// swad_user.h: users #ifndef _SWAD_USR #define _SWAD_USR /* SWAD (Shared Workspace At a Distance in Spanish), is a web platform developed at the University of Granada (Spain), and used to support university teaching. This file is part of SWAD core. Copyright (C) 1999-2015 Antonio Caņas Vargas This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /*****************************************************************************/ /********************************** Headers **********************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ #include // To access MySQL databases #include "swad_action.h" #include "swad_constant.h" #include "swad_cryptography.h" #include "swad_date.h" #include "swad_degree.h" #include "swad_icon.h" #include "swad_layout.h" #include "swad_menu.h" #include "swad_nickname.h" #include "swad_privacy.h" #include "swad_role.h" #include "swad_scope.h" #include "swad_search.h" #include "swad_string.h" #include "swad_theme.h" /*****************************************************************************/ /****************************** Public constants *****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ #define Usr_MIN_MONTHS_WITHOUT_ACCESS_TO_REMOVE_OLD_USRS 6 #define Usr_DEF_MONTHS_WITHOUT_ACCESS_TO_REMOVE_OLD_USRS 12 #define Usr_MAX_MONTHS_WITHOUT_ACCESS_TO_REMOVE_OLD_USRS 60 #define Usr_MAX_LENGTH_USR_LOGIN 127 // @nick, e-mail or ID #define Usr_MAX_BYTES_USR_LOGIN 127 #define Usr_MAX_LENGTH_USR_NAME_OR_SURNAME 32 #define Usr_MAX_BYTES_NAME 32 #define Usr_MAX_BYTES_NAME_SPEC_CHAR (Usr_MAX_BYTES_NAME*Str_MAX_LENGTH_SPEC_CHAR_HTML) #define Usr_MAX_LENGTH_PHONE 16 #define Usr_MAX_BYTES_PHONE 16 #define Usr_CLASS_PHOTO_COLS_DEF 10 // Default number of columns in a class photo #define Usr_CLASS_PHOTO_COLS_MAX 50 // Maximum number of columns in a class photo #define Usr_LIST_WITH_PHOTOS_DEF false #define Usr_MAX_BYTES_LIST_ENCRYPTED_USR_CODS (Cry_LENGTH_ENCRYPTED_STR_SHA256_BASE64*Cfg_MAX_USRS_IN_LIST) /*****************************************************************************/ /******************************** Public types *******************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ // Related with user's sexs #define Usr_NUM_SEXS 4 // Unknown, female, male, all typedef enum { Usr_SEX_UNKNOWN = 0, Usr_SEX_FEMALE = 1, Usr_SEX_MALE = 2, Usr_SEX_ALL = 3, // Usr_SEX_ALL is intended for "all sexs" } Usr_Sex_t; // Don't change these numbers! They are used for user's sex in database // Related with class photograph typedef enum { Usr_CLASS_PHOTO_SEL, // Only for selection of users Usr_CLASS_PHOTO_SEL_SEE, // Selection and seeing of users Usr_CLASS_PHOTO_SEE, // Only seeing users Usr_CLASS_PHOTO_PRN, // Only print users } Usr_ClassPhotoType_t; // Related with type of list of users #define Usr_NUM_USR_LIST_TYPES 2 typedef enum { Usr_CLASS_PHOTO, Usr_LIST, } Usr_ShowUsrsType_t; #define Usr_SHOW_USRS_TYPE_DEFAULT Usr_CLASS_PHOTO // Related with user's data struct UsrData { long UsrCod; char EncryptedUsrCod [Cry_LENGTH_ENCRYPTED_STR_SHA256_BASE64+1]; char UsrIDNickOrEmail[Usr_MAX_BYTES_USR_LOGIN+1]; // String to store the ID, nickname or e-mail struct { struct ListIDs *List; unsigned Num; } IDs; char Nickname [Nck_MAX_LENGTH_NICKNAME_WITHOUT_ARROBA+1]; char Password [Cry_LENGTH_ENCRYPTED_STR_SHA512_BASE64+1]; Rol_Role_t RoleInCurrentCrsDB; unsigned Roles; bool Accepted; // User has accepted joining to current course? char Surname1 [Usr_MAX_BYTES_NAME+1]; char Surname2 [Usr_MAX_BYTES_NAME+1]; char FirstName [Usr_MAX_BYTES_NAME+1]; char FullName [(Usr_MAX_BYTES_NAME+1)*3]; Usr_Sex_t Sex; char Email [Cns_MAX_BYTES_STRING +1]; bool EmailConfirmed; char Photo [Cry_LENGTH_ENCRYPTED_STR_SHA256_BASE64+1]; // Name of public link to photo Pri_Visibility_t PhotoVisibility; // Who can see user's photo Pri_Visibility_t