabus *****/ Fil_CloseXMLFile (); /***** Initialize other fields in the list *****/ if (LstItemsSyllabus.NumItems) { for (NumItem = 0; NumItem < LstItemsSyllabus.NumItems - 1; NumItem++) if (LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].Level < LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem + 1].Level) { LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].HasChildren = true; NumItemsWithChildren++; } else LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].HasChildren = false; LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[LstItemsSyllabus.NumItems - 1].HasChildren = false; } LstItemsSyllabus.NumItemsWithChildren = NumItemsWithChildren; } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********************** Free list of items of a syllabus ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Syl_FreeListItemsSyllabus (void) { if (LstItemsSyllabus.Lst) { free ((void *) LstItemsSyllabus.Lst); LstItemsSyllabus.Lst = NULL; LstItemsSyllabus.NumItems = 0; } } /*****************************************************************************/ /************* Read the level of the current item in a syllabus **************/ /*****************************************************************************/ // XML file with the syllabus must be positioned after int Syl_ReadLevelItemSyllabus (void) { int Level; char StrlLevel[11+1]; if (!Str_FindStrInFile (Gbl.F.XML,"nivel=\"",Str_NO_SKIP_HTML_COMMENTS)) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Wrong syllabus format."); if (Str_ReadFileUntilBoundaryStr (Gbl.F.XML,StrlLevel,"\"",1, (unsigned long long) (11+1)) != 1) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Wrong syllabus format."); if (sscanf (StrlLevel,"%d",&Level) != 1) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Wrong syllabus format."); Str_FindStrInFile (Gbl.F.XML,">",Str_NO_SKIP_HTML_COMMENTS); if (Level < 1) Level = 1; else if (Level > Syl_MAX_LEVELS_SYLLABUS) Level = Syl_MAX_LEVELS_SYLLABUS; return Level; } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Show a syllabus of lectures or practicals *****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Syl_ShowSyllabus (void) { unsigned NumItem; int i; int NumButtons = Gbl.Syllabus.EditionIsActive ? 5 : 0; bool ShowRowInsertNewItem = (Gbl.Action.Act == ActInsIteSylLec || Gbl.Action.Act == ActInsIteSylPra || Gbl.Action.Act == ActModIteSylLec || Gbl.Action.Act == ActModIteSylPra || Gbl.Action.Act == ActRgtIteSylLec || Gbl.Action.Act == ActRgtIteSylPra || Gbl.Action.Act == ActLftIteSylLec || Gbl.Action.Act == ActLftIteSylPra); /***** Set width of columns of the table *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); for (i = 0; i < NumButtons; i++) fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); for (i = 1; i <= LstItemsSyllabus.NumLevels; i++) fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"", i * Syl_WIDTH_NUM_SYLLABUS); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" ""); /***** Loop for writing all items of the syllabus *****/ for (NumItem = 0; NumItem < LstItemsSyllabus.NumItems; NumItem++) { Syl_ShowRowSyllabus (NumItem, LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].Level, LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].CodItem, LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].Text,false); if (ShowRowInsertNewItem && NumItem == Gbl.Syllabus.NumItem) // Mostrar a new row where se puede insert a new item Syl_ShowRowSyllabus (NumItem + 1, LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].Level,NULL, "",true); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /******** Write a row (item) of a syllabus of lectures or practicals *********/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Syl_ShowRowSyllabus (unsigned NumItem, int Level,int *CodItem,const char *Text,bool NewItem) { extern const char *Txt_Move_up_X_and_its_subsections; extern const char *Txt_Move_up_X; extern const char *Txt_Movement_not_allowed; extern const char *Txt_Move_down_X_and_its_subsections; extern const char *Txt_Move_down_X; extern