// swad_import.c: import courses and students from another web application using web services /* SWAD (Shared Workspace At a Distance), is a web platform developed at the University of Granada (Spain), and used to support university teaching. This file is part of SWAD core. Copyright (C) 1999-2015 Antonio Caņas Vargas This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /*****************************************************************************/ /********************************* Headers ***********************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ #include // For PATH_MAX #include // For NULL #include // For exit, system, malloc, free, rand, etc. #include // For string functions #include // For the macro WEXITSTATUS #include // For unlink #include "swad_account.h" #include "swad_config.h" #include "swad_database.h" #include "swad_enrollment.h" #include "swad_global.h" #include "swad_ID.h" #include "swad_import.h" #include "swad_parameter.h" #include "swad_user.h" /*****************************************************************************/ /************** External global variables from others modules ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ extern struct Globals Gbl; extern const char *Usr_StringsSexDB[Usr_NUM_SEXS]; /*****************************************************************************/ /***************************** Private constants *****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ #define Imp_OK 0 #define Imp_ERROR_BAD_SESSION 1 #define Imp_ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 2 #define Imp_ERROR_SOAP 3 #define Imp_MAX_BYTES_USR_ID 16 #define Imp_MAX_BYTES_NAME 32 #define Imp_MAX_BYTES_EMAIL 127 /*****************************************************************************/ /******************************* Private types *******************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ struct ImportedStudent { char ExternalUsrID[Imp_MAX_BYTES_USR_ID+1]; char FirstName[Imp_MAX_BYTES_NAME+1]; char Surname1[Imp_MAX_BYTES_NAME+1]; char Surname2[Imp_MAX_BYTES_NAME+1]; char Email[Imp_MAX_BYTES_EMAIL+1]; Usr_Sex_t Sex; }; /*****************************************************************************/ /***************************** Private prototypes ****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Imp_ListMyImpGrpsAndStds (bool ItsAFormToRegRemStds); static void Imp_RemoveOldImpSessions (void); static void Imp_RemoveOldImpStdsAndGrps (void); static unsigned Imp_GetAndListImpGrpsAndStdsFromDB (bool ItsAFormToRegRemStds); /*****************************************************************************/ /************** Get parameters with imported user and session ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Imp_GetImpUsrAndSession (void) { Gbl.Imported.ExternalUsrId[0] = '\0'; if (Cfg_NAME_PARAM_IMPORTED_USR_ID[0]) Par_GetParToText (Cfg_NAME_PARAM_IMPORTED_USR_ID,Gbl.Imported.ExternalUsrId,Cfg_MAX_LENGTH_IMPORTED_USR_ID); Gbl.Imported.ExternalSesId[0] = '\0'; if (Cfg_NAME_PARAM_IMPORTED_SESSION_ID[0]) Par_GetParToText (Cfg_NAME_PARAM_IMPORTED_SESSION_ID,Gbl.Imported.ExternalSesId,Cfg_MAX_LENGTH_IMPORTED_SESSION_ID); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********** Import the students of an official group from database ***********/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Imp_ImportStdsFromAnImpGrp (long ImpGrpCod,struct ListCodGrps *LstGrps,unsigned *NumUsrsRegistered) { char Query[1024]; MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned NumStds; unsigned NumStd; struct ImportedStudent ImpStd; Usr_Sex_t Sex; struct UsrData UsrDat; struct ListUsrCods ListUsrCodsForThisID; unsigned NumUsrFoundForThisID; /***** Get official data of the imported students belonging to this group from