ProfileVisibility; // Who can see user's public profile long CtyCod; // Country char OriginPlace [Cns_MAX_BYTES_STRING+1]; struct Date Birthday; char StrBirthday [Cns_MAX_LENGTH_DATE +1]; char LocalAddress [Cns_MAX_BYTES_STRING+1]; char LocalPhone [Usr_MAX_BYTES_PHONE +1]; char FamilyAddress [Cns_MAX_BYTES_STRING+1]; char FamilyPhone [Usr_MAX_BYTES_PHONE +1]; char *Comments; long InsCtyCod; // Country of the institution long InsCod; // Institution struct { long CtrCod; // Centre long DptCod; // Department char Office [Cns_MAX_BYTES_STRING+1]; char OfficePhone [Usr_MAX_BYTES_PHONE +1]; } Tch; struct { Txt_Language_t Language; Lay_Layout_t Layout; The_Theme_t Theme; Ico_IconSet_t IconSet; Mnu_Menu_t Menu; unsigned SideCols; unsigned NotifNtfEvents; // One bit activated for each type of event unsigned EmailNtfEvents; // One bit activated for each type of event } Prefs; }; struct UsrLast { Sch_WhatToSearch_t WhatToSearch; // Search courses, teachers, documents...? long LastCrs; Act_Tab_t LastTab; long LastAccNotif; }; struct UsrInList { long UsrCod; Usr_Sex_t Sex; bool Accepted; // User has accepted joining to one/all courses? bool Remove; // A boolean associated with each user that indicates if it must be removed }; struct ListUsers { struct UsrInList *Lst; // List of users unsigned NumUsrs; // Number of users in the list }; struct ListUsrCods { long *Lst; // List of users' codes unsigned NumUsrs; // Number of users in the list }; /*****************************************************************************/ /****************************** Public prototypes ****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Usr_InformAboutNumClicksBeforePhoto (void); void Usr_UsrDataConstructor (struct UsrData *UsrDat); void Usr_ResetUsrDataExceptUsrCodAndIDs (struct UsrData *UsrDat); void Usr_ResetMyLastData (void); void Usr_UsrDataDestructor (struct UsrData *UsrDat); void Usr_GetAllUsrDataFromUsrCod (struct UsrData *UsrDat); void Usr_AllocateListUsrCods (struct ListUsrCods *ListUsrCods); void Usr_FreeListUsrCods (struct ListUsrCods *ListUsrCods); void Usr_GetUsrCodFromEncryptedUsrCod (struct UsrData *UsrDat); void Usr_GetUsrDataFromUsrCod (struct UsrData *UsrDat); void Usr_BuildFullName (struct UsrData *UsrDat); void Usr_RestrictLengthAndWriteName (struct UsrData *UsrDat,unsigned MaxChars); bool Usr_CheckIfUsrIsAdm (long UsrCod,Sco_Scope_t Scope,long Cod); bool Usr_CheckIfUsrIsSuperuser (long UsrCod); bool Usr_CheckIfUsrSharesAnyOfMyCrs (long UsrCod); bool Usr_CheckIfUsrSharesAnyOfMyCrsWithDifferentRole (long UsrCod); void Usr_GetMyInstitutions (void); void Usr_GetMyCentres (void); void Usr_GetMyDegrees (void); void Usr_GetMyCourses (void); bool Usr_CheckIfUsrBelongsToDeg (long UsrCod,long DegCod); bool Usr_CheckIfUsrBelongsToCrs (long UsrCod,long CrsCod); bool Usr_CheckIfIBelongToIns (long InsCod); bool Usr_CheckIfIBelongToCtr (long CtrCod); bool Usr_CheckIfIBelongToDeg (long DegCod); bool Usr_CheckIfIBelongToCrs (long CrsCod); unsigned Usr_GetCtysFromUsr (long UsrCod,MYSQL_RES **mysql_res); unsigned long Usr_GetInssFromUsr (long UsrCod,long CtyCod,MYSQL_RES **mysql_res); unsigned long Usr_GetCtrsFromUsr (long UsrCod,long InsCod,MYSQL_RES **mysql_res); unsigned long Usr_GetDegsFromUsr (long UsrCod,long CtrCod,MYSQL_RES **mysql_res); unsigned long Usr_GetCrssFromUsr (long UsrCod,long DegCod,MYSQL_RES **mysql_res); bool Usr_ChkIfEncryptedUsrCodExists (const char *EncryptedUsrCod); void Usr_WriteFormLoginLogout (void); void Usr_Logout (void); void Usr_WriteFormLogin (void); void Usr_WelcomeUsr (void); void Usr_PutFormLogIn (void); void Usr_WriteLoggedUsrHead (void); void Usr_PutFormLogOut (void); void Usr_GetParamUsrIdLogin (void); unsigned Usr_GetParamOtherUsrIDNickOrEMailAndGetUsrCods (struct ListUsrCods *ListUsrCods); void Usr_PutParamOtherUsrCodEncrypted (const char EncryptedUsrCod[Cry_LENGTH_ENCRYPTED_STR_SHA256_BASE64+1]); void Usr_GetParamOtherUsrCodEncrypted (void); bool Usr_GetParamOtherUsrCodEncryptedAndGetUsrData (void); void Usr_ChkUsrAndGetUsrData (void); void Usr_WarningWhenDegreeTypeDoesntAllowDirectLogin (void); void Usr_ShowFormsRoleAndLogout (void); bool Usr_ChkUsrCodAndGetAllUsrDataFromUsrCod (struct UsrData *UsrDat); bool Usr_GetIfUserHasAcceptedEnrollmentInCurrentCrs (long UsrCod); void Usr_UpdateMyLastData (void); void Usr_InsertMyLastCrsTabAndTime (void); void Usr_WriteRowStdMainData (unsigned NumUsr,struct UsrData *UsrDat,bool PutCheckboxToSelectUsr); void Usr_WriteRowStdAllData (struct UsrData *UsrDat,char *GrpNames); void Usr_WriteRowTchAllData (struct UsrData *UsrDat); void Usr_RestrictLengthMainData (bool ShowData,struct UsrData *UsrDat,char *MailLink); unsigned Usr_GetNumUsrsInCrs (Rol_Role_t Role,long CrsCod); unsigned Usr_GetNumUsrsInCrssOfDeg (Rol_Role_t Role,long DegCod); unsigned Usr_GetNumUsrsInCrssOfCtr (Rol_Role_t Role,long CtrCod); unsigned Usr_GetNumUsrsInCrssOfIns (Rol_Role_t Role,long InsCod); unsigned Usr_GetNumUsrsInCrssOfCty (Rol_Role_t Role,long CtyCod); unsigned Usr_GetNumUsrsInCountry (Rol_Role_t Role,long CtyCod); long Usr_GetRamdomStdFromCrs (long CrsCod); long Usr_GetRamdomStdFromGrp (long GrpCod); unsigned Usr_GetNumTchsCurrentInsInDepartment (long DptCod); unsigned Usr_GetNumberOfUsersInInstitution (long InsCod,Rol_Role_t Role); unsigned Usr_GetNumberOfTeachersInCentre (long CtrCod); void Usr_GetUsrsLst (Rol_Role_t Role,Sco_Scope_t ListUsrsRange,const char *TchQuery,bool Search); void Usr_GetUnorderedStdsCodesInDeg (long DegCod); void Usr_FreeUsrsList (struct ListUsers *LstUsrs); bool Usr_GetIfShowBigList (unsigned NumUsrs); void Usr_PutHiddenParUsrCodAll (Act_Action_t NextAction,const char *ListUsrCods); void Usr_GetListSelectedUsrs (void); bool Usr_GetListMsgRecipientsWrittenExplicitelyBySender (bool WriteErrorMsgs); bool Usr_FindEncryptedUsrCodInList (const char *EncryptedUsrCodToFind); unsigned Usr_CountNumUsrsInEncryptedList (void); void Usr_AllocateListEncryptedUsrCodAll (void); void Usr_AllocateListEncryptedUsrCodStd (void); void Usr_AllocateListEncryptedUsrCodTch (void); void Usr_FreeListsEncryptedUsrCods (void); void Usr_FreeListOtherRecipients (void); void Usr_ShowFormsToSelectUsrListType (Act_Action_t NextAction); void Usr_PutCheckboxToSelectAllTheUsers (Rol_Role_t Role); unsigned Usr_GetColumnsForSelectUsrs (void); void Usr_PutExtraParamsUsrList (Act_Action_t NextAction); void Usr_ListUsersToSelect (Rol_Role_t Role); void Usr_PutCheckboxToSelectUser (Rol_Role_t Role,const char *EncryptedUsrCod,bool UsrIsTheMsgSender); void Usr_PutCheckboxListWithPhotos (void); void Usr_ListAllDataGsts (void); void Usr_ListAllDataStds (void); void Usr_ListUsrsForSelection (Rol_Role_t Role); void Usr_ListAllDataTchs (void); unsigned Usr_ListUsrsFound (Rol_Role_t Role,const char *UsrQuery); void Usr_ListDataAdms (void); void Usr_GetAndUpdatePrefsAboutUsrList (void); void Usr_PutParamUsrListType (Usr_ShowUsrsType_t ListType); void Usr_GetAndUpdateColsClassPhoto (void); void Usr_PutParamColsClassPhoto (void); void Usr_PutParamListWithPhotos (void); void Usr_GetMyPrefAboutListWithPhotosFromDB (void); void Usr_SeeGuests (void); void Usr_SeeStudents (void); void Usr_SeeTeachers (void); void Usr_SeeGstClassPhotoPrn (void); void Usr_SeeStdClassPhotoPrn (void); void Usr_SeeTchClassPhotoPrn (void); void Usr_PutSelectorNumColsClassPhoto (void); void Usr_ConstructPathUsr (long UsrCod,char *PathUsr); bool Usr_ChkIfUsrCodExists (long UsrCod); void Usr_ShowWarningNoUsersFound (Rol_Role_t Role); void Usr_GetAndShowNumUsrsInPlatform (Rol_Role_t Role); void Usr_RequestUserProfile (void); void Usr_ShowUserProfile (void); void Usr_ChangeProfileVisibility (void); #endif