const char *Txt_Increase_level_of_X; extern const char *Txt_Decrease_level_of_X; static int LastLevel = 0; char StrItemCod[Syl_MAX_LEVELS_SYLLABUS*(10+1)]; struct MoveSubtrees Subtree; Subtree.ToGetUp.Ini = Subtree.ToGetUp.End = 0; Subtree.ToGetDown.Ini = Subtree.ToGetDown.End = 0; Subtree.MovAllowed = false; if (!NewItem) // If the item is new (not stored in file), it has no number Syl_WriteNumItem (StrItemCod,NULL,Level,CodItem); /***** Start the row *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); if (Gbl.Syllabus.EditionIsActive) { if (NewItem) fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "", Gbl.RowEvenOdd); else { /***** Icon to remove the row *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"",Gbl.RowEvenOdd); if (LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].HasChildren) Lay_PutIconRemovalNotAllowed (); else { Act_FormStart (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Info.Type == Inf_LECTURES ? ActDelItmSylLec : ActDelItmSylPra); Syl_PutParamNumItem (NumItem); Lay_PutIconRemove (); Act_FormEnd (); } fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); /***** Icon to get up an item *****/ Syl_CalculateUpSubtreeSyllabus (&Subtree,NumItem); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"",Gbl.RowEvenOdd); if (Subtree.MovAllowed) { Act_FormStart (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Info.Type == Inf_LECTURES ? ActUp_IteSylLec : ActUp_IteSylPra); Syl_PutParamNumItem (NumItem); sprintf (Gbl.Title, LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].HasChildren ? Txt_Move_up_X_and_its_subsections : Txt_Move_up_X, StrItemCod); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"", Gbl.Prefs.IconsURL, Gbl.Title, Gbl.Title); Act_FormEnd (); } else fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"\"%s\"", Gbl.Prefs.IconsURL, Txt_Movement_not_allowed, Txt_Movement_not_allowed); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); /***** Icon to get down item *****/ Syl_CalculateDownSubtreeSyllabus (&Subtree,NumItem); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"",Gbl.RowEvenOdd); if (Subtree.MovAllowed) { Act_FormStart (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Info.Type == Inf_LECTURES ? ActDwnIteSylLec : ActDwnIteSylPra); Syl_PutParamNumItem (NumItem); sprintf (Gbl.Title, LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].HasChildren ? Txt_Move_down_X_and_its_subsections : Txt_Move_down_X, StrItemCod); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"", Gbl.Prefs.IconsURL, Gbl.Title, Gbl.Title); Act_FormEnd (); } else fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"\"%s\"", Gbl.Prefs.IconsURL, Txt_Movement_not_allowed, Txt_Movement_not_allowed); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); /***** Icon to increase the level of an item *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"",Gbl.RowEvenOdd); if (Level > 1) { Act_FormStart (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Info.Type == Inf_LECTURES ? ActRgtIteSylLec : ActRgtIteSylPra); Syl_PutParamNumItem (NumItem); sprintf (Gbl.Title,Txt_Increase_level_of_X, StrItemCod); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"", Gbl.Prefs.IconsURL, Gbl.Title, Gbl.Title); Act_FormEnd (); } else fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"\"%s\"", Gbl.Prefs.IconsURL, Txt_Movement_not_allowed, Txt_Movement_not_allowed); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); /***** Icon to decrease level item *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"",Gbl.RowEvenOdd); if (Level < LastLevel + 1 && Level < Syl_MAX_LEVELS_SYLLABUS) { Act_FormStart (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Info.Type == Inf_LECTURES ? ActLftIteSylLec : ActLftIteSylPra); Syl_PutParamNumItem (NumItem); sprintf (Gbl.Title,Txt_Decrease_level_of_X, StrItemCod); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"", Gbl.Prefs.IconsURL, Gbl.Title, Gbl.Title); Act_FormEnd (); } else fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"\"%s\"", Gbl.Prefs.IconsURL, Txt_Movement_not_allowed, Txt_Movement_not_allowed); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); LastLevel = Level; } } if (Gbl.Syllabus.EditionIsActive) Syl_PutFormItemSyllabus (NewItem,NumItem,Level,CodItem,Text); else { /***** Indent depending on the level *****/ if (Level > 1) fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "", Level - 1,Gbl.RowEvenOdd); /***** Code of the item *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"", StyleSyllabus[Level],Gbl.RowEvenOdd, Level * Syl_WIDTH_NUM_SYLLABUS); if (Level == 1) fprintf (Gbl.F.Out," "); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"%s ",StrItemCod); /***** Text of the item *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "%s" "", LstItemsSyllabus.NumLevels - Level + 1, StyleSyllabus[Level], Gbl.RowEvenOdd, Text); } /***** End of the row *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); Gbl.RowEvenOdd = 1 - Gbl.RowEvenOdd; } /*****************************************************************************/ /************** Write the syllabus into a temporary HTML file ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ // This function is called only from web service int Syl_WriteSyllabusIntoHTMLBuffer (char **HTMLBuffer) { char FileNameHTMLTmp[PATH_MAX+1]; FILE *FileHTMLTmp; size_t Length; /***** Initialize buffer *****/ *HTMLBuffer = NULL; /***** Load syllabus from XML file to list of items in memory *****/ Syl_LoadListItemsSyllabusIntoMemory (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod); if (LstItemsSyllabus.NumItems) { /***** Create a unique name for the file *****/ sprintf (FileNameHTMLTmp,"%s/%s/%s_syllabus.html", Cfg_PATH_SWAD_PRIVATE,Cfg_FOLDER_OUT,Gbl.UniqueNameEncrypted); /***** Create a new temporary file for writing and reading *****/ if ((FileHTMLTmp = fopen (FileNameHTMLTmp,"w+b")) == NULL) { Syl_FreeListItemsSyllabus (); return soap_receiver_fault (Gbl.soap, "Syllabus can not be copied into buffer", "Can not create temporary file"); } /***** Write syllabus in HTML into a temporary file *****/ Syl_WriteSyllabusIntoHTMLTmpFile (FileHTMLTmp); /***** Write syllabus from list of items in memory to text buffer *****/ /* Compute length of file */ Length = (size_t) ftell (FileHTMLTmp); /* Allocate memory for buffer */ if ((*HTMLBuffer = (char *) malloc (Length+1)) == NULL) { fclose (FileHTMLTmp); unlink (FileNameHTMLTmp); Syl_FreeListItemsSyllabus (); return soap_receiver_fault (Gbl.soap, "Syllabus can not be copied into buffer", "Not enough memory for buffer"); } /* Copy file content into buffer */ fseek (FileHTMLTmp,0L,SEEK_SET); if (fread ((void *) *HTMLBuffer,sizeof (char),Length,FileHTMLTmp) != Length) { fclose (FileHTMLTmp); unlink (FileNameHTMLTmp); Syl_FreeListItemsSyllabus (); return soap_receiver_fault (Gbl.soap, "Syllabus can not be copied into buffer", "Error reading file into buffer"); } (*HTMLBuffer)[Length] = '\0'; /***** Close and remove temporary file *****/ fclose (FileHTMLTmp); unlink (FileNameHTMLTmp); } /***** Free list of items *****/ Syl_FreeListItemsSyllabus (); return SOAP_OK; } /*****************************************************************************/ /************** Write the syllabus into a temporary HTML file ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Syl_WriteSyllabusIntoHTMLTmpFile (FILE *FileHTMLTmp) { extern const char *Txt_INFO_TITLE[Inf_NUM_INFO_TYPES]; unsigned NumItem; int i; /***** Write start of HTML code *****/ Lay_StartHTMLFile (FileHTMLTmp,Txt_INFO_TITLE[Gbl.CurrentCrs.Info.Type]); fprintf (FileHTMLTmp,"\n" "\n"); /***** Set width of columns of the table *****/ fprintf (FileHTMLTmp,"\n"); for (i = 1; i <= LstItemsSyllabus.NumLevels; i++) fprintf (FileHTMLTmp,"\n", i * Syl_WIDTH_NUM_SYLLABUS); fprintf (FileHTMLTmp,"\n" "\n"); /***** Write all items of the current syllabus into text buffer *****/ for (NumItem = 0; NumItem < LstItemsSyllabus.NumItems; NumItem++) { /***** Start the row *****/ fprintf (FileHTMLTmp,""); /***** Indent depending on the level *****/ if (LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].Level > 1) fprintf (FileHTMLTmp,"", LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].Level - 1); /***** Code of the item *****/ fprintf (FileHTMLTmp,""); /***** Text of the item *****/ fprintf (FileHTMLTmp,"", LstItemsSyllabus.NumLevels - LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].Level + 1, StyleSyllabus[LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].Level], LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].Text); /***** End of the row *****/ fprintf (FileHTMLTmp,"\n"); } fprintf (FileHTMLTmp,"