database *****/ sprintf (Query,"SELECT UsrID,Surname1,Surname2,FirstName,Sex,E_mail" " FROM imported_students WHERE GrpCod='%ld'" " ORDER BY Surname1,Surname2,FirstName,UsrID", ImpGrpCod); NumStds = (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (Query,&mysql_res,"can not get imported students"); if (NumStds) { /***** Initialize structure with user's data *****/ Usr_UsrDataConstructor (&UsrDat); /***** Import the students from this official group *****/ for (NumStd = 0; NumStd < NumStds; NumStd++) // For each student inside the official group... { /* Get official data of the student */ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); /* Get user's ID (row[0]) */ strncpy (ImpStd.ExternalUsrID,row[0],Imp_MAX_BYTES_USR_ID); ImpStd.ExternalUsrID[Imp_MAX_BYTES_USR_ID] = '\0'; // Users' IDs are always stored internally in capitals and without leading zeros Str_RemoveLeadingZeros (ImpStd.ExternalUsrID); Str_ConvertToUpperText (ImpStd.ExternalUsrID); if (ID_CheckIfUsrIDIsValid (ImpStd.ExternalUsrID)) // If it's not a valid user's ID, skip it { /* Get Surname1 (row[1]) */ strncpy (ImpStd.Surname1,row[1],Imp_MAX_BYTES_NAME); ImpStd.Surname1[Imp_MAX_BYTES_NAME] = '\0'; /* Get Surname2 (row[2]) */ strncpy (ImpStd.Surname2,row[2],Imp_MAX_BYTES_NAME); ImpStd.Surname2[Imp_MAX_BYTES_NAME] = '\0'; /* Get FirstName (row[3]) */ strncpy (ImpStd.FirstName,row[3],Imp_MAX_BYTES_NAME); ImpStd.FirstName[Imp_MAX_BYTES_NAME] = '\0'; /* Get Sex (row[4]) */ ImpStd.Sex = Usr_SEX_UNKNOWN; for (Sex = (Usr_Sex_t) 0; Sex < Usr_NUM_SEXS; Sex++) if (!strcasecmp (row[4],Usr_StringsSexDB[Sex])) { ImpStd.Sex = Sex; break; } /* Get e-mail (row[5]) */ strncpy (ImpStd.Email,row[5],Imp_MAX_BYTES_EMAIL); ImpStd.Email[Imp_MAX_BYTES_EMAIL] = '\0'; /* Set ID of the student */ ID_ReallocateListIDs (&UsrDat,1); strncpy (UsrDat.IDs.List[0].ID,ImpStd.ExternalUsrID,ID_MAX_LENGTH_USR_ID); UsrDat.IDs.List[0].ID[ID_MAX_LENGTH_USR_ID] = '\0'; if (ID_GetListUsrCodsFromUsrID (&UsrDat,NULL,&ListUsrCodsForThisID,false)) {// User(s) found for (NumUsrFoundForThisID = 0; NumUsrFoundForThisID < ListUsrCodsForThisID.NumUsrs; NumUsrFoundForThisID++) { /* Get user's data */ UsrDat.UsrCod = ListUsrCodsForThisID.Lst[NumUsrFoundForThisID]; Usr_GetUsrDataFromUsrCod (&UsrDat); // Get data of the first user in list if (UsrDat.RoleInCurrentCrsDB <= Rol_ROLE_STUDENT) { /* Update user's data if only one user with this ID */ if (ListUsrCodsForThisID.NumUsrs == 1) // Only one user with this ID { /* Fill empty data */ if (!UsrDat.Surname1[0]) strcpy (UsrDat.Surname1,ImpStd.Surname1); if (!UsrDat.Surname2[0]) strcpy (UsrDat.Surname2,ImpStd.Surname2); if (!UsrDat.FirstName[0]) strcpy (UsrDat.FirstName,ImpStd.FirstName); if (UsrDat.Sex == Usr_SEX_UNKNOWN) UsrDat.Sex = ImpStd.Sex; /* Update user's data */ Enr_UpdateUsrData (&UsrDat); /* Update e-mail */ if (!UsrDat.Email[0]) { strcpy (UsrDat.Email,ImpStd.Email); if (!Mai_UpdateEmailInDB (&UsrDat,UsrDat.Email)) // Email was already registered and confirmed by another user UsrDat.Email[0] = '\0'; } } if (UsrDat.RoleInCurrentCrsDB == Rol_ROLE_STUDENT) // He/she was already a student in current course Enr_AcceptUsrInCrs (UsrDat.UsrCod); else // He/she not belonged to the current course /* Register user as student in the current course */ Enr_RegisterUsrInCurrentCrs (&UsrDat,Rol_ROLE_STUDENT, Cns_QUIET,Enr_SET_ACCEPTED_TO_TRUE); /* Register user in the selected groups */ if (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.NumGrps) // If there are groups in current course Grp_RegisterUsrIntoGroups (&UsrDat,LstGrps); // Register student in the selected groups /* Confirm user's ID */ ID_ConfirmUsrID (UsrDat.UsrCod,ImpStd.ExternalUsrID); (*NumUsrsRegistered)++; } } /* Free memory used for list of users' codes found for this ID */ Usr_FreeListUsrCods (&ListUsrCodsForThisID); } else // No users found with this ID {// The user does not exist in the platform. Register him/her in the current course as student Usr_ResetUsrDataExceptUsrCodAndIDs (&UsrDat); strcpy (UsrDat.Surname1,ImpStd.Surname1); strcpy (UsrDat.Surname2,ImpStd.Surname2); strcpy (UsrDat.FirstName,ImpStd.FirstName); UsrDat.Sex = ImpStd.Sex; strcpy (UsrDat.Email,ImpStd.Email); /* Create user */ UsrDat.IDs.List[0].Confirmed = true; // If he/she is a new user ==> his/her ID will be stored as confirmed in database Acc_CreateNewUsr (&UsrDat); /* Update e-mail */ if (!Mai_UpdateEmailInDB (&UsrDat,UsrDat.Email)) // Email was already registered and confirmed by another user UsrDat.Email[0] = '\0'; /* Register user as student in the current course */ Enr_RegisterUsrInCurrentCrs (&UsrDat,Rol_ROLE_STUDENT, Cns_QUIET,Enr_SET_ACCEPTED_TO_TRUE); /* Register user in the selected groups */ if (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.NumGrps) // If there are groups in current course Grp_RegisterUsrIntoGroups (&UsrDat,LstGrps); // Register student in the selected groups (*NumUsrsRegistered)++; } } } /***** Free memory used for user's data *****/ Usr_UsrDataDestructor (&UsrDat); } /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*************** Insert new imported session in the database *****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Imp_InsertImpSessionInDB (void) { char Query[1024]; /***** Remove old imported sessions *****/ Imp_RemoveOldImpSessions (); /***** Insert session in the database *****/ sprintf (Query,"INSERT INTO imported_sessions" " (SessionId,UsrCod,ImportedUsrId,ImportedSessionId,ImportedRole)" " VALUES ('%s','%ld','%s','%s','%u')", Gbl.Session.Id, Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod, Gbl.Imported.ExternalUsrId, Gbl.Imported.ExternalSesId, (unsigned) Gbl.Imported.ExternalRole); DB_QueryINSERT (Query,"can not create imported session"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************** Get the data of a imported session *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ bool Imp_GetImpSessionData (void) { char Query[512]; MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned long NumRows; bool Result = false; /***** Get data of the imported session from database *****/ sprintf (Query,"SELECT ImportedUsrId,ImportedSessionId,ImportedRole" " FROM imported_sessions" " WHERE SessionId='%s'", Gbl.Session.Id); NumRows = DB_QuerySELECT (Query,&mysql_res,"can not get imported session data"); /***** Check if the session existed in the database *****/ if (NumRows) { row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); /***** Get imported user identifier (row[0]) *****/ strcpy (Gbl.Imported.ExternalUsrId,row[0]); /***** Get imported session identifier (row[1]) *****/ strcpy (Gbl.Imported.ExternalSesId,row[1]); /***** Get imported user's (external) role (row[2]) *****/ if (sscanf (row[2],"%u",&Gbl.Imported.ExternalRole) != 1) Gbl.Imported.ExternalRole = Rol_ROLE_UNKNOWN; Result = true; } /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); return Result; } /*****************************************************************************/ /************* Get lists of my imported groups and students ******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Imp_ListMyImpGrpsAndStdsNoForm (void) { Imp_ListMyImpGrpsAndStds (false); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************* Get lists of my imported groups and students ******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Imp_ListMyImpGrpsAndStdsForm (void) { Imp_ListMyImpGrpsAndStds (true); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************* Get lists of my imported groups and students ******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Imp_ListMyImpGrpsAndStds (bool ItsAFormToRegRemStds) { extern const char *Txt_There_is_no_external_service_for_authentication_and_official_lists; extern const char *Txt_Could_not_get_the_official_list_of_your_groups_and_students_; extern const char *Txt_To_get_the_official_list_of_your_groups_and_students_; char PathRelParamsToCommandsPriv[PATH_MAX+1]; char FileNameParams[PATH_MAX+1]; FILE *FileParams; char Command[2048]; int ReturnCode; if (Cfg_EXTERNAL_LOGIN_CLIENT_COMMAND[0] == '\0') Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_WARNING,Txt_There_is_no_external_service_for_authentication_and_official_lists); /***** Try to get lists from database *****/ else if (!Imp_GetAndListImpGrpsAndStdsFromDB (ItsAFormToRegRemStds)) { /***** Remove old imported students and groups *****/ Imp_RemoveOldImpStdsAndGrps (); if (Gbl.Imported.ExternalUsrId[0] && Gbl.Imported.ExternalSesId[0] && Gbl.Imported.ExternalRole == Rol_ROLE_TEACHER) { /***** Parameters to command used to import data are passed through a temporary file *****/ /* If the private directory does not exist, create it */ sprintf (PathRelParamsToCommandsPriv,"%s/%s", Cfg_PATH_SWAD_PRIVATE,Cfg_FOLDER_PARAM); Fil_CreateDirIfNotExists (PathRelParamsToCommandsPriv); /* First of all, we remove the oldest temporary files. Such temporary files have been created by me or by other users. This is a bit sloppy, but they must be removed by someone. Here "oldest" means more than x time from their creation */ Fil_RemoveOldTmpFiles (PathRelParamsToCommandsPriv,Cfg_TIME_TO_DELETE_PARAMS_TO_COMMANDS,false); /****** Create a new temporary file *****/ sprintf (FileNameParams,"%s/%s",PathRelParamsToCommandsPriv,Gbl.UniqueNameEncrypted); if ((FileParams = fopen (FileNameParams,"wb")) == NULL) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Can not open file to send parameters to command."); fprintf (FileParams,"2\n%s\n%s\n%s\n", Gbl.Session.Id,Gbl.Imported.ExternalUsrId,Gbl.Imported.ExternalSesId); fclose (FileParams); /***** Get new imported lists and store them in database *****/ sprintf (Command,"%s %s",Cfg_EXTERNAL_LOGIN_CLIENT_COMMAND,FileNameParams); ReturnCode = system (Command); // unlink (FileNameParams); // File with parameters is no longer necessary if (ReturnCode == -1) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Error when running command to import lists of groups and students."); /***** Write message depending on return code *****/ ReturnCode = WEXITSTATUS(ReturnCode); switch (ReturnCode) { case 0: // Success /***** Try again to get lists from database *****/ if (!Imp_GetAndListImpGrpsAndStdsFromDB (ItsAFormToRegRemStds)) { sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_Could_not_get_the_official_list_of_your_groups_and_students_, Cfg_PLATFORM_SHORT_NAME, Cfg_EXTERNAL_LOGIN_URL, Cfg_EXTERNAL_LOGIN_SERVICE_FULL_NAME); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_ERROR,Gbl.Message); } break; default: // Error sprintf (Gbl.Message,"Error %d while importing lists of groups and students.",ReturnCode); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_ERROR,Gbl.Message); break; } } else // I am not entered from external program as teacher { sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_To_get_the_official_list_of_your_groups_and_students_, Cfg_PLATFORM_SHORT_NAME, Cfg_EXTERNAL_LOGIN_URL, Cfg_EXTERNAL_LOGIN_SERVICE_FULL_NAME); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_WARNING,Gbl.Message); } } } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********************** Remove old imported sessions ************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Imp_RemoveOldImpSessions (void) { char Query[1024]; /***** Remove old imported sessions *****/ sprintf (Query,"DELETE FROM