// swad_notice_database.c: notices (yellow notes) operations with database /* SWAD (Shared Workspace At a Distance), is a web platform developed at the University of Granada (Spain), and used to support university teaching. This file is part of SWAD core. Copyright (C) 1999-2023 Antonio Caņas Vargas This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /*****************************************************************************/ /********************************* Headers ***********************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ #include "swad_database.h" #include "swad_error.h" #include "swad_global.h" #include "swad_notice.h" /*****************************************************************************/ /************** External global variables from others modules ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ extern struct Globals Gbl; /*****************************************************************************/ /******************* Insert a notice in the table of notices *****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ // Return the code of the new inserted notice long Not_DB_InsertNotice (const char *Content) { return DB_QueryINSERTandReturnCode ("can not create notice", "INSERT INTO not_notices" " (CrsCod,UsrCod,CreatTime,Content,Status)" " VALUES" " (%ld,%ld,NOW(),'%s',%u)", Gbl.Hierarchy.Crs.Cod, Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod, Content, (unsigned) Not_ACTIVE_NOTICE); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************** Mark as active/hidden a notice ***********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Not_DB_ChangeNoticeStatus (long NotCod,Not_Status_t Status) { DB_QueryUPDATE ("can not reveal notice", "UPDATE not_notices" " SET Status=%u" " WHERE NotCod=%ld" " AND CrsCod=%ld", (unsigned) Status, NotCod, Gbl.Hierarchy.Crs.Cod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /****************** Copy notice to table of deleted notices ******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Not_DB_CopyNoticeToDeleted (long NotCod) { DB_QueryINSERT ("can not remove notice", "INSERT IGNORE INTO not_deleted" " (NotCod,CrsCod,UsrCod,CreatTime,Content,NumNotif)" " SELECT NotCod," "CrsCod," "UsrCod," "CreatTime," "Content," "NumNotif" " FROM not_notices" " WHERE NotCod=%ld" " AND CrsCod=%ld", // Extra check NotCod, Gbl.Hierarchy.Crs.Cod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********** Update number of users notified in table of notices *************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Not_DB_UpdateNumUsrsNotifiedByEMailAboutNotice (long NotCod, unsigned NumUsrsToBeNotifiedByEMail) { DB_QueryUPDATE ("can not update the number of notifications of a notice", "UPDATE not_notices" " SET NumNotif=%u" " WHERE NotCod=%ld", NumUsrsToBeNotifiedByEMail, NotCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /**************************** Get data of a notice ***************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ unsigned Not_DB_GetNoticeData (MYSQL_RES **mysql_res,long NotCod) { return (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get notice from database", "SELECT NotCod," // row[0] "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(CreatTime) AS F," // row[1] "UsrCod," // row[2] "Content," // row[3] "Status" // row[4] " FROM not_notices" " WHERE NotCod=%ld" " AND CrsCod=%ld", // Extra check NotCod, Gbl.Hierarchy.Crs.Cod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* Get content of message from database ******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ unsigned Not_DB_ContentNotice (MYSQL_RES **mysql_res,long NotCod) { return (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get content of notice", "SELECT Content" // row[0] " FROM not_notices" " WHERE NotCod=%ld", NotCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************************* Get all notices *****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ unsigned Not_DB_GetAllNotices (MYSQL_RES **mysql_res) { return (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get notices from database", "SELECT NotCod," // row[0] "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(CreatTime) AS F," // row[1] "UsrCod," // row[2] "Content," // row[3] "Status" // row[4] " FROM not_notices" " WHERE CrsCod=%ld" " ORDER BY CreatTime DESC", Gbl.Hierarchy.Crs.Cod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************************** Get active notices ****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ unsigned Not_DB_GetActiveNotices (MYSQL_RES **mysql_res,long CrsCod) { return (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get notices from database", "SELECT NotCod," // row[0] "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(CreatTime)," // row[1] "UsrCod," // row[2] "Content," // row[3] "Status" // row[4] " FROM not_notices" " WHERE CrsCod=%ld" " AND Status=%u" " ORDER BY CreatTime DESC", CrsCod, (unsigned) Not_ACTIVE_NOTICE); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*************************** Get number of notices ***************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ unsigned Not_DB_GetNumNotices (MYSQL_RES **mysql_res, HieLvl_Level_t Level,Not_Status_t Status) { switch (Level) { case HieLvl_SYS: return (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get number of notices", "SELECT COUNT(*)," // row[0] "SUM(NumNotif)" // row[1] " FROM not_notices" " WHERE Status=%u", Status); case HieLvl_CTY: return (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get number of notices", "SELECT COUNT(*)," // row[0] "SUM(not_notices.NumNotif)" // row[1] " FROM ins_instits," "ctr_centers," "deg_degrees," "crs_courses," "not_notices" " WHERE ins_instits.CtyCod=%ld" " AND ins_instits.InsCod=ctr_centers.InsCod" " AND ctr_centers.CtrCod=deg_degrees.CtrCod" " AND deg_degrees.DegCod=crs_courses.DegCod" " AND crs_courses.CrsCod=not_notices.CrsCod" " AND not_notices.Status=%u", Gbl.Hierarchy.Cty.Cod, Status); case HieLvl_INS: return (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get number of notices", "SELECT COUNT(*)," // row[0] "SUM(not_notices.NumNotif)" // row[1] " FROM ctr_centers," "deg_degrees," "crs_courses," "not_notices" " WHERE ctr_centers.InsCod=%ld" " AND ctr_centers.CtrCod=deg_degrees.CtrCod" " AND deg_degrees.DegCod=crs_courses.DegCod" " AND crs_courses.CrsCod=not_notices.CrsCod" " AND not_notices.Status=%u", Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins.Cod, Status); case HieLvl_CTR: return (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get number of notices", "SELECT COUNT(*)," // row[0] "SUM(not_notices.NumNotif)" // row[1] " FROM deg_degrees," "crs_courses," "not_notices" " WHERE deg_degrees.CtrCod=%ld" " AND deg_degrees.DegCod=crs_courses.DegCod" " AND crs_courses.CrsCod=not_notices.CrsCod" " AND not_notices.Status=%u", Gbl.Hierarchy.Ctr.Cod, Status); case HieLvl_DEG: return (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get number of notices", "SELECT COUNT(*)," // row[0] "SUM(not_notices.NumNotif)" // row[1] " FROM crs_courses," "not_notices" " WHERE crs_courses.DegCod=%ld" " AND crs_courses.CrsCod=not_notices.CrsCod" " AND not_notices.Status=%u", Gbl.Hierarchy.Deg.Cod, Status); case HieLvl_CRS: return (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get number of notices", "SELECT COUNT(*)," // row[0] "SUM(NumNotif)" // row[1] " FROM not_notices" " WHERE CrsCod=%ld" " AND Status=%u", Gbl.Hierarchy.Crs.Cod, Status); default: Err_WrongHierarchyLevelExit (); return 0; // Not reached } } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************** Get number of deleted notices ************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ unsigned Not_DB_GetNumNoticesDeleted (MYSQL_RES **mysql_res, HieLvl_Level_t Level) { switch (Level) { case HieLvl_SYS: return (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get number of deleted notices", "SELECT COUNT(*)," // row[0] "SUM(NumNotif)" // row[1] " FROM not_deleted"); case HieLvl_CTY: return (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get number of deleted notices", "SELECT COUNT(*)," // row[0] "SUM(not_deleted.NumNotif)" // row[1] " FROM ins_instits," "ctr_centers," "deg_degrees," "crs_courses," "not_deleted" " WHERE ins_instits.CtyCod=%ld" " AND ins_instits.InsCod=ctr_centers.InsCod" " AND ctr_centers.CtrCod=deg_degrees.CtrCod" " AND deg_degrees.DegCod=crs_courses.DegCod" " AND crs_courses.CrsCod=not_deleted.CrsCod", Gbl.Hierarchy.Cty.Cod); case HieLvl_INS: return (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get number of deleted notices", "SELECT COUNT(*)," // row[0] "SUM(not_deleted.NumNotif)" // row[1] " FROM ctr_centers," "deg_degrees," "crs_courses," "not_deleted" " WHERE ctr_centers.InsCod=%ld" " AND ctr_centers.CtrCod=deg_degrees.CtrCod" " AND deg_degrees.DegCod=crs_courses.DegCod" " AND crs_courses.CrsCod=not_deleted.CrsCod", Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins.Cod); case HieLvl_CTR: return (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get number of deleted notices", "SELECT COUNT(*)," // row[0] "SUM(not_deleted.NumNotif)" // row[1] " FROM deg_degrees," "crs_courses," "not_deleted" " WHERE deg_degrees.CtrCod=%ld" " AND deg_degrees.DegCod=crs_courses.DegCod" " AND crs_courses.CrsCod=not_deleted.CrsCod", Gbl.Hierarchy.Ctr.Cod); case HieLvl_DEG: return (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get number of deleted notices", "SELECT COUNT(*)," // row[0] "SUM(not_deleted.NumNotif)" // row[1] " FROM crs_courses," "not_deleted" " WHERE crs_courses.DegCod=%ld" " AND crs_courses.CrsCod=not_deleted.CrsCod", Gbl.Hierarchy.Deg.Cod); case HieLvl_CRS: return (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get number of deleted notices", "SELECT COUNT(*)," // row[0] "SUM(NumNotif)" // row[1] " FROM not_deleted" " WHERE CrsCod=%ld", Gbl.Hierarchy.Crs.Cod); default: Err_WrongHierarchyLevelExit (); return 0; // Not reached } } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************************** Remove notice ******************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Not_DB_RemoveNotice (long NotCod) { DB_QueryDELETE ("can not remove notice", "DELETE FROM not_notices" " WHERE NotCod=%ld" " AND CrsCod=%ld", // Extra check NotCod, Gbl.Hierarchy.Crs.Cod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************* Remove notices in a course ************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Not_DB_RemoveCrsNotices (long CrsCod) { /***** Copy all notices from the course to table of deleted notices *****/ DB_QueryINSERT ("can not remove notices in a course", "INSERT INTO not_deleted" " (NotCod,CrsCod,UsrCod,CreatTime,Content,NumNotif)" " SELECT NotCod," "CrsCod," "UsrCod," "CreatTime," "Content," "NumNotif" " FROM not_notices" " WHERE CrsCod=%ld", CrsCod); /***** Remove all notices from the course *****/ DB_QueryDELETE ("can not remove notices in a course", "DELETE FROM not_notices" " WHERE CrsCod=%ld", CrsCod); }