", StyleSyllabus[LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].Level], LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].Level * Syl_WIDTH_NUM_SYLLABUS); if (LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].Level == 1) fprintf (FileHTMLTmp," "); Syl_WriteNumItem (NULL,FileHTMLTmp, LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].Level, LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].CodItem); fprintf (FileHTMLTmp," " "%s" "
\n" "\n" "\n"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*************** Show a form to modify an item of the syllabus ***************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Syl_PutFormItemSyllabus (bool NewItem,unsigned NumItem,int Level,int *CodItem,const char *Text) { extern const char *Txt_Enter_a_new_item_here; if (Level < 1) Level = 1; /***** Indent depending on the level *****/ if (Level > 1) fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "", Level - 1,Gbl.RowEvenOdd); /***** Write the code of the item *****/ if (NewItem) // If the item is new (not stored in the file) ==> it has not a number fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "", Gbl.RowEvenOdd,Level * Syl_WIDTH_NUM_SYLLABUS); else { fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"", StyleSyllabus[Level],Gbl.RowEvenOdd, Level * Syl_WIDTH_NUM_SYLLABUS); if (Level == 1) fprintf (Gbl.F.Out," "); Syl_WriteNumItem (NULL,Gbl.F.Out,Level,CodItem); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out," "); } /***** Text of the item *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"", LstItemsSyllabus.NumLevels - Level + 1,Gbl.RowEvenOdd); Act_FormStart (NewItem ? (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Info.Type == Inf_LECTURES ? ActInsIteSylLec : ActInsIteSylPra) : (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Info.Type == Inf_LECTURES ? ActModIteSylLec : ActModIteSylPra)); Syl_PutParamNumItem (NumItem); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"", Syl_MAX_LENGTH_TEXT_ITEM,Text, Txt_Enter_a_new_item_here, Gbl.Form.Id); Act_FormEnd (); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***** Write parameter with the number of an item in a syllabus form *********/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Syl_PutParamNumItem (unsigned NumItem) { Par_PutHiddenParamUnsigned ("NumI",NumItem); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************** Write number of item in legal style ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Syl_WriteNumItem (char *StrDst,FILE *FileTgt,int Level,int *CodItem) { int N; char InStr[1+10+1]; if (StrDst) StrDst[0] = '\0'; for (N = 1; N <= Level; N++) { if (N > 1) { if (StrDst) strcat (StrDst,"."); if (FileTgt) fprintf (FileTgt,"."); } sprintf (InStr,"%d",CodItem[N]); if (StrDst) strcat (StrDst,InStr); if (FileTgt) fprintf (FileTgt,"%s",InStr); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************** Remove an item from syllabus *************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Syl_RemoveItemSyllabus (void) { char PathFile[PATH_MAX+1]; char PathOldFile[PATH_MAX+1]; char PathNewFile[PATH_MAX+1]; FILE *NewFile; unsigned NumItem; /***** Set syllabus type depending on current action *****/ Syl_SetSyllabusTypeFromAction (); /***** Load syllabus from XML file to memory *****/ Syl_LoadListItemsSyllabusIntoMemory (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod); Gbl.Syllabus.EditionIsActive = true; /***** Get item number *****/ Syl_GetParamItemNumber (); /***** Create a new file to make the update *****/ Syl_BuildPathFileSyllabus (PathFile); Fil_CreateUpdateFile (PathFile,".old",PathOldFile,PathNewFile,&NewFile); /***** Create the new XML file *****/ Syl_WriteStartFileSyllabus (NewFile); for (NumItem = 0; NumItem < LstItemsSyllabus.NumItems; NumItem++) if (NumItem != Gbl.Syllabus.NumItem) Syl_WriteItemFileSyllabus (NewFile,LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].Level,LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].Text); Syl_WriteEndFileSyllabus (NewFile); /***** Close the files *****/ Fil_CloseUpdateFile (PathFile,PathOldFile,PathNewFile,NewFile); /***** We are editing a syllabus with the internal editor, so change info source to internal editor in database *****/ Inf_SetInfoSrcIntoDB (LstItemsSyllabus.NumItems ? Inf_INFO_SRC_EDITOR : Inf_INFO_SRC_NONE); /***** Show the updated syllabus to continue editing it *****/ Syl_FreeListItemsSyllabus (); Syl_EditSyllabus (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*** Get up position of an item of the syllabus of lectures or prácticals ****/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Syl_UpItemSyllabus (void) { Syl_ChangePlaceItemSyllabus (Syl_GET_UP); } /*****************************************************************************/ /** Get down position of an item of the syllabus of lectures or practicals ***/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Syl_DownItemSyllabus (void) { Syl_ChangePlaceItemSyllabus (Syl_GET_DOWN); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*************** Get up or get down a subtree of a syllabus ******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Syl_ChangePlaceItemSyllabus (Syl_ChangePosItem_t UpOrDownPos) { char PathFile[PATH_MAX+1]; char PathOldFile[PATH_MAX+1]; char PathNewFile[PATH_MAX+1]; FILE *NewFile; unsigned NumItem; struct MoveSubtrees Subtree; /***** Set syllabus type depending on current action *****/ Syl_SetSyllabusTypeFromAction (); /***** Load syllabus from XML file to memory *****/ Syl_LoadListItemsSyllabusIntoMemory (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod); Gbl.Syllabus.EditionIsActive = true; /***** Get item number *****/ Syl_GetParamItemNumber (); Subtree.ToGetUp.Ini = Subtree.ToGetUp.End = 0; Subtree.ToGetDown.Ini = Subtree.ToGetDown.End = 0; Subtree.MovAllowed = false; if (Gbl.Syllabus.NumItem < LstItemsSyllabus.NumItems) { /***** Create a new file where make the update *****/ Syl_BuildPathFileSyllabus (PathFile); Fil_CreateUpdateFile (PathFile,".old",PathOldFile,PathNewFile,&NewFile); /***** Get up or get down position *****/ switch (UpOrDownPos) { case Syl_GET_UP: Syl_CalculateUpSubtreeSyllabus (&Subtree,Gbl.Syllabus.NumItem); break; case Syl_GET_DOWN: Syl_CalculateDownSubtreeSyllabus (&Subtree,Gbl.Syllabus.NumItem); break; } /***** Create the new XML file *****/ Syl_WriteStartFileSyllabus (NewFile); if (Subtree.MovAllowed) { for (NumItem = 0; NumItem < Subtree.ToGetDown.Ini; NumItem++) Syl_WriteItemFileSyllabus (NewFile,LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].Level,LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].Text); for (NumItem = Subtree.ToGetUp.Ini; NumItem <= Subtree.ToGetUp.End; NumItem++) Syl_WriteItemFileSyllabus (NewFile,LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].Level,LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].Text); for (NumItem = Subtree.ToGetDown.Ini; NumItem <= Subtree.ToGetDown.End; NumItem++) Syl_WriteItemFileSyllabus (NewFile,LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].Level,LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].Text); for (NumItem = Subtree.ToGetUp.End + 1; NumItem < LstItemsSyllabus.NumItems; NumItem++) Syl_WriteItemFileSyllabus (NewFile,LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].Level,LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].Text); } else Syl_WriteAllItemsFileSyllabus (NewFile); Syl_WriteEndFileSyllabus (NewFile); /***** Close the files *****/ Fil_CloseUpdateFile (PathFile,PathOldFile,PathNewFile,NewFile); } /***** We are editing a syllabus with the internal editor, so