imported_sessions" " WHERE SessionId NOT IN (SELECT SessionId FROM sessions)"); DB_QueryDELETE (Query,"can not remove old imported sessions"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Remove old imported students and groups *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Imp_RemoveOldImpStdsAndGrps (void) { char Query[1024]; /***** Remove old imported students *****/ sprintf (Query,"DELETE FROM imported_students" " USING imported_groups,imported_students" " WHERE imported_groups.SessionId NOT IN" " (SELECT SessionId FROM sessions)" " AND imported_groups.GrpCod=imported_students.GrpCod"); DB_QueryDELETE (Query,"can not remove old imported students"); /***** Remove old imported groups *****/ sprintf (Query,"DELETE FROM imported_groups" " WHERE SessionId NOT IN" " (SELECT SessionId FROM sessions)"); DB_QueryDELETE (Query,"can not remove old imported groups"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******** Get from database and list imported groups and students ************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static unsigned Imp_GetAndListImpGrpsAndStdsFromDB (bool ItsAFormToRegRemStds) { extern const char *Txt_Official_students; extern const char *Txt_Group; extern const char *Txt_ROLES_PLURAL_abc[Rol_NUM_ROLES][Usr_NUM_SEXS]; char Query[1024]; MYSQL_RES *mysql_res_grp; MYSQL_RES *mysql_res_std; MYSQL_ROW row; char ExternalCrsCod[Crs_LENGTH_INSTITUTIONAL_CRS_COD+1]; unsigned NumGrps,NumGrp; long GrpCod; unsigned NumStds,NumStd; /***** Get data of imported groups from database *****/ sprintf (Query,"SELECT GrpCod,ExternalCrsCod,DegName,CrsName,GrpName,GrpType FROM imported_groups" " WHERE SessionId='%s' ORDER BY DegName,CrsName,GrpName,GrpType", Gbl.Session.Id); NumGrps = (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (Query,&mysql_res_grp,"can not get imported groups"); if (NumGrps) { /***** Start table with groups *****/ Lay_StartRoundFrameTable10 (NULL,2,NULL); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "", ItsAFormToRegRemStds ? 3 : 2); Lay_WriteTitle (Txt_Official_students); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" ""); /***** Get groups and write them *****/ for (NumGrp = 0; NumGrp < NumGrps; NumGrp++) // For each course { row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res_grp); GrpCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[0]); strncpy (ExternalCrsCod,row[1],Crs_LENGTH_INSTITUTIONAL_CRS_COD); ExternalCrsCod[Crs_LENGTH_INSTITUTIONAL_CRS_COD] = '\0'; /***** Get data of the imported students belonging to this group from database *****/ sprintf (Query,"SELECT UsrID,Surname1,Surname2,FirstName" " FROM imported_students" " WHERE GrpCod='%ld' ORDER BY Surname1,Surname2,FirstName,UsrID", GrpCod); NumStds = (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (Query,&mysql_res_std,"can not get imported students"); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); if (ItsAFormToRegRemStds) /* Put checkbox to select the group */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "", GrpCod,ExternalCrsCod); /* Write degree, course and group */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "%s
%s %s
%s %s (%s)" "" \ "", row[2], ExternalCrsCod,row[3], Txt_Group,row[4],row[5]); /* Write students */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" \ "" "%u %s%s" "" \ "", NumStds,Txt_ROLES_PLURAL_abc[Rol_ROLE_STUDENT][Usr_SEX_UNKNOWN], NumStds ? ":" : ""); if (NumStds) { fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); } fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" \ ""); /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res_std); } /***** End of table with courses *****/ Lay_EndRoundFrameTable10 (); } /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res_grp); return NumGrps; }