change info source to internal editor in database *****/ Inf_SetInfoSrcIntoDB (LstItemsSyllabus.NumItems ? Inf_INFO_SRC_EDITOR : Inf_INFO_SRC_NONE); /***** Show the updated syllabus to continue editing it *****/ Syl_FreeListItemsSyllabus (); Syl_EditSyllabus (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********** Compute the limits for get up a subtree of a syllabus ************/ /*****************************************************************************/ // If return Subtree->MovAllowed = false, the limits become undefined void Syl_CalculateUpSubtreeSyllabus (struct MoveSubtrees *Subtree,unsigned NumItem) { int Level = LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].Level; if (NumItem == 0) Subtree->MovAllowed = false; else // NumItem > 0 { /***** Compute limits of the subtree to get up *****/ Subtree->ToGetUp.Ini = NumItem; /* Search down the end of the full subtree to get up */ for (Subtree->ToGetUp.End = NumItem + 1; Subtree->ToGetUp.End < LstItemsSyllabus.NumItems; Subtree->ToGetUp.End++) if (LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[Subtree->ToGetUp.End].Level <= Level) { Subtree->ToGetUp.End--; break; } if (Subtree->ToGetUp.End == LstItemsSyllabus.NumItems) Subtree->ToGetUp.End = LstItemsSyllabus.NumItems - 1; /***** Compute limits of the subtree to get down *****/ Subtree->ToGetDown.End = NumItem - 1; if (LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[Subtree->ToGetDown.End].Level < Level) Subtree->MovAllowed = false; else { Subtree->MovAllowed = true; /* Find backwards the start of the subtree to get down */ for (Subtree->ToGetDown.Ini = Subtree->ToGetDown.End; Subtree->ToGetDown.Ini > 0; Subtree->ToGetDown.Ini--) if (LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[Subtree->ToGetDown.Ini].Level <= Level) break; } } } /*****************************************************************************/ /****** Compute the limits for the get down of a subtree of a syllabus *******/ /*****************************************************************************/ // When return Subtree->MovAllowed equal to false, the limits become undefined void Syl_CalculateDownSubtreeSyllabus (struct MoveSubtrees *Subtree,unsigned NumItem) { int Level = LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].Level; /***** Compute limits of the subtree to get down *****/ Subtree->ToGetDown.Ini = NumItem; /* Search down the end of the full subtree to get down */ for (Subtree->ToGetDown.End = NumItem + 1; Subtree->ToGetDown.End < LstItemsSyllabus.NumItems; Subtree->ToGetDown.End++) if (LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[Subtree->ToGetDown.End].Level <= Level) { Subtree->ToGetDown.End--; break; } if (Subtree->ToGetDown.End >= LstItemsSyllabus.NumItems - 1) Subtree->MovAllowed = false; else { /***** Compute limits of the subtree to get up *****/ Subtree->ToGetUp.Ini = Subtree->ToGetDown.End + 1; if (LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[Subtree->ToGetUp.Ini].Level < Level) Subtree->MovAllowed = false; else { Subtree->MovAllowed = true; /* Find downwards the end of the subtree to get up */ for (Subtree->ToGetUp.End = Subtree->ToGetUp.Ini + 1; Subtree->ToGetUp.End < LstItemsSyllabus.NumItems; Subtree->ToGetUp.End++) if (LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[Subtree->ToGetUp.End].Level <= Level) { Subtree->ToGetUp.End--; break; } if (Subtree->ToGetUp.End == LstItemsSyllabus.NumItems) Subtree->ToGetUp.End = LstItemsSyllabus.NumItems - 1; } } } /*****************************************************************************/ /** Increase the level of an item of the syllabus of lectures or practicals **/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Syl_RightItemSyllabus (void) { Syl_ChangeLevelItemSyllabus (Syl_INCREASE_LEVEL); } /*****************************************************************************/ /** Decrease the level of an item of the syllabus of lectures or practicals **/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Syl_LeftItemSyllabus (void) { Syl_ChangeLevelItemSyllabus (Syl_DECREASE_LEVEL); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********* Increase or decrease the level of an item of a syllabus ***********/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Syl_ChangeLevelItemSyllabus (Syl_ChangeLevelItem_t IncreaseOrDecreaseLevel) { char PathFile[PATH_MAX+1]; char PathOldFile[PATH_MAX+1]; char PathNewFile[PATH_MAX+1]; FILE *NewFile; /***** Set syllabus type depending on current action *****/ Syl_SetSyllabusTypeFromAction (); /***** Load syllabus from XML file to memory *****/ Syl_LoadListItemsSyllabusIntoMemory (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod); Gbl.Syllabus.EditionIsActive = true; /***** Get item number *****/ Syl_GetParamItemNumber (); /***** Create a new file to do the update *****/ Syl_BuildPathFileSyllabus (PathFile); Fil_CreateUpdateFile (PathFile,".old",PathOldFile,PathNewFile,&NewFile); /***** Increase or decrease level *****/ switch (IncreaseOrDecreaseLevel) { case Syl_INCREASE_LEVEL: if (LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[Gbl.Syllabus.NumItem].Level > 1) LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[Gbl.Syllabus.NumItem].Level--; break; case Syl_DECREASE_LEVEL: if (LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[Gbl.Syllabus.NumItem].Level < Syl_MAX_LEVELS_SYLLABUS) LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[Gbl.Syllabus.NumItem].Level++; break; } /***** Create the new XML file *****/ Syl_WriteStartFileSyllabus (NewFile); Syl_WriteAllItemsFileSyllabus (NewFile); Syl_WriteEndFileSyllabus (NewFile); /***** Close the files *****/ Fil_CloseUpdateFile (PathFile,PathOldFile,PathNewFile,NewFile); /***** We are editing a syllabus with the internal editor, so change info source to internal editor in database *****/ Inf_SetInfoSrcIntoDB (LstItemsSyllabus.NumItems ? Inf_INFO_SRC_EDITOR : Inf_INFO_SRC_NONE); /***** Show the updated syllabus to continue editing it *****/ Syl_FreeListItemsSyllabus (); Syl_EditSyllabus (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************ Insert an item in a syllabus ***********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Syl_InsertItemSyllabus (void) { char PathFile[PATH_MAX+1]; char PathOldFile[PATH_MAX+1]; char PathNewFile[PATH_MAX+1]; FILE *NewFile; unsigned NumItem; char Txt[Syl_MAX_BYTES_TEXT_ITEM+1]; /***** Set syllabus type depending on current action *****/ Syl_SetSyllabusTypeFromAction (); /***** Load syllabus from XML file to memory *****/ Syl_LoadListItemsSyllabusIntoMemory (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod); Gbl.Syllabus.EditionIsActive = true; /***** Get item number *****/ Syl_GetParamItemNumber (); /***** Get item body *****/ Par_GetParToHTML ("Txt",Txt,Syl_MAX_BYTES_TEXT_ITEM); /***** Create a new file to do the update *****/ Syl_BuildPathFileSyllabus (PathFile); Fil_CreateUpdateFile (PathFile,".old",PathOldFile,PathNewFile,&NewFile); /***** Create the new XML file *****/ Syl_WriteStartFileSyllabus (NewFile); /* Write items before the one to be inserted */ for (NumItem = 0; NumItem < Gbl.Syllabus.NumItem; NumItem++) Syl_WriteItemFileSyllabus (NewFile,LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].Level,LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].Text); /* Write the item that will be inserted */ Syl_WriteItemFileSyllabus (NewFile, NumItem ? LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem - 1].Level : 1, Txt); /* Write items after the one just inserted */ for (; NumItem < LstItemsSyllabus.NumItems; NumItem++) Syl_WriteItemFileSyllabus (NewFile,LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].Level,LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].Text); Syl_WriteEndFileSyllabus (NewFile); /***** Close the files *****/ Fil_CloseUpdateFile (PathFile,PathOldFile,PathNewFile,NewFile); /***** We are editing a syllabus with the internal editor, so change info source to internal editor in database *****/ Inf_SetInfoSrcIntoDB (LstItemsSyllabus.NumItems ? Inf_INFO_SRC_EDITOR : Inf_INFO_SRC_NONE); /***** Show the updated syllabus to continue editing it *****/ Syl_FreeListItemsSyllabus (); Syl_EditSyllabus (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /**************** Modify and existing item of the syllabus *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Syl_ModifyItemSyllabus (void) { char PathFile[PATH_MAX+1]; char PathOldFile[PATH_MAX+1]; char PathNewFile[PATH_MAX+1]; FILE *NewFile; /***** Set syllabus type depending on current action *****/ Syl_SetSyllabusTypeFromAction (); /***** Load syllabus from XML file to memory *****/ Syl_LoadListItemsSyllabusIntoMemory (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod); Gbl.Syllabus.EditionIsActive = true; /***** Get item number *****/ Syl_GetParamItemNumber (); /***** Get item body *****/ Par_GetParToHTML ("Txt",LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[Gbl.Syllabus.NumItem].Text,Syl_MAX_BYTES_TEXT_ITEM); /***** Create a new file where make the update *****/ Syl_BuildPathFileSyllabus (PathFile); Fil_CreateUpdateFile (PathFile,".old",PathOldFile,PathNewFile,&NewFile); /***** Create the new XML file *****/ Syl_WriteStartFileSyllabus (NewFile); Syl_WriteAllItemsFileSyllabus (NewFile); Syl_WriteEndFileSyllabus (NewFile); /***** Close the files *****/ Fil_CloseUpdateFile (PathFile,PathOldFile,PathNewFile,NewFile); /***** We are editing a syllabus with the internal editor, so change info source to internal editor in database *****/ Inf_SetInfoSrcIntoDB (LstItemsSyllabus.NumItems ? Inf_INFO_SRC_EDITOR : Inf_INFO_SRC_NONE); /***** Show the updated syllabus to continue editing it *****/ Syl_FreeListItemsSyllabus (); Syl_EditSyllabus (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************ Build the path of the file XML with the syllabus ***************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Syl_BuildPathFileSyllabus (char *PathFile) { sprintf (PathFile,"%s/%s",Gbl.Syllabus.PathDir,Cfg_SYLLABUS_FILENAME); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********************** Open file with the syllabus *************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Syl_OpenSyllabusFile (const char *PathDir,char *PathFile) { if (Gbl.F.XML == NULL) // If it's not open in this moment... { /* If the directory does not exist, create it */ Fil_CreateDirIfNotExists (PathDir); /* Open the file for reading */ Syl_BuildPathFileSyllabus (PathFile); if ((Gbl.F.XML = fopen (PathFile,"rb")) == NULL) { /* Can't open the file */ if (!Fil_CheckIfPathExists (PathDir)) // Strange error, since it is just created Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Can not open syllabus file."); else { /* Create a new empty syllabus */ if ((Gbl.F.XML = fopen (PathFile,"wb")) == NULL) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Can not create syllabus file."); Syl_WriteStartFileSyllabus (Gbl.F.XML); Syl_WriteEndFileSyllabus (Gbl.F.XML); Fil_CloseXMLFile (); /* Open of new the file for reading */ if ((Gbl.F.XML = fopen (PathFile,"rb")) == NULL) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Can not open syllabus file."); } } } else // Go to the start of the file rewind (Gbl.F.XML); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********************** Write a file with a syllabus ************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Syl_WriteStartFileSyllabus (FILE *FileSyllabus) { extern const char *Txt_NEW_LINE; XML_WriteStartFile (FileSyllabus,"temario",true); fprintf (FileSyllabus,"%s",Txt_NEW_LINE); } void Syl_WriteAllItemsFileSyllabus (FILE *FileSyllabus) { unsigned NumItem; for (NumItem = 0; NumItem < LstItemsSyllabus.NumItems; NumItem++) Syl_WriteItemFileSyllabus (FileSyllabus,LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].Level,LstItemsSyllabus.Lst[NumItem].Text); } void Syl_WriteItemFileSyllabus (FILE *FileSyllabus,int Level,const char *Text) { extern const char *Txt_NEW_LINE; fprintf (FileSyllabus,"%s%s",Level,Text,Txt_NEW_LINE); } void Syl_WriteEndFileSyllabus (FILE *FileSyllabus) { extern const char *Txt_NEW_LINE; fprintf (FileSyllabus,"%s",Txt_NEW_LINE); XML_WriteEndFile (FileSyllabus,"temario"); }